Sunday, July 26, 2009


(美國‧洛杉磯)國際巨星麥可積遜(Michael Jackson)的死亡原因之謎,受到全球粉絲的關注,現在有消息指出,美國執法部門透露,洛杉磯法醫中心將會在下週公佈他的屍檢結果,而的死因已幾乎肯定是他殺(謀殺或者誤殺)!



警方並在早前搜索了麥可生前的醫師默里(Conrad Murray)位於德州休士頓的辦公室。經過好幾個時的搜索後,警方帶走了一台電腦硬碟的拷貝資料,以及20多份文件。對於警方的搜索行動,默里的律師說,他們很意外,警方沒有懷疑他的的理由。





























































































































































這場對話有幾個看點備受關注。其一,這是中國與奧巴馬政府的首輪戰略與經濟對話;其二,這是布 什時期“中美戰略經濟對話”的升級版,一個“與”字將政治事務與經濟性議題首次納入同一個對話框架下進行;其三,對話由部長級首次升格為內閣級,奧巴馬還 將在開幕式上致辭,並在白宮會見中方代表團。















IMF buy our Gold at $42.20 per ounce

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The incredible 10ft 'photographs' drawn with a ballpoint pen

They may look like pin-sharp photographs - but these amazing pictures are actually drawings created with the humble ballpoint pen.

The stunning pictures, measuring up to 10ft high, were drawn by a rising star of the art world, Juan Francisco Casas.

Casas, 31, can use up to four 14p ballpoint pens for a canvas and his works are already a sell-out at exhibitions.

Formerly a traditional painter, Juan began the drawings three years ago based on photographs of nights out with his friends.

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Bic money: Casas can use up four 14p ballpoints on one picture, but his prizewinning works already fetch up to £3,750 each

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Speaking from Rome yesterday, he said he admires the "simplicity" of the ballpoint pen, invented in 1938 by Hungarian Laszlo Biro.

Casas said: "I guess it started off as a joke, to try and make something so realistic that people would think is a photo.

"I also wanted to create it with something that everyone has - a Biro. I don't think it has ever been done before.

"For me it's not that different from painting. I was trying to show that it doesn't matter what material you use, it's what you do with it."

Casas only uses blue Bics and can get through several to make one drawing.

He has just spent two weeks drawing his largest piece, which is 10ft high by 3ft wide.

The only drawback is that he can't erase any errors. He said: "Mistakes are the main problem. It's better if I make them at the beginning."

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Casas studied Fine Art at the University of Granada, in southern Spain, and then worked there as a teacher for six years.

He submitted a ballpoint-pen drawing to a national art competition in Spain in 2004 - and was shocked to be awarded the second prize.

He said: "It's a very serious, and academic sort of competition, and I knew they would think my entry was a joke. It was just on a normal piece of paper in biro.

"I had previously done painting - oil on canvas - and this was something new. But they liked it, and it went from there."

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Penman Juan Francisco Casas with his work. He said, 'It started off as a joke, to try and make something so realistic that people would think is a photo'

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He has exhibited in Chicago and in his native Spain, and is preparing an exhibition in Rome where he now lives.

At an exhibition in Madrid last week he sold 60 works for between 1,000 and 5,000 euros apiece (£750 to £3,750).

He said: "It was a real shock that it was so successful. I would love to come to England, but at the moment I haven't got a lot of work, as I've sold everything."

A British firm took over the ballpoint pen patent to make them for the RAF shortly after their invention, and the first ones went on sale in the UK in 1946. The Bic pen, a variation on Biro's original design, went on sale in France in 1950.

Human Nature Is the Enemy of the State

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The Story of A Place Called Mouseland

Tommy Douglas (1904 -1986) was one of Canada's best known New Democrats.

It's the story of a place called Mouseland. Mouseland was a place where all the little mice lived and played, were born and died. And they lived much the same as you and I do.

They even had a Parliament. And every four years they had an election. Used to walk to the polls and cast their ballots. Some of them even got a ride to the polls. And got a ride for the next four years afterwards too. Just like you and me. And every time on election day all the little mice used to go to the ballot box and they used to elect a government. A government made up of big, fat, black cats.

Now if you think it strange that mice should elect a government made up of cats, you just look at the history of Canada for last 90 years and maybe you'll see that they weren't any stupider than we are.

Now I'm not saying anything against the cats. They were nice fellows. They conducted their government with dignity. They passed good laws--that is, laws that were good for cats. But the laws that were good for cats weren't very good for mice. One of the laws said that mouseholes had to be big enough so a cat could get his paw in. Another law said that mice could only travel at certain speeds--so that a cat could get his breakfast without too much effort.

All the laws were good laws. For cats. But, oh, they were hard on the mice. And life was getting harder and harder. And when the mice couldn't put up with it any more, they decided something had to be done about it. So they went en masse to the polls. They voted the black cats out. They put in the white cats.

Now the white cats had put up a terrific campaign. They said: "All that Mouseland needs is more vision." They said:"The trouble with Mouseland is those round mouseholes we got. If you put us in we'll establish square mouseholes." And they did. And the square mouseholes were twice as big as the round mouseholes, and now the cat could get both his paws in. And life was tougher than ever. And when they couldn't take that anymore, they voted the white cats out and put the black ones in again. Then they went back to the white cats. Then to the black cats. They even tried half black cats and half white cats. And they called that coalition. They even got one government made up of cats with spots on them: they were cats that tried to make a noise like a mouse but ate like a cat.

You see, my friends, the trouble wasn't with the colour of the cat. The trouble was that they were cats. And because they were cats, they naturally looked after cats instead of mice.

Presently there came along one little mouse who had an idea. My friends, watch out for the little fellow with an idea. And he said to the other mice, "Look fellows, why do we keep on electing a government made up of cats? Why don't we elect a government made up of mice?" "Oh," they said, "he's a Bolshevik. Lock him up!"

So they put him in jail.
But I want to remind you: that you can lock up a mouse or a man but you can't lock up an idea.

Eustace Mullins The only history of the federal reserve system bankers start war to create debit

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How close are we to Martial Law in the US? ALERT!

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Don’t bank on a good deal when you retire

How inflexible insurers are making it difficult to get the best return from your pension savings

Hundreds of thousands of pensioners are being prevented from getting the best return from their investments by life insurers who are letting them down at retirement, advisers claim.

Some of Britain’s biggest pension companies seem to be using every obstacle they can to prevent savers from getting a good deal, while in other cases simple incompetence is to blame.

The damaging consequences could have repercussions for decades to come. For hundreds of thousands of people retiring every year, choosing how to use their pension pot is one of the biggest financial decisions they will make — one that will affect their standard of living for up to 20 years or more.

Penalties applied to savers mean that anyone who does not want to buy an annuity could find that the value of their pension is reduced by thousands of pounds. In other cases, savers who want an annuity, which pays an income for life, are suffering financial loss because of administrative bungles. Many other providers are failing to give clear advice, leaving customers in the dark about how to maximise their income.

These actions seems to fly in the face of the Government’s stated ambition to give savers greater choice at retirement. Since 2002 the regulator has insisted that insurers tell customers that they can buy an annuity from any provider. But latest figures indicate that only 37 per cent of people are taking advantage of the so-called open-market option (OMO) to get the best deal for their circumstances.

A separate overhaul of the rules in 2006 — A-Day — introduced more flexibility. Among the changes was the introduction of the ability to unlock tax-free cash in your pension without having to retire or take an income. However, many companies stuck with the old, inflexible rules.

Tom McPhail, of Hargreaves Lansdown, the independent financial adviser, says: “Everyone knows that the system is not working. Only about a third of people are shopping around for the best solution. Unless this is dealt with, the country will be storing up social problems for 20 years down the line.”

Here we highlight the problems that advisers believe need to be addressed urgently.

Pension penalty

Standard Life, Britain’s fifth-biggest insurer, has caused anger by penalising customers who do not want to use their with-profits pensions to buy a conventional annuity. Other providers, such as Equitable Life, Prudential, Co-operative Insurance and Windsor Life, also have the power to impose these penalties, called market value adjustments. Advisers say that this makes a mockery of a system that is meant to offer flexibility.

Jeffrey Warrilow, of Stoke-on-Trent, is one of the victims of Standard Life’s uncompromising stance and may be prevented from retiring by its actions. The 55-year old, who runs a bone china business, wants to move his with-profits pension into a fixed-term annuity from Living Time, the retirement income specialist. This is a halfway house between a full annuity and a risky income-drawdown plan. He has been told, however, that he will lose almost £8,000, or 9 per cent, of his retirement pot if he goes down this route — a penalty that would not be applied if he bought an annuity.

Mr Warrilow says: “The plan was to take some of the tax-free lump sum to pay off the mortgage, which would have allowed me to retire. I think it is appalling that Standard Life has put the block on this for, what seems to me, no good reason and completely against the spirit of the rules. What is the point in having flexibility to use my pension money in the way that I want if Standard Life can turn around and say no?”

He does not want to buy an annuity because he has enough income from other sources, such as property investments, to cover his day-to-day expenses. A fixed-term annuity would allow him to leave his fund invested without taking an income but allow him to lock in to an annuity at a later date if he wishes.

His independent financial adviser, Tony Castrey, of ASC Financial Management, says: “It seems amazing that he can have a penalty-free exit if he wants to buy an annuity but is penalised for choosing an alternative that better suits his circumstances. A-Day introduced the option of taking tax-free cash without taking an income, yet here is a big insurer stopping that from happening.”

Standard Life argues that the penalties are fair.

Advice gap

Pension providers are required to send “wake-up” packs at least four months before a person is due to retire and a reminder six weeks before retirement. This is supposed to set out the options clearly and explain the potential benefits of using the open-market option.

But last year, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) issued a warning to the industry after finding that 40 per cent of insurers were failing to advise customers of their right to choose an annuity from another company. The investigation found that two in five pension providers did not meet even the most basic criteria for providing guidance on how to buy an annuity. David Harris, of Living Time, says: “Retirees are not being presented with the full range of options, meaning that they end up enslaved in an annuity with no opportunity to change their decision. The OMO should be the default option. Retirees who stick with their pension provider should have to actively sign away their rights to shop around.”

There are instances where people are unable to use the OMO. Most insurers will not accept small pensions of £10,000 or less, for example, leaving savers with no choice but to purchase one from their pension provider.

In other cases, it makes sense to stick with your pension provider. Some pensions come with valuable guaranteed annuity rates than can provide a retirement income up to 40 per cent higher than a standard annuity. They were sold mainly in the 1970s and 1980s, usually alongside retirement annuity contracts.

However, advisers and the FSA agree that more people should be shopping around for the best deal at retirement.

Transfer delay

Some of Britain’s biggest insurers are making investors wait ten weeks for their pension pots to be transferred to annuity providers. This allows insurers to earn extra interest. Investors, however, could lose vital income as annuity rates fall — in most cases quotes are valid for only 14 days. Savers are also starved of cash until the transfer is complete.

Steve Hunt, managing director of the Annuity Clearing House (ACH), the retirement specialist, says: “The delays endanger the retirement income of many people and will often cause significant difficulties at an already very stressful time of their life.”

The Association of British Insurers has said that its introduction of Options, an electronic transfer system, in December has cut transfer rates from an average of 31 days to only eight. Advisers say that a transfer should take no more than seven working days.

However, research by ACH suggests that Windsor Life and Phoenix are taking an average of 51 working days to carry out transfers. Winterthur Life, which takes 41 days on average, Scottish Mutual (40 days) and Co-operative Insurance (39 days) are also guilty of dragging their heels. Zurich Assurance was found to provide the quickest service, with average transfers of 18 days, followed by Abbey Life (19 days) and Virgin Money (21 days).

Maximise your pension income

• When you convert your pension pot into an annuity, take the open market option. By choosing the best option from the entire market, you can boost your retirement income by as much as 20 per cent Defer your state pension. Laith Khalaf, of Hargreaves Lansdown, says that if you delay taking it for a year the Government will increase your pension by 10.4 per cent. This should allow you to recoup the lost year within ten years.

Put some money in a personal pension and cash it in immediately. You can put in £2,880 a year and the Government will top this up to £3,600 with basic-rate tax relief (with a further £720 for higher-rate taxpayers). You cash in, take a 25 per cent tax-free lump sum of £900, and a pension of about £150 a year.

Consider income drawdown if you have a pot of more than £100,000. You have more flexibility on the size and timing of withdrawals.

Reinvest your tax-free lump sum in an individual savings account and take the income while retaining the capital.

Is the US Economy Close to Hitting Bottom?

Most experts and commentators are of the view that the worst of the US recession may be over by year's end. My own prediction is for an illusory recovery of government-constructed economic indicators, but nothing more than that.

It is held by most experts that a recession is typically set in motion by various unpredictable shocks. For instance, it is argued that the present recession was triggered by the crisis in the real estate market. Since, as a rule, various shocks tend to weaken consumer demand, it is the role of the central bank and the government to replace this shortfall in demand by boosting monetary pumping and government outlays. Thus, the central bank and the government counter the effects of various negative shocks by means of monetary and fiscal stimulus policies.

The monetary and fiscal stimulus is aimed at boosting overall expenditure in the economy, which (it is believed) is the key for economic growth. On this logic, spending by one individual becomes the income for another.

Following this way of thinking, since September 2007 the US central bank has aggressively lowered its interest rates. The federal funds rate target was lowered from 5.25% in August 2007 to almost zero at present. The yearly rate of growth of the Fed's balance sheet (that is, the pace of monetary pumping) jumped from 4% in September 2007 to 152% by December 2008.

With respect to the fiscal stimulus, aggressive government spending has resulted in a massive deficit. For the first nine months of fiscal year 2009, the budget deficit stood at $1.086 trillion. That compares with a shortfall of $285.85 billion in the comparable year-ago period. The twelve-month moving average of the budget had a deficit of $105 billion in June — the largest deficit since 1960.

It would appear that recent strengthening in some key economic data raises the likelihood that various stimulus measures have succeeded in reviving the economy. Seasonally adjusted retail sales increased by 0.6% in June after rising by 0.5% in the month before — this was the second consecutive monthly increase. The pace of deterioration in industrial production appears to be softening as well. Seasonally adjusted production fell by 0.4% in June after a fall of 1.2% in May. (Note that in January production fell by 2.2%.)

If recessions are caused by a fall in consumer demand as a result of various unforeseen shocks, then it makes a lot of sense for the government and the central bank to beef up the overall demand in the economy.

Why Popular Statistics Provide Misleading Signals

Observe that various economic data, which serve as a guide to establishing the state of the economy, are derived from monetary expenditure data. This means that the more money that is created, the larger the expenditure (in terms of money) is going to be. Hence, various derived statistics are going to mirror this strengthening. For instance, the so-called gross domestic product (GDP), which is pivotal in the analysis of various experts, reflects the rate of growth in money supply.

Once the state of an economy is assessed in terms of GDP, it is not surprising that the central bank appears to be able to counter any recessionary effects that emerge. By pushing more money into the economy, the central bank's actions will appear to be effective, since GDP will show a positive response to this pumping, following a time lag.

Even if one were to accept that GDP depicts a well-defined "economy," there is still a problem as to why recessions are of a recurring nature. Does it make sense that unconnected, various shocks cause this repetitive occurrence of recessions? Surely there must be a mechanism here that gives rise to this repetitive occurrence?

Also, how can an increase in demand boost economic growth? After all, in order to be able to generate an increase in the output of goods and services, there must be an increase in various means to support the increase in the production of goods.

If the key to economic growth is an increase in demand, then poverty world-wide would have been eradicated a long time ago. Every central bank in the world could have generated massive demand by means of monetary pumping, which according to popular thinking would have generated massive economic growth. That this is not the case — have a look at Zimbabwe — should raise questions regarding the soundness of this popular way of thinking.

Loose Monetary Policies Cause Boom-and-Bust Cycles

Careful examination actually shows that, rather than protecting the economy, loose monetary policies are the key source of boom-bust economic cycles.

The source of recessions turns out to be the alleged "protector" of the economy — the central bank itself. Further investigation demonstrates that the phenomenon of recession is not an indicator of the weakness of the economy as such, but rather an indication of the liquidation of various activities that sprang up on the back of the loose monetary policies of the central bank.

Loose monetary policy sets in motion an exchange of nothing for something, which amounts to a diversion of real wealth from wealth-generating activities to non-wealth-generating activities. In the process, this diversion weakens wealth generators, which in turn weakens their ability to grow the overall pool of real wealth.

The expansion in activity that sprang up on the back of loose monetary policy is what constitutes an economic boom — in reality, false economic prosperity. Note that once the central bank's pace of monetary expansion has strengthened, irrespective of how strong and big a particular economy is, the pace of the diversion of real wealth will also strengthen.

However, once the central bank tightens its monetary stance, it slows down the diversion of real wealth from wealth producers to non-wealth producers. And as activities that sprang up on the back of the previous loose monetary policy receive less support from the money supply, they fall into trouble — an economic bust, or recession, emerges.

From what we have shown, we can conclude that recessions are essentially the liquidation of economic activities that were created and sustained by the loose monetary policy of the central bank. The process of a bust is set in motion when the central bank reverses its earlier loose stance.

Having established this, we must investigate why recessions are recurrent. The reason for this is that the central bank's ongoing policies are aimed at fixing the unintended consequences arising from its earlier attempts to stabilize the economy — or rather, what it believes to be the measure of the economy: the GDP. On account of the time lag between changes in money supply to changes in GDP, the central bank is forced to respond to the effects of its own previous monetary policies. These responses to the effects of past policies give rise to fluctuations in the rate of growth of the money supply and, in turn, lead to recurrent boom-bust cycles.

Wealth Generators Key for Economic Growth

The key drivers of the economy are wealth generators. Hence, the fact that various non-wealth generators come under pressure as a result of the central bank's tighter stance is indeed good news for wealth generators and real economic growth. A tighter stance means that less real wealth, which is required to support economic growth, is taken from wealth generators.

From this we can infer that the government's and Fed's loose monetary policies have only weakened the wealth generators' ability to grow the economy by diverting real wealth to nonproductive activities.

Can the economy recover despite aggressive policies of the Fed and the government? We suggest that this depends on whether wealth generators have managed to retain their ability to generate wealth despite destructive central bank and government policies. The ability to support economic growth hinges on the pool of real savings. Once this pool is starting to move ahead, the economic growth follows suit. This in turn means that economic growth is emerging, despite government and central bank aggressive policies.

We suggest that the aggressive policies of the Fed from 2001 to June 2004 — during which time the fed funds rate was lowered from 5.5% to 1% — have significantly damaged wealth generators' abilities to keep the flow of real savings going. While the Fed's tight interest rate stance from June 2004 to September 2007 provided good support for wealth generators, the loose stance since September 2007 has most likely undone anything positive from that time. Hence, we doubt that the US economy is on the verge of solid economic recovery, if at all.

Some commentators hold the view that the present economic crisis is the result of the Greenspan-chaired Fed's extremely loose monetary policy between 2001 to June 2004. Yet for some strange reason the same commentators hold the view that Fed's loose monetary policy since September 2007 has saved the economy from massive disaster. According to this way of thinking, at certain times pumping money is bad for the economy, while at other times it can be of great benefit. We find this logic extraordinary. Something that is bad cannot also be good. Printing money always undermines the bottom line of the economy. This is why it is always bad news.

We also find it extraordinary that many experts are urging the US government to increase its fiscal stimulus in order to strengthen the expected economic recovery. Again, as with loose monetary policy, loose fiscal policies can only redistribute the existing pool of real savings. The greater the fiscal stimulus, the less that is left for wealth generators to promote real economic growth.

Fed May Consider a Tighter Stance

On account of massive monetary pumping, the growth in momentum of various key economic data is likely to strengthen in the months ahead. This, we maintain, may prompt Fed policy makers to consider curtailing the pace of monetary pumping. In an interview with Reuters, the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank president Thomas Hoenig said that the Fed's massive monetary stimulus must be gently withdrawn as the economy improves. "There are ways to pull it out when you see the economy showing signs of stability, pulling out the liquidity slowly, carefully," he said.

Furthermore, Hoenig argues that it is important to raise interest rates from current levels to a range around their "neutral" setting — the level where they neither stimulate nor restrict economic activity in order to prevent future inflation. According to Hoenig, "[O]nce we get the policy rate in a range — around neutral — you stay within that range. What we need to do is get to some level of policy that is more constrained, around a neutral level, and then let the economy work its way through."

We, however, suggest that once the Fed tightens its stance — regardless of the neutral interest rate fiction — this will set an economic bust in motion; that is, it is going to hurt the various activities that emerged on the back of the Fed's previous loose monetary stance.


Most experts are of the view that the worst of the US recession may be over by year's end. Common opinion holds that the key reason for the expected turnaround is the positive effect that the policies of the government and Fed have on various economic indicators. The pace of monetary pumping by the US central bank jumped from 4% in September 2007 to 152% by December 2008. With respect to fiscal stimulus, aggressive government spending has resulted in a record deficit of over one trillion dollars in the first nine months of fiscal year 2009. Careful examination shows that, rather than protecting the economy, it is loose monetary policies that are the key source of boom-bust economic cycles. Loose Fed and government fiscal policies have only weakened the wealth generators' ability to grow the economy. Aggressive policies have inflicted severe damage to the sources of funding that support real economic growth. Hence, we are doubtful that the US economy is on the verge of a solid economic recovery. On account of massive monetary pumping, the growth in momentum of various key economic data is likely to strengthen in the months ahead. We maintain this may prompt Fed policy makers to consider curtailing the pace of monetary pumping, and we suggest that this will set in motion a new economic bust.

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Ion engine could one day power 39-day trips to Mars

Video: See the rocket in action

There's a growing chorus of calls to send astronauts to Mars rather than the moon, but critics point out that such trips would be long and gruelling, taking about six months to reach the Red Planet. But now, researchers are testing a powerful new ion engine that could one day shorten the journey to just 39 days.

Traditional rockets burn chemical fuel to produce thrust. Most of that fuel is used up in the initial push off the Earth's surface, so the rockets tend to coast most of the time they're in space.

Ion engines, on the other hand, accelerate electrically charged atoms, or ions, through an electric field, thereby pushing the spacecraft in the opposite direction. They provide much less thrust at a given moment than do chemical rockets, which means they can't break free of the Earth's gravity on their own.

But once in space, they can give a continuous push for years, like a steady breeze at the back of a sailboat, accelerating gradually until they're moving faster than chemical rockets.

Several space missions have already used ion engines, including NASA's Dawn spacecraft, which is en route to the asteroids Vesta and CeresMovie Camera, and Japan's spacecraft Hayabusa, which rendezvoused with the asteroid Itokawa in 2005.

But a new engine, called VASIMR (Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket), will have much more "oomph" than previous ones. That's because it uses a radio frequency generator, similar to transmitters used to broadcast radio shows, to heat the charged particles, or plasma.

The engine is being developed by the Ad Astra Rocket Company, which was founded in 2005 by plasma physicist and former space shuttle astronaut Franklin Chang-Diaz.

As hot as the sun

VASIMR works something like a steam engine, with the first stage performing a duty analogous to boiling water to create steam. The radio frequency generator heats a gas of argon atoms until electrons "boil" off, creating plasma. This stage was tested for the first time on 2 July at Ad Astra's headquarters in Webster, Texas.

The plasma could produce thrust on its own if it were shot out of the rocket, but not very efficiently. To optimise efficiency, the rocket's second stage then heats the ions to about a million degrees, a temperature comparable to that at the centre of the sun.

It does this by taking advantage of the fact that in a strong magnetic field – like those produced by superconducting magnets in the engine, ions spin at a fixed frequency. The radio frequency generator is then tuned to that same frequency, injecting extra energy into the ions.

High power

Strong magnetic fields then channel the plasma out the back of the engine, propelling the rocket in the opposite direction.

Thanks to the radio frequency generator, VASIMR can reach power levels a hundred times as high as other engines, which simply accelerate their plasma by sending it through a series of metal grids with different voltages. In that setup, ions colliding with the grid tend to erode it, limiting the power and lifetime of the rocket. VASIMR's radio frequency generator gets around that problem by never coming into contact with the ions.

"It's the most powerful superconducting plasma source ever, as far as we know," says Jared Squire, director of research at Ad Astra.

Scientists at Ad Astra began tests of the engine's second stage – which heats the plasma – last week. So far, team members have run the two-stage engine at a power of 50 kilowatts. But they hope to ramp up to 200 kW of power in ongoing tests, enough to provide about a pound of thrust. That may not sound like much, but in space it can propel up to two tonnes of cargo, reaching Jupiter in about 19 months from a starting position relatively close to the sun, says Squire.

Orbital boosts

Ad Astra and NASA have agreed to test fire the rocket in space, attached to the International Space Station in 2012 or 2013. Potentially, VASIMR could provide the periodic boosts needed to keep the ISS in its orbit.

At its current power level, VASIMR could be run entirely on solar energy. Squire says it would make a good Earth-orbit tugboat, pulling satellites to different orbits. It could also shuttle cargo to a lunar base, and because it could travel relatively quickly, it could be deployed to dangerous asteroids to gravitationally nudge them off course years before they would reach Earth.

To travel to Mars in 39 days, however, the engine would need 1000 times more power than solar energy could provide. For that, VASIMR would need an onboard nuclear reactor. Early versions of the reactor technology were used from the 1960s to the 1980s by the Soviet Union, but have not been used in space since and would take time to develop. "That would be quite a ways down the line," Squire says.

'Game changer'

But the possibility of such a short trip to Mars was recently lauded by Charles Bolden, NASA's new chief. He said NASA had provided a small stipend towards VASIMR's development, and said the collaboration was a good example of a partnership with private industry that could help the agency meet its goals after the space shuttles are retired in 2010.

John Muratore of the University of Tennessee Space Institute and a former lead engineer for NASA's space shuttle programme, says engines like VASIMR could enable the first human trips to Mars.

"The bottom line is with the current propulsion technology, Mars missions are undoable for humans," he says, explaining that such long trips outside of the Earth's protective magnetic field would expose astronauts to greater amounts of dangerous space radiation.

If engines, such as VASIMR, could be developed to take people to the Red Planet in 40 days, "that puts it inside the range of what we feel comfortable of doing with humans," he told New Scientist. "Something like VASIMR – that's a game changer."

Bernanke: About 25 mega-firms are systemically significant

The Fed opposes legislation seeking to audit the central bank's monetary policy

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Friday said that he expects that roughly 25 financial firms would be considered systemically significant as part of legislation giving the central bank authority to oversee large, interconnected, financial firms whose collapse could cause collateral damage to the markets.

Bernanke told lawmakers at a House Financial Services Committee hearing about bank regulatory restructuring that "virtually all of those firms" are already organized as bank holding companies, which already gives the Fed supervisory and lender of last resort authority to these institutions.

After Lehman Brothers collapsed last year, many large investment banks either registered with the Fed as bank holding companies or were acquired by retail banks that already fell under the central bank's supervision.

"I would not envision the Fed's oversight going beyond many more firms than those already registered as bank holding companies," Bernanke told lawmakers. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner also testified at the hearing, followed by other key regulators.

However, some large insurance companies, hedge funds and buyout shops are not registered with the Fed but could be considered systemically significant if legislation giving the central bank new authorities is approved.

Legislators could decide to grant the Fed and Treasury the authority to identify how many financial institutions are considered systemically significant, as a White House proposal recommends. However, lawmakers could imbue a council of regulators with the authority to make that determination.

In any case, GOP lawmakers took issue with the proposition that any institution could be designated as systemically significant; arguing that it would make observers believe the institution was too-big-to-fail.

Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, argued that whatever institutions would be designated as systemically significant would "send a signal to the market that they can always receive taxpayer bailouts to keep themselves afloat." He added that "we are creating a perpetual bailout nation."

However, Bernanke argued that a process envisioned in the White House regulatory reform proposal creating a process for unwinding large mega-institutions would eliminate the perception that a large systemically significant firm is too-big-to-fail.

The White House proposal would establish a process to resolve large insolvent systemically significant financial institutions in a way that their collapse does not cause collateral damage to the financial markets.

The goal would be to pay off counterparties of an insolvent institution to deter any such damage arising in the markets. The proposal said the mechanism would be modeled after the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.'s approach to dismantling insolvent smaller banks, but it would be for larger systemically significant financial institutions.

"Creation of a mechanism for the orderly resolution of systemically important non-bank financial firms, should help remediate this problem," Bernanke said.

Bernanke opposes audit of Fed monetary policy

Bernanke also said he opposed legislation moving on Capitol Hill that would allow the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, to audit the central bank's monetary policy goals.

"We are more than happy to work with the GAO and open to giving them broad authority to look at various aspects of our operations, including our responses to the financial crisis, but we are worried that an audit of monetary policy would result in a reduction of the independence of the Fed," Bernanke said.

Two pieces of legislation in the House and one in the Senate would compel the GAO to conduct a monetary-policy audit at the Fed and issue a report. One GAO audit bill, introduced by Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, has 245 co-sponsors, and would require an audit of every aspect of the Fed, including its interest rate policy as well as its wide-variety of programs responding to the financial crisis such as its lender of last resort authority.

Ronald D. Orol is a MarketWatch reporter, based in Washington.

By Ronald D. Orol, MarketWatch

Peer-Reviewed Study Rocks Climate Debate!

'Nature not man responsible for recent global warming...little or none of late 20th century warming and cooling can be attributed to humans'

'Surge in global temps since 1977 can be attributed to a 1976 climate shift in the Pacific Ocean'

A new peer-reviewed climate study is presenting a head on challenge to man-made global warming claims. The study by three climate researchers appears in the July 23, 2009 edition of Journal of Geophysical Research. (Link to Abstract)

Full Press Release and Abstract to Study:

July 23, 2009

Nature not man responsible for recent global warming

Three Australasian researchers have shown that natural forces are the dominant influence on climate, in a study just published in the highly-regarded Journal of Geophysical Research. According to this study little or none of the late 20th century global warming and cooling can be attributed to human activity.

The research, by Chris de Freitas, a climate scientist at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, John McLean (Melbourne) and Bob Carter (James Cook University), finds that the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a key indicator of global atmospheric temperatures seven months later. As an additional influence, intermittent volcanic activity injects cooling aerosols into the atmosphere and produces significant cooling.

"The surge in global temperatures since 1977 can be attributed to a 1976 climate shift in the Pacific Ocean that made warming El Niño conditions more likely than they were over the previous 30 years and cooling La Niña conditions less likely" says corresponding author de Freitas.

"We have shown that internal global climate-system variability accounts for at least 80% of the observed global climate variation over the past half-century. It may even be more if the period of influence of major volcanoes can be more clearly identified and the corresponding data excluded from the analysis.”

Climate researchers have long been aware that ENSO events influence global temperature, for example causing a high temperature spike in 1998 and a subsequent fall as conditions moved to La Niña. It is also well known that volcanic activity has a cooling influence, and as is well documented by the effects of the 1991 Mount Pinatubo volcanic eruption.

The new paper draws these two strands of climate control together and shows, by demonstrating a strong relationship between the Southern Oscillation and lower-atmospheric temperature, that ENSO has been a major temperature influence since continuous measurement of lower-atmospheric temperature first began in 1958.

According to the three researchers, ENSO-related warming during El Niño conditions is caused by a stronger Hadley Cell circulation moving warm tropical air into the mid-latitudes. During La Niña conditions the Pacific Ocean is cooler and the Walker circulation, west to east in the upper atmosphere along the equator, dominates.

"When climate models failed to retrospectively produce the temperatures since 1950 the modellers added some estimated influences of carbon dioxide to make up the shortfall," says McLean.

"The IPCC acknowledges in its 4th Assessment Report that ENSO conditions cannot be predicted more than about 12 months ahead, so the output of climate models that could not predict ENSO conditions were being compared to temperatures during a period that was dominated by those influences. It's no wonder that model outputs have been so inaccurate, and it is clear that future modelling must incorporate the ENSO effect if it is to be meaningful."

Bob Carter, one of four scientists who has recently questioned the justification for the proposed Australian emissions trading scheme, says that this paper has significant consequences for public climate policy.

"The close relationship between ENSO and global temperature, as described in the paper, leaves little room for any warming driven by human carbon dioxide emissions. The available data indicate that future global temperatures will continue to change primarily in response to ENSO cycling, volcanic activity and solar changes.”

“Our paper confirms what many scientists already know: which is that no scientific justification exists for emissions regulation, and that, irrespective of the severity of the cuts proposed, ETS (emission trading scheme) will exert no measurable effect on future climate.”


McLean, J. D., C. R. de Freitas, and R. M. Carter (2009), Influence of the Southern Oscillation on tropospheric temperature, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D14104, doi:10.1029/2008JD011637.

This figure from the McLean et al (2009) research shows that mean monthly global temperature (MSU GTTA) corresponds in general terms with the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) of seven months earlier. The SOI is a rough indicator of general atmospheric circulation and thus global climate change. The possible influence of the Rabaul volcanic eruption is shown.

Excerpted Abstract of the Paper appearing in the Journal of Geophysical Research:

Time series for the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and global tropospheric temperature anomalies (GTTA) are compared for the 1958−2008 period. GTTA are represented by data from satellite microwave sensing units (MSU) for the period 1980–2008 and from radiosondes (RATPAC) for 1958–2008. After the removal from the data set of short periods of temperature perturbation that relate to near-equator volcanic eruption, we use derivatives to document the presence of a 5- to 7-month delayed close relationship between SOI and GTTA. Change in SOI accounts for 72% of the variance in GTTA for the 29-year-long MSU record and 68% of the variance in GTTA for the longer 50-year RATPAC record. Because El Niño−Southern Oscillation is known to exercise a particularly strong influence in the tropics, we also compared the SOI with tropical temperature anomalies between 20°S and 20°N. The results showed that SOI accounted for 81% of the variance in tropospheric temperature anomalies in the tropics. Overall the results suggest that the Southern Oscillation exercises a consistently dominant influence on mean global temperature, with a maximum effect in the tropics, except for periods when equatorial volcanism causes ad hoc cooling. That mean global tropospheric temperature has for the last 50 years fallen and risen in close accord with the SOI of 5–7 months earlier shows the potential of natural forcing mechanisms to account for most of the temperature variation.

Received 16 December 2008; accepted 14 May 2009; published 23 July 2009. [End Abstract Excerpt]

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