Saturday, March 12, 2016

Hillary promises jobs, but neglected to specify for who.

This is exactly what the STATIST like Clinton do to their low information constituents…SMH
Some of those visas are for six years! That to me is not really a very temporary job. Some regular jobs only last that long.
I don’t really like people pooh-poohing the idea that these jobs aren’t important to Americans because they are temporary or part-time either. When someone is job searching, anything that fills up a hole in a resume is important.
I also wish they would care more for the lower-skilled worker, as I was before retiring. We have to pay rent and feed our kids too. We would love to have the problem of not being able to afford a house on a $45K salary. To us, a $25K salary seems rich. Everyone seems fine with dumping all the illegal competition right on us. We are the ones who it hurts the most.

 The site shows the networks requested up to 87 H-1B workers, although that number may include some duplication and exclude some requests. site shows 130 requests, of which only two were denied.
That analysis suggests the network has been able to hire to hire roughly 100 foreign graduates in place of Americans.
Despite repeated requests from Breitbart News, the Clinton network declined to state how many visa workers it hired, or why it chose to not hire Americans.
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The VisaSquare site shows the data in a similar fashion. 
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Virgil Bierschwale, a U.S. tech-expert, has built a website showing which companies, universities and non-profit are trying to hire foreign graduates instead of Americans. Bierschwale’s website, for example, allows people to search by zip code, including theClinton foundation’s zipcode.


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