Wednesday, July 22, 2009

UPDATE 1-China urges responsible U.S. policy, stable dollar

* China puts down marker for high-level Washington talks

* Beijing urges U.S. to protect its vast U.S. investments

* Seeks "responsible" policies, "basically stable" dollar

(Adds quotes)

By Simon Rabinovitch

BEIJING, July 22 (Reuters) - China will again press the United States at high-level talks next week to protect Beijing's extensive U.S. investments by pursuing sound policies and keeping the dollar stable, a senior official said on Wednesday.

China holds an estimated 70 percent of its $2.13 trillion in currency reserves in dollar assets, mainly government bonds, and officials have expressed worries that massive U.S. pump-priming to revive the economy could sow the seeds of inflation.

"As an important investor in U.S. debt, we of course are concerned about the state of the U.S. economy," Assistant Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao told a news conference.

"We hope that U.S. economic policies will yield more effective results as soon as possible, that the U.S. government's fiscal deficit will gradually come down and that the balance sheet of the U.S. Federal Reserve will be improved," he added.

Zhu was briefing reporters ahead of the inaugural session in Washington of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue, a cabinet-level forum for the two countries to thrash out critical long-range economic and political issues.

Vice Premier Wang Qishan and State Councillor Dai Bingguo will lead the Chinese team to the talks next Monday and Tuesday, which are an extension of the Strategic Economic Dialogue pioneered by former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.

"In the discussions, the Chinese delegation, especially Vice Premier Wang Qishan, will clearly put forward that the U.S. should adopt responsible economic policies, including fiscal and monetary policies, maintain a basically stable dollar exchange rate and protect the safety of China's investments in the U.S.," Zhu said.

China recognised the need for policies that stimulate the U.S. economy and counter the financial crisis but would discuss with the United States how those policy settings must be conducive to securing sustainable growth, Zhu added.

He described as extremely important Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's outline to Congress on Tuesday of how the U.S. central bank could withdraw the monetary stimulus it has injected into the economy.

"China will study it carefully," Zhu said of Bernanke's testimony. (Reporting by Simon Rabinovitch; Writing by Alan Wheatley; Editing by Jacqueline Wong)



You Must Have Health Insurance, It's The LAW

The healthcare reforms we've been calling "Pelosicare" -- because they're such an incoherent hodge-podge of ideas that only the august US Congress could dream up -- is actually three separate bills, each with different variations on the same theme.

The Washington Post notes one common thread though: they all will make it practically illegal to be uninsured. When you file your taxes you'll have to prove some minimum level of care (though there will be rebates, naturally, for the poor)

Proponents of this idea liken it to car insurance; you can't legally drive without being insured, but it's not quite analogous.

Car insurance is mandatory because you, as a driver, pose risk to others on the road, and if you hit me, and you're not insured, I'm screwed.

In the case of health insurance, the idea is to eliminate cherry picking and selection bias. The problem is that people who believe they're more inclined to need health care will buy health insurance, while the insurers are searching for healthy people, while trying to steer clear of the sick. Theoretically this is solved by just creating one giant risk pool with no selection and no cherry picking.

It also has another benefit: insurance companies like it, and it's the one thing that could get them on board. That's not a mystery. Mandating insurance means more business for them, and since anti-cherry picking laws are a political reality, this is their quid-pro-quo.

This idea isn't completely without merit, but it goes back to what we were arguing yesterday, that these so-called reforms are really about cementing and expanding the status quo, rather than moving us to the patient customer-centric, competitive healthcare system of our dreams.

胡錦濤長子捲入貪污案 被捕3嫌出庭



胡錦濤的長子、38歲的胡海峰擔任威視的總經理直到去年,當時他升任清華同方集團(Tsinghua Holdings)的黨委書記,清華同方集團掌控威視和其他逾20家公司。

法院官員告訴法新社,「包括中國威視的非洲地區代表楊帆(Yang Fan,譯音)等3人,22日將在高等法院出庭,向法官聲請保釋。」


繼納米比亞反貪污委員會(Anti-CorruptionCommission,ACC)查獲,採購13台掃描儀器的頭期款1280萬美元已支付給太戈貿 易公司(Teko Trading)後,楊帆和兩名納米比亞人拉邁克(Teckla Lameck)和莫科薩瓦(Jerobeam Mokaxwa)上週被捕。


經濟不景氣 上海豪宅逆勢熱賣


由「中華兩岸商機促進會」等單位合辦的「兩岸三地豪宅市場觀察」論壇今天在上海知名的湯臣一品豪宅開講,與會學者專家一致認為,中國計劃將上海建設成全球 金融中心,上海市政府也全力推動這項工作,未來上海成為繼紐約、東京、倫敦等地之後的全球金融中心指日可待,上海的豪宅前景看俏。

復旦大學房產研究中心主任華偉表示,上海豪宅最近成交熱絡,並未明顯受到金融風暴的衝擊,主要原因是豪宅具有增值性;在中國大陸經濟上來後,民眾手中的錢 買股票不放心,又不能隨便到海外投資,只好在境內投資房地產。他認為,上海豪宅價格走揚只是剛起步,未來還有很大的上漲空間。

中華兩岸商機促進會理事長蔡為民指出,上海發展成為國際金融中心,估計需要60萬的境外金融人才,但上海目前的金融人力只有12.8萬人左右,換言之,未 來可望有大約50萬的外來金融專業人士前進上海,而這些金字塔頂端的國際金融人才到上海發展,勢必會對豪宅的需求有推升的作用。


蔡為民認為,兩岸關係邁向和平發展的軌道,最近在中國大陸的台商大舉進軍台灣與上海的豪宅,明顯是在卡位,以因應兩岸未來持續看好的經濟發展需要,不過, 不管是台商或陸商,對豪宅的需求與日俱增,特別是上海走向國際舞台,未來豪宅的需求日益增加,將刺激房價的進一步上揚。

失業率攀升 線上遊戲產業逆勢徵才











































印度‧信眾爭擠觀日全食‧踐踏慘劇‧2死20傷 世紀日全食 印度民眾爭睹為來世祈福










從中部來到此地的村民夏瑪(Bhailal Sharma)表示:「我們來到這裡,是因為長輩告訴我們,這是改善來生的最好時機。」





































The Federal Reserve Caused the Economic Crash and Bailout

Check this link .........

More corruption: The ballot counts are in!

How can the ballots be counted, you ask, since the vote never took place?

¡No importa!
as we say in Spanish.

Agents of the DNIC (criminal investigation) discovered ballots, computers, and certified vote counts in an office rented by Enrique Flores Lanza, member of Zelaya's mediating team who you may remember made a L. 40 million cash withdrawal from the central bank two days before the election was to occur. The count sheets neatly tallied the yes and no votes, the blank or disqualified votes, and the totals for various mesas (polling places).

You won't be surprised to learn that Zelaya's proposal won heartily with approximately 80% affirmative votes.

In fact, Zelaya's people should have probably used a little more discretion to make it believable. In one tally sheet that was reported, 'yes' votes totaled 450 while 'no' votes totaled only 30. Since a Gallup poll conducted from June 30 to July 4 reported that 63% of the respondents were against the fourth ballot box for a Constitutional Assembly, the fraudulent results should have been a bit more modest in favor of the cuarta urna.

Though this find was widely reported in the Honduran media, complete with reporters on the site of the investigation in process, here we are three days later and I'm willing to bet that you haven't heard about it yet from the media in your country.

Thanks to a reader, I found that
Alberto de la Cruz of Babalú has already done my investigation work for me. He found only one one-sentence report in USA Today. You can read his report and a translation of the only detailed Spanish article that he was able to find. Since then, Lucianne and American Thinker have picked up the story.

Rick Moran at American Thinker wrote this:
It appears certain that the Honduran people narrowly avoided the prospect of a Chavez clone setting up shop as a dictator for life in their country. Only the courageous actions of their political, military, and judicial leaders avoided catastrophe.

I am ashamed of our president and government that they continue to support Zelaya at the expense of Honduran freedom. And I am ashamed of our media who obviously backed the wrong horse and are too arrogant to admit it.

Big surprise: Today at the 30th anniversary of the Sandista revolution celebration, Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua, put forth the idea of a Nicaraguan referendum "to have a better constitution".


How can Honduras get a fair shot if none of the major media outlets are reporting the facts. It is NOT acceptable to dismiss news by saying, "Oh, it's coming out of the Honduran media therefore it must be false."

Reporters, come down and find out for yourself, please! Our newspapers have political leanings just like all of yours. That doesn't mean that everything they report is false.

Even better would be if some countries would send their own investigators to follow along with Honduras' investigators and report on their findings. I have no doubt that Honduras' government would welcome that outside cooperation with open arms.

Alan Grayson grills Ben Bernanke on Foreign Lending 07/21/2009

No Gravatar

Ron Paul questions Ben Bernanke on definition of inflation 07/21/2009

No Gravatar

Yannone's Blog-Interesting Reading

Check this link ........

Industry Cash Flowed To Drafters of Reform

As liberal protesters marched outside, Sen. Max Baucus sat down inside a San Francisco mansion for a dinner of chicken cordon bleu and a discussion of landmark health-care legislation under consideration by his Senate Finance Committee.

At the table on May 26 were about 20 donors willing to fork over $10,000 or more to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, including executives of major insurance companies, hospitals and other health-care firms.

"Most people there had an agenda; they wanted the ear of a senator, and they got it," said Aaron Roland, a San Francisco health-care activist who paid half price to attend the gathering. "Money gets you in the door. The only thing the other side can do is march around and protest outside."

As his committee has taken center stage in the battle over health-care reform, Chairman Baucus (D-Mont.) has emerged as a leading recipient of Senate campaign contributions from the hospitals, insurers and other medical interest groups hoping to shape the legislation to their advantage. Health-related companies and their employees gave Baucus's political committees nearly $1.5 million in 2007 and 2008, when he began holding hearings and making preparations for this year's reform debate.

Top health executives and lobbyists have continued to flock to the senator's often extravagant fundraising events in recent months. During a Senate break in late June, for example, Baucus held his 10th annual fly-fishing and golfing weekend in Big Sky, Mont., for a minimum donation of $2,500. Later this month comes "Camp Baucus," a "trip for the whole family" that adds horseback riding and hiking to the list of activities.

To avoid any appearance of favoritism, his aides say, Baucus quietly began refusing contributions from health-care political action committees after June 1. But the policy does not apply to lobbyists or corporate executives, who continued to make donations, disclosure records show.

Baucus declined requests to comment for this article. Spokesman Tyler Matsdorf said the senator "is only driven by one thing: what is right for Montana and the country. And he will continue his open process of working together with the president, his colleagues in Congress, and groups and individuals from across the nation to get this legislation passed."

Baucus's fundraising prowess underscores the enduring political strength of the health-care lobby, which led all other sectors in donations to federal candidates during the last election cycle and has shifted its giving to Democrats as the party has tightened its control of Congress.

The sector gave nearly $170 million to federal lawmakers in 2007 and 2008, with 54 percent going to Democrats, according to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks money in politics. The shift in parties was even more pronounced during the first three months of this year, when Democrats collected 60 percent of the $5.4 million donated by health-care companies and their employees, the data show.

Many of these contributions have been focused on Baucus, Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) and other senators in the moderate camps of their respective parties, whose votes could prove crucial in a final health-care reform deal, as well as the leaders of five key committees leading the debate. Grassley, the Finance Committee's ranking Republican, received more than $2 million from the health and insurance sectors since 2003. House Ways and Means Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) took in $1.6 million from the health sector and its employees over the past two years; ranking Republican Dave Camp (Mich.) received nearly $1 million.

But Baucus, a senator from a sparsely populated and conservative Western state who is serving his sixth term, stands out for the rising tide of health-care contributions to his campaign committee, Friends of Max Baucus, and his political-action committee, Glacier PAC. Baucus collected $3 million from the health and insurance sectors from 2003 to 2008, about 20 percent of the total, data show. Less than 10 percent of the money came from Montana.

Top out-of-state corporate contributors included Schering-Plough, New York Life Insurance, Amgen, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield; individual executives such as Richard T. Clark, chief executive and president of drugmaker Merck, have also made regular donations. Most of these companies, particularly major insurers, strongly oppose a public insurance option, which is favored by President Obama and top House Democrats but has not received support from Baucus's committee.

Baucus is a longtime centrist in the Democratic caucus, and his committee chairmanship has made him a key broker in the health-reform debate. Many former Baucus staff members, including two chiefs of staff, lobby on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry and other health-care players and have been closely involved in negotiations on the legislation.

John Jonas, a Patton Boggs health-care lobbyist who has attended a Baucus fly-fishing event and other fundraisers, said the Montana senator is "key to getting anything done" when it comes to health-care legislation.

"This is not an overwhelmingly liberal Congress, and it's certainly not a liberal Senate," said Jonas, whose clients include Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer and Northwestern Mutual. "I think Max is uniquely situated to try to accomplish that, because he's more of a centrist and moderate Democrat than others are."

But Jerry Flanagan, a health-care analyst with Consumer Watchdog, a California-based advocacy group, said the tide of campaign contributions amounts to "a huge down payment" by companies that expect favorable policies in return. "That is the cold reality of big-money politics," he said.

Baucus won easy reelection in the fall, but he has continued to hold fundraisers since then. In addition to the fly-fishing event, he held his "Eighth Annual Ski and Snowmobile Weekend" in Big Sky in February and celebrated the start of his sixth term with a $10,000-a-table dinner at the Washington Court Hotel later that month. Aides say another fundraiser scheduled for July 7 at Bistro Bis in Capitol Hill was scrapped.

Baucus's office declined to provide attendance and donation details about his fundraising events, and federal records laws do not require such disclosures. Starting in June, aides say, Baucus adopted an internal office policy to refuse contributions from health-care PACs and to continue doing so until after Congress passes reform legislation.

But new Federal Election Commission documents filed last week show that individual lobbyists and others with health-care connections continued to make contributions to Baucus committees throughout June. Examples from Baucus's Glacier PAC include $5,000 from the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America and $2,500 from lobbyists with U.S. Strategies, which represents numerous health-care firms. Overall, half of the $110,000 in donations to the PAC from April to June came from health-care firms and lobbyists, including Schering-Plough, Medtronic and New York Life.

Craig Holman, government affairs lobbyist for the Public Citizen advocacy group, said the continued fundraising by Baucus during the health-care debate is "very troubling."

"He's doing all this fundraising right in the middle of this effort to mark up a bill," Holman said. "When you put these events close to matters concerning these lobbyists, clearly it's a signal. You are expected to show up with a check."

Baucus and his aides strongly dispute any assertion that campaign contributions have an impact on the senator's policy views and proposals. Aides say he has frequently backed policies opposed by health-care companies, including support for greater availability of generic drugs, allowing drug imports from Canada and cutting payments to the Medicare Advantage plan.

During an interview earlier this year with the Missoulian newspaper, Baucus said that "no one gets special treatment." He added: "Your word is your bond back there."

Research editor Alice Crites contributed to this report.

By Dan Eggen


If you want your name at Mars log in to this link ......

World's largest telescope to be built in Hawaii

HONOLULU – Hawaii was chosen Tuesday as the site for the world's biggest telescope, a device so powerful that it will allow scientists to see some 13 billion light years away and get a glimpse into the early years of the universe.

The telescope's mirror — stretching almost 100 feet in diameter, or nearly the length of a Boeing 737's wingspan — will be so large that it should be able to gather light that will have spent 13 billion years traveling to earth. This means astronomers looking into the telescope will be able to see images of the first stars and galaxies forming — some 400 million years after the Big Bang.

"It will sort of give us the history of the universe," Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory Corp. spokesman Charles Blue said.

The telescope, expected to be completed by 2018, will be located atop a dormant volcano that is popular with astronomers because its summit sits well above the clouds at 13,796 feet, offering a clear view of the sky above for 300 days a year.

Hawaii's isolated position in the middle of the Pacific Ocean also means the area is relatively free of air pollution. Few cities on the Big Island mean there aren't a lot of man-made lights around to disrupt observations.

The other finalist candidate site for the Thirty Meter Telescope was Chile's Cerro Armazones mountain.

Richard Ellis, astronomy professor the California Institute of Technology and a Thirty Meter Telescope board member, told reporters in a conference call that Mauna Kea is at a higher elevation, its air is drier and its average temperature fluctuates less during the course of the day — all helpful factors for those using the new telescope.

The telescope will be built by the University of California, the California Institute of Technology and the Association of Canadian Universities for Research in Astronomy.

The current world's largest telescopes also are located atop Mauna Kea, but the size of their diameters are about three times smaller than the Thirty Meter Telescope. Current telescopes also don't routinely offer views of hundreds of planets orbiting around other stars and stars that are near the sun like the new telescope will.

But it may not hold the world's largest title for long.

A partnership of European countries plans to build the European Extremely Large Telescope, which would have an 138-foot mirror. The group is considering sites in Argentina, Chile, Morocco and Spain. It plans to decide on a location next year and be able to host its first observation in 2018.

Another group of universities plans to finish the Giant Magellan Telescope, also around 2018, with an 80-foot mirror in Las Campanas, Chile.

Rolf Kudritzki, the director of Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii, said Hawaii's northern hemisphere location will help the Thirty Meter Telescope complement other large telescopes planned for Chile in the southern hemisphere.

"I think all of the astronomers in the world can be happy because in principle now the two largest telescopes will be able to cover the whole sky. And for research that's an important decision," he said.

It will also be a special boon to Hawaii astronomers, who will be allotted a share of the TMT's observation time. Kudritzki said his colleagues held an impromptu celebratory party Tuesday.

But the decision invited protests from some Native Hawaiian and environmental groups.

Native Hawaiian tradition holds that high altitudes are sacred and are a gateway to heaven. In the past, only high chiefs and priests were allowed at Mauna Kea's summit. The mountain is home to one confirmed burial site and perhaps four more, and environmentalists oppose the telescope on the grounds it would hurt some endangered species.

"This the kind of legacy they want to leave? They just keep building on our mountain," said Kealoha Pisciotta, president of Mauna Kea Anaina Hou, a group with family and religious ties to the mountain.

By AUDREY McAVOY, Associated Press Writer Audrey Mcavoy, Associated Press Writer

Understanding The Use Of Thermite On 9-11

There is no answer to this conclusive evidence that the WTC towers were deliberately demolished with pre-planted devices while two thousand people were still inside and trying to get out. There is no excuse for any American not to be up in arms and thankful that we have proof and full justification to bring down the Money Power which at this minute has its bloody hands around our economic throats.
Let no one doubt that the WTC buildings were brought down by thermite devices planted in the building with full knowledge and cooperation of Larry Silversteen, close friend of Ariel"We-the-Jewish-People-Control-America-and-The-Americans-Know-it" Sharon.
Begining with Larry Silversteen, it is time to arrest each accomplice within the Perle-Wolfowitz-Kissinger network of Neo-Cons, profiteering Zionist Money Merchants and mercenary killers domestic and foreign we know were involved. The Pentagon evidence was sufficient to convict them all, but the discovery of Dr. Steven Jones, carefully explained here, does for Silverstein what the Pentagon evidence does for Donald Rumsfeld and the entire Pentagon leadership.
Whoever impedes the necessary arrests at this point must be counted as complicit in this capital offense of treason, conspiracy, high-crimes and New Federal "hate crimes" according to our laws -- but more than that, they must be considered enemies of the United States under direct attack by a foreign enemy who has infiltrated our command structure.
Losing this war will carry a cost we cannot bear. To save anything, everyone must be staked on fighting and winning against this consiracy.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.
Chistopher Bollyn Dr. Steven Jones
Understanding The Use Of Thermite On 9-11
The spectacular explosions that accompanied the impact of the planes provide evidence of having been created by Thermate containing barium nitrate which produced the light orange flame and white smoke. Understanding how Thermite works sheds new light on the photographic evidence of 9-11.
The discovery of Thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center is solid scientific proof that this steel-melting and steel-vaporizing explosive was used to demolish the twin towers on 9-11. The peer-reviewed scientific paper (2009, Niels Harrit, Steven E. Jones, et al) that presents the evidence of Super-Thermite (nano-sized Thermite compounds) in the dust of the twin towers is the result of years of investigation.
The white smoke and molten iron seen in this photo are evidence of Thermite
ausing the collapse of the tower.
Understanding the importance of this discovery and the evidence of the use of Thermite in the spectacles that unfolded on 9-11 is central to understanding how the towers were demolished, a heinous crime in which some three thousand people lost their lives. This is why, I believe, Dr. Steven E. Jones and I were both attacked in August-September 2006.
During the spring and summer of 2006, Jones and I had worked closely on interpreting the evidence that pointed to the use of Thermite. I was attacked in the middle of August at my home by a team of unidentified thugs, which had been prowling around my house and who turned out to be an undercover police tactical unit connected to the Dept. of Homeland Security.
Dr. Jones, on the other hand, was trapped by a wily NPR radio host who, with a team of Zionist Jews, ganged up on Jones and pressured BYU to suspend him for comments they maliciously misinterpreted and then deemed to be anti-Semitic. It was no coincidence that two 9-11 researchers who were investigating the use of Thermite were both attacked within three weeks.
Because Jones' research was focused primarily on the use of Thermite at the World Trade Center and because I had worked closely with him, it certainly appears that a decision had been made during the summer of 2006 by the culprits of 9-11 to attack, vilify, and discredit both of us. The fact that the three people who led the attack on Jones were all Zionist Jews clearly reveals the nature of the group that was being protected.
Bollyn and Dr. Steven E. Jones discuss the evidence of
Thermite in the spring of 2006.
After visiting Jones at the campus of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah in the early spring of 2006, I went to the University of California at Davis where I met with Dr. Thomas Cahill, who had studied the particles in the smoke that rose from the pile of rubble at Ground Zero. The Davis DRUM, which measured the quantities and sizes of the particles from the smoke, found an extraordinarily large amount of extremely small particles and nano-size particles of many metals in the bluish smoke that rose from the pile. This hazy smoke rose from the pile until the fires burned themselves out in late December 2001. Such particles, Cahill said, could only be produced in fires hotter than the boiling point of the metals.
This was scientific proof that beneath the rubble of the twin towers were extreme hot spots in which iron boiled for more than 15 weeks. That is a most unusual fire. Given the fact that these super-intense fires were raging in oxygen-starved conditions, it became clear that an aluminothermic reaction like Thermite was creating these hot spots.
The bluish smoke that rose from the pile contained large amounts of nanosized particles of metals created only in fires hotter than the boiling point of the metal. Neither the lack of air nor the continuous dousing with water affected these incredibly intense hot spots. This is evidence of thermite, which can be used underwater, cooking under the pile.
I returned to Provo with photocopies of the key chapters of USGS chemical survey of the dust. This survey contained several photos of tiny balls of iron found in the dust. These spheres were solid evidence that large amounts of molten iron accompanied the destruction of the World Trade Center.
These spheroids of iron are one of the products of a Thermite reaction. When Thermite, a compound of aluminum and iron oxide, reacts, the products are aluminum oxide, a white smoke, and molten iron. The exothermic reaction releases a great deal of heat as well. The addition of a small amount of sulfur (2 percent) increases the effectiveness of the steel melting or steel vaporizing process (eutectic) while barium nitrate creates a light orange flame.
The thermite compound with sulfur or barium nitrate is known as Thermate, an incendiary pyrotechnic composition that generates short bursts of exceedingly high temperatures. It should be noted that steel beams and columns were found to have been melted and vaporized in the remains of the three collapsed towers. The FEMA report about the collapsed twin towers noted the vaporized steel beams (Barnett) and said that the areas where this had occurred showed signs of sulfidation. None of this could be explained and the FEMA report presented evidence of steel that had been affected by Thermate without using the word.
The FEMA- sponsored Building Performance Study of 2002 contains evidence of Thermate-melted steel. This is found in the "Limited Metallurgical Examination" written by Professor Jonathan Barnett.
Barnett examined two pieces of melted steel: one from the WTC 7, the other from the TwinTowers. About the first piece, Barnett wrote: "The thinning of the steel occurred by a high-temperature corrosion due to the combination of oxidation and sulfidation."
This was done by "a eutectic mixture of iron, oxygen, and sulfur that liquefied the steel," he concluded.
Barnett found the same sulfidation in the piece of melted steel from the TwinTowers. "The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event," Barnett wrote. "No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified." Professor Jones points to Thermate, with 2 percent sulfur, as being the most likely culprit. The oxidation and sulfidation of the steel requires the oxygen and sulfur being "intimately in contact with the metal at high temperature," Jones said.
Super-Thermite is a form of Thermite composed of nano-size particles which makes the reaction explosive.
The evidence is now clear. Large amounts of Thermite/Thermate were placed in the towers (WTC 1, 2 & 7) and were responsible for cutting the core columns, slicing the trusses and beams, and pulverizing the concrete in the floors.
The photo shows a core column that has been cut with Thermite.
The steel walls of the core columns were 4 inches thick at the base of the towers.
Thermate with barium nitrate was used as an "incendiary pyrotechnic" during the first explosions that accompanied the planes hitting the buildings, while nano-sized Super-Thermite was exploded during the demolition to pulverize the concrete in the 220 floor pans of the twin towers. Thermite cutting charges were also used to cut the core columns to initiate the collapses. The people who engineered the demolition of the World Trade Center clearly did not like the fact that their Thermite secret was being revealed in 2006 and decided to stifle the voices of those who were discussing the evidence. The people who reacted are connected to the people who placed the Thermite in the towers.
When one understands how Thermite and Thermate work, and that these violent reactions produce intense heat, white smoke, and molten iron, the visible evidence of thermitic reactions in the photographs and videos of 9-11 becomes quite obvious. The evidence of flowing molten metal preceded by pressure pulses of white smoke are clearly indicative of thermitic reactions, and can be seen in many videos and photos of the towers.
A large flow of molten iron could be seen falling from the 81st floor of WTC 2 five minutes before it collapsed. The light yellow color of the metal indicates that is is well over 1,000 degrees C.
If this were aluminum, as some would argue, it would have melted at about 660 degrees C. and would appear silver-grey in daylight conditions.
Molten aluminum appears silverish in daylight.
(Aluminum processing, Micron Infrared Inc.)
The chips of Super-Thermite and balls of previously molten iron in the dust and rubble are solid evidence of the use of Thermite. When the use of Thermite/Thermate in the destruction of the World Trade Center is understood, the entire scam is revealed. The three towers did not fall due to airplane crashes caused by Islamic terrorists; they were demolished by Zionists working with the owners and lease-holders of the towers: Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy.
The following series of photographs of the explosions in the South Tower were take by Todd Rengel. Rengel is standing N.E. of the towers and is catching the view of the corner of WTC 2 from which the plane and its fuel are emerging after having crashed into the South side of the tower. In the first photo a great deal of white smoke and cascading molten metal can be seen in front of the exploding fuel fire.
The falling molten metal is clearly producing white smoke.
The area through which the molten metal fell is now full of white smoke, which disperses in the following photos.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2, 7-31, Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, and Bradley R. Larsen
A Citizen Action Plan to Demand the Truth of 9-11, April 15, 2009
From 2006 Articles:
"The White Flames of Thermite," April 21, 2006
"The Censored Evidence of Thermite," April 27, 2006
"Why Did Iron Boil beneath the Rubble?" May 6, 2006
"The Suppressed Photos of Thermite Explosions," May 26, 2006
"Open Letter to NIST Investigators," May 26, 2006
"Who is behind the Attack on Professor Jones?" September 17, 2006
From 2007 Articles:
"9-11 Planes Flew Into Secure Computer Rooms," January 12, 2007
"Who Put Thermate in the World Trade Center?" Jan uary 18, 2007
"Is this Thermate Exploding at the NorthTower?" January 25, 2007
"Thermate Fragment Shooting from the NorthTower?" January 25, 2007

Banker/Government Theft Could Reach $23 Trillion?

Bernanke goes before Congress today. How will he explain the ongoing criminal activities of the Federal Reserve? What lies will he tell to justify the Fed's continued existence?
A series of bailouts, bank rescues and other economic lifelines could end up costing the federal government as much as $23 trillion, the U.S. government's watchdog over the effort says - a staggering amount that is nearly double the nation's entire economic output for a year.

If the feds end up spending that amount, it could be more than the federal government has spent on any single effort in American history.

For the government to be on the hook for the total amount, worst-case scenarios would have to come to pass in a variety of federal programs, which is unlikely, says Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general for the government's financial bailout programs, in testimony prepared for delivery to the House oversight committee Tuesday.

The Treasury Department says less than $2 trillion has been spent so far.

Still, the enormity of the IG's projection underscores the size of the economic disaster that hit the nation over the past year and the unprecedented sums mobilized by the federal government under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama to confront it.

In fact, $23 trillion is more than the total cost of all the wars the United States has ever fought, put together. World War II, for example, cost $4.1 trillion in 2008 dollars, according to the Congressional Research Service. {more}

Auditing and then abolishing the Federal Reserve is the start of a solution. Of course no one believes that the Congress and Treasury Department would do a better job on monetary policy unless they have an incentive to do so. That incentive would have to be staying out of prison. Until we jail the criminals who are stealing our future as an example of what will happen to those who are thieves, there will be no 'change.'

This fact remains.....Congress doesn't have the guts to do anything. Too many of them are bought and blackmailed. Honesty in the federal government is virtually non-existent.

Unless the criminals are stopped, we will soon see a move towards global currency. After that the scenarios are bleak, including the loss of our sovereignty.

Jim Rogers Printing Money is not the Solution

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The 40th Anniversary Of Apollo 11: Holocaust Denial Verboten, But Lunar Denial O.K.? Ernst Zündel In Jail, But Curt Maynard At Liberty?

We here at certainly believe that Americans landed and walked on the moon. We further believe that putting Western Man’s footsteps on the moon was one of the seminal moments of European mankind. After, all the entire Apollo moon program was practically a pure European-American project led by the former German scientists Von Braun and Rudolf. It has to rank as the greatest technical achievement in the entire history of mankind, and we here honor it. At the same time, it is interesting to note how we treat so-called Holocaust deniers and Moon landing deniers. One kind of deniers we tolerate, the other we imprison. Here is an interesting article on the contrast.

As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 mission, in which Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin Jr. flew to the moon, and Armstrong and Aldrin actually walked on the moon on July 20th, 1969, the “Lunar Deniers” are out in force once again, attempting to convince us that history didn’t happen, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Here’s how Buzz Aldrin dealt (see Youtube) with a “Lunar Denier” in 2002. He didn’t run to the cops. He didn’t cry to Congress about “Lunar Denial laws”. Instead, he handled it like a man.

Further padding the evidence supporting the moon landings is the release of new photos, published by National Geographic. In addition, NASA has also just released enhanced videos of the moon landings. Only six percent of Americans question the authenticity of the account of the moon landings.

One of the “six percenters” is noted white nationalist propagandist Curt Maynard, who has emerged as a leading authority on Jewish supremacism. He has persistently denied the authenticity of the moon landings, HERE and HERE, claiming that they were faked. Even in the wake of the newly-released photographs, the stubborn and obstreperous Maynard continues to deny the moon landings in his latest post. Yet although Maynard has somewhat marginalized himself by his position on this issue, his freedom has not been interfered with. He has not been censored as a citizen (although Google has Tos’d a number of his blogs, primarily for telling some “unpleasant” and “inconvenient” racial truths), nor has he been jailed for questioning the moon landings.

The same cannot be said for Ernst Zündel. However, Zündel is not a Lunar Denier; he’s never questioned the moon landings. Instead, Zündel is what’s called a “Holocaust Denier”. This means he disputes the official Holocaust dogma. And he’s in jail over in Germany for doing so.

Ernst Zündel in jail for “Holocaust Denial”. Curt Maynard NOT in jail for “Lunar Denial”. Does that make sense to you?

Of course not, unless you peek behind the curtains. Are there any organized entities with a vested interest in protecting official moon landing “dogma”? Of course not; there is no Astronaut Anti-Defamation League, nor is there a Central Council of Astronauts in Germany, nor a Canadian Astronaut Congress in Canada. You don’t see Christian pastors like John Hagee holding “A Night To Honor Astronauts”. There is no network of 25 multimillion-dollar Astronaut Museums in the United States.

In contrast, there are clear-cut organized entities with vested interests in protecting official Holocaust dogma. There is a Jewish Anti-Defamation League. There is a Central Council of Jews in Germany. There is a Canadian Jewish Congress in Canada. And John Hagee regularly holds “A Night To Honor Israel”. And there is a multimillion dollar worldwide network of McHolocaust franchises and temples designed to promote and enforce official Holocaust orthodoxy. Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein, himself the son of two Holocaust survivors, refers to it as “The Holocaust Industry”

Furthermore, while there is no special country just for astronauts, Jews, through a deft combination of sly strategem and brute force, have carved out a Jewish state in the Middle East. Maintaining that state requires shekels…lots of shekels, as well as dollars, pounds, euros, etc., etc., etc.

Consequently, while there is no vested financial interest for a Lunar Protection Industry, there is very much a vested financial interest for a Holocaust Industry. The Holocaust reparations pipeline must be kept flowing at all costs. How much in Holocaust reparations has been paid to date? As documented HERE in July 2007, the German government has already paid out a total of around €64 billion (in euros, which is $88 billion based on the exchange rate prevailing on July 13th, 2007) to Holocaust survivors. However, on page 306 of his book Jewish Supremacism, Dr. David Duke estimates the total of all German Holocaust reparations payments to be at least $150 billion both in cash and in kind, as previously documented HERE (click HERE to find out how to order your own paper copy of Jewish Supremacism).

This is a racket requiring statutory protection. And so Jewish interests have successfully lobbied for that protection, by tripping the guilt levers of European Whites and suckering them into constructing a continent-wide network of Holocaust denial and “anti-hate” laws used to selectively target and victimize dissidents who dispute official Holocaust dogma. Of course, since the truth can generally stand on its own merits and withstand criticism, this desire to grant statutory protection to a particular historical event sends a powerful – and not very reassuring – message about the veracity of official Holocaust dogma.

Obviously, the purpose of this post is NOT to suggest that Curt Maynard should be jailed for “Lunar Denial”. Instead, it is merely intended to illustrate the selectivity and hypocrisy of speech rules. Curt Maynard is at liberty even though he questions one historical event which is clearly beyond debate, but Ernst Zündel is in jail for simply questioning another historical event which is still very much in dispute and that many argue has been grossly exaggerated. The main difference – Jewish involvement.

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