Leviathan in One Lesson
A podcast with Tom DiLorenzo.
Single-Payer Groceries, Anyone?
Tom DiLorenzo on the socialist principle.
Socialized Healthcare vs. the Laws of Economics
Tom DiLorenzo has bad news for Obama.
How They Lie About Lincoln
Tom DiLorenzo on the latest howlers from Newt.
Who Will Regulate the Regulators?
Tom DiLorenzo on the proposed Fed dictatorship.
Tom DiLorenzo on the new American system.
The 'Libertarian' Fed
Tom DiLorenzo on a malicious myth.
The Rush Towards Obama Socialism
Tom DiLorenzo on how to stop it.
The Attempt To Silence Walter Block
Tom DiLorenzo on the people who tried.
Vicious Greenankeism
Tom DiLorenzo on the Fed's "Yellow Peril" lie.
Abe the Mass Murderer
A "Lincoln scholar" comes clean.
Stimulating the Total State
Tom DiLorenzo on Obama's Hamiltonian roots.
Abraham Delano Messiah
Tom DiLorenzo on the god-president.
That Insensitive Walter Block
Pay To Play: Why the Fuss?
It's just the criminal gang called government, says Tom DiLorenzo.
Obama's Porcine Infrastructure
Tom DiLorenzo on the "stimulus."
The Lynching of Walter Block
Tom DiLorenzo on the academic left's attempted silencing of dissent.
Every Feminist's Nightmare
Is it Walter Block?
Abraham Obama?
Tom DiLorenzo on the Lincolnian team of liars.
Tales from the Academic Loony Bin
Tom DiLorenzo on the Loyola Baltimore idea police and Walter Block.
Recipe for a New Great Depression
Tom DiLorenzo on Obama's neo-New Deal.
Corrupt Birth
Tom DiLorenzo on American central banking.
Socialist or National Socialist
Take your pick.
Crackpot Egalitarianism
Tom DiLorenzo on how it caused the subprime crisis.
More Lies From the Regime Street Journal
Tom DiLorenzo on a fake banking history.
Our Founding Financial Dictator?
The opposite of a real capitalist.
Don't Vote
Be patriotic instead, says Thomas DiLorenzo.
Hamilton's Curse
Alexander Hamilton's economic and political philosophy is the root of the problem, says Thomas DiLorenzo.
Dishonest Abe
Tom DiLorenzo podcast on the founder of the second republic.
The Call of the Tyrant
Tom DiLorenzo on Abe et al.
The Never-Ending War on American Freedom
Tom DiLorenzo on who killed the Constitution.
More Hokum From Time Magazine
Tom DiLorenzo on comic-book history.
The Myth of the Independent Fed
Tom DiLorenzo on lying textbooks and mass media.
Hamilton's Curse
Tom DiLorenzo podcast with Lew Rockwell on the father of the Fed.
How the West Ended Slavery
But not the US.
How Capitalism Saved America
Tom DiLorenzo is interviewed by Lew Rockwell on the real meaning of freedom (podcast).
Hamilton Lied in the Federalist Papers
His neocon descendants still lie.
The Founding Father of Constitutional Subversion
Tom DiLorenzo on Alexander Hamilton, and the Hamiltonians today.
Fanatical Yankee Utopians
Tom DiLorenzo on the US ancestors of the neocons.
Mortgages for Guaranteed Defaulters
The federal government ordered it, says Thomas DiLorenzo.
The Truth About World War II
Thomas DiLorenzo on Human Smoke, by Nicholson Baker.
Are There Limits to Lincoln Idolatry?
Or to smearing dissenters? Apparently not.
Making Saints of Monsters
Thomas DiLorenzo on official US history.
Speaking Truth to the Lincoln Cult
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on the views of an African-American icon.
Judge Napolitano on Lincoln
A great jurist on America's first dictator.
The Jefferson of Our Time
Thomas DiLorenzo on Ron Paul.
It's Time To End Hamilton's Curse
Thomas DiLorenzo on Jeffersonianism and Ron Paul.
A Nation of Sheep
Andrew Napolitano is required reading for Ron Paul revolutionaries, says Thomas DiLorenzo.
The American Dictatorship Institute
Thomas DiLorenzo on the supreme soviet of neoconservatism.
The Savior of the World
Was it Jesus Christ, or Abraham Lincoln?
Enemies of Liberty Love Lincoln
Thomas DiLorenzo explains why (video).
Hillary in Drag
Thomas DiLorenzo on the governor of Maryland.
Totalitarians Among Us
Thomas DiLorenzo on neocons, Fredheads, Christojihadists, and other enemies of freedom.
Beltwayites Love Fred Thompson
And not Ron Paul.
Why the Military Fails To Protect Us
Thomas DiLorenzo on Lincolnites in power.
Brass Abe in Richmond
Thomas DiLorenzo on a fitting tribute to a corrupt tyrant.
They Hate Our Freedoms
The neocons, that is. Article by Thomas J. DiLorenzo.
The Government-Created Subprime Mortgage Meltdown
Thomas DiLorenzo on who's to blame, and what to do about it.
Neocon Lies About Lincoln
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on party hacks, propagandists, and apologists.
Malice Toward All, Charity Towards None
Thomas DiLorenzo on the foundations of the American state.
Happy Elected Dictator Day
Thomas DiLorenzo on the key US president.
Political Smash-and-Grab
Thomas DiLorenzo on eminent domain.
Republican Reconstruction
No better in Iraq than in the American South.
Foreign Views of the 'Civil War'
Thomas DiLorenzo on the important new book by Charles Adams.
The Deified Abe
Thomas DiLorenzo on the nasty federal religion.
Refusing To Kowtow to Bush
Thomas DiLorenzo on Jim Webb's fight against political correctness.
Rich Rulers
And a nation of chumps and suckers.
Gatekeepers of Political Correctness
Thomas DiLorenzo on "Publishers Weekly."
Death By Government
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on the missing chapter.
Hurrah for 'Sweatshops'
They help the poor, among their other virtues.
Lincoln Unmasked
He was a worse tyrant than you thought, says Thomas DiLorenzo.
America's Temple to Political Plunder
Thomas DiLorenzo on Bill Moyers and the Lincoln Memorial.
The Fatherland Protection Racket
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on Homeland Security Scams, by James T. Bennett.
The Truth About the 'Robber Barons'
And the myths.
My Pilgrimage to The Shrine
Thomas DiLorenzo visits Lincoln's Springfield, Illinois.
Vote for Me and World War III
Thomas DiLorenzo on Newt and other neocons.
Traitors to the American Revolution
Thomas DiLorenzo on Hamiltonian mercantilists and other evildoers.
Bully Boy
Thomas DiLorenzo on the neocons' favorite president.
The Men Who Destroyed the Constitution
Thomas DiLorenzo on The Constitution in Exile, by Judge Andrew Napolitano.
Lincoln's Pro-Slavery Record
Thomas DiLorenzo on the Abe cult's coverup.
Should the Wal-Mart Haters Get Their Way?
Thomas DiLorenzo on the union-inspired attacks on a great company.
Happy Secession Day
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on the real meaning of the 4th.
The Real Gougers
Thomas DiLorenzo on the tax collectors.
A House Undivided Cannot Stand
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on the framers vs. Lincoln.
America's Jacobin Ideologues
Thomas DiLorenzo on neocons and Lincolnites.
The Latest Defamation of Jefferson
Confusing him with Lincoln.
A President's Mission To Destroy the Press
Abe, that is.
The Union Conspiracy Against Wal-Mart Workers
Thomas DiLorenzo on what's really happening.
The Lincoln Cult
How appropriate that a dishonest court historian is now the high priestess.
In Defense of the Windfall Profits Tax
A political one.
4,000 Years of Price Controls
You would think the "price-gouging" maniacs would learn.
The Real Lincoln, and So Much More
Audio and video lectures by Thomas DiLorenzo. And see his two recent books.
Government Lies
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on political marketing 101.
Left/Right Futility
It's centralism/decentralism that really counts, says Thomas J. DiLorenzo.
What Lincoln Believed
Michael Lind gets it half right, says Thomas DiLorenzo.
Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment
If we want a free society.
Treat Iraq Like the Conquered South
Or so says an historian-shill for the warfare state.
Why They Hate Tom Woods
The neocons and liberventionists,
Max Puts the Boot In
Thomas DiLorenzo on Weekly Standard lies.
War Empowers the Worst
Thomas DiLorenzo on The Economics of the Civil War, by Thornton and Ekelund (pdf).
'The Greatest Presidential Reflection Since Lincoln'
Thomas DiLorenzo on neocon hysteria and Bush.
The Tidal Wave of Foreign Aid
Thomas DiLorenzo on another disaster.
The 'Will of the People'
It's largely manufactured by our rulers, with the help of "the media," says Thomas DiLorenzo.
Lincolnite Hypocrisy
Thomas DiLorenzo on Lysander Spooner's fiery attack on Abe.
Giving Thanks
For private property.
American Fascism
Thomas DiLorenzo on our economic system.
Don't Touch Our Loopholes
In fact, give us more and bigger ones, says Thomas DiLorenzo.
Original Sins
Thomas DiLorenzo on the origins of the GOP.
More Trouble for the Lincoln Cartel
Official opinion is in disarray.
Two Anti-Capitalist Frauds
Thomas DiLorenzo on Schlosser and Ehrenreich.
Abolitionist Defends the South
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on Lysander Spooner and the Confederacy.
Intellectual Morons
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on idea men for the state.
The New Deal Debunked
Again. Maybe this time it will take.
Dissecting the Cabal
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire by Ann Norton.
The American Gulag
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on Michelle Malkin, FDR, and Lincoln.
The Trade Union Lie
That the employer has superior bargaining position.
More Trouble for the Lincoln Cartel
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on a blow for historical truth – from the NY Times!
Totalitarian Lincolnites
Marx, Hitler, Jaffa, Buckley, et al.
Hate-Crime Art
Thomas DiLorenzo on the second crime at Gettysburg.
The Market Gives Us Leisure
Not unions. Article by Thomas J. DiLorenzo, author of How Capitalism Saved America.
Lincoln's 'Great Crime'
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on the arrest warrant for the chief justice.
Get Real!
Toss your pocket Constitution on the ash heap of history, says Thomas J. DiLorenzo.
Our Libertarian President
Thomas DiLorenzo on Grover Cleveland.
Happy Capitalist Revolution
Thomas J. DiLorenzo celebrates Independence Day.
Getting Fat
From the war on capitalism.
Al Gore Is Right
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on the Lincoln-like assault on civil liberties.
Anticapitalist Drivel
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on what to do about it.
The Real DiLorenzo
The 'Southern Partisan' interviews Thomas DiLorenzo, author of The Real Lincoln.
Beware of 'National Unity'
It's a dangerous mirage.
Neocons Love Lincoln
Hillary does too.
Michael Moore is just a labor union nut.
Rousseau of the Right
No wonder the neocons love Alexander Hamilton.
Abraham Ashcroft
And the unconstitution.
Champions of Nonsense
Neoconservatives defend Abe's protectionist looting as "Lockean."
The Yankee Myth
That the warmongering, statist part of the American character is morally superior to the peaceful, libertarian aspect.
Don't Vote
It's the patriotic thing to do, says Thomas DiLorenzo.
The Unconstitutional Tax on American Exports
Thomas DiLorenzo on the economic plundering of the South.
Neocons Plot To Jail War Critics
Or maybe execute them. Naturally, Lincoln is their inspiration.
The Unreal Lincoln
Thomas DiLorenzo refutes Bill Kristol's Weekly Standard.
Making Cannon Fodder
A Straussian exposes the Lincolnian big-lie.
The Cheap Lincoln
Tom DiLorenzo's classic The Real Lincoln is out in a handsome paperback, complete with a new chapter refuting his hystericon critics.
Pledging Allegiance
To the omnipotent Lincolnian state.
The Republican Moneyed Elite
And why they elected Lincoln.
There's Gambling in Vegas
And fascism in DC.
Dishonest Abe
The Lincolnians were inside traders.
Statism, Imperialism, Hubris
Thomas DiLorenzo on Irving "the Godfather" Kristol's neocon manifesto.
The GOP-Liberian Connection
Lincoln started it, with the plan to deport American blacks to Africa.
Supreme Dictators
Thanks, as a happy Woodrow Wilson explained, to Lincoln.
The Political Economy of World Domination
Thomas DiLorenzo on the neocons and their strange, Eastern European philosophy.
Leo Lincoln
No wonder neocons love Abe, says Thomas DiLorenzo.
States Rights vs. Tyranny
And tyrannical central banking.
Six Myths About Lincoln
Thomas DiLorenzo explodes them.
The 'Buy America' Myth
The South, unlike Lincoln and the Buchananites, was right on tariffs, says Thomas DiLorenzo.
Northern States Rights
Thomas DiLorenzo on Straussian lies about America.
Lincoln's Spectacular Lie
That the central government created the states.
Protectionism Means Hostilities
As in 1861.
What Lincoln's Army Did to the Indians
No wonder the neocons love General Sherman.
The Lincolnian Graveyard
Neocons are whistling past it, says Thomas J. DiLorenzo.
Lincolnites Love Bush
Uh oh.
Lincoln: Slavery A-OK
Thomas DiLorenzo on the Great Emancipator's real 13th amendment.
Anti-Lincoln Gangs of New York
Some effects of Lincoln's military slavery.
The Evil of Politics
Thomas DiLorenzo was right from the beginning.
States Rights Mean Freedom
Thomas DiLorenzo explains to hyperventilating neocons.
Lincoln's Willing Executioners
Their evil marches on, but not on private property.
Lincoln's 'Second American Revolution'
Thomas DiLorenzo on our first Republican (i.e., statist and bloodthirsty) president.
Libelers for Lincoln
Thomas DiLorenzo on court historians.
Financing the Empire
How it all began, with the anti-gold Lincoln and his greenbacks.
The Economics of Slavery
Thomas DiLorenzo on Lincolnian distorters.
Bush Is Lincolnian
This is not praise, says Thomas DiLorenzo.
No Justice, No Peace
Thomas DiLorenzo on the other reparations movement.
John C. Calhoun, Free Trader
America's greatest political thinker was also a free-market sage.
The Unknown Lincoln
Not any longer, thanks to Thomas DiLorenzo.
Thomas DiLorenzo on fake Lincoln quotes.
The Weirdest Defense of Lincoln Yet
Thomas DiLorenzo refutes Jude Wanniski.
Whigged-Out Lincolnites
Thomas DiLorenzo on their flipped-out and fibbing worship.
Confronting the Lincoln Cult
An interview with Thomas DiLorenzo, the man who knocked Abraham-Zeus out of his state temple. Read his #1 LRC bestseller.
Is There a Libertarian Case for Lincoln?
Of course not! Thomas DiLorenzo on Machan, secession, and slavery.
Constitutional Con Men
Thomas DiLorenzo on Harry Jaffa and his Lincolnian cabal.
Lincoln's Tariff War
The warmongering, centralizing protectionist invaded the South on a looting expedition.
Hitler Was a Lincolnite
Some distortions of Harry Jaffa exposed.
Prevaricating Pentacrat
Now Tom DiLorenzo, author of The Real Lincoln, really knows he's doing something right.
Lincoln's War on Northern Liberties
The neocons, note, defend everything the Dictator did.
The Economic Causes of Lincoln's War
The neocons lie about them, of course.
Was Lincoln a Tyrant?
Only neocons would deny it.
Glory, Glory Hallelujah
Abe's evil marches on.
Lying For Lincoln
Thomas DiLorenzo on the neocon smears against his important new Lincoln book.
Stop Lying About Lincoln
Thomas DiLorenzo has had it with official prevaricators.
Dislike Aggressive War and National Socialism?
Then you must like slavery. Thomas DiLorenzo on the typical defense of Honest Abe.
Lincolnites Can't Stand the Truth
But that's not stopping the truth teller, Thomas DiLorenzo. Read his new book, The Real Lincoln.
Happy Dictator Day
Thomas DiLorenzo on Lincoln.
Cornel West, Marxist
No wonder he's an academic "rock star." Article by Thomas DiLorenzo.
Osama Bin Sherman
No wonder George Will likes him, and the feds named a tank in his honor. Letter by Thomas J. DiLorenzo.
US Military "Trials"
Here's just one episode, courtesy of the murderous Lincoln.
Targeting Civilians
In the modern era, it all started with Lincoln.
Lincoln's Culture of Death
And those who pretend it's pro-life.
The Banner of Federal Oppression
Thomas DiLorenzo puts Independence Day in perspective.
The Truth About the 14th Amendment
And the Northern origins of Jim Crow.
Libertarians Should Love the Confederate Flag
But the Beltway versions are allied with the NAACP and the SPLC in hating it. What gives?
Deconstructing the 'War Street Journal'
Tom DiLorenzo, proud "denizen" of LRC, refutes the attack.
Tyranny Personified
Tom DiLorenzo examines Teddy Kennedy (while wearing rubber gloves).
Secession and Liberty
Thomas J. DiLorenzo on how to make concrete use of the election returns.
Loot Seekers Attack Microsoft
Including the bought-and-paid-for Robert Bork, says Thomas DiLorenzo.