Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Extreme Left: Talk Radio Host Claims Dick Cheney Was Responsible For 9/11

Imagine, if you will, a talk radio host spewing anger and hate. Now, was the host in your imagination a conservative? Well, that’s an unfair stereotype because, last Friday, Mike Malloy proved liberals can do it just as well as a hundred righties by going on a rant which culminated in him directing Liz Cheney to plan her father’s funeral. Hooray, equality! We’re all crazy!

Malloy was discussing the younger Cheney’s reactions to the infamous “absorb a terrorist attack” quote in Bob Woodward’s new book. Cheney had some harsh words for President Obama but Malloy had some harsher words for the woman’s father. Here’s a transcription from Newsbusters:

“Her father and her father’s puppet George at the very least allowed, at the very worst engineered the worst attack on this country since the War of 1812, and she has the audacity to make this kind of a statement. “Americans expect our President to do everything possible to defend the nation from attack.” Where was your father after he deliberately authorized a stand-down, on a day and a time when he knew there was going to be an effort made to attack this country? I don’t know why I give this psychopathic misdirected woman, you ought to be there planning your father’s funeral, Liz, because I’m sure all the nation’s bigwigs, especially the Republicans are going to fall all over themselves to worship in front of his coffin. That’s what you ought to be doing instead of making your filthy, insane, gratuitous statements about what the American people expects their president or an administration to do to protect us from terrorist attack. Shame on you, Liz Cheney. Go plan your father’s funeral. Just do that. Do at least one thing in your useless life that will have some meaning. Go plan his funeral.”

Ah, not only do we get Truther implications, but also the old “wishing death upon your enemy” chestnut, a political discourse stalwart right up there with comparing your opponent to Hitler and misusing the word “Socialist.” People spend so much time complaining about the politically slanted material going out on Fox News and MSNBC that they forget that much of the really fun stuff is over on talk radio, be it conservative or liberal.

And, of course, by “really fun stuff,” I mean “stuff that makes me glad I have such a large music library on my iPod.”

U.S. Military Pilots Speak at The National Press Club – UFO’s Deactivated Nukes

Captain Salas graduated from the Air Force Academy and spent seven years in active duty from 1964 to 1971. He also held positions at Martin Marietta and Rockwell and spent 21 years at the FAA.

Former Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Dwayne Arneson

The Left Right Paradigm is Over: Its You vs. Corporations

Every generation or so, a major secular shift takes place that shakes up the existing paradigm. It happens in industry, finance, literature, sports, manufacturing, technology, entertainment, travel, communication, etc.

I would like to discuss the paradigm shift that is occurring in politics.

For a long time, American politics has been defined by a Left/Right dynamic. It was Liberals versus Conservatives on a variety of issues. Pro-Life versus Pro-Choice, Tax Cuts vs. More Spending, Pro-War vs Peaceniks, Environmental Protections vs. Economic Growth, Pro-Union vs. Union-Free, Gay Marriage vs. Family Values, School Choice vs. Public Schools, Regulation vs. Free Markets.

The new dynamic, however, has moved past the old Left Right paradigm. We now live in an era defined by increasing Corporate influence and authority over the individual. These two “interest groups” – I can barely suppress snorting derisively over that phrase – have been on a headlong collision course for decades, which came to a head with the financial collapse and bailouts. Where there is massive concentrations of wealth and influence, there will be abuse of power. The Individual has been supplanted in the political process nearly entirely by corporate money, legislative influence, campaign contributions, even free speech rights.

This may not be a brilliant insight, but it is surely an overlooked one. It is now an Individual vs. Corporate debate – and the Humans are losing.


• Many of the regulations that govern energy and banking sector were written by Corporations;

• The biggest influence on legislative votes is often Corporate Lobbying;

• Corporate ability to extend copyright far beyond what original protections amounts to a taking of public works for private corporate usage;

• PAC and campaign finance by Corporations has supplanted individual donations to elections;

• The individuals’ right to seek redress in court has been under attack for decades, limiting their options.

• DRM and content protection undercuts the individual’s ability to use purchased content as they see fit;

• Patent protections are continually weakened. Deep pocketed corporations can usurp inventions almost at will;

• The Supreme Court has ruled that Corporations have Free Speech rights equivalent to people; (So much for original intent!)

None of these are Democrat/Republican conflicts, but rather, are corporate vs. individual issues.

For those of you who are stuck in the old Left/Right debate, you are missing the bigger picture. Consider this about the Bailouts: It was a right-winger who bailed out all of the big banks, Fannie Mae, and AIG in the first place; then his left winger successor continued to pour more money into the fire pit.

What difference did the Left/Right dynamic make? Almost none whatsoever.

How about government spending? The past two presidents are regarded as representative of the Left Right paradigm – yet they each spent excessively, sponsored unfunded tax cuts, plowed money into military adventures and ran enormous deficits. Does Left Right really make a difference when it comes to deficits and fiscal responsibility? (Apparently not).

What does it mean when we can no longer distinguish between the actions of the left and the right? If that dynamic no longer accurately distinguishes what occurs, why are so many of our policy debates framed in Left/Right terms?

In many ways, American society is increasingly less married to this dynamic: Party Affiliation continues to fall, approval of Congress is at record lows, and voter participation hovers at very low rates.

There is some pushback already taking place against the concentration of corporate power: Mainstream corporate media has been increasingly replaced with user created content – YouTube and Blogs are increasingly important to news consumers (especially younger users). Independent voters are an increasingly larger share of the US electorate. And I suspect that much of the pushback against the Elizabeth Warren’s concept of a Financial Consumer Protection Agency plays directly into this Corporate vs. Individual fight.

But the battle lines between the two groups have barely been drawn. I expect this fight will define American politics over the next decade.

Keynes vs Hayek? Friedman vs Krugman? Those are the wrong intellectual debates. Its you vs. Tony Hayward, BP CEO, You vs. Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs CEO. And you are losing . . .


This short commentary was conceived not to be an exhaustive research, but rather, to stimulate debate. There are many more examples and discussions we can have about this, and I hope readers do so in comments.

But my bottom line is this: If you see the world in terms of Left & Right, you really aren’t seeing the world at all . . .

Do you support the actions and behaviour of worldwide Jewry?

Thursday, 23 September 2010


Deal with it!
It is a historical fact that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain, if they would relinquish all their property in Germany and Occupied France; on condition that:
a) None of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; and b) All the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or British colonies, and there to remain; with entry visas to be arranged by the Jews living there; and
c) $1000.00 ransom for each family to be furnished by the Agency, payable upon the arrival of the family at the Spanish border at the rate of 1000 families daily.

The Jewish leaders in Switzerland and Turkey received this offer with the clear understanding that the exclusion of Palestine as a destination for the deportees was based on an agreement between the Gestapo and the Mufti.
The answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments:
a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees.
b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the war.
c) No ransom will be paid. This response to the Gestapo's offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was internment camps.
These Jew leaders betrayed their own flesh and blood. Zionism was never an option for Jewish salvation. Quite the opposite, it was a formula for human beings to be used as pawns for the power trip of several desperadoes. A betrayal beyond description.

In 1944, at the time of the Hungarian deportations, a similar offer was made, whereby all Hungarian Jewry could be saved. The same Jewish hierarchy again refused this offer.

The British government granted visas to 300 rabbis and their families to the Colony of Mauritius, with passage for the evacuees through Turkey. The "Jewish Agency" leaders sabotaged this plan with the observation that the plan was disloyal to Palestine, and the 300 rabbis and their families should be killed.

On December 17, 1942 both houses of the British Parliament declared its readiness to find temporary refuge for endangered persons. The British Parliament proposed to evacuate 500,000 Jews from Europe, and resettle them in British colonies, as a part of diplomatic negotiations with Germany. This motion received within two weeks a total of 277 Parliamentary signatures. On Jan. 27, when the next steps were being pursued by over 100 M.P.'s and Lords, a Jewish spokesman announced that the Jews would oppose the motion because Palestine was omitted.

On Feb. 16, 1943 Romania offered 70,000 Jewish refugees of the Trans-Dniestria the option to leave at the cost of $50 each. This was publicized in the New York papers. Yitzhak Greenbaum, Chairman of the Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency, addressing the Zionist Executive Council in Tel Aviv Feb. 18 1943 said:
"When they asked me, "couldn't you give money out of the United Jewish Appeal funds for the rescue of Jews in Europe, I said NO! and I say again, NO!...one should resist this wave which pushes the Zionist activities to secondary importance."

On Feb. 24, 1943 Stephen Wise, President of the American Jewish Congress and leader of the American Zionists issued a public refusal to this offer and declared no collection of funds would seem justified. In 1944, the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People called upon the American government to establish a War Refugee Board. Stephen Wise testifying before a special committee of Congress objected to this proposal.

During the course of the negotiations mentioned above, Chaim Weizman, the first "Jewish statesman" stated:
"The most valuable part of the Jewish nation is already in Palestine, and those Jews living outside Palestine are not too important".
Weizman's cohort, Greenbaum, amplified this statement with the observation:
"One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe".
And then, these Jewish "statesmen" lured the refugees into the camps to remain in hunger and deprivation, and refused relocation to any place but Palestine.

In 1947 Congressman William Stration sponsored a bill to immediately grant entry to the United States of 400,000 displaced persons. The bill was not passed after it was publicly denounced by the Jewish leadership.

How can it be explained that at a time during the last phase of the war, when the Nazis were willing to barter Jews for money, partly because of their desires to establish contact with the Western powers which, they believed, were under Jewish influence, how was it possible that the self-proclaimed "Jewish leaders" did not move heaven and earth to save the last remnant of their brothers?

On Feb. 23, 1956 the Hon. J. W. Pickersgill, Minister for Immigration was asked in the Canadian House of Commons :
"Would he open the doors of Canada to Jewish refugees". He replied "the government has made no progress in that direction because the government of Israel....does not wish us to do so".
In 1972, the Jewish leadership successfully opposed an effort in the United States Congress to allow 20,000-30,000 Russian refugees to enter the United States. Jewish relief organizations, Joint and HIAS, were being pressured to abandon these refugees in Vienna, Rome and other Europiean cities.
The pattern is clear!!! Humanitarian rescue efforts are subverted to narrow Jewish interests.

There were many more shocking crimes committed by these abject degenerates known as "Jewish statesmen". Ultimately, the Jewish responsibility for their "Holocaust" is twofold.

1. Jewish leaders openly withheld support, both financially and otherwise, to save their fellow tribes people.
2. The leaders of the Zionist movement cooperated with Hitler and his cohorts on many occasions and in many ways.

Jews Offered a Military Alliance with Hitler
The leaders of the Jewish Zionist movement sat back and ignored the plight of their brothers and sisters. Not only did they publicly refuse to assist in their rescue, but they actively participated with Hitler and the Nazi regime. Early in 1935, a passenger ship bound for Haifa in Palestine left the German port of Bremerhaven. Its stern bore the Hebrew letter for its name, "Tel Aviv", while a swastika banner fluttered from the mast. And although the ship was Jewish owned, its captain was a National Socialist Party (Nazi) member. Many years later a traveller aboard the ship recalled this symbolic combination as a "metaphysical absurdity".

Absurd or not, this is but one vignette from a little-known chapter of history: The wide ranging collaboration between Jews and Hitler's Third Reich. In early January 1941 a small but important Jewish organization submitted a formal proposal to German diplomats in Beirut for a military-political alliance with wartime Germany. The offer was made by the radical underground "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel", better known as the Lehi or Stern Gang. Its leader, Avraham Stern, had recently broken with the radical nationalist "National Military Organization" (Irgun Zvai Leumi - Etzel) over the group's attitude toward Britain, which had effectively banned further Jewish settlement of Palestine. Stern regarded Britain as the main enemy of Zionism.
This remarkable proposal "for the solution of the Jewish question in Europe and the active participation on the NMO [Lehi] in the war on the side of Germany" is worth quoting at some length:
"The NMO which is very familiar with the goodwill of the German Reich government and its officials towards Zionist activities within Germany and the Zionist emigration program takes the view that:
1. Common interests can exist between a European New Order based on the German concept and the true national aspirations of the Jewish people as embodied by the NMO.
2. Cooperation is possible between the New Germany and a renewed, folkish-national Jewry.
3. The establishment of the Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, and bound by treaty, with the German Reich, would be in the interest of maintaining and strengthening the future German position of power in the Near East.
On the basis of these considerations, and upon the condition that the German Reich government recognize the national aspirations of the Israel Freedom Movement mentioned above, the NMO in Palestine offers to actively take part in the war on the side of Germany.
This offer by the NMO could include military, political and informational activity within Palestine and, after certain organizational measures, outside as well. Along with this the "Jewish" men of Europe would be militarily trained and organized in military units under the leadership and command of the NMO. They would take part in combat operations for the purpose of conquering Palestine, should such a front be formed".

Truth will set the US free: breaking Israel’s stranglehold over American foreign policy

Maidhc Ó Cathail argues that it is vital for the American public to understand that unconditional support for Israel is doing incalculable damage to the US national interest and that, to steer US policy back so that it serves the American people, it is crucial to break the Israel lobby’s stranglehold over policy-making and the media.

If Israel’s stranglehold over US foreign policy is to be broken, Americans will need to be informed about the harm that Washington’s unconditional support for the Jewish state is doing to American interests, say leading analysts of US-Israeli relations.

According to John J. Mearsheimer, co-author of The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, “The only plausible way to weaken the lobby’s influence on US foreign policy is for prominent policymakers and opinion-makers to speak openly about the damage the special relationship is doing to the American national interest.”

“Plenty of people in the United States, especially inside the Beltway, know that Israel is an albatross around America’s neck,” says Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. “But they are afraid to stand up and say that for fear that the lobby will attack them and damage their careers.”

“Hopefully, some of them will develop a backbone,” he adds.

“The American people must learn that Israel is and always has been a strategic liability that has done immense damage to the United States and its worldwide interests.”

Philip Giraldi, former CIA officer

Philip Giraldi, executive director of the Council for the National Interest, believes that Tel Aviv’s stranglehold over Washington can be broken “only by directly challenging the power of the Israel lobby and the false narrative about how it is of value to the United States”.

Giraldi, a contributing editor to The American Conservative, says that “it must be done from the bottom up as Israel cannot be challenged in the mainstream media, Congress and in the White House”.

“The American people must learn that Israel is and always has been a strategic liability that has done immense damage to the United States and its worldwide interests,” concludes the former CIA officer.

If there is to be an end to Israel’s decades-long “sway over Congress and intimidating presidents”, says Jeffrey Blankfort, a prominent Jewish American critic of Israel and its American lobby, “it will require appeals and actions beginning on a local level that inform the American people not so much about what Israel has done to the Palestinians but what its unregistered agents in the US, euphemistically described as ‘lobbyists,’ have done to destroy what little is left of American democracy and the attendant costs in flesh and blood, as well as its tax dollars”.

A long-time pro-Palestinian activist noted for his trenchant critique of Noam Chomsky, Blankfort attributes the failure of such efforts to get off the ground to “the continued unwillingness of the leading figures of the Palestinian solidarity movement in the US to acknowledge the invidious power of the Zionist lobby”, who, following Chomsky’s anti-imperialist analysis, prefer to “place the primary responsibility for Israel’s crimes and US Middle East policies at Washington’s doorstep”.

“So the first steps,” Blankfort suggests, “may be to publicly challenge these figures while at the same time moving past them and addressing the American people directly.”

No American president will ever have enough latitude to resolve the conflict in Palestine “unless and until enough Americans are informed enough to make their democracy work”, according to Alan Hart, former Middle East chief correspondent for Britain’s Independent Television News.

“We will know that accountability is underway when we see federal grand juries convened to consider charges against Israel’s agents, assets and sayanim (volunteers).”

Jeff Gates, former counsel to the US Senate Committee on Finance

“In other words,” explains Hart, who was also a BBC Panorama presenter specializing in the Middle East, “if President Obama or any of his successors is ever going to be free to confront and defeat the Zionist lobby’s stooges in Congress and the mainstream media, there has got to be created a constituency of understanding about why it is not in America’s own best interests to go on supporting Zionism’s monster child right or wrong.”

The essence of the problem, Hart argues in the three-volume American edition of his book, Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, is that “Americans have been conditioned, brainwashed, to believe a version of history, Zionism’s version, which is a pack of propaganda lies”.

Jeff Gates, former counsel to the US Senate Committee on Finance, believes that “transparency, accountability and better design” are required to break Israel’s hold on American foreign policy.

“At present, the American public is ignorant of Israel’s all-pervasive influence. Its control includes the media-enabled deployment of fixed intelligence to induce this nation to war for Greater Israel,” says Gates, author of Guilt By Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War.

“We will know that accountability is underway when we see federal grand juries convened to consider charges against Israel’s agents, assets and sayanim (volunteers). When a jury brings in the first verdict for treason, Americans will know that the rule of law is being restored. We will know that a solution is within sight when the many appendages of its lobby are required to register as foreign agents.”

Reaping terror’s reward: get in there first – that’s the secret

Stuart Littlewood looks at how modern terrorism was in fact pioneered by the Zionists and how Israeli and the US behaviours fit the US definition of terrorism like a glove.

If it wasn’t for the “war on terror” America and Israel wouldn’t be enjoying such military fun and games and reaping such fat rewards. Whole new industries are flourishing thanks to the considerable effort they’ve devoted to sowing the seeds of terror.

The Institute of Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR), for example, is an American-Israeli corporation "created to help organizations succeed and prosper in a world threatened by terrorism”.

Its partners include The Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute – "your gateway to business in Israel". Their global intelligence division even maintains a presence in London where, they claim, "our intelligence-gathering and analysis, research, training and consulting services reduce your vulnerability to global and regional forms of terrorist threats and mass-casualty events". It’s just a coincidence, of course, that Britain's most important security bodies – the Intelligence and Security Committee, the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Defence Committee – are all headed by senior Israel flag-wavers with access to highly classified material.

ITRR recently staged a Mass Casualty and Terrorism Workshop in Jerusalem attended by students from Philadelphia University. Topics included mass casualty management, security and counter-terrorism, forensic medicine as it relates to terrorism and visits to suicide bomber sites. "These site visits include actual video footage of the events... One student was amazed with the resiliency of the Israeli people and how quickly they are able to return a site 'back to normal'."

Just across the border in Gaza is the mother of all mass-casualty sites far more serious than anything Israel has had to cope with, although it caused it. A visit there would have opened students’ eyes to how the Palestinians are never given the chance to return to 'normal' after Israel’s endless terror onslaughts, robbed as they are of medical essentials and reconstruction materials.

I bet ITRR’s workshop didn’t cover that.

“First used by Zionists”

The other day I was sent a list of Zionist “firsts” pulled together in a handy aide-memoire. Let's call them claims for the time being. I’ve seen evidence for some, but others are new to me. A friend who watches things closely says the listing has been posted in forums repeatedly, with requests for any corrections.

Let's ask again. Can anyone refute these claims on delphiforums?

Here's the roll-call on who introduced terrorism (along with biological, chemical and nuclear weapons) to the Middle East:

  • Bombs in cafés: first used by Zionists in Palestine on 17 March 1937 in Jaffa. (actually grenades).
  • Bombs on buses: first used by Zionists in Palestine on 20 August-26 September1937
  • Drive-by shootings with automatic weapons: IZL and LHI in 1937-38 and 1947-48 (Morris, Righteous Victims, p681.)
  • Bombs in market places: first used by Zionists on 6 July 1938 in Haifa. (delayed-action, electrically detonated)
  • Bombing of a passenger ship: first used by the Zionists in Haifa on 25 November 1940, killing over 200 of their own fellows.
  • Bombing of hotels: first used by Zionists on 22 July 1946 in Jerusalem (Menachem Begin went on to become prime minister of Israel).
  • Suitcase bombing: first used by Zionists on 1 October 1946 against British embassy in Rome.
  • Mining of ambulances: first used by Zionists on 31 October 1946 in Petah Tikvah
  • Car-bomb: first used by Zionists against the British near Jaffa on 5 December 1946.
  • Letter bombs: first used by Zionists in June 1947 against members of the British government, 20 of them.
  • Parcel bomb: first used by Zionists against the British in London on 3 September 1947.
  • Reprisal murder of hostages: first used by Zionists against the British in Netanya area on 29 July 1947.
  • Truck-bombs: first used by Zionists on January 1948 in the centre of Jaffa, killing 26.
  • Aircraft hijacking: world-first by Israeli jets December 1954 on a Syrian civilian airliner (random seizure of hostages to recover five spies) – 14 years before any Palestinian hijacking.

The only form of violent terrorism not introduced into Palestine by the Zionists was suicide bombing, a tactic used almost entirely by people fighting occupation of their "homeland" – think 1000s of Japanese in 1945, 100s of Tamils and 38 Lebanese in the 1980s – most of the latter being motivated by socialism/communism, not Islam - see http://amconmag.com/article/2005/jul/18/00017.

  • Biological warfare – pathogens used by Zionists in 1948, prior to the seizure of Acre, putting typhus into the water supply.
  • Chemical warfare – nerve gas very likely used by Zionists in February/March 2001 in at least eight attacks in Khan Younis and Gharbi refugee camps (Gaza) and the town of Al-Bireh (West Bank).
  • Nuclear threats – made by Zionists e.g. 2003: "We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen, before Israel goes under." – Remarks of Martin Van Creveld, a professor of military history at Israel’s Hebrew University, 1 February 2003.

And, if you think only Muslims need worry, then see http://www.masada2000.org/sharepain.html – "Israel has nuclear weapons and MUST use them and all those arming the Arabs must share the pain!". Comes with cute music.

To these we could add “sofa slaughter” with armed drones. The Israelis use this armchair technique extensively in Gaza, unleashing death and destruction on civilians by remote control at no personal risk to themselves. There are interesting variations too. For example, during the 40-day siege of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in 2002 the Israeli occupation force set up cranes on which were mounted robotic machine guns under video control. According to eye-witnesses, eight defenders, including the bell-ringer, were murdered, some by armchair button-pushers and some by regular snipers.

Right now we’re witnessing a cyber-terror attack against Iran with an ultra-sophisticated virus that disables thousands of industrial computers, including those controlling Iran’s nuclear programme. This is an extremely sinister development with frightening global implications. The presumption is that it’s Zionist inspired and implemented by Israeli stooges and sympathizers since no-one else hates and fears the Iranians this much, but the truth may never be known.

Banned horror weapons spread terror

There's also the use, suspected or real, of prohibited weapons. In July 2006 doctors in Lebanon and Gaza were saying: “We never saw before wounds and corpses like those that arrive in the ward...” The majority of victims were women, children and elders caught in Israeli attacks in the street, in the market place and at home.

What they saw led doctors to believe that a new generation of weapons was being used. Common to all victims was the lack of visible wounds, but they had serious internal edema and hemorrhage with loss of blood from all orifices. All the bodies had a covering of dark powder, making them look black, but they were not burnt. Clothes and hair were not damaged or burnt.

Electron microscope scans showed the presence of phosphorous, iron and magnesium at below normally detectable levels. Elements that are used as additives to boost the blast of thermobaric (fuel-air energy) bombs and grenades were found on skin samples, but none of these could be seen by instruments normally used in hospitals and emergency wards.

Thermobaric weapons leave no fragments on or in the victims' bodies, making it all the more difficult to provide proper care for the injured. “This fact already puts them outside established conventions of war, regardless of whether they are used against military or civilians,” say the doctors.

The effect of a thermobaric shell or grenade, according to the GlobalSecurity website, is devastating. “Those near the ignition point are obliterated. Those at the fringe are likely to suffer many internal, and thus invisible injuries, including burst eardrums and crushed inner ear organs, severe concussions, ruptured lungs and internal organs, and possibly blindness. The destruction, death and injury are caused by the blast wave.”

Another report, published by Defense Technology, says: “Each tissue type ... is compressed, stretched, sheared or disintegrated by overload according to its material properties. Internal organs that contain air (sinuses, ears, lungs and intestines) are particularly vulnerable to blast.”

The United States uses 40mm thermobaric grenades developed for the war against “terror” in Afghanistan. These little beauties produce a thermobaric overpressure blast and “all enemy personnel within the effective radius will suffer lethal effects as opposed to the conventional fragmentation round.”

The grenades are fired from a specially developed weapon. “You can put six rounds on target in under three seconds,” one Marine Corps corporal said. “I thought this thing was sick.”

America is reported to have lost nuclear bombs, so it shouldn’t be too difficult for them to mislay shipments of thermobaric grenades, which in the wrong hands would wreak havoc in the metro or London’s Underground.

Hoist by their own petard

A perfectly good form of words is used to brand, outlaw and crush any organization, individual or country the US doesn’t like.

Under Executive Order 13224 ("Blocking Property and prohibiting Transactions with Persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support Terrorism"), Section 3, the term “terrorism” means an activity that:

(i) involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life, property, or infrastructure; and (ii) appears to be intended
(a) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(b) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(c) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, kidnapping or hostage-taking.”

The order was signed 23 September 2001 by George W. Bush, the irony being that his definition of terrorism fits the United States and its bosom-buddy Israel like a glove.

Since then, of course, we’ve seen the Zionists commit the foulest act of state terrorism in recent times. During their Cast Lead onslaught they butchered at least 350 more children, and Gaza has been under daily attack ever since. So the "most moral army in the world" must have blown to bits, shredded, incinerated or smashed with snipers’ bullets at least 1,400 Palestinian youngsters in the last 10 years. The numbers left maimed or crippled don't bear thinking about.

And let's not forget the assassinations and extra-judicial executions. In the US there’s a presidential prohibition on assassination except in war situations, but if they can conjure up an intelligence “finding” that enables them to label the target a “terrorist”, and claim the murder was an act of self-defence in a war situation, they're in the clear.

Assassination became official Israeli policy in 1999. Their preferred method is the air-strike, which is lazy and often messy, as demonstrated in 2002 when Israeli F-16 warplanes bombed the house of Sheikh Salah Shehadeh, the military commander of Hamas, in Gaza City killing not just him but at least 11 other Palestinians, including seven children, and wounding 120 others.

According to the Israeli human rights organisation B'Tselem, 408 Palestinians have been killed in the course of targeted assassinations since the second Intifada (uprising) began in 2000. This systematic extermination is regarded as legal and legitimate by Israel's attorney-general.

In a sane world you’d expect the American and Israeli administrations to be hoist by their own petard, branded as “persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support terrorism”, and punished in the same way they seek to punish others.

Islam4UK Exposed As British Intelligence Front

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The United Nations, A One World Government

The idea of a one world government has always been one that the elites have patiently worked towards. The forerunner towards their dream of a world government, was called the League of Nations. The League of Nations was established in the year 1919 under the treaty of Versailles to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security for the world. Many felt this was important since the world had just experienced its first world war. The League of nations gave way to the modern day United Nations.

On January 1, 1942 President Franklin D. Roosevelt, finding the world at war once again, proposed a stronger joint effort to control the world. There were 26 nations represented and together they pledged their governments would fight together against the Axis Powers that had been making war across Europe. It wasnt until 1945 that fifty representatives of the worlds countries came together in San Francisco Ca. and signed a charter that was to became the United Nations. Riding on the coattails of the second world war, they again pledged to promote international cooperation and to work together to achieve peace and security for the world. The UN Charter officially came into existence on Oct 24, 1945 when it was signed by China, France, The Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom.

The UN Charter reads as follows:

We the peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in large freedom, and for these ends to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security and to ensure by the acceptance of principle and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims accordingly, our respective governments through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nation

Out of this simple charter we now have an organization consisting of 192 member states whose budget for 2009 was 4.171 billion dollars, payed by its member states and private contributions. The UN is made up of six principle agencies that are used to control the way our world is run. The General Assembly is the main deliberative assembly. All 192 representative discuss and vote on all actions required to run the UN. The second agency is the Security Council. This is the only arm of the UN whose decisions are binding on its own. This is the arm of the UN that decides certain resolutions for peace and security for the world.

Next we have the Economic and Social Council. This agency promotes international, economic, and social cooperation and development for the world. The working arm of the UN is called the Secretariat. It provides all studies, information and facilities needed by the UN to help resolve international disputes, and administering all peace keeping operations. The UN also has a International Court of Justice which is the UNs primary judicial agency. The last major agency is the United Nations trusteeship council but as of right now its currently inactive. There are many smaller agencies that are extensions of the six major agencies. For example there is the world health organization (who),the world food program (WFP), or the united nations childrens fund (UNICEF).What started out as a small group of countries gathering to maintain peace in the world has grown to a super power that now decides how the worlds population shall live their lives regardless of a countries sovereignty.

There are thirteen major points of world control that the UN and the Illuminati share:

  1. A World Wide Currency
  2. A Universal Language
  3. Total security control of the World ( wold monitoring)
  4. Complete and continuous social assistance (minimum income, full time Job, gratuitous education
  5. based on testing, public health care)
  6. Decrease in concentrations of the income and power of the state (decrease of states total power control,
  7. total power control to world government instead)
  8. Absolute equality of the population: same social status for all,removal of ethnic background and customs
  9. International Justice
  10. Control of the worlds use of sanitation per health regulation
  11. Control of the worlds population through family planning and laws with restrictions
  12. Control of the worlds food supply
  13. Control of society through the press to help foster individual opinions leading to unrestricted freedom of opinion
  14. and thought, control of religion
  15. Total moralization of the worlds population by ending begging, prostitution, and gambling
  16. The creation of global law, police, and army to create the new order

The United Nations has become the defacto government that most of our worlds nations look to as the worlds leader. They are relied on heavily to take care of the worlds poor, to feed, to educate, and to take charge when a country is in trouble. The United Nations as a whole is just a few steps away from taking total charge of this world and its leadership.

The problem is the United Nations is nothing less than a eugenics operation. They claim to take care of the poor yet sterilize them on a regular basis. They claim to feed the third world yet they continually work in tandem with Monsanto to bring poisonous GMOS to these third world countries. They claim to educate our youth yet they openly teach our children that their parents are stupid people and should be told on whenever possible.

Fast Money, Big Bust - Iceland

Click this link ..... http://revolutionarypolitics.tv/video/viewVideo.php?video_id=12710&title=fast-money--big-bust---iceland

Shill Out of Town Reporters Brought to Gulf With BP Money

The Intel Hub – This is absolutely disgusting. BP is paying major out of town writers to come down to the Gulf and lie to the American people. Hundreds if not thousands of American citizens are sick from the toxic dispersant that has continually been sprayed throughout the Gulf of Mexico. No matter how hard BP trys, this disaster will continue to poison the gulf for years to come.

Travel writers visiting beaches on BP dime

Louis Cooper

What does it take to get a half dozen travel writers to Navarre Beach?

This weekend, it took a check from BP and a white stretch limousine.

Six travel writers — chauffeured around in a limo — are on Navarre Beach this weekend to get the word out that this summer’s BP oil spill is over, and the beach, along with the rest of Santa Rosa County, is open for tourism.

Using money from BP, the Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Council hosted a familiarization — or “fam” — tour for select out-of-town reporters, showing them the pristine beaches and other assets of the county….

Ron Stern, editor of www.JustSayGo.com based in Colorado, said he will tell his readers that the oil hype has been overblown.”What the national media has been saying is totally untrue, for the most part, and blown totally out of proportion,” Stern said

Read Entire Article

European Central Banks Halt Gold Sales

Europe’s central banks have all but halted sales of their gold reserves, ending a run of large disposals each year for more than a decade.

The central banks of the euro zone plus Sweden and Switzerland are bound by the Central Bank Gold Agreement, which caps their collective sales.

In the CBGA’s year to September, which expired on Sunday, the signatories sold 6.2 tons, down 96 per cent, according to provisional data.

The sales are the lowest since the agreement was signed in 1999 and well below the peak of 497 tons in 2004-05.

The shift away from gold selling comes as European central banks reassess gold amid the financial crisis and Europe’s sovereign debt crisis.

In the 1990s and 2000s, central banks swapped their non- yielding bullion for sovereign debt, which gives a steady annual return. But now, central banks and investors are seeking the security of gold.

The lack of heavy selling is important for gold prices [XAU=X 1296.8 1.20 (+0.09%) ] both because a significant source of supply has been withdrawn from the market, and because it has given psychological support to the gold price. On Friday, bullion hit a record of $1,300 an ounce.

“Clearly now it’s a different world; the mentality is completely different,” said Jonathan Spall, director of precious metals sales at Barclays Capital.

European central banks are unlikely to sell much more gold in the new CBGA year, according to a survey by the Financial Times.

Although many central banks declined to detail their sales plans, the responses of some, along with numerous interviews with bankers and consultants, suggest it is unlikely there will be a return to the trend of the past decade, when CBGA signatories sold on average 388 tons a year.

The central banks of Sweden, Slovakia, Ireland and Slovenia said they had no plans to sell, while Switzerland reiterated a previous statement to the same effect.

The CBGA was first signed after gold miners protested that central banks’ rush to sell was depressing prices.

In previous years signatories haggled for individual allowances to sell under the CBGA, but the most recent renewal of the agreement in 2009 contained no such quotas, according to Darko Bohnec, vice governor of Slovenia’s central bank.

Obama Small Business Lending Bill Headed To Congress

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has sent Congress a proposal to create a $30 billion support program to unfreeze credit for the nation's small businesses.

The $30 billion fund would provide support to small and medium-sized banks with assets under $10 billion to encourage them to increase lending to small businesses.

Obama outlined the effort in his State of the Union address in January. Initially the administration planned to obtain the resources by tapping leftover funds in the financial bailout program. Officials said Friday that the new effort has no links to the unpopular Troubled Assets Relief Program.

In remarks to reporters at the White House, Obama says that the program had been expanded to include a new state small business credit that would support efforts by state governments to provide loans to small businesses.

"This state initiative, which was designed with the help of governors and members of both the House and the Senate, will help expand lending for small businesses and manufacturers at a time when budget shortfalls are leading states to cut back on vitally important lending programs," Obama said.

An administration official said many states have their own programs to support loans to small businesses but these programs have faced cutbacks because of severe budget shortfalls in many states because of the recession.

This official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly, said the administration expects that Rep. Nydia M. Velazquez, head of the House Small Business Committee, and Sen. Mary Landrieu, head of the Senate Small Business Committee, would add their own proposals to the legislation as it moves through Congress.

"Getting capital to small business is going to be critical to sustaining our recovery and continued job growth," Velazquez, D-N.Y., said in a statement. "The committee will work to ensure that whatever Congress moves forward accomplishes that goal."

The administration has faced growing pressure to increase government help for small businesses. Lawmakers in both parties have complained that while the government created a $700 billion bailout fund that provided help to big financial institutions and two auto companies, small businesses have struggled to get the financing they need to keep operating.

Many banks have tightened lending standards in the face of record home mortgage foreclosures and now serious problems in commercial real estate.

The administration's new initiative to support state lending seeks to merge ideas that were suggested from various sources, including recommendations made in a letter from 28 governors endorsing the use of loan guarantees for small businesses.

The administration proposal also would provide support for a program currently being used in more than 20 states that gives capital assistance to banks providing loans to small businesses, an idea being pushed by Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

In addition, the administration's effort incorporates elements of a small business lending program that has been successful in Michigan. The Michigan program provides support to businesses that have seen the value of the collateral they have put up to obtain bank loans shrink during the recession.

Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and members of the Michigan congressional delegation including Reps. Sander Levin and Gary Peters worked with the administration on this approach as did Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio.

Dangerous Crossroads: US War Games in Asia Target China, Russia and North Korea

"The purpose of these military drills launched by the US is to target multiple countries including China, Russia and North Korea and to build up strategic ties with its allied countries like Japan and South Korea."

China and other members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) wrapped up their largest ever anti-terrorism military drill Monday in Kazakhstan, the China News Service (CNS) reported.

More than 5,000 air force and army soldiers from five SCO member states, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, participated in the 16-day military drill dubbed "Peace Mission 2010."

The most advanced aircraft manufactured in China, the J-10 fighter jets, flew directly to a foreign country to engage in a military mission for the first time and some of China's top military equipment were also included in the exercise.

"The strategy behind the SCO anti-terror military drill is to unite countries in Central Asia and help them crack down on extremists who conduct terrorist activities through international organizations that may pose a threat to the safety of a legitimate government," Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo, a senior researcher at the Chinese Navy's Equipment Research Center, told the Global Times Monday.

The "Peace Mission 2010" was just one of several military drills that China participated in this year.

The East China Sea Fleet of the Chinese People's Liberation Army carried out military exercises with live ammunition in the East China Sea late June and air defense forces in East China's Shandong Province conducted firing practices in early August, reports said.

The US and some of China's neighboring countries are also conducting joint military exercises this year.

Soon after the US and South Korea staged a joint military drill in the Yellow Sea in July, the US and India are expected to hold an exercise this week at a US military base in Okinawa, Japan. The two countries are also discussing a transport aircraft deal worth $3.5 billion, Indian media reports said.

"A series of military drills initiated by the US and China's neighboring countries showed that the US wants to increase its military presence in Asia," said Yin.

"The purpose of these military drills launched by the US is to target multiple countries including China, Russia and North Korea and to build up strategic ties with its allied countries like Japan and South Korea," Yin added.

Song Xiaojun, a Beijing-based military expert, told the Global Times Monday that the US is trying to build a disturbing circle around China's coastal areas through military and diplomatic measures.

"China and the US are gaming over the security environment in Asia Pacific region and it is still unknown if the disturbing circle will be built in the end or China will turn the circle into a cooperative one by developing economic ties with neighboring countries," said Song.

Despite concentrated disputes over territorial sovereignty in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, China is also taking steps to improve bilateral trust with neighboring and western countries.

An Australian escort vessel and a Chinese frigate held a search and rescue exercise Thursday in the Yellow Sea. The drill, which includes the firing of weapons, was described as China's first live exercise with a Western country, Singapore-based Lianhe Zaobao said.

Global Research Articles by Fu Wen

Gold is the final refuge against universal currency debasement

States accounting for two-thirds of the global economy are either holding down their exchange rates by direct intervention or steering currencies lower in an attempt to shift problems on to somebody else, each with their own plausible justification. Nothing like this has been seen since the 1930s.

“We live in an amazing world. Everybody has big budget deficits and big easy money but somehow the world as a whole cannot fully employ itself,” said former Fed chair Paul Volcker in Chris Whalen’s new book Inflated: How Money and Debt Built the American Dream.

“It is a serious question. We are no longer talking about a single country having a big depression but the entire world.”

The US and Britain are debasing coinage to alleviate the pain of debt-busts, and to revive their export industries: China is debasing to off-load its manufacturing overcapacity on to the rest of the world, though it has a trade surplus with the US of $20bn (£12.6bn) a month.

Premier Wen Jiabao confesses that China’s ability to maintain social order depends on a suppressed currency. A 20pc revaluation would be unbearable. “I can’t imagine how many Chinese factories will go bankrupt, how many Chinese workers will lose their jobs,” he said.

Plead he might, but tempers in Washington are rising. Congress will vote next week on the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act, intended to make it much harder for the Commerce Department to avoid imposing “remedial tariffs” on Chinese goods deemed to be receiving “benefit” from an unduly weak currency.

Japan has intervened to stop the strong yen tipping the country into a deflation death spiral, though it too has a trade surplus. There is suspicion in Tokyo that Beijing’s record purchase of Japanese debt in June, July, and August was not entirely friendly, intended to secure yuan-yen advantage and perhaps to damage Japan’s industry at a time of escalating strategic tensions in the Pacific region.

Brazil dived into the markets on Friday to weaken the real. The Swiss have been doing it for months, accumulating reserves equal to 40pc of GDP in a forlorn attempt to stem capital flight from Euroland. Like the Chinese and Japanese, they too are battling to stop the rest of the world taking away their structural surplus.

The exception is Germany, which protects its surplus ($179bn, or 5.2pc of GDP) by means of an undervalued exchange rate within EMU. The global game of pass the unemployment parcel has to end somewhere. It ends in Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, parts of Eastern Europe, and will end in France and Italy too, at least until their democracies object.

It is no mystery why so many states around the world are trying to steal a march on others by debasement, or to stop debasers stealing a march on them. The three pillars of global demand at the height of the credit bubble in 2007 were – by deficits – the US ($793bn), Spain ($126bn), UK ($87bn). These have shrunk to $431bn, $75bn, and $33bn respectively as we sinners tighten our belts in the aftermath of debt bubbles.. The Brazils and Indias of the world are replacing some of this half trillion lost juice, but not all.

East Asia’s surplus states seem structurally incapable of compensating for austerity in the West, whether because of the Confucian saving ethic, or the habits of mercantilist practice, or in China’s case by the lack of a welfare net. Their export models rely on the willingness of Anglo-PIGS to bankrupt themselves.

So we have an early 1930s world where surplus states are hoarding money, instead of recycling it. A solution of sorts in the Great Depression was for each deficit country to devalue, breaking out of the trap (then enforced by the Gold Standard). This turned the deflation tables on the surplus powers – France and the US from 1929-1931 – forcing them to reflate as well (the US in 1933) or collapse (France in 1936). Contrary to myth, beggar-thy-neighbour policy was the global cure.

A variant of this may now occur. If China continues to hold down its currency, the country will import excess US liquidity, overheat, and lose wage competitiveness. This is the default cure if all else fails, and I believe it is well under way.

The latest Fed minutes are remarkable. They add a new doctrine, that a fresh monetary blitz – or QE2 – will be used to stop inflation falling much below 1.5pc. Surely the Fed has not become so reckless that it really aims to use emergency measures to create inflation, rather preventing deflation? This must be a cover-story. Ben Bernanke’s real purpose – as he aired in his November 2002 speech on deflation – is to weaken the dollar.

If so, he has succeeded. The Swiss franc smashed through parity last week as investors digested the message. But the swissie is an over-rated refuge. The franc cannot go much further without destabilizing Switzerland itself.

Gold has no such limits. It hit $1300 an ounce last week, still well shy of the $2,200-2,400 range reached in the late Medieval era of the 14th and 15th Centuries.

This is not to say that gold has any particular "intrinsic value"’. It is subject to supply and demand like everything else. It crashed after the gold discoveries of Spain’s Conquistadores in the New World, and slid further after finds in Australia and South Africa. It ultimately lost 90pc of its value – hitting rock-bottom a decade ago when central banks succumbed to fiat hubris and began to sell their bullion. Gold hit a millennium-low on the day that Gordon Brown auctioned the first tranche of Britain’s gold. It has risen five-fold since then.

We have a new world order where China and India are buying gold on every dip, where the West faces an ageing crisis, and where the sovereign states of the US, Japan, and most of Western Europe have public debt trajectories near or beyond the point of no return.

The managers of all four reserve currencies are playing fast and loose: the Fed is clipping the dollar; the Bank of England is clipping sterling; the European Central Bank is buying the bonds of EMU debtors to stave off insolvency, something it vowed never to do just months ago; and the Bank of Japan has just carried out two trillion yen of “unsterilized” intervention.

Of course, gold can go higher.

The Top 100 Items to Disappear First

You could also call this “The Top 100 Things You should start stocking up on.” Even if you don’t need more than 2 (you should always have 2 of everything) each item on this list will be great for bartering. This list was discussed and chosen by the members of SurvivalistBoards.com. No Particular Order.

I’ve linked to a couple of the items you are less likely to find at Wal-Mart and other local stores.

  1. Generators
  2. Water Filters/Purifiers
  3. Portable Toilets
  4. Seasoned Firewood
  5. Lamp Oil, Wicks, Lamps
  6. Coleman Fuel. Impossible to stockpile too much
  7. Guns, Ammunition, Pepper Spray, Knives, Clubs, Bats & Slingshots
  8. Hand-can openers, & hand egg beaters, whisks

  9. Honey/Syrups/white, brown sugar
  10. Rice – Beans – Wheat
  11. Vegetable Oil (for cooking) Without it food burns/must be boiled)
  12. Charcoal, Lighter Fluid
  13. Water Containers
  14. Mini Heater head (Without this item, propane won’t heat a room.)
  15. Grain Grinder (Non-electric)
  16. Propane Cylinders (Urgent: Definite shortages will occur
  17. Survival Guide Book
  18. Lantern Mantles
  19. Baby Supplies: Diapers/formula. ointments/aspirin, etc.
  20. Washboards, Mop Bucket w/wringer (for Laundry)
  21. Propane Cookstoves
  22. Vitamins
  23. Propane Cylinder Handle-Holder
  24. Feminine Hygiene/Haircare/Skin products
  25. Thermal underwear / Polypropylene
  26. Bow saws, axes and hatchets, Wedges (also, honing oil)
  27. Aluminum Foil Reg. & Heavy Duty

  28. Gasoline Containers (Plastic & Metal)
  29. Garbage Bags
  30. Toilet Paper, Kleenex, Paper Towels
  31. Milk – Powdered & Condensed
  32. Garden Seeds (Non-Hybrid)
  33. Clothes pins/line/hangers
  34. Coleman’s Pump Repair Kit
  35. Tuna Fish (in oil)
  36. Fire Extinguishers (or..large box of Baking Soda in every room)
  37. First aid kits
  38. Batteries
  39. Garlic, spices & vinegar, baking supplies
  40. Big Dogs (and plenty of dog food)
  41. Flour, yeast & salt
  42. Matches
  43. Writing paper/pads/pencils, solar calculators
  44. Insulated ice chests
  45. Workboots, belts, jeans & durable shirts

  46. Flashlights, Lightsticks, torches, Lanterns
  47. Journals, Diaries & Scrapbooks
  48. Garbage cans Plastic
  49. Hygiene: Shampoo, Toothbrush/paste, Mouthwash, floss
  50. Cast iron cookware
  51. Fishing supplies/tools
  52. Mosquito coils/repellent, sprays/creams
  53. Duct Tape
  54. Tarps/stakes/twine/nails/rope/spikes
  55. Candles
  56. Laundry Detergent (liquid)
  57. Backpacks, Duffel Bags
  58. Garden tools & supplies
  59. Scissors, fabrics & sewing supplies
  60. Canned Fruits, Veggies, Soups, stews, etc.
  61. Bleach
  62. Canning supplies, (Jars/lids/wax)
  63. Knives & Sharpening tools: files, stones, steel
  64. Bicycles…Tires/tubes/pumps/chains, etc
  65. Sleeping Bags & blankets/pillows/mats
  66. Carbon Monoxide Alarm (battery powered)
  67. Board Games, Cards, Dice

  68. d-con Rat poison, MOUSE PRUFE II, Roach Killer
  69. Mousetraps, Ant traps & cockroach magnets
  70. Paper plates/cups/utensils (stock up, folks)
  71. Baby wipes, oils, waterless & Antibacterial soap
  72. Rain gear, rubberized boots, etc.
  73. Shaving supplies
  74. Hand pumps & siphons (for water and for fuels)
  75. Soysauce, vinegar, bullions/gravy/soupbase
  76. Boy Scout Handbook
  77. Chocolate/Cocoa/Tang/Punch (water enhancers)
  78. “Survival-in-a-Can”
  79. Woolen clothing, scarves/ear-muffs/mittens
  80. Reading glasses
  81. Window Insulation Kit
  82. Graham crackers, saltines, pretzels, Trail mix/Jerky
  83. Popcorn, Peanut Butter, Nuts
  84. Socks, Underwear, T-shirts, etc. (extras)
  85. Lumber (all types)
  86. Wagons & carts (for transport to and from)
  87. Cots & Inflatable mattresses

  88. Gloves: Work/warming/gardening, etc.
  89. Lantern Hangers
  90. Screen Patches, glue, nails, screws, nuts & bolts
  91. Teas
  92. Coffee
  93. Cigarettes
  94. Wine/Liquors (for bribes, medicinal, etc,)
  95. Paraffin wax
  96. Glue, nails, nuts, bolts, screws, etc.
  97. Chewing gum/candies
  98. Atomizers (for cooling/bathing)
  99. Hats & cotton neckerchiefs
  100. Goats/chickens

What’s Missing?

What do you think will disappear before these things that’s not on the list?

Reprinted with permission from Survival Cache.

Florida Oil Spill Law

Mark Zoback, a Stanford University geophysicist who serves on the National Academy of Engineering panel investigating the causes of the April 20 disaster, made this revelation during remarks today at a meeting convened at the National Academy of Engineering

Probe Of BP Well Blowout Raises Possibility Of Cracks, Siobhan Hughes for Dow Jones Newswires, September 26, 2010:

A new theory about the origin of the blowout… emerged on Sunday when an outside investigator said that the problem could potentially be traced to cracks that formed in an underwater formation. …

BP has said that no oil or gas entered the Macondo well before Halliburton started its cement work. …

But Zuback [sic] zeroed in on evidence that fluid that circulated through the well leaked out, a phenomenon known as lost returns, that can signify cracks in a well. …

Banks Keep Failing, No End in Sight

Since WaMu Fell, 279 Lenders Have Collapsed; Lost Jobs, Curtailed Lending and the Big Get Bigger

The largest number of bank failures in nearly 20 years has eliminated jobs, accelerated a drought in lending and left the industry's survivors with more power to squeeze customers.

Some 279 banks have collapsed since Sept. 25, 2008, when Washington Mutual Inc. became the biggest bank failure on record. That dwarfed the 1984 demise of Continental Illinois, which had only one-seventh of WaMu's assets. The failures of the past two years shattered the pace of the prior six-year period, when only three dozen banks died.

Two more banks went down last Friday, and failures are expected to "persist for some time," according to a report issued Tuesday by Standard & Poor's. In the second quarter of this year, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. increased its number of problem banks by 6% to 829.

Between failures and consolidation, the number of U.S. banks could fall to 5,000 over the next decade from the current 7,932, according to the top executive of investment-banking firm Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Inc.

The upside of failures is that they can represent a healthy cleansing of a sector that grew too fast, with bank assets more than doubling to $13.8 trillion in the decade that ended in 2008. Many banks that failed were opportunistic latecomers. Of the failed banks since February 2007, 75 were formed after 1999, according to SNL Financial.

Editors' Deep Dive: Banks Account for Fee Reform

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Still, economists say, the contraction represents an enduring threat to capital, lending and the economy.

"When we step back and look at this financial disaster 10 years from now, the destruction of capital in our economy as a result of what we've endured will be the single greatest lasting impact on recovery and how the economy performs in the future," says Howard Headlee, president of the Utah Bankers Association.

The pain is less severe than in the Japanese banking crisis, in which banks languished for a decade despite $440 billion the government spent to assist the industry.

But, in the past two years, the whole U.S. banking system recoiled. Large banks like Countrywide Financial Corp. and Wachovia Corp. were acquired to avert failure while powerful banks including Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp. were propped up by the government.

Between the failures and government assistance, Gerard Cassidy of RBC Capital Markets says, the impact to the system has been "far more severe" than the savings-and-loan crisis. Not only were government rescue measures more sweeping and more global this time, the weakness in real estate continues to constrain economic growth.

Since 2008, the industry's assets have shrunk by 4.5%.

"If you reduce the amount of assets at a bank, it means they make fewer loans, and that has a negative impact on the economy," says Richard Bove, a bank analyst at Rochdale Securities in Lutz, Fla.

From small towns like Rockford, Ill., to Miami, the banks' disappearance means not only cutbacks in lending but fewer banking choices, lower interest rates on savings accounts, and lost jobs.

The recession and collapse of the housing bubble have cut bank-industry employment by 188,000 jobs, or 8.5%, since 2007, according to FDIC data. Failures alone have cost 11,210 jobs, or 32% of the employees at failed banks, according to FIG Partners, an Atlanta investment firm that specializes in the banking industry.

For more than a year, Martin Quantz and his co-workers at the Woodstock, Ill. branch of Amcore Bank checked the FDIC's website each Friday afternoon to see if their flailing bank had gone under. Regulators seized the bank in April and turned over its 58 branches to Harris National Association.

By August, Mr. Quantz was unemployed. He now hopes reconnecting with an old contact will lead to a new bank job.

"There's a lot of pain out there, and there are a lot of people in the industry who won't go back," says Mr. Quantz, 41 years old.

The city of Clinton, Utah, may never be refunded $83,000, a portion of their cemetery-maintenance funds that wasn't insured when nearby Centennial Bank failed without a buyer.

In nearby Ogden, Utah, Weber State University lost $100,000 in scholarship money that had been pledged by Barnes Banking Co., a 119-year-old local institution that failed in January. The scholarships, to be distributed in $1,000 increments, represented one quarter of in-state tuition, says a Weber State administrator. Earlier this month, the college restored the Barnes Banking Lecture Hall to its original name: "Room 110."

Failed bank assets are now strewn across the banking system.

The FDIC is burdened with $38 billion of remnants it is trying to sell. They range from virtually worthless mortgaged-backed securities to office decorations such as plastic Christmas trees.

The tough times follow cresting prosperity in which banks with few loan losses chased customers into hot real-estate markets. When the subprime mortgage bubble burst, failures were concentrated among mortgage lenders such as IndyMac Bank, which left $1 billion of depositors' money uninsured when it failed in 2008.

Various autopsies of expired banks all point to real estate as the primary cause. A tally by SNL Financial LC found that 94% of bank failures since 2008 had either residential or commercial real-estate as their largest category of delinquent loans. KBW says their riskier construction loans were 23% of their total portfolio, compared with 7.2% for the industry as a whole. The delinquency rate of commercial real estate was 13.5%, far above the current national average of 1.7%, SNL said.

[bankfail2] Getty Images

Federal and state bank regulators arrive to close Midwest Bank on May 14 in Melrose Park, Illinois. Midwest, with assets totalling $3.17 billion, was seized by regulators after failing to raise the necessary capital needed to stay independent, and taken over by Ohio-based Firstmerit Bank.

The Imperial Capital Bank unit of Imperial Capital Bancorp in La Jolla, Calif., specialized in real estate. Like many other small banks, it extended beyond its home turf and made loans nationwide. The bank more than doubled its assets to $4.1 billion in the five years ended in 2008, according to an FDIC report. Then, the nine-branch bank purchased $826 million of mortgage-backed securities.

Real estate accounted for more than 95% of its loans, compared to 35% or less for its peers. The bank failed in 2009.

Some economists argue that, for all the damage, the failures' impact on the economy was muted because the largest banks that failed or came close were quickly absorbed by other institutions or helped by the government.

"I don't think enough banks have failed, or have been failing fast enough, to have a macro-economic impact," says economist Edward Yardeni.

Surviving banks have raised more than $500 billion in new capital, reducing the risks of new failures by boosting rainy-day funds.

Failure can occasionally jumpstart lending. To conserve capital, regulators often block sickly banks from making new loans. When a bank buys the assets of the failed institution, that buyer often resumes lending.

Since acquiring operations of the failed Frontier Bank in Everett, Wash., last April, Union Bank N.A. has started originating loans in Frontier's region in western Washington and Oregon. Though Union lowered interest rates on certificates of deposit, "We desire to grow our loan portfolio and are eager to find ways to make loans that make sense," says Tim Wennes, chief retail banking officer for Union Bank, a unit of San Francisco-based UnionBanCal Corp.

Such consolidation also means the biggest are getting bigger: Bank of America, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and Wells Fargo hold 33% of all U.S. deposits, up from 21% in 2006, according to SNL Financial. That gives them more market power to squeeze out smaller competitors.

John Squires, who was chief executive officer of Old Southern Bank when it failed in March, protests that his larger competitors in his Orlando, Fla., neighborhood all survived thanks to heavy doses of government support, which allowed them to raise capital more easily.

"Absolutely unfair—the big boys have the clout," says Mr. Squires. "Community banks are in jeopardy all over the country."

—Dan Fitzpatrick contributed to this article.