Friday, May 17, 2013

Kick’em When They’re Down: Repeal of Obamacare Scheduled to Hit House Floor

The repeal of Obamacare is scheduled to hit the House floor yet again the 16th, and many want to know why? The Senate will likely vote it down, and if not the President surely will, and Speaker Boehner knows this.
Why Bother?
Maybe this is not a legislative move. On the contrary, the timing could not be more perfect for a vote. While the Syrian conflict and the controversy around the Obama administration is hot, the vote will be on the back-burner. Most of the time this is a bad thing, but with Mid-term elections just around the corner, it seems the Speaker’s intentions are deeper than perceived.
This is a political move that helped the GOP in the 2010 elections, by opposing the bill fiercely they were able to make historical gains. That is their intention again. With the vote being swept under the rug, Boehner and Cantor hope to catch some of the more vulnerable Democrats off guard, especially in the Senate, where Colorado’s Udall, North Carolina’s Hagan, and Louisiana’s Landrieu are prime targets for the GOP. Their votes will be watched closely until the elections, if they vote nay, the Republican’s have them in their trap, if yea, it just boosts the GOP’s platform on the issue.

Carney White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has publicly denounced the GOP’s latest attempts on the repeal, but his boss knows exactly what he is doing, and right now his hands are tied with other things. Carney suggests the latest attempt by the Republicans shows just how “out of touch” a saying that he can’t get out of his head, the Republicans are with Americans. That may be so for the rank and file members, as well as the rank and file Democrats, but the Republican leadership knows exactly what Americans want. Ever since the passage of the bill, America’s approval of the healthcare system spiked, but now is decreasing at a very fast pace. Only 32% rate the system as good dropping from 41% in late March.
President Obama is smart, and likely knows that his legislation days are over. After the Senate rejected Gun-control, he knew that was it. Mid-terms are right around the corner and the focus has shifted to his reaction towards the IRS, AP, and Benghazi “scandals.” While he will maneuver around enough to maintain his approval, it will come at the cost of trust, giving the GOP the advantage.
Even if the Democrats squeak out a victory in the mid-terms, it likely will not be enough to reclaim the House. Boehner knows that the repeal will not pass as long as the Senate and Presidency are blue, but he is making every preparation he can to see it eventually done. If the GOP plays politics like the Democrats did in 2005, by 2016 Obamacare will be no more.

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