Sunday, December 7, 2014


Alpha LipidTM Lifeline 初乳是众多初乳中最顶级的产品,含有丰富的免疫球蛋白、生长因子以及经过强化的脂質如神经节苷脂和磷脂,有效于促进脑部发育及维持脑部功能。

1.    牛初乳是牛犊诞生的第一份礼物,因分泌量有限而极其珍贵。乳牛产犊后3天内所分泌的初乳汁,是牛犊在新生环境下抵抗外来病毒侵袭的重要保证,它包含了牛犊成长最重要的免疫因子和生长因子,可以帮助抵抗外来病原和促进生长发育。

2.  神经节苷脂也能有效地保护消化管道如胃和肠以免受到病菌感染。神经节苷脂也是人体细胞的表层(质膜)当中很重要的元素之一,更是整个神经系统的关键元素。神经节苷脂在细胞认知,信号发送及接收和细胞成长中,更扮演着不可替代的角色。Alpha LipidTM Lifeline 

3.  牛初乳不仅含有丰富蛋白质、乳钙、牛磺酸、维生素、矿物质等乳类营养,且天然含有大量免疫球蛋白IgG、乳铁蛋白、溶菌酶、类胰岛素生长因子、表皮生长因子等,具有免疫调节抑制多种病原微生物等重要生理功能

Alpha Lipid Lifeline 初乳的好处:

1. 维持日常生活规律
2. 方便饮用
3. 适合一家大小
4. 适合高血压以及糖尿病患者
5. 孕妇补充元气的最佳选择。它包含了益生菌,钙质,维他命以及矿物质,有效于促进母子的免疫系统。一杯Alpha Lipid Lifeline 初乳含有1000毫克的钙质,相等于4杯的Anlene奶粉。



初乳、Alpha Lipid脂质、钙、肠道益生菌
【「生命营养素」内含维生素矿物质、强力生长因子、免疫因子、抗体、抗氧化因子、抗炎因子、Alpha Lipid脂质、钙、肠道益生菌】葡萄糖(右旋)、磷酸钙、脱脂奶粉、初乳粉、关华豆胶、玉米糖胶、α脂质、乳酸杆菌、双歧乳酸杆菌、维生素-A,B1,B2,B6,B12,C,D3,E、烟碱酸、本多酸钙、叶酸、生物素、丁烯二酸亚铁、氧化镁等等...

1. 抗衰老
2. 刺激受创皮肤的生长和修复细胞
3. 拥有粉嫩美白肤色(刺激DNA和RNA生长)
4. 促进排毒
5. 调理内分泌平衡
6. 消除暗疮
7. 去除黑斑
8. 增进脸部紧致和弹性
9. 提高新陈代谢,燃烧脂肪
10. 生头发



一般人,建議用量:一天飲用1~2次(早, 晚)

欢迎爱美一族,爱惜您家人一族,健康一族 & 正在患病一族致电询问面谈
0173396376 vivian

服用Alpha Lipid Lifeline 初乳也能够有效帮您预防以下疾病:

  • 青春痘
  • 老化
  • 皮肤敏感
  • 关节炎
  • 哮喘
  • 脓肿
  • 癌症
  • 水痘
  • 过于疲劳
  • 糖尿病
  • 湿疹
  • 子宫肌瘤

  • 胃痛
  • 痛风症
  • B/C 型肝炎
  • 高血压
  • 病菌感染
  • 失眠
  • 肠胃不适
  • 血氧不足
  • 肺部感染
  • 麻疹
  • 经痛
  • 偏头痛

  • 帕金森
  • 痔疮
  • 疱疹
  • 鼻窦炎
  • 皮肤问题
  • 压力
  • 中风/麻痹
  • 甲状腺炎
  • 肿瘤
  • 溃疡

David Stockman Podcast: The Keynesian Toolbox Is Empty

Wow, banks are pushing derivatives deregulation as the price of avoiding a government shutdown.

WASHINGTON — Wall Street lobbyists are trying to secure taxpayer backing for many derivatives trades as part of budget talks to avert a government shutdown.
According to multiple Democratic sources, banks are pushing hard to include the controversial provision in funding legislation that would keep the government operating after Dec. 11. Top negotiators in the House are taking the derivatives provision seriously, and may include it in the final bill, the sources said.
The bank perks are not a traditional budget item. They would allow financial institutions to trade certain financial derivatives from subsidiaries that are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. — potentially putting taxpayers on the hook for losses caused by the risky contracts. Big Wall Street banks had typically traded derivatives from these FDIC-backed units, but the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law required them to move many of the transactions to other subsidiaries that are not insured by taxpayers.
Taxpayer insurance helps banks secure higher credit ratings for their derivatives, since taxpayers assume some of the risk, which in turn makes the banks more profitable.
Read more:


by Dave Hodges
I despise the Federal Reserve and those who have run our economy into the ground. However, those of you who think that abolishing the Federal Reserve is the key to eliminating the oppression of the American people, are sadly mistaken.  Right now, the only reason you have a job to go to, a roof over your head, and food on the table is because of the Federal Reserve. I have some really bad news, the people associated with “The end the Fed movement”, our survival depends on the Federal Reserve and the rest of the Western banking establishments to survive in the upcoming months. No, I have not sold out, but I would suggest reading on and thing about taking a “graduate” course in prepping because I am not sure the West can survive what is unfolding.

The Birth of the Petrodollar

Before explaining how imperiled our economy is, I have to start at the beginning for people who do not understand the significance of the Petrodollar. The Petrodollar is the baseline of our economy and it is in big trouble.
A novel system for monetary and exchange rates were established in 1944. The Bretton Woods Agreement was developed at the United Nations Monetary and  Financial Conference held inBretton Woods, New Hampshire, from July 1-22, 1944. This conference established the US dollar as the reserve currency of the world.
The Banksters (e.g. Rockefellers’) reveled in their new found fortune. As a result of the Bretton Woods Conference, all nations desiring to purchase Middle East oil had to first purchase dollars and use these dollars to complete the purchase of oil.
Nearly everyone inside of our country benefited from this system. Americans basically enjoyed a stable currency minus the inflation rates of about 5% per year which served as an informal tax that went into the Federal Reserve banksters’  pockets. Thus, the Petrodollar was born. If the Petrodollar was to ever be successfully undermined, our currency would sink faster than a submarine with screen doors because there is nothing backing up our money. Put on your life jackets because the ship is sinking fast. The BRICS, led by Russia and China, are growing in influence by leaps and bounds and they are months/years away from being able to effect a collapse of the United States economy.
Since 1944, America has become the most hated nation in the world as we have dominated every single economy on the face of the earth, until now!

The Tables Are Being Turned On the West

The haughtiness of the West as they impose sanctions on Russia over Ukraine is almost laughable. The sanctions are a boomerang in disguise and will come back at us to destroy the American economy which will lead to World War III.
Russia and China cement the biggest international energy deal in history.
At the heart of the American economy and the Petrodollar is energy and Russia and China just cemented an agreement where they do not need the dollar. The Russia –China US $400 billion energy deal, signed in May this year will by 2018 have some 38 billion cubic meters of gas flow through the so-called ‘Holy Grail’ pipeline from the largest gas producer, Russia, to the largest energy user, China. This deal  is many things at once: It is, of course a symbolic step in the process of decoupling hydrocarbon trading from the dollar, as it foresees payments in local currencies, rubles and yuan. It sidesteps the  Petrodollar for hydrocarbon trading. Over one-third of the planet just moved away from the dollar when this recent deal was cemented.
This one deal spells the end of dollar dominance on the planet.  Much of the economic exchange between the two countries will be conducted in gold instead of the dollar.
About half of the people of world are represented in this move away Western capitalism.
The BRICS  have set up a  new development and investment bank for all of the BRICS countries. The banks  will be headquartered in Shanghai, China, with the first president of the bank will be from India. The BRICS nations, of course, are a group of emerging economies and draws its name from the five member countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. BRICS is also considering starting a joint infrastructure fund with an initial capital infusion of around $100 billion to begin investing in each other’s transportation, water and sewage systems. This formerly would have been funded by the World Bank with its cronies in corporation like Bechtel Corporation swooping in to dominate countries in places like South America to construct infrastructure with interest rates typically reserved for Mafia loans. The net effect was that these countries (e.g. Bolivian and Chilean water systems) would enslave the governments and the local populations to the World Bank. These days of imperial capitalism are numbered and American corporations are going to take a major hit because of this deal. There is a serious discussion of issuing a combined currency between the BRICS which would be used in international trading.
The scope of this deal has spread to Pakistan, Iran and Turkey.  This is highly significant because if Turkey is lured into this group, NATO will be undermined and a significant military threat to Russia would be eliminated with regard to the coming World War III.

The BRICS See Through the Facade of International Terrorism

Sources close to the BRICS are openly stating that ISIS represents terror, Western style. and the Washington is behind ISIS. Further, they believe that all the present conflicts in Syria and Ukraine are part of a Western conspiracy to prevent consolidation of the BRICS collective economic and military power.
The BRICS further believe that the economic health of the United States  is terminal and America’s economy is nothing but a mere house of cards. BRICS sources like to boldly state that the American economy consists of more than 50% of the war and security industry and related services and industries on planet and that this not sustainable. In other words, the “US has a GDP based mostly on destruction“. To the BRICS, the end game for the U.S. is to start a World War with the hope that after various countries  has been reduced to rubble and its citizens massacred, that the American corporations will swoop in and rebuild what’s left over from war. The BRICS like to quote former World Bank President Robert Zoellick, and his  former statements, to this end.
The stated goal of the BRICS is to use their collective economies to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. The dollar is viewed by these nations as an instrument of oppression and the Federal Reserve sits at the head of the table known as imperialistic oppression.
The "military reserve note" is how the BRICS like to refer to the dollar and it is their main target for assassination.

American Sanctions Against Russia Threatening World Peace

While our country remains fixed on the controversy involving the shootings of unarmed black men in Ferguson and New York, the United States and its Western allies have stepped up sanctions against Russia. The Russians are the backbone of the BRICS and crippling their economy is the goal of these American led sanctions. The Obama administration would like to see a portion of the Russian military tied up in a Ukrainian civil war while Russian gas exports, in which over 60% which runs through Ukraine, needs to be disrupted in order to bring Russia to her knees.
Yesterday, RT reported that the U.S. and the EU are trying to remove Russia from SWIFTmoney exchanges in an attempt to cripple their foreign trade. Russia Today has called this an ultimate act of war and Russia will respond accordingly. This move clearly demonstrates the desperation being felt by the Western banks.
As I stated earlier, I despise their very existence and what they have stood for which is economic enslavement and endless wars of occupation. Remember, all wars are banker wars. However, let me repeat one point; do want a job to go to, be able to pay your mortgage and put food on the table? If the BRICS are successful, we would have total anarchy in this country and we are months, not years away from this possiblity.
All of these facts are clearly being obfuscated by the main stream media as I would venture to state that 99% of our citizens have never heard of these developments.

War Is the End Game

If the BRICS are successful and the dollar is going erode to the point of economic collapse, does anyone really think that the Western banking establishment is simply going to let this system go up in smoke? War is the end game if the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, the IMF and the major banks of Europe cannot cripple Russia with the onslaught of sanctions. And finally,some readers are going to write to me and ask when all of this going to happen? It is prudent to act as if it is going to happen tomorrow. You, as an American, need to become as independent as quickly as possible.
I would not make the mistake of looking at the calendar in terms of knowing when the end is coming for the United States. I am instead focused on watching events which foretell the time when the West has no choice but to start a war with the BRICS. As a marker, I would watch the events inside of Turkey and Germany. If either, or both, leave NATO, I would look for hostilities to commence immediately. This possibility and the variables behind the coming war will be the topic of the next part in this series.

Italy’s credit rating lowered by S&P

Standard & Poor’s on Friday lowered Italy’s credit rating by one notch on concerns about weak growth and increasing debt while maintaining a stable outlook.
S&P dropped Italy’s long and short-term sovereign credit rating to ‘BBB-/A-3′ from ‘BBB/A-2′, the ratings agency said in a statement.
The agency revised its gross domestic product growth estimates for Italy over the 2014-2017 forecast horizon down to 0.5 percent and 1.2 percent, respectively, from 1.0 percent and 1.9 percent.
“Persistently low inflation and a difficult business environment continue to weigh on Italy’s economic prospects,” it said.
S&P also revised its estimate of Italian public debt, seeing an increase of €80 billion by the end of 2017, or 4.9 percent of estimated 2014 GDP.
Source and full story: The Local (Italy), 6 December 2014

Jeykll Islands About To Break!!

Buba’s Weidmann says manipulating currencies is “dangerous”.

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Buba's Weidmann says manipulating currencies is "dangerous". 

First the Dutch, and now Belgium appears to be next in central bank gold run

A week ago, the Dutch central bank shockingly announced they had repatriated 122 tons of gold from the Federal Reserve, and from other depositories that had held their gold outside of the country. And on Dec. 5, a Belgian media source has now confirmed that Belgium is going to demand a return of their offshore gold reserves, and is quickening the move for the repatriations of gold by central banks in Europe and elsewhere. The only real need for gold repatriation after over 40 years of nation’s using fiat based currencies is a belief that the global financial system is failing, or that very soon there will be a demand for a return to a gold backed monetary system. These beliefs are being seen as potentially plausible especially as Russia, China, and several BRICS nations accumulate gold at record levels. In fact, the recent Swiss gold referendum that failed last weekend was initiated by the population’s desire to have the Swiss Franc backed in part by gold, and where their central bank would repatriate offshore gold and hold it in reserve in their own vaults. Author Willem Middelkoop, who wrote the book, “THE BIG RESET”, just came out and stated in Belgium: “According to media reports Belgium will start to repatriate foreign held gold reserves. – Harvey Organ, Silver Doctors London Gold Pool Repeat? Dutch Central Bank, Germany, France’s new presidential front runner and now Belgium all… Just after I reported on the repatriation of 122.5 tonnes of gold by The Netherlands from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) and about the Eurosystem allocating as much of its gold reserves as possible – a global run on gold which can only be seen in advance of a reform of the international monetary system, the next Eurosystem member has come forward, Belgium.    

H5N2 Poultry cull begins in B.C., 80,000 birds to be euthanized because of avian flu

H5N2 Poultry cull begins in B.C., 80,000 birds to be euthanized because of avian flu…


by James Quinn
Even as the worst run retailer in America inches ever closer to bankruptcy the Wall Street shysters and the captured MSM continue to tout this piece of shit retailer as a good investment. I looked at their income statement and balance sheet. Here are the lowlights:
  • Revenue plunged by 13% ($1.1 billion) as the company dismantles itself, selling off the only decent businesses like Lands End.
  • Gross margin declined by 1.1% as they keep cutting prices to move their Chinese produced crap.
  • They only lost $628 million versus ONLY $547 million last year in one quarter. Year to date, this fine retailer has lost $1.65 billion after nine months. They are guaranteed to lose more than $1 billion in the 4th quarter, as they spiral towards bankruptcy.
  • Their balance sheet is a disaster. They have burned through $700 million of cash in 9 months and only have $300 million left.
  • They have $2.1 BILLION of debt due within 12 months.
  • They have slashed their inventory by 28% since last year. That bodes well for 4th quarter sales.
  • They now have $4.9 BILLION of debt and $126 MILLION of equity. Sounds like a great investment.
  • They still owe their retired workers $1.3 BILLION in pension and healthcare benefits.
This company is a pathetic joke and the Wall Street shysters and their propaganda peddler cohorts in the MSM have the balls to put out a press release saying they beat expectations, so all is well. This company is experiencing a death rattle. It’s over. The fat lady is singing. They are dead retailer walking. The bankruptcy filing is already being worked on by that genius Eddie Lampert.

Sears loss widens, but tops Wall Street views

By Chelsey Dulaney
Published: Dec 4, 2014 6:46 a.m. ET
Sears Holdings Corp.’s loss widened in its October quarter on a 13% drop in revenue, as the one-time fixture of the U.S. retail landscape continues to dismantle itself in an attempt to shore up its finances.
The results, however, came in above Wall Street’s expectations.
In recent years, Eddie Lampert, Sears’s chairman and chief executive, has sought to refocus the retailers operations, spinning off business lines like Lands’ End and assets like a big stake in Sears Canada to the company’s shareholders. Sears has recently turned to a spate of financing moves that leaned heavily on Mr. Lampert’s hedge fund in an effort to raise much-needed cash.
The efforts came as Sears worked to reassure vendors that have been rattled by its financial performance ahead of the holiday season, when retailers typically spend heavily securing inventory for the key selling season. Euler Hermès Group SA, which insures suppliers against nonpayment from retailers, told policyholders that it would cancel coverage on Sears, and vendor finance providers have tightened terms, vendors have said.

Fed Says No Inflation But Middle Class Reality Says Otherwise

The middle class is feeling the squeeze, cutting spending on discretionary items and activities while costs on larger-ticket necessities have risen.
The Wall Street Journal analyzed consumer-spending data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics between 2007 and 2013, finding while incomes have remained flat, the cost of essentials such as housing and healthcare have increased. This translates to a 12% increase in inflation for middle-income households over this five-year period–a stark contrast to the Federal Reserve’s claims of low inflation.
Journalist Lizzie O’Leary, who is the host of Marketplace Weekend, discussed the economic challenges faced by the middle class with Yahoo Finance Editor in Chief Aaron Task. “The way the Fed measures inflation and the way that the average American experiences inflation are two very different things,” she says. “The Fed doesn’t count energy, they don’t count food, they don’t count a lot of the stuff where prices move around the most.”–inflation–wsj-study-175947204.html