Denmark is not
part of the euro; they have their own currency, the krone. So far, they
appear likely to become the first country to abolish cash. The Danish
government is currently pushing to free some stores, restaurants, and
petrol stations from accepting cash payments as Britain was testing last
year in Manchester. The Danish government is currently are proposing to scrap cash transactions entirely as part of a package of cost-saving measures introduced ahead of the Danish election in September.

We stand on the verge of Economic Totalitarianism that will lead to the total control of money by the state. No one will be able to buy or sell without government approval. The USA has already provided for the revocation of a passport if you owe the government more than $50,000. Passports in Rome were invented not to travel between nations, but to be able to travel to prove you did not owe money to the state and hence were free to travel. History simply always repeats – only the names change.
The Nationalization of Banks?
If we continue down this road of economic implosion, then the
socialists will demand government seizes all control just as Gordon
Brown is promising in Britain. Despite the fact there is no
precedent for anyone to eliminate the business cycle,
Brown’s pronouncement will be as always, government will save the day
when they have routinely destroyed society throughout history with their
greed and corruption. The socialists just hate anyone who has more than
they do and it is more about robbing other people than learning how to
really manage society.The socialist will argue to nationalize all banks, and the banks will end up being their own worst enemy for all they care about is profit on the next transaction. It would be very nice to split the world and say all those who are socialist go live there and those of us who do not desire to be your economic slave, or believe that the Ten Commandments prohibit socialism outlawing coveting their neighbor’s goods, should equally be allowed to leave. After all, that is why people fled Europe and traveled to America for it was the freedom and land of opportunity. The socialists have destroyed America and turned it into the land we once fled.
No one has a right to suppress the other for that is what makes war. This trend against banking will lead to the nationalization of banks for the debt is now consuming nations and compelling them to act ruthlessly and tyrants. They will now move to control all accounts and nobody will be able to buy or sell anything without government approval.
The New Age of Economic Totalitarianism & the London Meeting to End Currency
We face the worst economic crisis perhaps in modern history with the distinct risk of moving into a state of Economic Totalitarianism. The governments are well aware of the Economic Confidence Model (ECM). Many people have asked the question why have they not killed me since it appears that most others central to events covered in the movie, the FORECASTER, are dead. I believe the answer is rather simple, for even when I was released and appeared on Capitol Hill, I was introduced as this is the guy with the model they are trying to suppress.
Governments may indeed be now using the ECM for timing since it certainly appears they are now aware of cycles. Nonetheless, they are retreating from the world in any democratic position for they are preparing for what appears to be a shift toward Economic Totalitarianism rather than reform. Governments shifted at the G20 in favor of more Draconian taxation enforcement. They have not yet changed their way of thinking and you cannot solve a crisis by following the same path of thinking that has created the nightmare in which you are trapped. Governments as a whole are imposing extra taxes at least through enforcement that is tearing the world economy apart at the seams.
Clearly, behind the curtain there appears to be underway for the first time actual preparation for an economic downturn. However, the possibility of a dramatically sharpened financial crisis looming in the fall appears to be considered and now broadly accepted as inevitable. There is obviously a serious threat of a possible global bank run thanks to the faulty structure of the Euro and its lack of a consolidated debt from the outset. The European bank reserves lack a single status and as the member states get into trouble, so will the banking system. This could spill over into a global crisis as people see banks fail in Europe and prudent people begin to withdraw cash in North America as a precaution setting in motion a contagion.
The governments are well aware of the Economic
Confidence Model (ECM). It certainly appears as though they are now
focusing on the cycle rather than just the trend.Nevertheless, they
have not changed their thinking process and in that line the future
appears very grim – we are headed into economic totalitarianism unless
the people wake up.
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