Tuesday, March 8, 2011

These oil companies are NOT Robin Hoods. Hoods, yes, but robbing, not Robin.

Highway Robbery: When are we going to work up the

balls to say, “ENOUGH”?

These oil companies are NOT Robin Hoods.

Hoods, yes, but robbing, not Robin.

"I was out driving/just a taking it slow

Looked at my tank/ it was reading low

Pulled in a Exxon station/out on Highway One

Held up without a gun

Held up without a gun"

- Bruce Springsteen

Springsteen's song could not be more true today.

Big Oil is once again riding high oil prices to large profits (see below) while American

consumers get stuck with a $2.7 billion gasoline bill in the first quarter of 2010

due to higher oil prices.

But the problems with oil go beyond these companies' profits. Rising oil prices also add more

filthy lucre to the coffers of hostile regimes, including Iran.

Meanwhile, the Gulf of Mexico is suffering a huge oil spill while taxpayers spend

billions of dollars paying for tax loopholes for Big Oil.

And Big Oil spends record amounts of money to pressure Congress to cement these loopholes

in place and defeat clean energy legislation. Adding injury to insult, big oil opposes energy

and global warming legislation that would reduce our reliance on oil.


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