Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Mother, do you think they’ll drop the bomb?
Mother, do you think they’ll like this song?
Mother, do you think they’ll try to break my balls?
Ooh ah,
Mother, should I build the wall?
Mother, should I run for president?
Mother, should I trust the government?
Mother, will they put me in the firing line?
Ooh ah,
Is it just a waste of time?
The lyrics to Mother had both a literal and figurative meaning for Roger Waters. He was literally describing his overprotective single mother (his father was killed in World War II) building walls to protect him from the outside world. The figurative meaning is Big Mother sending its boys off to war and using fear to control and manipulate the masses. At the time he wrote this song in 1979, the Soviet Union was thought to be at its peak of power and the Berlin Wall represented a boundary between good and evil. Nuclear war was still a looming fear. Waters has always had a dim view of totalitarian states and institutions (English schools). Having seen his Wall Tour performance this past summer at Citizens Bank Park with a diverse crowd of 40,000, ranging in age from senior citizens to teenagers, it seems this song has gained new meaning. He sang a duet with himself from 1980 projected on the Wall and when he sang the lyric, “Mother, should I trust the government?” the entire stadium responded in unison – NO!!! This revealed a truth that is not permitted to be discussed by the corporate mainstream media acting as a mouthpiece for the ruling class. A growing legion of citizens in this country does not trust the government. This is very perceptive on their part.
In part one of this two part series – Hey You – I examined how an invisible government of wealthy, power hungry men have utilized the propaganda techniques of Edward Bernays and lured the American people into a narcissistic, techno-gadget, debt based servitude. Over the last one hundred years they have created a totalitarian state built upon egotism, material goods, and fulfilling our desires through Wall Street peddled debt and mass consumerism. It has been an incredibly effective form of control that has convinced the masses to love their servitude. The ruling oligarchs correctly chose the painless, amusement saturated, soft totalitarianism of Huxley’s Brave New World over the fearful, pain inflicting, surveillance state, house of horrors detailed in Orwell’s 1984.
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” Aldous Huxley – Brave New World
The nefarious establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, launch of welfare programs in the 1930s, expansion of the entitlement state in the 1960s, creation of the credit card in 1970, mass media marketing propaganda, and the formation of an empire of debt laid the foundation for a society based on triviality, egotism, irrelevance and mass delusion. The conscious manipulation of the habits and opinions of the masses by an invisible government of powerful men using media propaganda and easy to access consumer credit has reached its mathematical limit. The oligarchs built a society dependent upon exponential growth. This unsustainable prototype began to show signs of strain in the 1990s. The powerful interests have been growing ever more desperate and blatantly obvious in their looting and pillaging of the debt bloated carcass of a country. They used their control of the political system to repeal Glass-Steagall, allowing the Wall Street banking cabal to become Too Big to Control. The oligarch puppets at the Wall Street controlled Federal Reserve did the bidding of their masters by reducing interest rates and expanding the money supply to create two epic bubbles.
The bubble was created by Wall Street utilizing hype and misinformation to fleece millions into believing we had entered a new paradigm. The only people who got rich were the Wall Street hucksters, shysters and shills.

When the bubble burst, Alan Greenspan came to the rescue, at the urging of Nobel prize winner Paul Krugman, by creating the largest banker made bubble in the history of the world. The combination of excessively low mortgage rates, complete lack of regulatory oversight by the Federal Reserve, control fraud committed by the Wall Street banks, and buying frenzy stirred up by the corporate MSM and NAR, led to the biggest financial collapse since 1929.

The white collared psychopathic criminals on Wall Street reaped billions in profits, paid themselves millions in bonuses, and cost taxpayers trillions when it all blew up in 2008. The ruling elite have added $6 trillion to our national debt and their central banker has added another $2 trillion to our ultimate tab, while providing free money to their Wall Street bank owners. They realize their efforts to restart the exponential growth engine have failed. They gutted our productive manufacturing based economic system by shipping the blue collar jobs overseas to Chinese slave labor facilities, replaced workers with machines, stimulated consumption with unlimited distribution of high interest debt, and allowed conglomerates to drive small business owners out of business with their cheap foreign sourced goods, all in the name of capitalism. The plan worked so well that real wages haven’t risen in 40 years, inflation has destroyed the purchasing power of the middle class, 47.7 million people are dependent on food stamps to survive, and the masses can’t even afford the cheap slave labor produced trinkets anymore. There is too little cash, too few jobs, too much debt, too many takers, too few makers, too many bankers, too much delusion, and too few resources to sustain the unsustainable. We have entered the end stages of a ravenous locust swarm. The fields have been stripped barren.

When the men in smoke filled rooms realized their soft totalitarianism was losing its grip on the oblivious, submissive, egoistical, distracted masses, they began phase two of their effort to retain their wealth, power and control. They began to institute Orwellian measures to strike fear into the populace. Their illusion of control is dissipating and they are resorting to force in order to maintain hegemony. It began with the immediate passage of the Orwellian Patriot Act one month after 9/11. Did the corporate media question how a 363 page all-encompassing expansion of police state power was written in a few weeks after 9/11 and passed by October 26? They did not. The bill was pre-written and ready for instant implementation when the time was right. The Orwellian version of America was launched.
“If the ideology had been a lie, then they are not heroes and gods on earth, but monsters and criminals, and their life has been self-serving and meaningless, without significance and honor. And that is the credibility trap. It is the impulse for the leaders to keep doubling down in the hope of a win, until exhaustion and collapse.” – Jesse       

Obedience to Authority

“Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.”  - Stanley Milgram – Obediance to Authority
Just as Edward Bernays knew the unruly masses could be manipulated by propaganda and molded to believe whatever the small group of intellectually superior men wanted them to believe, conditioning using fear and authoritarian methods have also been perfected by the ruling class. Doctor Stanley Milgram unwittingly provided the oligarchs with confirmation the average citizen could be ordered to do anything by invoking expertise and authority over their subjects. Milgram started his experiments in 1961, shortly after the trial of the World War II criminal Adolph Eichmann had begun. Eichmann’s defense that he was simply following orders when he exterminated millions of Jews roused Milgram’s interest. How could millions of Germans participate and condone such genocide? Milgram’s testing suggested that it could have been that the millions of accomplices were merely following orders, despite violating their deepest moral beliefs.
Writer Kendra Cherry describes the experiment:
The participants in the Milgram experiment were 40 men recruited using newspaper ads. Milgram developed an intimidating shock generator, with shock levels starting at 30 volts and increasing in 15-volt increments all the way up to 450 volts. The many switches were labeled with terms including “slight shock,” “moderate shock” and “danger: severe shock.” The final two switches were labeled simply with an ominous “XXX.”
Each participant took the role of a “teacher” who would then deliver a shock to the “student” every time an incorrect answer was produced. While the participant believed that he was delivering real shocks to the student, the student was actually a confederate in the experiment who was simply pretending to be shocked.
As the experiment progressed, the participant would hear the learner plead to be released or even complain about a heart condition. Once the 300-volt level had been reached, the learner banged on the wall and demanded to be released. Beyond this point, the learner became completely silent and refused to answer any more questions. The experimenter then instructed the participant to treat this silence as an incorrect response and deliver a further shock.
Most participants asked the experimenter whether they should continue. The experimenter issued a series of commands to prod the participant along:
    • “Please continue.”
    • “The experiment requires that you continue.”
    • “It is absolutely essential that you continue.”
    • “You have no other choice, you must go on.”
The level of shock that the participant was willing to deliver was used as the measure of obedience. How far do you think that most participants were willing to go? When Milgram posed this question to a group of Yale University students, it was predicted that no more than 3 out of 100 participants would deliver the maximum shock. In reality, 65% of the participants in Milgram’s study delivered the maximum shocks.
Of the 40 participants in the study, 26 delivered the maximum shocks while 14 stopped before reaching the highest levels. It is important to note that many of the subjects became extremely agitated, distraught and angry at the experimenter. Yet they continued to follow orders all the way to the end. Why did so many of the participants in this experiment perform a seemingly sadistic act on the instruction of an authority figure? According to Milgram, there are a number of situational factors that can explain such high levels of obedience:
    • The physical presence of an authority figure dramatically increased compliance.
    • The fact that the study was sponsored by Yale (a trusted and authoritative academic institution) led many participants to believe that the experiment must be safe.
    • The selection of teacher and learner status seemed random.
    • Participants assumed that the experimenter was a competent expert.
    • The shocks were said to be painful, not dangerous.
The American people have been participants in their very own Milgram experiment being conducted by their government since 9/11. Since the passage of the Patriot Act, the government continues to demand that its citizens increase the voltage in the name of security. Since 2001, the Orwellian measures have included:
  • Warrantless domestic surveillance.
  • The ability to search telephone calls, emails, financial matters especially involving foreign individuals, and medical records for people who are “suspected” of endangering the country.
  • Color coded risk levels designed to keep citizens fearful of non-existent terrorists.
  • Pre-emptive invasion of foreign countries.
  • Committing U.S. forces to war without a declaration of war by Congress as mandated in the U.S. Constitution.
  • Assassination of people on presidential kill lists.
  • Extermination of “suspected” enemies by predator drones.
  • Camera systems monitoring the movements of Americans in cites and streets across the United States.
  • Torture of detainees in camps outside of the United States.
  • The authority to indefinitely detain America citizens without trial.
  • Executive orders giving the President the ability to unilaterally disregard the U.S. Constitution and take control of private industries.
  • Use of drones to monitor the activities of American citizens.
  • Allowing the very bankers that destroyed the worldwide economic system to blackmail the American taxpayers into handing them $700 billion.
  • Not prosecuting one Wall Street criminal after the largest Ponzi control fraud in the history of the world.
  • Cameras and listening devices on public transit and other public locations.
  • Military exercises conducted in U.S. cities in order to condition the masses.
  • Attempts to control and censor the internet through the introduction of the SOPA bill.
  • The use of tragic mass murders by mentally defective young men on psychotropic drugs to disregard the 2nd Amendment and disarm American citizens.
  • TSA thugs molesting little old ladies and young children to desensitize citizens to gestapo like tactics and treat them like criminals.
  • Government partnering with Facebook, Apple and other corporate entities to monitor, censor, and report the activities of citizens to the authorities.
  • The use of public schools to teach children what to think rather than how to think. Thought control is vital to an agenda of keeping the masses fearful and pliable.
  • Government agencies (FBI, ATF) creating terrorist plots, luring young dupes into the plots, providing fake explosives, and then announcing with great fanfare they have foiled a terrorist plot.
  • “See something, Say something” government media campaign designed to make citizens paranoid and fearful.

Just as Milgram pondered how the German people could follow the orders of those in authority to slaughter millions, one must ponder how the American people have allowed those in power to strip us of our Constitutional freedoms and liberties in the name of safety and security. They have conditioned the masses to passively accept their fate by utilizing fear, authoritarian measures, thought control, and propaganda. Human beings never change. They have been driven by emotions throughout history – fear, greed, love and hate. There will always be psychopathic men who seek wealth, power, glory and control. It happened during the decline of the Roman Empire and it is happening today during the decline of the American Empire.
“A shocking crime was committed on the unscrupulous initiative of few individuals, with the blessing of more, and amid the passive acquiescence of all.”Tacitus

Big Brother is Watching You

“Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know what no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.”George Orwell – 1984
What the average person can’t seem to process through their government public school educated non-critical thinking brains is that there are actually a small group of bankers, politicians, corporate executives, media magnets, and shadowy billionaires who call the shots in this country. They constitute Bernays’ invisible government, run the show, mold the minds, form the opinions, suggest the ideas, and create the reality for the masses because they believe they are intellectually superior. The left/right and Democrat/Republican discord is a planned diversion for the masses. The country has devolved into a corporate fascist warfare/welfare state. We are clearly moving in the direction of Orwell’s state in which government monitors and controls every aspect of human life to the extent that even having a disloyal thought will be against the law. The longer this is allowed to progress the more likely any effort to resist like Winston Smith will be met with brutal measures.
The parallels to Orwell dystopian nightmare state grow by the day. Those in control use technology to bombard Americans with psychological inducements designed to overwhelm the mind’s capability for autonomous thought. In Orwell’s 1984 the giant telescreen in every citizen’s room blasts a constant stream of propaganda designed to make the failures and shortcomings of the Party appear to be triumphant successes. In Obama’s 2013 the 72 inch Chinese made HDTVs in every McMansion blasts a constant stream of propaganda designed to make the zombie-like occupants buy trinkets and gadgets with a thin piece of plastic and makes the failures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt and Libya appear to be triumphant successes. Our corporate/fascist party uses their control over the media message to indoctrinate and control the public mind through propaganda and repetitive messaging. In Orwell’s world, the Party undermines family structure by inducting children into an organization called the Junior Spies, which brainwashes and encourages them to spy on their parents and report any instance of disloyalty to the Party. In our world children are indoctrinated in government run public schools that fill their brains with government manufactured history, social engineering claptrap and what they should think, rather than how to think. The Orwellian Department of Homeland Security (Thought Police) instructs them to report anyone they think is suspicious with their “See something, Say something” campaign. Children are “encouraged” to re-educate their parents about green energy and global warming. Corporations fund schools to advertise their products within the hallways of learning. The outputs of this corporate/fascist partnership are non-critical thinking, functionally illiterate, willfully ignorant Proles who obey the Party and consume products as instructed.

In Orwell’s 1984 the Party keeps the population in a general state of exhaustion by making them work long grueling hours at government run agencies. This was designed to keep them from thinking or having the energy to resist. About one in six workers work for the government in the United States, with a substantial portion of private jobs dependent upon government largesse. The true distinction in our society can be seen in the income levels over decades of our own Inner Party, Outer Party and Proles.
income percentile
The government educated masses were purposely not taught about the impact of Federal Reserve created inflation on their lives. Even using the government manipulated CPI, the real household incomes of the masses have barely risen in the last forty five years. Using a true measure of inflation, the real household incomes of the average family have fallen. In addition, prior to the 1980s those household incomes were predominantly provided with one parent working and the other raising the children. Today the vast majority of households require both parents to work in order to just tread water. Child rearing was delegated to the state and parents have been kept in a constant state of exhaustion, like hamsters in a cage on a spinning wheel. Household income was replaced by credit card debt, mortgage debt, auto debt, and student loan debt peddled by our very own Inner Party (Wall Street bankers). The Inner Party members have seen their incomes soar over the last four decades. This was not an accident.
As those at the top accumulate an ever increasing percentage of the national wealth, while consolidating their power through ever more sophisticated use of technology for surveillance, warfare, and financial theft; urban decay and blight spreads across the land. Totalitarian regimes are ferociously effective at augmenting their own power and wretchedly incompetent at providing for their citizens. Just as the London in Orwell’s dystopian world was a decrepit, rundown city in which buildings were crumbling, amenities such as elevators never worked, and basics such as electricity and plumbing were exceedingly undependable, the urban killing fields that are home to tens of millions in the United States are dangerous, disintegrating, hallowed out carcasses of once thriving metropolises. Hunger, poverty, crumbling infrastructure, and violence are the earmarks of society for the Proles. True unemployment exceeds 20%, with youth and minority unemployment exceeding 40%. There are 47.7 million Americans subsisting on food stamps (program administered by JP Morgan), accounting for 20% of all the households in the country.
The incompetency and mismanagement by our totalitarian governing body is evident for all to see, as bridges collapse, water mains burst, gas lines explode, mass transit shuts down and structures deteriorate due to decades of neglect. The priorities of those in power are clearly visible as they spend trillions on weapons used to attack sovereign countries, distribute billions in “aid” to foreign dictators, provide trillions to the criminal banking cabal on Wall Street, and devote billions to technology designed to monitor and control their citizens. Our entire rotting, fetid, bloated, corrupt society has about reached its limits. It is only a matter of time until it implodes like the former Soviet Union.
Diminishing returns of ever-increasing complexity addressed with ever-more layers of complexity, larded with systematic lying based on mystifying, opaque jargon, sanctioned statistical misreporting, felonious cronyism, and scuttling of the rule of law. In short, the markets have been taken over in effect by a criminal racketeering syndicate. In doing this, so much resilience has been removed from these market structures that they are riddled with rot, like a mansion infested with carpenter ants.” – Jim Kunstler

We Have Always Been at War with Eastasia

Hush now baby, baby, don’t you cry.
Mamma’s gonna make all of your nightmares come true,
Mamma’s gonna put all of her fears into you,
Mamma’s gonna keep you right here, under her wing.
  She won’t let you fly, but she might let you sing,
Mamma’s gonna keep baby cozy and warm.
Oooh babe, Oooh babe, Oooh babe,
Of course Mamma’s gonna help build the wall.
The concepts of Doublethink and Newspeak are alive and well in our increasingly Orwellian society. The massive long-term campaign of large-scale psychological manipulation, described in detail by Edward Bernays in 1928, has succeeded in breaking down the capacity for independent thought by the masses. Those in control of the media have molded the minds of millions to believe anything the government tells them, even while possessing information that runs counter to what they are being told. On the eve of the invasion of Iraq, the government and their media propaganda mouthpieces had convinced 69% of the American public that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks, even though there wasn’t a shred of evidence to support that claim. The storyline of Iraqi soldiers murdering Kuwaiti babies in their incubators during the first Gulf War was another example of propaganda designed to manipulate public opinion. By controlling the media message, those in power control the present and can manipulate the past. The government controls the curriculum in public schools and writes our history to conform to whatever storyline that supports their agenda. With 20% of the adult population in this country functionally illiterate, the formulation of ideas or critical thought is virtually impossible for these people. This is exactly what is desired by the ruling class.
The outrageous example of Doublethink in Orwell’s 1984 occurs during the Hate Week rally.  The Party shifts its diplomatic allegiance, so the nation it has been at war with suddenly becomes its ally (Eurasia), and its former ally becomes its new enemy (Eastasia). When the Party speaker suddenly changes the nation he refers to as an enemy in the middle of his speech, the crowd accepts his words immediately, and is ashamed to find that it has made the wrong signs for the event. The American people have been programmed to accept the same logic from our leaders. Saddam Hussein was our ally when he was fighting our enemy Iran, who had been our ally ever since we had overthrown their democratically elected leader in the 1950s. Then he became our enemy for using weapons of mass destruction, provided to him by the U.S., on his own people and threatening our control over Middle Eastern oil. Osama bin Laden was our ally when he was fighting our mortal enemy, the Soviet Union. Then he became our mortal enemy because we refused to leave Saudi Arabia after the first Gulf War. Ghadafi was our sworn enemy after blowing up an airliner filled with Americans, until he helped us after 9/11 and became an ally. Then he became an enemy again for fighting to maintain his dictatorship. Mubarak was an ally for decades as we provided him billions in military hardware so he could brutally maintain control. Then he became an enemy when we decided he was no longer of use. Do you get the picture?
Do you see any parallels between Orwell’s Ministry of Plenty (oversees economic shortages); the Ministry of Peace (wages war); the Ministry of Truth (conducts propaganda and historical revisionism); and the Ministry of Love (the center of the Party’s operations of torture and punishment) and our Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Department of Education, and Department of Homeland Security?  
“In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.”George Orwell

Should I Trust the Government?

So the oligarchs have utilized all the plays in Huxley’s playbook and are half way through Orwell’s playbook, but they are rapidly losing their credibility as a small minority of critical thinking people is using the internet to spread the truth and form phyles with like-minded citizens with similar values based on liberty and freedom. The political system is broken beyond repair as $2 billion was spent during this last “election” to maintain the status quo. The looting and pillaging of the middle class continues, while the poor are kept controlled, sedated and enslaved by entitlements, debt, drugs and prisons. The financial system is succumbing to the mountains of debt that have been accumulated trying to keep the game going. In the last ten years worldwide total credit market debt, on balance sheets, sovereign obligations, corporate debt, household debt – has grown from $80 trillion to just over $200 trillion. U.S. unfunded liabilities committed to by the politician parasites that pass for our representatives surpass $200 trillion. There are $1.2 quadrillion of interconnected derivatives outstanding in the world today, 20 times the size of the worldwide economy. The accumulation of worldwide debt, aging developed country populations, depletion of resources, perpetual war, financial fraud and rampant corruption are going to lead to a collapse of epic proportions. It may not happen in 2013, but it will happen within the next five years. Jesse explains why the status quo will never relinquish their power, illegally acquired wealth and control without a fight:
“A credibility trap is a condition wherein the financial, political and informational functions of a society have been compromised by corruption and fraud, so that the leadership cannot effectively reform, or even honestly address, the problems of that system without impairing and implicating, at least incidentally, a broad swath of the power structure, including them. The status quo tolerates the corruption and the fraud because they have profited at least indirectly from it, and would like to continue to do so. Even the impulse to reform within the power structure is susceptible to various forms of soft blackmail and coercion by the system that maintains and rewards.
And so a failed policy and its support system become self-sustaining, long after it is seen by objective observers to have failed. In its failure it is counterproductive, and an impediment to recovery in the real economy. Admitting failure is not an option for the thought leaders who receive their power from that system.  The continuity of the structural hierarchy must therefore be maintained at all costs, even to the point of becoming a painfully obvious hypocrisy.”
The people of this country must regain a sense of responsibility for their lives and the lives of future generations. Enough people need to perceive they are being manipulated, controlled and used by the thought leaders and awaken from their narcissistic materialistic debt financed lives. Our culture has failed. The animosity and anger in the country is beginning to bubble over. The masses are beginning to realize they have been screwed. They haven’t figured out who to blame because they are still trapped in the Republican/Democrat false dogma. There is one Party putting on a show, as displayed this week with the fiscal cliff farce, as the government controlled media proclaimed victory because the status quo was maintained, nothing was cut, and $4 trillion was added to the National Debt. More people need to question and challenge the authorities. We must cast aside our willful ignorance of facts and accept the consequences of decades of bad decisions and delusions of grandeur. More government is not the answer. We must break free of the conditioning and mind control used to make us love our servitude and trust those in power.
Kyle Bass recently revealed a fact about our government leaders:
“They’re not going to tell you that a collapse is coming. You’re going to have to see it for yourself. The government’s never going to tell you that it’s going to happen. These guys are never going to tell you the truth, because they can’t tell you the truth. Their job is to promote confidence, not to tell you the truth.”
We need more people to respond to Roger Waters’ question, “Mother, should I trust the government?” with this answer before we can begin to tear down the wall that seemed too high.
“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”George Orwell

survival seed vault

Don't be fooled by the word "income"

Income Tax is the Second plank of the Communist Manifesto.  Income tax IS communism.  People thought Communism would never happen in America.

In 1799 Thomas Jefferson, while he was Vice-President, in the Kentucky Resolves, reassured them that there are only three federal laws that apply to a state citizen. The three mentioned in the Constitution: piracy, treason and counterfeiting.  How about you?

A right cannot be taxed.  If your wages are taxed, then either: You do not have a right to earn wages, or you waived your right to earn wages.  Let's try to find out which one.

Many people insist that the 16th Amendment authorizes a tax on everyone's wages.  But does it?

Note: Government employees have had their wages taxed since 1862, long before the 16th amendment.  The comments here do not apply to government wages.

Direct taxes must be Constitutionally apportioned to your State by the proportion of your State's representation (Art.1, Sect.2, Clause3 & Art1, Sect.9, Clause4).  -- And, NO.  The 16th amendment did not change this, the 16th amendment did not alter, add or remove any words from the original constitution, and the US Supreme Court confirmed in Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co. 240 US 103 (1915) that "… the 16th amendment conferred no new powers of taxation"  - That's right!  There is no such thing as an unapportioned tax on the wages of state citizens. 

If state citizens' wages were not taxed before the 16th Amendment, then the 16th amendment did not confer a new power of taxation.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

This is very different from the original proposed amendment in Senate Joint Resolution 39 as published in Congressional Record June 11, 1909 page 3377."The Congress shall have power to lay and collect direct taxes on incomes without apportionment among the several states according to population"
[highlight added so you can spot the changes]
The Senate Finance Committee revised it as Senate Joint Resolution 40, to what we have today. (published on Page 3900 of the Congressional Record of June 28, 1909)
The word "direct" was removed from the original proposed amendment
The words "from whatever source derived" were added.

Nothing was changed by the 16th Amendment.  There is no new taxing authority.
The amendment DID NOT eliminate apportionment, nor convert direct taxes into indirect taxes.
The tax is still on the income, not on the source.
Since the word direct was deleted, it can never be argued that there is a direct tax on incomes.
There is not now, nor can there ever be a direct tax on incomes. (except for federal employees who are already subject to fed jurisdiction)
The Senators who swore oaths to uphold and perpetuate the Constitution did not circumvent it.
Since tax collectors could always seize assets without regard to their source, no new taxing authority was created.

The income tax was to be a tax on the profits earned from savings accounts.  When the States ratified the 16th Amendment, they did so only upon the assurance, over and over again, that salaries would not be taxed. Only profit from savings was to be taxed, and only then as an indirect tax.  Not as a direct tax on people.

Here are proofs that the 16th Amendment was never intended to tax wages:
  • New York Times August 3, 1909 front page.  Excerpt. "The only interruption to his speech was a query by Representative Glover…  - who wanted to know if the amendment would affect salaries." If you have the same question, then read the response.
  • Congressional debates, Congressional Record, August 28 1913 Senator Lawrence Y. Sherman on page 3843 debating the income tax amendment, insisted that the word "income" referred only to earnings on savings accounts: "The savings from the income by professional effort or by any form of skilled labor or unskilled hand becomes property.  At the end of any given period that saving is a principal, and any income derived from it is an income from property, not an income from the earning capacity or the personal ability of the taxpayer in question… Those investments that produce an income from a property I think are properly to be distinguished from those arising from the earning capacity of the individual."  
  • Also on page 3843 Senator Cummins :"I assume that every lawyer will agree with me that we cannot legislatively interpret the meaning of the word 'income'.  That is purely a judicial matter.  We cannot enlarge the meaning of the word 'income'.  The word 'income' had a well-defined meaning before the amendment … If we could call anything income that we pleased, we could obliterate all the distinction between income and principal….  Congress can not affect the meaning of the word 'income' by any legislation whatsoever…. obviously the people of this country did not intend to give to Congress the power to levy a direct tax upon all the property of this country without apportionment."

“None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe that they are free.”
~ Goethe

And the courts agree:
  • U.S. v. Ballard 400 F2d 404:
      "The general term 'income' is not defined in the Internal Revenue Code."
  • Wilby v. Mississippi, 47 S 465:
      "It certainly was not the intention of the legislature to levy a tax upon honest toil and labor."
  • Edwards v. Keith, 231 Fed 1:
      "One does not derive income by rendering services and charging for them....  IRS cannot enlarge the scope of the statute"
  • US Supreme Court in Evens v. Gore, 253 US 245 concerning a tax on salary:
       “After further consideration, we adhere to that view and accordingly hold that the Sixteenth Amendment does not authorize or support the tax in question”.
      "The claim that salaries, wages, and compensation for personal services are to be taxed as an entirety… is without support either in the language of the Act or in the decisions of the courts construing it.  Not only this but it is directly opposed to provisions of the Act and to regulations of the Treasury Department… It is to be noted that by the language of the Act it is not 'salaries, wages or compensation for personal services' that are to be included in gross income.  That which is to be included is 'gains, profits and income derived' from salaries… "
  • US Supreme Court in M.E. Blatt Co. v. U.S. 59 SCt190: "Treasury regulations can add nothing to income as defined by Congress."
  • Oliver v. Halstead 86 SE 2d 859:
      "Compensation for labor cannot be regarded as profit within the meaning of the law."
  • Olk v. United States, Fed 18 (1975):
      "Tips are gifts and therefore are not taxable."
  • United States v. Snider, Fed 645 (1974):
      "Listing three billion dependents on his W-4 was ruled as proper. His refusal to stand for judge was held legal by Fourth U.S. Court of Appeals.  Original action and conviction was under 26 USC 7205."
  •  Penn Mutual Indemnity Co. v. Commissioner (32 Tax Court page 681):
      "that which is not income in fact manifestly cannot be made such by the legislative expedient of calling it income …"
  • Spring Valley Water Works v. Barber 33 P 735:
      "A right common in every citizen such as the right to own property or to engage in business of a character not requiring regulation CANNOT, however, be taxed as a special franchise by first prohibiting its exercise and then permitting its enjoyment upon the payment of a certain sum of money.”
  • Tennessee Supreme Court in Jack Cole v. Commissioner MacFarland 337 SW2d 453 (1960): "The right to receive income or earnings is a right belonging to every person, and realization and receipt of income is therefore not a "privilege that can be taxed." [from:Taxation West Key 933]
      In this 1960 case, the Tennessee Supreme Court also quoted prior decisions that defined the term `privilege' in contradistinction to a right:
      "Legislature ... cannot name something to be a taxable privilege unless it is first a privilege." "Privileges are special rights, belonging to the individual or class, and not to the mass; properly, an exemption from some general burden, obligation or duty; a right peculiar to some individual or body"
  • US Supreme Court in McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat 316:
      "If it could be said that the state had the power to tax a right, this would enable the state to destroy rights guaranteed by the constitutions through the use of oppressive taxation. ... The power to tax involves the power to destroy."
  • U.S. Supreme Court in Butcher's Union v. Crescent City 111US746:
      "The property which every man has in his own labor, as it is the original foundation of all other property, so it is the most sacred and inviolable. ... to hinder his employing this strength and dexterity in what manner he thinks proper without injury to his neighbor, is a plain violation of this most sacred property."
  • In the 1959 Tax Court case Penn Mutual Indemnity Co. v. Commissioner (32 Tax Court page 681): “The rule of Eisner v. Macomber has been reaffirmed on so many occasions that citation of the cases to this effect would be unnecessarily burdensome... Moreover, that which is not income in fact manifestly cannot be made such by the legislative expedient of calling it income....”
  • Laureldale Cemetery Assoc. v. Matthews, 345 A 239, and 47 A.2d 277 (1946): “Reasonable compensation for labor or services rendered is not profit.”
  • US Supreme Court in Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 US 105, at 113 (1943):  "A state may not... impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal constitution."
  • U.S. Supreme Court in Magnano Co. v. Hamilton 292 US 40 "The power to tax the exercise of a [right] ... is the power to control or suppress its enjoyment."
  • President Jefferson, concluding his first inaugural address, March 4, 1801:
      "... a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government… "
  • Spreckels Sugar Ref. Co. v. Mclain, 24 SCt 382 (1904):
      "the citizen is exempt from taxation unless the same is imposed by clear and unequivocal language".
  • Oregon Supreme Court in Redfield v. Fisher, 292 P 813, pg 819 (1930):  "The individual, unlike the corporation, cannot be taxed for the mere privilege of existing.  The corporation is an artificial entity which owes its existence and charter powers to the state: but the individuals' right to live and own property are natural rights for the enjoyment of which an excise cannot be imposed." 
  • Long v. Ramussen, 281 F 236, 238 (1922):"The revenue laws are a code or system in regulation of tax assessment and collection.  They relate to taxpayers, and not to non-taxpayers.  The later are without their scope.  No procedure is prescribed for non-taxpayers, and no attempt is made to annul any of their rights and remedies in due course of law.  With them Congress does not assume to deal, and they are neither of the subject nor of the object of the revenue law."  Reaffirmed in Gerth v. US, 132 F Supp 894 (1955) and in Economy Heating Co. v. US, 470 F2d 585 (1972)
  • Regal Drug Co v. Wardell, 260 US 386: ”Congress may not, under the taxing power, assert a power not delegated to it by the Constitution." 
  • US Supreme Court in Hurtado v. California 110 US 516:
      "The state cannot diminish the rights of the people."
  • Sherar v. Cullen, 481 F2d 946(1973)
      "... there can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of his exercise of constitutional rights"
  • Miller v. US, 230 F2d 489
      "The claim and exercise of a Constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime."
The current income tax law has been amended over the years, but it all started with one sentence written by congress to implement the Income Tax Amendment.   This is the first paragraph of the 1913 Income Tax law 38 Stat 166. This is the ONLY law that the government says applies to federal citizens.  It is only one sentence.  The rest of the 37 pages are for income tax of corporations.   As you study this sentence, remember that Congressmen cannot and do not impose direct taxation contrary to the Constitution Article 1, Section 9 -- which did not change with the 16th Amendment -- "… the 16th amendment conferred no new powers of taxation" Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co.  240 US 103 (1915).
" That there shall be levied, assessed, collected and paid annually upon the entire net income arising or accruing from all sources in the preceding calendar year to every citizen of the United States , whether residing at home or abroad, and to every person residing in the United States , though not a citizen thereof , a tax of 1 per centum per annum upon such income, EXCEPT as herein after provided; and a like tax shall be assessed, levied, collected, and paid annually upon the entire net income from all property owned and of every business, trade or profession carried on in the United States by persons residing elsewhere."

Thomas Jefferson said “That to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.”  -- The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 2, p. 545

Quote from Frederic Bastiat in 1850:

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in a society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.

Back in 1988 I wrote a letter to my congressman asking what made me liable for income tax, and documenting my search of the tax laws.  I never got an answer.  Warning: do not try this at home unless you want to get on the IRS hit list.  By 1989 I was writing letters to tax experts trying to get answers to most of my tax questions. Do not try this at home

The slaves under Pharaoh only had a 20% tax on income. Genesis 47:24.  They got to keep 80% of what they made as a living allowance.  God considered this to be slavery and freed them. 

The opinions expressed on this web site are solely those of the author
Steven D. Miller.   Please report any factual errors.

Russia throws poisonous meat back to US

U.S. meat supplies to Russia have been banned. The Russian Federation and the United States differ in the assessment of the causes of the situation. Russia claims that the reason for the ban was the presence of ractopamine drug in US meat. America insists that Russia's actions were a response to the adoption of the Magnitsky Act by the Senate and accuses Russia of violating WTO rules.
On December 7, 2012 Russia's Federal Agency for Agricultural Control, Rosselhohznadzor, banned the imports of meat containing ractopamine. This is a food additive that allows to reduce the content of fat in beef and pork. The drug is added to food so that animals grow the muscle mass instead of fat. According to researchers, ractopamine affects the human cardiovascular system, and in some cases can cause food poisoning. This drug is banned for use in 160 countries, including China and Russia. It is allowed in 24 countries, including Canada and the United States. Codex Alimentarius of the World Health Organization, adopted in July 2012 in Rome by representatives of 186 countries, allows the contents of ractopamine in meat.
Formally, Russia does not prohibit the delivery of pork and beef from the United States. It only notified a number of countries, including the US of A, of the need to provide documents saying that animals had not been fed ractopamine - the drug that is banned in Russia. However, the warned countries (in addition to the U.S. the list includes Canada, Brazil and Mexico and excludes 20 countries where the drug is used) do not have the appropriate expertise, because there was no need to have it before. Rosselkhoznadzor promised to introduce a transitional period for those countries, until about the end of January 2013. However, specific implementation mechanisms remain unclear.
As for foreign countries, the move of the Russian Agency for Agricultural Control will hit the United States most. Russia is the fourth largest importer of U.S. meat and spends about $500 million a year on it. The Russian market consumes 0.6 percent of all beef and 1.4 percent of pork produced in the United States. More than 200 containers of meat products worth about $20 million are currently on their way to Russia from the United States.
However, the lack of U.S. meat on the Russian market will affect the Russian economy. The pork from the United States comes fourth on the volume of shipments to Russia. In total, the share of imported meat in the Russian market makes up not less than a third.
The United States regards the ban of meat imports as a political move. According to American analysts, Russia has reacted so to the recent adoption of the Magnitsky Act by the U.S. Congress. On December 6, the U.S. Senate almost unanimously (92 votes "for" and 4 - "against") approved the bill that imposed visa and financial sanctions against Russian officials involved, according to Washington, in the death of Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer of Hermitage investment fund. The first three parts of this document are devoted to the interaction of Russia and the U.S. in the WTO. In particular, the bill abolishes the Jackson-Vanik amendment for Russia and Moldova, which was adopted in 1974. It is expected that U.S. President Barack Obama will sign the bill in the near future.
"This seems to be in retaliation to the Senate's passage of the trade bill with Russia ... there is certainly no doubt about it," Rich Nelson, chief strategist at research and brokerage company Allendale Inc, said.
Russian officials were surprised to know that US analysts associated the ban on meat imports with the Magnitsky Act.
"One can speculate about whether it was done in retaliation or not, but the measure was based on the content of some additives in meat that are contrary to Russian sanitary standards," deputy director of the Institute of the USA and Canada, Victor Supyan told Pravda.Ru.
Previously, the Russian side promised to take comprehensive, multidimensional and extremely strong measures should the Magnitsky Act be adopted in the USA. Presently, the United States accuses Russia of violating WTO rules. "All WTO members break these rules. This is normal," Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said in response to similar accusations in November of this year in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper. However, on Saturday, U.S. officials said they were expecting actions from Russia to change the situation. The U.S. side expressed a hope that in the near future Russia would remove the ban on the imports of meat, thus fulfilling its obligations as a WTO member. Russia, in turn, does not see any violations in its actions.

Serfdom and the Feudal System: What’s Old is New Again

Daisy Luther, Contributor
Activist Post

The period of history from the 5th to the 15th century was known as the Middle Ages.  During this time, the law of the land in Europe was known as the “feudal system.”  This was the manner in which the upper 10% (the nobility) controlled the lower 90% (the serfs or peasants).

There were a few kings who were very wealthy and powerful, who owned all of the land.  To maintain control of this land, it was broken into fiefdoms and pieces were given to friends of the kings (barons).  The barons then allotted land to their friends and allies in order to govern efficiently.  It was in this manner that the “nobility” was created, and the land passed down through these select few families by manner of inheritances.

The reward of  being delegated this control came at a price.  To maintain the control of the fiefdoms, manors and estates, the nobility had to pledge fealty to the kings and pay them taxes and homage.

It is estimated that just over 90% of the population of Europe were peasants.  Most peasants were basically slaves.  They were provided with a small shelter on an inferior piece of land and the “protection” of the noble in charge of that area. In return, they worked for the estate, farming the land with no recompense, paying taxes and having no control over their own lives.  Some peasants were “free” and had their own small businesses: blacksmiths, carpenters, bakers, etc.  They paid for the protection of the “lord” with money, goods and services.

Peasants had few rights.  They could be taxed at any time, were obligated to use (and pay for) services of the manor like mills or large ovens, and had to request permission for marriages, change of locations or educating their children.

Each year, the peasant was required to give the best part of his harvest to the lord of the manor. The peasants were not allowed to own things that made their lives easier, like oxen or horses, for example. A peasant did not own the land on which he lived and was therefore obligated to live where he was told, grow what he was told, and farm in the manner in which he was told. They were not allowed to hunt on the lord’s land – poaching was an offense punishable by death.  They were not allowed to cut trees for firewood, but forced to gather fallen branches in order to stay warm.  A peasant was not allowed to have real, effective weapons – those were reserved for the armies of the nobility, in order to keep the peasants in line and immediately quell any quest for dignity and independence.

Most of the peasants seemed content with the arrangement because they received security and safety from the lord.  He was obligated to protect them from marauders and barbarians, and provide enough land for subsistence. Serfs could be used as a commodity, and traded.  If the control of the land changed hands, the serfs were included in the transaction. 

Is it really a leap to say that we are still living on the feudal system?

Members of the global elite still meet and choose the leaders of the world, based on which of those leaders will “swear fealty” by agreeing to the agenda set forth by said elite.  The Bilderberg group, with their influence on world policy and finance, are the king-makers – future leaders are vetted by them, then their campaigns are fully funded.  In this way, control trickles down but it is just one small group of people who actually call the shots.

 On a more local  level, think about the home you “own.”  The properties that we think we own are taxed on an annual basis in most places.  As the economic debt goes higher and higher every year, so do our property taxes.   As we improve our properties, our taxes increase.  If you think you really own your home or land, try skipping your tax payment and you’ll see how quickly the true owners appear. We are merely tenants.

Our income taxes go up every time the barons government, needs more money.  This leaves us with less money for us to feed our families.  Income tax is not optional – it comes off your paycheck before you see a dime of it.  You are paying for the privilege of working.

We must be granted permission and pay even more taxes for the privilege of going about our every day lives.  We must purchase a license to  drive on the roads, build on our properties, or hunt and fish to feed our families.  Even with a license, hunting is only allowed at certain times per year – self-sufficiently feeding your family with game outside the specific 2 week windows throughout the year is illegal.  If we farm, we are obligated to comply with overbearing regulations in order to sell our home-raised food to others. If we choose to farm without chemicals and toxins, we aren’t allowed to advertise the fact without filling out crippling reams of paperwork.  We must bow to the FDA and destroy some of the nutrients in our food (pasteurization) if we want to sell it to others.

Speaking of monopolies, Monsanto, aided and abetted by friends at the FDA, is attempting to take over the farming industry. If a farmer refuses to use the frankenseeds, and a bit of pollen drifts over from a nearby farm who has sold out to Big Agri, the independent farmer can be taken to court and sued into oblivion, losing his property and his livelihood.

 If we choose to educate our children at home and raise independent thinkers, we must also be subject to “oversight”.  Most states have a governing board which tests home-schooled children on an annual basis.  Parents are told what their children must learn and the timeline on which they must learn it.

Parents are still taxed to subsidize the schools that their children do not attend and must pay out of pocket for the approved educational material they must use to teach the children. The government frowns upon children being independently educated, as this does not create the obedient serfs that the public schools system is designed to churn out.

In return for all of the permissions we must purchase annually, we are all under the “protective” wing of our respective governments.

These feudal lords dole out food via welfare programs, healthcare and medication via government standards, and brainwashing education for the children.  In the US, for example, the Rubicon has been crossed in that more people receive “benefits” from a government program than do not. The system is not designed to help people get back on their feet – it has been created to establish a system of dependency.

People are forcibly injected with toxic vaccines and doled out psychiatric medications.  Whereas once education was not legal, now people are being purposely dumbed down and chemically subdued in order to quell any thought of rebellion.  A government-induced apathy keeps the masses tame and docile.

Weapons have already been restricted in many countries and are being targeted by the US government right now.  Only the knights – er, the military and the police – should have weapons, in order to quell any potential rebellion by the peasants – us.  The US government has famously made enormous purchases of weapons and ammunition over the past year, while working diligently to remove weapons from the hands of the people.

Agenda 21, a document devised by the United Nations, goes even further to separate the 90% from the 10%.  In the name of tree-hugging largess,  A-21 is quietly working to round up the peasants and place them in cities, with massive restrictions on their movement.  Through public transit that only goes to certain places, A-21 is “keeping the peasants on the estate”.  People are shoehorned into tiny apartments with no opportunity to become self-sufficient and grown their own food.  Using “national land” (parks) requires payment in many areas.  Even the collection and use of rainwater is being targeted by Agenda 21, sending the very clear message:  WE OWN EVERYTHING.

The original feudal system began to decline with the Peasant’s Revolt in 1381.  After the Black Death reduced the population by over one-third, there were not enough peasants to get in the harvests.  The serfs seized the opportunity, refusing to work, refusing to pay rent and running away from the estates on which they lived.  The lords were forced to negotiate with better terms for the peasants in order to get them to work.  The monarchy, however, was not pleased with this and began to levy even more taxes on the peasants (austerity measures?)  The peasants ended up revolting violently, storming the tower of London, executing financiers and noblemen, and burning down castles.

The nobles quickly mobilized a militia and squelched the revolt.  The leaders of the uprising were publicly executed.  Although the revolt was not seen as a success, it was the beginning of the end for the medieval feudal system, as the nobles realized that the peasants had the power of numbers behind them and that they could wreak havoc by simply refusing to work.

 What lessons can we take from this?

As there has always been, there are those who want a one-world government, divided into small controllable segments, ruled over by those who will support the power agenda, swearing loyalty to the elite.

These elite use the following tactics to manipulate the masses:  government sponsored false flag events, incrementalism, dumbing down the population, programming opinions through media and popular culture, and entertainment distractions (bread and circuses).

Only with unified effort will the people  to live in dignity and equality.  If only 5% of the people refuse to serve the elite, there are still billions more to take our places. It is vital to spread awareness. Just as the mainstream media drills submission into the subconscious of the masses, we must hammer away at their perceived reality.

  • Vote with your wallets – refuse to support the massive corporations owned by the global elite.  Stop buying into their theories on the latest items you “must” have.   Don’t shop at their slave-labor big box stores, don’t eat their mass-produced food-like substances and don’t take their deadly “medications”.  Put them out of business by refusing to participate and make sure others know why you are doing it.
  • Strive for self-sufficiency.  Grow your food, purchase what you cannot grow yourself from local farmers and learn to live with what you can provide for yourself. Providing for yourself is your God-given right, not a permission to be granted by the “elite”, the government or the big corporations.
  • Be aware of the creeping presence of Agenda 21 – fight it every step of the way by shedding light on the plan.  Contradict the warm fuzzy language and enlighten people about the land grabs, the ownership of nature and the corralling of humans into controlled areas.
  • Refuse to participate in benefits programs – this system is designed to encourage dependency, and through dependency, control.
 The most important step of all is shining the light on the secret plans of who consider the rest of us peasants, put here to serve them.  Don’t be discouraged if efforts to revolt against this control do not immediately succeed.  It took a couple hundred years to make feudalism illegal the first time around.

Resist.  Teach the next generation to do the same. Learn from the past to create a different future – this is just a new spin on a theme that is ages-old.

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor. Her website, The Organic Prepper, where this article first appeared, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at

Was the 16th Amendment ever ratified??

Is this true????

On January 10, 2008, the Federal District Court in Chicago issued a permanent injunction against me on the grounds that I was falsely telling people the 16th Amendment was not ratified. The Court refused to look at the evidence of the non-ratification of the 16th Amendment, deciding the facts to prove my statement was true were "irrelevant," What has America come to when the government can accuse you of lying and prohibit you from presenting a defense in a so called court of law? My attorney, Jeffrey A. Dickstein, will be filing an appeal to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. I urge you to review the pleadings filed in this case so you can see for yourself the tyranny being practiced in our courts.

The Premise

The authority of the federal government to collect its income tax depends upon the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the federal income tax amendment, which was allegedly ratified in 1913. After a year of extensive research, Bill Benson discovered that the 16th Amendment was not ratified by the required 3/4 of the states, but nevertheless Secretary of State Philander Knox fraudulently announced ratification.

Watch the Benson Video
Text of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America:

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."


Sherry Jackson convicted, click here for the full story.


Talk about the tax cheats and tax protestors. Here they are read and ask questions, write to these departments to find out why they believe that they are above the law. Click here for the list!


Please check out Jeffrey A Dickstein's website and please make a donation for the on going historic litigation in Federal Court in Chicago, IL. [link to]

THE NEW BRIEF- Benson's Reply - Read the Latest!
Jeffrey A Dickstein, counsel for Bill Benson, submits Benson's reply to the government's brief in opposition to his motion to strike. Read the brief by clicking here.

The Brief- Benson's move to strike!
Jeffrey A Dickstein, counsel for Bill Benson, submits a new brief to strike down key government responses. Read the brief by clicking here.

The Brief- Local Rule 56.1
The Government responds to Bill Benson's Local Rule 56.1
Statement of Material Facts. Read the brief by clicking here.

The Brief- Local Rule 56
Benson’s points and authorities in support of his
motion to strike and motion to have facts deemed admitted
Read the brief by clicking here.

The Brief- The Government Response
Read the brief by clicking here.

The Article- The Judge!
Devvy Kidd writes how the Judge in the Benson case ignores the Seveth Circuit Ruling. Read the news article by clicking here.

The Brief -The Law of Opposition.
Jeffrey A Dickstein, counsel for Bill Benson, submits his memorandum of Law in Opposition to the United States. Read the brief by clicking here.

Click Here To Read More Briefs and Articles.

Would you like to help in this fight for justice? Send a donation to help with the legal fees that fighting the federal government incurs. Click here to learn how.

Bill would like to thank those that have contributed or shown support in the fight against fraudulent taxation.

The Discovery

Article V of the U.S. Constitution specifies the ratification process, and requires 3/4 of the States to ratify any amendment proposed by Congress. There were 48 States in the American Union in 1913, meaning that affirmative action of 36 states was required for ratification. In February, 1913, Secretary of State Philander Knox issued a proclamation claiming that 38 states had ratified the amendment.

In 1984, William J. Benson began a research project, never before performed, to investigate the process of ratification of the 16th Amendment. After traveling to the capitols of the New England states, and reviewing the journals of the state legislative bodies, he saw that many states had not ratified the Amendment. Continuing his research at the National Archives in Washington, DC, Bill Benson discovered his Golden Key. This damning piece of evidence is a 16 page memorandum from the Solicitor of the Department of State, whose duty is the provision of legal opinions for the use of the Secretary of State. In this memorandum sent to the Secretary of State, the Solicitor of the Department of State lists the many errors he found in the ratification process!

The 4 states listed below are among the 38 states that Philander Knox claimed ratification from.

* The Kentucky Senate voted upon the resolution, but rejected it by a vote of 9 in favor and 22 opposed.
* The Oklahoma Senate amended the language of the 16th Amendment to have a precisely opposite meaning.
* The California legislative assembly never recorded any vote upon any proposal to adopt the amendment proposed by Congress.
* The State of Minnesota sent nothing to the Secretary of State in Washington.

When his year long project was finished at the end of 1984, Bill had visited every state capitol and knew that not a single state had actually and legally ratified the proposal to amend the Constitution. 33 states engaged in the unauthorized activity of amending the language of the amendment proposed by congress, a power the states do not possess. Since 36 states were needed for ratification, the failure of 13 to ratify would be fatal to the amendment, and this occurs within the major (first three) defects tabulated in Defects in Ratification of the 16th Amendment. Even if we were to ignore defects of spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, we would still have only 2 states which successfully ratified.