Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Revolt Against Mongressanto GMO Crops Torched in America

Not one media outlet outside of local circles has dared to mention it, perhaps because government fears that if the public learns that other people are getting fighting mad (literally), they might join in, and become an actual revolution. It was only reported locally live on KXL Radio and echoed by the Oregonian, where the ONLY Web mention exists, hard to find because the headline wording is carefully avoids the most likely keywords for a search — took me rather a while to find it. Here’s the scoop — PASS IT ON!
40 Tons of GMO Sugar Beets were set ablaze in Eastern Oregon, yesterday. FORTY TONS — the entire acreage of two full fields of crops IN THE GROUND were set ablaze over a THREE NIGHT PERIOD OF TIME. That means ARSON. And I have to say I am cheering! The only way could feel better about it is if I had dared to do it myself — which to be clear, I would not: I don’t look good in prison orange, and would be too worried about possible loss of life if things went terribly wrong.
Evidence is that 6,500 plants were destroyed BY HAND, ONE PLANT AT A TIME. That, in turn, implies A LOT OF PEOPLE were involved: would you want to stick around once a fire was going and wait to be discovered? No, someone (many someones) probably wanted to move as quickly as possible. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A MOVEMENT, a kind of ORGANIZED REVOLT — and this is exactly the kind of retribution I’ve warned was coming; when lawmakers and corporations refuse to honor the Constitution and instead engage in ‘legalized’ criminal acts such as enabled by the ‘Monsanto Protection Act.’
This is all shades of… well, the BOSTON TEA PARTY. Instead of throwing tea into the harbor to protest taxes, someone was throwing flames onto crops in the ground to protest New World Order shenanigans. We are a long ways from Boston, but more recently we have the Earth Liberation Front, a group which also had its roots in Oregon (I love my State and our people; we have core beliefs and fight for them). The ELF, in 2000,  burned the offices of a GMO research project at the University of Michigan, a project funded by the Federal government and Monsanto at the time.
The ELF, or ‘Elves’ as they are sometimes called, is an ad-hoc group with its actual origins in the U.K. But forest mismanagement caused splinter cells to be established in Oregon, and subsequently, Michigan and elsewhere as new corporate wrongdoings became evident. Like the IRA, they have an official,public side, one not associated with criminal adventure, and instead focused on educating the public on the issues, such as the Gulf oil spill. They are a kind of militant Green Peace, perhaps.
But ELF cells normally come forward immediately to claim responsibility, because to them, its all about publicity to educate the public. Since there has been no statement, I’m deducing it is simply Oregon Farmers who have said, ‘Enough!’ Another clue that may be the case is that this comes on the heels (two weeks) of Japan’s rejection of the entire Oregon Wheat crop for the year (a tremendous financial blow because over 80% of Oregon Wheat is exported) because ONE report said ONE field was contaminated with at least ONE GMO plant.
The rightful fear is, because of pollination processes, once you introduce a GMO crop of a given variety ANYWHERE, the wind and insects will spread its genetic contamination to non GMO fields, and thereby ruin the ENTIRE INDUSTRY for a region. In fact, Oregon farmers have tendered a multi-billion dollar class action law suite against Monsanto, joining a long list of states doing so. Monsanto has experimented with GMO crops before they were approved in 16 states. They were supposedly all destroyed, but state after state is finding out the hard way, that Pandora’s box has been deliberately left open.
But while other governments in Europe and elsewhere are passing laws to ban GMO crops, and burning entire crops themselves, in America, our government is passing laws protecting Monsanto from legal repercussions, and therefore, it seems, farmers are forced to burn the crops, themselves. This means that where in other countries, citizens are being protected from corporate crimes, in America, citizens are forced to become ‘terrorists’ to survive. That’s how blatantly corrupt our corporate police state has become, I’m afraid.
Can GMO spark an armed revolution?


In this case, both fields belonged to the same Corporate Agricultural giant known for embracing GMO, though trying to do so quietly, another reason perhaps big media has kept the story from reaching the Internet. We are talking about Syngenta. Nowhere on their US Web site will you find mention of GMO, but that is exactly what the company is about. They have even lied publicly in writing on this issue with a public declaration. Yet their very corporate name shouts GMO.
But the FBI, and local media knows better (and now, you)… because apparently someone from the Syngenta operated farms mentioned the fact as a possible motive for the arson. This is a serious matter in many respects. It throws down the gauntlet and says, we are mad as hell and are not going to let you get away with this bullsh*t anymore! But it also raises the stakes and put lives and property at risk, and if it goes wrong, could end up sparking an armed revolution.
Imagine the likely scenario: the FBI identifies a particular non GMO farmer as being participant and puts together a 100 man assault team to surround their homestead, land they’ve been farming for generations. What do you suppose would happen if they stood their ground? You would have another WACO standoff, another Ruby Ridge. Do you suppose that the other several dozen participants in the crop burning would stand by and let them pick them all off like that, one by one? I doubt it.
They would muster every rifle their families could carry, and call in farmers from adjacent counties, and likely be joined by some number of citizens from the local communities, and surround the FBI and other local authorities. They might even be joined by local Sheriffs, if not out of sympathetic understanding and general GMO angst, then in hopes of defusing the situation. I’m telling you, this can easily get out of hand.
And in a way, I’m hoping it does. Because I think we need a definitive event to send aclear message and draw a line in the sand: not one inch more — BACK OFF! It would rally the informed to action, stir the Sheeple to understanding, and force them to take a side, lest they end up in a possible cross fire if shooting breaks out everywhere GMO crops and corporate properties exist, and their executives live.
Even though it could easily spark a full-scale revolution, I’m still for it. That threat is not lightweight, either — it is incredibly easy to start and carry out a successful revolution. I’d be tickled pink to live in America, once more, a country based on a social contract called the Constitution and Bill of Rights, where government was by the people, for the people, of the people, and not a fascist police state in the making by corporations, for the new world order.
GMO? Burn, baby, burn…
Mongressanto? You may just be next.
Who are Oregonians for Food and Shelter?

Update: The Who and Why of the $10,000 Reward

‘Oregonians’ for ‘Food and Shelter’ sounds like a charity that provides food and shelter, but that’s not right. Their Web site describes themselves in terms which, after thoughtful consideration, would leave you believing them a non profit NGO, a special interest group (SIG) of professionals seeking to educate their peers in the latest timber and agriculture technologies. Closer to the truth, is that they are a Political Action PAC, putting out their own Voter’s Guide, and involving themselves in political matters impacting timber and farming.
Their members are a who’s who of AG and Timber, but with a specific bent toward biotech… specific biotech. Their Boards and Chairs are well peppered with people from MonsantoSyngenta, and other firms with a vested interest in GMO, and firms they do business with. In fact, there are even two firms represented who have had consensual dealings with Central Intelligence Agency fronts. One of these was harmless and related to fire-fighting, but the other (Portland General Electric) was tied to much darker matters, though I’m sure they were not quite aware of such details. But then, those same folks also went to bed with ENRON (also a CIA operation), didn’t they?
The OFS founder is one Terry L. Witt, who cites himself as a professional Manager of Non Profit Groups, as though you should go see him if you have one in need of management. Really? The Web site was founded in 1999. Within a few months, Terry was writing in support of Monsanto’s patent infringement suit against a farmer over GMO crop migration (contamination) such as faced by Oregon Wheat growers. It would not be the first time he would play hatchet man for GMO, additionally using op-ed in the Oregonian to disinform on behalf of (again) Monsanto.
Indeed, if you look at the one and only truly informational page at the Web site (despite the fact they list three topics to choose from – the other two have no links provided), the topic is… you guessed it; pro GMO. So what is the real agenda, again? But perhaps we should overlook this narrow view, because they do point out their Web site is still under construction. What?
Established in 1999, and still under construction? Could it be because the Web designer is (whois information) Troy, Terry’s son, operating out of their $700,000 home in Tigard? Hmmm. Troy has his own business (he is a photographer and ‘lead designer’ at a ‘design studio’), and his Web site is even more under construction: it consists ONLY of a logo (ergo, my use of quotes). There is not even a statement on being under construction since created in 2005.  ”Focused Marketing, Messaging, and Design,” the logo claims.
This could be the trait of (choose one):
a) someone not very good at what they do;
b) a CIA front;
c) a corporate front for money laundering (e.g., payments from Monsanto);
d) a front or over billing a client (e.g., Monsanto);
e) a clever ploy to distract conspiracy theorists and waste blog reader’s time;
f) all of the above.
I’m sorry, but I come away with the distance impression OFS is nothing but a surrogate for GMO interests, and thinly veneered, at that.
That’s the WHO and the WHY of the $10K reward.
Frankly, given these facts, I’d rather someone  offer a $100K reward if they would all simply go away.

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