Wednesday, June 1, 2011





也別要羨慕大胸的人,因為土耳其研究人員發現,乳房越大,尤其是D Cup以上的人,越容易出現上背痛及脊柱彎曲,乳房小的人則不會。




















































(新加坡31日訊)新加坡農糧與獸醫局在檢測了第一批進口自台灣的13種品牌的飲料後,發現其中“太陽為記”(Sunlight Brand)品牌的楊桃汁受塑化劑污染,並已下令商家立即把市面上的該產品下架。























Is Greece the future of America ?

Greece has a sovereign debt problem. The bonds of the Greek government have been downgraded by a major rating service. Their prices have fallen sharply in the market. This means that the risk is high that the government will default on its sovereign debt.

The interest rates that the Greek government must pay in order to borrow have risen sharply. This is worsening the government’s solvency and budget problems.

The government faces default. The government’s various spending cutbacks haven’t solved the problem.

They cannot solve the problem. It’s apparently too late. The government would have to restructure its debt by renegotiating with its multiple lenders. That’s a difficult and time-consuming process. It would have to work out repayment while simultaneously altering government policies so that the country’s private market economy could expand. This involves knotty political and economic issues that take years to resolve. The government doesn’t have this time.

The problem traces back to the earlier fact that for some years the government was able to borrow heavily at low interest rates. This means that it was able to sell its bonds at high prices. The problem arose because these market prices were too high.

The sovereign debt of Greece became overvalued due to central bank/banking system money inflation. This inflation, it should be strongly emphasized, originated in the fiat dollar system of the United States and the Federal Reserve.

The central banks of the world and the world money supply are heavily influenced by what the Federal Reserve does through a kind of multiplier effect, because foreign central banks respond to Fed inflation with inflation of their own. Ronald I. McKinnon explained this important process in his June 1982 article in the American Economic Review. We see it happening today when foreign banks have to inflate in reaction to QE2 in order to prevent their currencies from strengthening too much against the depreciating dollar.

The high bond prices encouraged the Greek government to borrow too heavily and to raise government spending. But since its spending was not productive, it didn’t produce high enough tax revenues to service the debt. In time the government faced the problem it now has, which is not enough tax cash flows or income to service the debt.

Monetary inflation, in other words, causes overvalued sovereign debt. This sets in motion larger government spending, higher debt loads, and an eventual fiscal crisis when tax revenues fall short of what is required to maintain government spending and service the debt.

This process goes on in addition to the business cycle effects, well-known in Austrian economics, that inflation produces. In keeping with the analogous finance literature on overvalued equity, I identify this process as one that involves agency costs of overvalued sovereign debt.

This process is only made worse when major lenders, such as large banks, have reason to believe that they occupy a privileged position and that their bond positions will be paid off by political means if necessary. These lenders then all the more become willing to buy overvalued sovereign debt.

This effect of inflation is important because of its broad applicability in an age of inflation. In particular, a number of other countries including the U.S. have followed the Greek path.

Michael C. Jensen was the first to analyze the agency costs of overvalued equity. Everything that he says about the dire effects on a company’s behavior from having an overpriced stock find a parallel when a government issues overpriced debt. The parallels are not perfect, of course. In fact, every bit of analysis suggests that the problem will be worse for overvalued sovereign debt.

Intuition can be a misleading guide in these matters. We are taught that a high stock price is a good thing, and it is a good thing when it accurately reflects value creation in the enterprise. But not all high stock prices arise from value creation. Central bank money inflation fosters speculation. Speculation leads to asset price bubbles. Rising prices attract naive investors.

We have twice seen in recent memory how government/central bank inflation-produced speculation leads to a breakdown in critically important internal market practices and institutions. First we had overvalued stocks break down in 2000 amid hundreds of cases of overstated earnings. Accompanying this were accounting and auditing scandals as well as law firm and investment banking misbehavior. Second, starting in 2006 and continuing to the present, we have the real estate bubble. We have seen similar scandalous behavior pervading the mortgage and real estate businesses. This has included all the major banks, all major investment bankers, the government agencies like Fannie Mae, legislatures, law firms, bond rating agencies, insurance companies, and auditors. The scandal went even more deeply into the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve through their multiple bailout activities.

This breakdown in institutions that are supposed to act as professional agents finds its root cause in government that goes way beyond its appropriate bounds.

In the case of overvalued equity, Jensen points to "earnings management" that becomes lying about earnings as one means by which management becomes corrupted in order to come through with earnings numbers that justify its overvalued equity. The analogue is for governments to lie about the beneficial effects of the programs and activities that they are promoting and funding with their excessive debts. We hear politicians today justify huge sales of overpriced government debt as worthwhile because they are fighting recession, producing jobs and green shoots, kick-starting the economy, and providing national security. Like phony accounting numbers for earnings, these are all myths and lies. We hear Federal Reserve officials peddling similar misinformation to justify their bond purchases that are helping to keep sovereign debt overpriced.

Jensen suggests that "manning the helm of an overvalued company feels great at first." Among other things, the management bonuses rise steeply. Politicians likewise score among voters and secure campaign contributions when inflation stimulates some economic activity initially. They can point to housing projects going up or a falling unemployment rate or the numbers of people who are first-time homeowners. The financial and housing industries shower money on them. The Federal Reserve can build up its image by broadcasting how it prevented the financial system from collapsing.

But, when there is overvalued equity, Jensen says "massive pain lies ahead". A company cannot produce real earnings to justify its overpriced stock. It turns to earnings manipulation and fraud. It turns to wasteful acquisitions. Nortel acquired 19 companies between 1997 and 2001.When Nortel stock fell by 95 percent, not only was its value destroyed but also that of these acquisitions. Companies seek out unworkable products and build up unusable capacity.

The same massive pain goes for governments that overextend themselves with excessive borrowing at then-low rates of interest. This is evident in Greece. It threatens to become evident elsewhere, including the U.S. When the nation does not produce enough income to service the government debt, some manner of default is bound to occur.

The U.S. is finding it extremely difficult to find a way out of the looming pain that its overvalued sovereign debt has caused. The U.S. has over-issued debt. Its "acquisitions" lie in every area of government spending, in particular, popular social spending programs and a huge military establishment. Huge numbers of Americans have been "acquired" and linked into programs like food stamps.

Huge numbers of Americans expect a future retirement safety net courtesy of Uncle Sam. This is looking less and less likely as time passes. As in the case of overvalued equity that eventually crashes and burns up phantom value, U.S. sovereign debt will crash and burn as the private market economy increasingly cannot produce sufficient revenues to pay the taxes required to service the debts.

The proximate cause of this likelihood is agency costs of overvalued sovereign debt.

That itself traces back to a faulty political system that has destroyed proper constraints on the funding of government and therefore on government size. This has three main aspects. (1) The central bank is able to enter the sovereign debt market at will and keep the price overvalued. (2) The government is able to impose a wide range of taxes in order to fund its programs and debts.(3) There are no limits to government spending and the demand for such spending is infinite.

Let’s look at each of these briefly.

The constraint on money creation has disappeared Government no longer competes with markets for privately-produced and costly money in the form of gold and silver. When government debt promised and paid gold, government had no recourse but to tax its citizens in gold. Without that constraint, government can pay off debt by issuing more debt and more promises to pay off in paper.

The debt is supported in price by government’s powers to tax. As long as the people are able to produce enough income to pay these taxes and are willing to pay them, the system of debt expansion goes on because debts are serviced. The system is dynamically unstable, however. The larger that government becomes, the lower the ability of the private sector to produce real income becomes because government spending is unproductive and prevents capital formation This undermines the ability of people to pay the required taxes. Debt grows but economic growth falls short of debt growth due to low growth in capital formation. Taxes then fall short of spending and deficits rise. The government and the country’s economy then get into an untenable position.

The third aspect is that the U.S. Constitution, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, does not limit government spending or government activities and size, and this lack of limitation is combined with an infinite demand for receipt of government funds among the population. In other words, almost everyone stands ready to rob his neighbor via government taxes and get the proceeds for himself through redistribution in government spending; and there are no limits on how large this thievery can become.

This system is dynamically unstable too. It eventually must run into a wall or limit because the parasitic activities will overwhelm the productive activities. This limit is now in view. The government’s unfunded liabilities ($200 trillion by some estimates) vastly exceed its capacity to tax at current levels. Only by outright expropriation of wealth in the form of saved assets (seizing pensions) or by high levels of taxation that sap human wealth can the promises be kept. Those routes spell massive pain.

If a society does not impose limits on its own parasitic activities, it will eventually destroy itself. If it crushes its productive activities, it will destroy itself. If the society’s people do not impose the proper limits on their own behavior, individually and collectively, then they are setting a course for massive pain.

At this time, Greece does look like the future of America. Is it too late for America? Just about. When I see this society impose some limits on its parasitic behavior and encourage productive behavior, I will become more optimistic. However, I’ve been waiting for that for 40 years and I’ve yet to see it.

Michael S. Rozeff

'Double-Dip' in Housing Prices Even Worse Than Expected

U.S. single-family home prices dropped in March, dipping below their 2009 low, as the housing market remained bogged down by inventory and weak demand, a closely watched survey said Tuesday.


The S&P/Case Shiller composite index of 20 metropolitan areas declined 0.2 percent in March from February on a seasonally adjusted basis, in line with economists' expectations.

The price index was below the low seen in April 2009 during the financial crisis. The glut of houses for sale, foreclosures, tight credit and weak demand have kept the housing market on the ropes even as other areas of the economy start to recover.

The 20-city composite index was at 138.16, falling below the 2009 low of 139.26.

"This month's report is marked by the confirmation of a double-dip in home prices across much of the nation," David Blitzer, chairman of the index committee at S&P Indices, said in a statement. "Home prices continue on their downward spiral with no relief in sight."

Eight cities fell 1 percent or more in March, while Washington was the only city where prices increased on both a monthly and yearly basis. Prices in the 20 cities fell 3.6 percent year over year, topping expectations for a decline of 3.3 percent.

"The declines sustained in the last 12 months have almost erased the gains of the previous 12 months. The housing market is treading backward, but not drowning," said Cary Leahey, economist and managing director at Decision Economics in New York.

In the first quarter, the national index fell 1.9 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis, compared to a decline of 1.8 percent in the previous quarter. On a non-adjusted basis, they fell by 4.2 percent in the quarter. Nationally, home prices are back to their mid-2002 levels, the report said.

Blitzer told CNBC that the decline in prices, though fairly widespread, has become more prevalent in geographic pockets—the Southwest and Southeast as well as the Michigan and Ohio manufacturing regions.

"What we've seen over the last few months despite the decline in prices is we've gone back to the old 'location, location, location' story instead of everything going down at once," he said. "California has clearly broken out of the pattern it was in, which is a big plus."

Though there had been hopes in the industry that prices were troughing and ready to turn higher, the latest trends show little hope in sight until later this year or early in 2012, he added.

"Everybody's now keeping their fingers crossed for 2012 and wondering whether people just don't want to own homes anymore," he said.

On a non-adjusted basis, they fell by 4.2 percent in the quarter.

Can America afford endless wars and foreign aid? Pics to ponder...

Area around the entrance to National Park
Here's a view from I-64 scenic overlook

Dennis Kucinich "Why Are We In Debt!"

How Goldman Sachs Turned A $1.3 Billion Investment From Libya Into $25 Million In Less Than A Year (A 98% LOSS)

Col. Gadhafi's son, Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, on left, with Mustafa Zarti, a former executive at Libya's sovereign-wealth fund.


Source - WSJ

In early 2008, Libya's sovereign-wealth fund controlled by Col. Moammar Gadhafi gave $1.3 billion to Goldman Sachs Group to sink into a currency bet and other complicated trades. The investments lost 98% of their value, internal Goldman documents show.

What happened next may be one of the most peculiar footnotes to the global financial crisis. In an effort to make up for the losses, Goldman offered Libya the chance to become one of its biggest shareholders, according to documents and people familiar with the matter.

Libya was furious at Goldman over the nearly total loss of the $1.3 billion it invested in nine equity trades and one currency transaction, people involved in the matter say. A confrontation in Tripoli between a top fund executive and two Goldman officials left the bankers so rattled that they made a panicked phone call to their bosses, these people say. Goldman arranged for a security guard to protect them before they left Libya the next day, they say.

Discussions inside Goldman about how to salvage the fractured relationship included Lloyd C. Blankfein, the company's chairman and chief executive, David A. Viniar, its finance chief, and Michael Sherwood, Goldman's top executive in Europe, according to documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal and people involved in the negotiations. All three executives declined to comment.

Youssef Kabbaj, the Goldman executive in charge of North Africa, became a frequent presence at the Libyan Investment Authority as the investment bank worked to expand the relationship. He worked with the fund's management on investment ideas and encouraged younger employees to deepen their financial knowledge by attending Goldman training sessions, these people said.

Goldman soon carved out a new business with the Libyans, in options—investments that give buyers the right to purchase stocks, currencies or other assets on a future date at stipulated prices. Between January and June 2008, the Libyan fund paid $1.3 billion for options on a basket of currencies and on six stocks: Citigroup Inc., Italian bank UniCredit SpA, Spanish bank Banco Santander, German insurance giant Allianz, French energy company Électricité de France and Italian energy company Eni SpA. The fund stood to reap gains if prices of the underlying stocks or currencies rose above the stipulated levels.

But that fall, the credit crisis hit with a vengeance as Lehman Brothers failed and banks all over the world faced financial crises. The $1.3 billion of option investments were hit especially hard. The underlying securities plunged in value and all of the trades lost money, according to an internal Goldman memo reviewed by the Journal. The memo said the investments were worth just $25.1 million as of February 2010—a decline of 98%.

Read the whole thing at the WSJ (link is thru Google)...

Tensions Worsen In ECB War Over Bailouts, Bank Runs Begin In Greece, TSA Thugs Abuse Wounded Vet (LINKS)


In Honour of The Martyrs
The Mavi Marmara Massacre

The Shuhada of the Mavi Marmara Massacre – in pictures


This page is a tribute and memorial for the Shuhada (Martyrs) of The Freedom Flotilla I who were savagely massacred in International Waters by Israeli Occupation Forces one year ago today and sacrificed their lives while on a peaceful mission to Gaza. To support and show solidarity for their brothers and sisters in Gaza and Palestine.

We won’t forget the shuhada of the The Mavi Marmara Massacre

Shaheed Ibrahim Bilgen - Shaheed Ali HaydarBengi – Shaheed Cevdet Kiliçlar - Shaheed Çetin Topçuoglu - Shaheed Necdet Yildirim - Shaheed Fahri Yaldiz - Shaheed Cengiz Songür - Shaheed Cengiz Akyüz - Shaheed Furkan Dogan

انّا للہ و انّا الیه راجعون

‘Inna Lillahi wa ‘Inna ‘Ilayhi Raji’un, Allahu Akbar

May Allah Subhana wa Ta’ ala grant the Shuhada a High Rank in Jannatul Firdaus,
and ease it for their families, loved ones and anyone around them. Allahumma Ameen ya Rabbil ‘Alameen.

The Shuhada

Ibrahim Bilgen

Ibrahim Bilgen

Ibrahim Bilgen | A 61 year-old Turkish politician, engineer and activist who was married with six children
Shot once in the right temple, once in the right side of his chest, once in the back and once in the hip.
Of interest during the autopsy was the discovery of a tiny bag containing pellets, still intact in his brain, which the report said was fired from a hunting rifle

Ali Heyder Bengi

Ali Heyder Bengi

Ali Heyder Bengi | 29 years old from Diyarbakir – Graduate of Al-Azhar University (Cairo) – Department of Arabic literature – Married and father of four children.
Shot six times, including once in the abdomen

Kovdit Kililar

Kovdit Kililar | 38 years old, the web editor of the charity IHH, married and father of two children.
Killed by a single bullet that hit him between the eyebrows as he raised his camera to photograph the commandos landing on the Mavi Marmara

Cetin Topkoogelo

Cetin Topkoogelo

Cetin Topkoogelo | 54 years old former Taekwondo champion who worked as a coach for the Turkish national team
Shot three times – once in the back of his head, once in his hip and once in his belly, died as his wife tried to save him.

Necdet Yildirim

Necdet Yildirim | An aid worker in the humanitarian relief organization (IHH) of the city of Malatya – Married and father of a girl aged three years.
Two gunshot wounds: right shoulder, left back

Vahri Yildiz

Vahri Yildiz | 43 year old Fireman working in the town of Adiyaman – Married and father of four children.
Hit by five bullets, among them a fatal one in the chest.

Cengiz Sunqur

Cengiz Sunqur | 47 years old – from the city of Izmir – Married and father of seven children
One gunshot wound: front of neck

Cengiz Okez

Cengiz Okez | 41 years old from Iskenderun – Married and father of three children (14,12,9 years). Pictured here with his youngest daughter.
Four gunshot wounds: back of head, right side of face, back, left leg

photo Furkan Dogan

Farrakhan Dogan – American

Farrakhan Dogan | American 19 year-old student in secondary School- had hoped and planned to become a doctor. The son of Dr. Ahmed Dogan (Assistant Professor at the University of Irkiis). Farrakhan holds dual citizenship, both Turkish and American and has two brothers.
Shot five times – from close range in the right side of his nose, in the back of the head, in the back and twice in the left leg

Please share the word, their stories in their honour so their sacrifices won’t be forgotten. Nor the memories, their deaths, nor the crimes that killed them.
Do not forget them and the mourning families in your prayers…

We ask you: How many more dead corpses of Palestinians, peace-activists or humanitarian convoy members does the international community need to see in order to act? How many more cruelties and violations of Human Rights, Regulations and International Law will be needed to intervene so this ongoing warcrime and massacres are being stopped once and for all.

Source and more photos (some very disturbing) can be seen HERE

Banks to Pay Tossed-Out Military Families

(CN) - Bank of America and Saxon Mortgage will pay more than $22 million to resolve claims that lenders illegally foreclosed on around 180 military service members, the Justice Department said Thursday.
BAC Home Loans Servicing, a Bank of America subsidiary, will pay $20 million to resolve a lawsuit claiming that lenders foreclosed on 160 service members without court orders, authorities said. The complaint, filed in California's Central District, claimed that BAC failed to check on the military status of borrowers before foreclosing.
In a related settlement, Saxon Mortgage, a Morgan Stanley subsidiary, agreed to pay $2.35 million to resolve claims that it illegally foreclosed on about 17 service members between 2006 and 2009.
Both companies agreed to pay any service member wrongfully foreclosed on between 2009 and 2010.
The settlement, which resolves claims filed under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, requires both lenders to repair negative credit reports related to the allegedly wrongful foreclosures, and they must not pursue any remaining amounts owed under mortgages.

The Enablers and their Psychopathic Masters.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

‘May your noses always be cold and wet’.

For shame, ten thousand times for shame; the juggernaut of the murder machine of Death Incorporated, the Bush/Obama slice and dice, human meat processing, corporation of mulched woman and children rolls on. In Afghanistan a couple of days ago, they killed a group of women and children with video game drones. Karzai said that was the last straw and an hour later they killed a bunch more at the other end of the country. NATO, which is only a fraud of nations, masquerading as a coalition, under the rule of American and British bankers, kills with impunity. British SAS, probably with American corporate mercenaries, have been spotted as ground-troops in Libya, looking to kill Gadhafi because he doesn’t want a central Rothschild bank and wants a collective African currency.

I can only pray that raging djinns rise up from the Earth and rip their fucking hearts out and toss them into the flames of Hell. Fuck Memorial Day and all the stupid canon fodder that went to die for banks. They went to die for the banks, so that the domesticated cattle population could keep on being enslaved with usury from Neo-Pharisee banks. Fuck you, you frothing psychopaths! May the Hell you seek to raise upon the Earth, ascend from the bowels of darkness, open her gates and burn you where you stand but not allow you to die. May you be served white phosphorus cocktails with a cluster bomb back. May the cluster bomb be dropped into the cocktail in a burning shrapnel shot glass, like some demented working man’s boiler maker and turn you into one of Dick Chaney’s hunting partners.

You sleazy, stinking shit-heels and your partners in crime the duped and stupid Michelin Tire Man public that parades behind you, with a bloodthirsty Onward Christian Soldiers, blaring from dissonant horns, counterpointed with some John Philip Susa’s, “This Duck may be Somebody’s Mother”. Bring on the tornadoes and the tsunamis and the earthquakes and bury this stupid, pigged out culture like rat corpses in a landfill. Then raise a marker that says, “Here lie those we will not name, they deserve no remembrance. They are killers all, who killed and died for banks”.

I want screaming, flaming devas to come out of the sky and tear Goldman Sachs into pieces and stomp the bankers into the pavement; every trader, hedge fund weasel, derivative scamming and blood drinking last one of them. Hang them on crosses from Wall Street to Broadway and set them on fire so they might be street lamps, lighting up the dark, alcoholic night of the American nightmare.

You sleazy entertainers; actors, masturbating musicians that glorify the killings; that act in the propaganda flicks, that celebrate the killing of Muslims who had nothing to do with 9/11. A 9/11 and 7/7 and Madrid Train Station bombing that was done by Neo-Pharisee, Israelis and her bitches, America and Britain at the behest of AIPAC, which IS the American government; yeah, your BFF swine nation of Ashke-NAZI, land stealing, genociding pirates from Europe- non Semitic trolls, who changed the truth of history so that they could pretend to be the very people they are bent on eliminating; who all through history have been preying upon life wherever they find it, while pretending to be the victims of events they made happen, so that they would look like victims; they cry out in pain when they strike you... all of you, all of you can just take a seat and wait for the piper.

What punishment is enough for these blood drunk reavers and their ignorance infected enablers? They should be born as the victims of any and every hideous act, against any and every human being for the next million years. Then they should be turned into a rock to start all over again. They should be inoculated with a vaccine that kills evil and they must march the streets of the world loudly proclaiming their crimes with a sign on their back that says “kill me but take your time about it”.

Who is worse? The ones who do it or the one’s who help them out as accessories; the writers and smegma-journalists like Jonathan Kay, the actors and musicians, the politicians and religious leaders? From every walk of life they come, serving for money or out of fear. Performing felatio on the world stage; on their knees for the killers and rape artists of the millennium; you dirty rotten, stinking, fucking poseurs, whose only inspiration is, “what kind of lie can I tell today. What kind of Kabuki-masked drama can I perform in, that makes Muslims and anyone sitting on resources a danger to the trough gobbling pigs who support it all and soak it up, as if it were their mother’s milk from the polluted airwaves of a damned nation, that is one incarnation short of falling down on all fours and saying, “fuck two feet and hands, what I want is to really get into it. I want six stomachs and flies buzzing all around my face, until they turn me into hamburgers for the next generation coming.

You programmed imbeciles. How incredibly dumb do you have to be to keep swallowing impossible lies that their own press exposes to you every day. Take those dress hats from dirty wars and stick them up your asses. Suck them all the way in until they take shape on your skull, under your skin and then you can have some medal piercings, pinned into them. Get a t-shirt that says, “I kill on orders from neo-Pharisee banks and then I march in parades that honor my acts. I wipe tears from my eyes when I think of my fallen comrades who don’t get the meaning of “I sing of Olaf”. I want to be a Hobo with a Shotgun in Mecca.

“My country tis of thee, doomed land with no liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my father’s died for banker’s profits and pride. Cover us with a shit landslide, to the grave I ride”. Bono honks on Bush’s dick, jerking off under a Joshua tree, making the sun stand still for the wonder of his collecting money for terminal Africans, who never see a dime, while buying up all kinds of fancy real estate around LA with his buddy, The Edge of Nowhere and managing to piss everyone off at the same time; suing his hairdresser for the return of a pair of blue jeans. How did they come off in the first place; no comment; making Bob Dylan who forgot whatever it was he used to say, while he tours non stop all over the world, because he needs the money and attention so bad; Leonard Cohen playing for the neo-Pharisees of Israel; Sir Paul McCartney attending fashion shows; that’s his job now; hanging out with glamour freaks and wearing his title like a rhinestone tiara; no comment. No comment, no comment.

The twisted neo-Pharisee media, whose supporters brag about being and doing what they do but if you mention, you’re a pariah. The truth is anti-Semitic. Thanks for men like Jim Kirwan and Jim Coors and all the few of the rest of them that put it on the line for what is so and cannot be denied. Thank you Patrick Willis for putting your career and your health on the line, because you are a real man and not some phony, no balls profiteer on the backs of those who die so you can make your money.

Thank every one of you who risk it all to tell the truth; you few. Thank you for those embedded in Palestine, being showered with rocks, tear gas and bullets, while the IDF looks on and applauds. Thank you Ken O’Keefe for riding on the flotillas, thank you Spain and all the other nations that are declaring Palestine a state, thank you Iceland for having the stones to give the banks the finger and then jail the bankers thank you Matt Taibbi. Thank you all. Thank every awakening soul who speaks out in their communities. Thank you every state who goes up against the TSA.

If you want this bullshit to stop, do not fly on an airplane, ruin the airline companies. Don’t go to work and when you do, do it wrong. Don’t shop in their stores. Don’t watch their news. Don’t cooperate. Sit down and wait them out. Don’t pay taxes. Stop funding the killers. They cannot put you all in jail. They cannot put you all in jail but they are going to put as many of you in jail as they possibly can anyway. They are going to commit a colossal false flag very soon and then blame it on Pakistan and Iran. They believe in the superiority of their weapons and they want to destroy China and Russia now, while they still have their imagined edge. They are not going to stop, so stop them. It’s simple, turn your backs on them and cut off their financing. Stop what you are doing or the cosmos will stop you. I apologize for understating my case and not being passionate enough. I’ll try harder. I really will.

End Transmission.......

Japan Shows How to Defuse the Debt Time-bomb

[T]hreatening to default should not be a partisan issue. In view of all the hazards it entails, one wonders why any responsible person would even flirt with the idea.

- Alan S. Blinder, Princeton professor of economics, former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve

A game of Russian roulette is being played with the national debt ceiling. Fire the wrong chamber of the gun, and the result could be the second Great Depression.

The first Great Depression led to totalitarian dictatorships, war to consolidate power, and concentrations of capital in the hands of a financial elite. The trigger was a default on the global reserve currency, in that case the pound sterling. The U.S. dollar is now the global reserve currency. The concern is that default could create the same sort of global panic today. Dark visions are evoked of the President declaring a national emergency, FEMA plans locking into place, camps being readied for protesters, and the secret government taking over . . . .

This may all just be political theater, but do we really want to get close enough to the economic precipice to find out? The conservative ideologues toying with the debt ceiling are doing it to force cuts in the budget, a budget that was already approved by Congress. Congress is being held hostage by a radical minority pushing a risky agenda, one that is based on an economic model that is obsolete.

High-stakes Gambling

On May 16, the Wall Street Journal published an opinion piece titled “The Armaggedon Lobby,” which claimed that a “technical default” on the federal debt was just “political melodrama” and not really a big deal:

markets can figure out the difference between a genuine default when a country can’t pay its bills and a technical default of a few days if it serves the purpose of fixing America’s fiscal mess

Not so, said Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal in a May 20 interview on CNBC. "That's gambling. This is the United States. You're leading the whole world. You cannot play games with that."

It is not just that the government could be brought to a standstill, with a third of its bills now being paid by borrowing; or that interest rates would shoot up, forcing thousands of homeowners into foreclosure. Failure to pay on the national debt could trigger a default on the global reserve currency. As one commentator described what could go wrong:
[T]he consequences of a US default could spark yet another global financial crisis. The US could lose its triple-A rating, which could cause a sell-off in Treasury notes by institutional and foreign investors. This sell-off could lead to higher interest rates, and banks’ balance sheets might be decimated by the decline in their bond portfolios. Thus, global banking and financial market liquidity could dry up. Lending between institutions and people or businesses could possibly cease altogether or become cost prohibitive.

The sort of chaos that could ensue was seen when Great Britain reneged on its deal to redeem pound sterling banknotes in gold in 1931. The result was the worst global depression in history.

When the pound went off the gold standard, markets panicked. People rushed to exchange their paper money for gold, in any currencies in which that was still possible. The gold wound up hidden under mattresses and in safety deposit boxes, unspent; and the banks from which it was pulled, having no reserves to back their loans, quit lending or closed their doors. Credit froze; business ground to a halt.

As other countries ran short of gold, they too were forced to take their currencies off the gold standard. The last holdouts suffered the most, including the United States, which kept its gold window open until 1933.

The 19th century had been plagued by bank runs, caused by banks having too little gold to back their outstanding loans. The Federal Reserve was instituted in 1913 ostensibly to prevent those runs, but its levee did not hold back the run of the 1930s. In 1933, the country suffered a massive banking collapse, forcing President Roosevelt to declare a banking holiday and take the U.S. dollar, too, off the gold standard.

Freed from the Bankers’ “Cross of Gold”

The transition off the gold standard was a painful one; but according to Beardsley Ruml, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the country was the better for it. In a paper read before the American Bar Association in 1946, he said that going off the gold standard had finally allowed the country to be economically sovereign:

Final freedom from the domestic money market exists for every sovereign national state where there exists an institution which functions in the manner of a modern central bank, and whose currency is not convertible into gold or into some other commodity.

Freed from the strictures of gold, Roosevelt was able to jump-start the economy with deficit spending. As Marshall Auerback details, the next four years constituted the biggest cyclical boom in U.S. economic history. Real GDP grew at a 12% rate and nominal GDP grew at a 14% rate.

Then in 1937, Roosevelt listened to the deficit hawks of his day and slashed the deficit. The result was a surge in unemployment, and the economy slipped back into depression.

What lifted the country out of the doldrums was again deficit spending, liberally engaged in to fund World War II. In wartime, few people worry about the national debt. The debt grew to 120% of GDP – twice what it is today -- and wound up sustaining another very productive period in U.S. history, one that set the country up to lead the world in manufacturing for the next half century.

On Inflation and Taxes
Ruml said federal taxes were no longer needed to fund the budget, which could be financed by issuing bonds. The principal purpose of taxes, he said, was the maintenance of a dollar which has stable purchasing power over the years. Sometimes this purpose is stated as ‘the avoidance of inflation.’"

The government could spend as needed to meet its budget, drawing on credit issued by its own central bank. It could do this until price inflation indicated a weakened purchasing power of the currency. Then, and only then, would the money supply need to be contracted with taxes.

“The dollars the government spends become purchasing power in the hands of the people who have received them,” Ruml said. “The dollars the government takes by taxes cannot be spent by the people,” so the money supply can be contracted with taxes as needed.

When the economy is in a recession, however – as it is now -- the government needs to spend in order to get purchasing power into the hands of the people. Businesses cannot hire more workers until they have more customers demanding their products, and the customers won’t come until they have money to spend. The money (“demand”) must come first. Adding money will not drive up prices until the economy is at full employment. Before that, increasing “demand” will drive up “supply” by setting the engines of production in motion. When supply and demand rise together, prices remain stable.

We now know that a government can go quite far into debt without a dangerous level of price inflation occurring – much farther than the U.S. has gone today. Besides World War II, when U.S. debt was 120% of GDP, there is the remarkable example of Japan. Japan has retained its status as the world’s third largest economy, although it has a debt to GDP ratio of 226% -- and it is still fighting deflation.

Critics of the deflationary theory point to commodity prices, which are soaring today. But if those prices were due to the economy being awash with “too much money chasing too few goods,” real estate prices would be soaring too. Instead, the real estate market has collapsed. What has actually happened is that the housing bubble has transmuted into the commodity bubble, as “hot money” has fled from one to the other. The overall money supply is still in

The deficit hawks have been predicting for years that the federal debt would sink the dollar and the economy, and it hasn’t happened yet. In fact the federal debt has not been paid off since 1835, and no disaster has resulted. The debt has not only been carried on the government’s books but has continued to grow, and the economy has grown and flourished along with it.

This is not an economic anomaly. The economy has flourished because of the national debt. Nothing backs the currency today but “the full faith and credit of the United States.” Money is no longer a metal; it is an inflow and outflow,
credits and debits. The liabilities of the government are the assets of the private economy. The national debt is what backs the money supply.

Dealing with the Rising Cost of Debt Service
There is a potential time bomb in a growing federal debt, but it is one that can be defused. The debt has risen from $10 trillion to $14 trillion just since the banking crisis of 2008, not from “entitlements” but due to the Wall Street collapse and bailout. Just the interest on this growing debt could cripple the tax base if interest rates were at normal levels, so they have had to be pushed almost to zero. The result has been to create a dollar carry trade. This has facilitated speculation in commodities, a major cause of today’s commodity bubbles.

There is, however, a solution to this problem, and it was discovered by Japan. The government can spend, not by issuing bonds at interest to the public, but simply by creating an overdraft at the central bank, as Beardsley Ruml recommended. The Bank of Japan now holds an amount of public debt equal to the country’s GDP! As noted by the Center for Economic and Policy Research:

Interest on [Japanese] debt held by the central bank is refunded back to the treasury, leaving no net cost to the government on this debt. . . . Japan continues to experience deflation, in spite of the fact that its central bank holds an amount of debt that is roughly equal to its GDP. This would be equivalent to the Fed holding $15 trillion in debt.

Like the Bank of Japan, the Federal Reserve now returns the interest it receives to the government. With a rising interest tab on the federal debt no longer a problem, private interest rates could be allowed to rise to normal levels.

Today the Fed is not permitted to buy bonds directly from the Treasury but must go through middleman bond dealers. But that problem too could be fixed. In a supporting statement in 1947, Federal Reserve Chairman Marriner Eccles discussed a bill to eliminate the unnecessary cost of these middlemen. He said the Federal Reserve had been allowed to purchase securities directly from the government from its inception in 1914 until the Banking Act of 1935. Then:

A provision was inserted in that act requiring all purchases of government securities by Federal Reserve banks to be made in the open market, which means purchased chiefly from dealers in Government bonds. Those who inserted this proviso were motivated by the mistaken theory that it would help to prevent deficit financing. . . .

Nothing constructive would be accomplished by the proviso that the Reserve System must purchase Government securities exclusively in the open market. About all such a ban means is that in making such purchases a commission has to be paid to Government bond dealers.

The interest cost and the bond dealers’ cut could both be eliminated by allowing the Treasury to borrow directly from its own central bank, interest free.

Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself

We have been frightened into believing that government debt is a bad thing, but nearly all money today originates as debt. As Marriner Eccles observed in the 1930s, “That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.”

The public debt is the people’s money, and today the people are coming up short. Shrinking the public debt means shrinking more than just the services the government is expected to provide. It means shrinking the money supply itself, along with the ability to provide the jobs, wages and purchasing power necessary for a thriving economy.

Ellen Brown is an attorney and president of the Public Banking Institute, In Web of Debt, her latest of eleven books, she shows how the power to create money has been usurped from the people, and how we can get it back. Her websites are and

Ellen Brown is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
Global Research Articles by Ellen Brown

Exclusive 2-camera presentation
by Ellen Brown. In this lecture,
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economies can overcome the likes of
the IMF, World Bank and the
Federal Reserve.
Includes Qn'A session.
Approx. 90 minutes.

Today's 2 common fucking cents May 31

Today's 2 common fucking cents May 31

1 Mutilating unborn children with massive birth defects and heavy metal poisoning indiscriminately with depleted uranium is horrible, immoral and fucking psychotic. So stop using it, US, Israel, NATO.

2 There is no chosen race of god. Thus there is no chosen land for a race. Thus people saying otherwise are a "race" of bigots, liars, and idiots.

3 Senator Harry Reid should be impeached for Treason. (can I get an amen)

4 Dear congress, Netanyahu is not an American. And AIPAC is a FOREIGN agent with foreign interest and should be registered as such. Watching our government stand and clap for a terrorist is sickening.

5 Stuxnet was made in the USI with the purpose of causing a nuclear accident in Iran. As a result all plants with German made equipment for PLCs are in trouble including in Japan. Sure Japan's plants were not A-grade anyway but if the IAEA had been doing its actual job instead of re-inspecting Iran's non-nuclear plant they might have noticed this.

6 We did NOT go in to Libya for "Humanitarian" concerns.

by the way