Monday, April 25, 2011

George Soros Needs to Be Indicted and Arrested on a State Level

Why are we in such a mess? Why are people who are stealing the country's wealth right out from under our feet not held accountable? Monopolies are enthroned swallowing up competition. We are forced to pay a debt to the offshore bankers that the people never consented to. A farmer can go to jail for minor errors in paperwork. Gun dealers are harassed for non criminal mistakes. There is so much fraud and deceit in our government. political contributions keep the true white collar criminals out of jail.
We can not trust Eric Holder and the Obama Administration to uphold the rule of law anymore. We can not count on the states anymore either to stand up for the people against fraud brought on by the government in Washington. Where do we go from here before many people resort to an armed confrontation.What option do we have left. We tried calling our Congress critters and Senators.That has failed. We looked to our states to avert the the coming storms. Our leadership have failed us on every level.They have us sold out for morsels from Washington DC. What is our remedy before a shooting war starts on the streets of America.
Starting with Texans. We need to go back to our local Grand Juries seeking an indictment and arrest. We have to be relentless and not allow local DA to obstruct our access. Who do we start with.This needs to be done in every county in Texas..First is Texas Lt Governor David Dewhurst for violating the Logan Act.He was in a meeting with a foreign agent forming policy with out the people's consent at Bretton Woods with George Soros. This man is seeking destroying the dollar seeking to bring American to it knees. The Lt Governor has no business being there if he is going to be one of the few enabling this fraud be brought upon Texas destroying the dollar. The Lt Governor took an oath to preserve a republican form of government. His attendance to Bretton woods show he is conspiring to undermine it.
Second we indict George Soros for fraud and the act of sedition undermining the Constitution and the our Republican form of government. George Soros has warrants out for his arrest in many countries. He must be brought to justice. He must be stopped and exposed. He is scum and evil. These people must not be allowed to walk free one more day. If he does not face justice in this life. He will face the judgment seat in heaven before he get his just reward. Justice has to be put back in our hands and not put in the hands of politicians again.

To the Grammar NAZIS.Before you criticize my use of words.CLICK HERE

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