Sunday, March 13, 2011

Alex Jones is Moving in the Wrong Direction. Victory Starts in Texas

Alex. I come to the conclusion.Yes you do your homework and I give you credit for that. You have come a long way. I been observing him and come to the realization he is trying to knock down a target at 200m away with a 9mm when the maximum effective range is only 50m. A loose cannon that overshoots its target. Alex can do much better and more effective if he made certain adjustments in how he broadcast. I done my homework too and here is my conclusion. I will not blame Alex for all of Texas's failings and shortcomings. We all share responsibility for not doing enough to get our state lawmakers to pay attention to the will of the people.I write this out of frustration and a sense of urgency. Alex is in a better position to move Texas in the right direction.There is not much time anymore unless we as patriots change our direction and strategy. Now I will speak my mind..
Globalist think strategic too.First by taking over the media and academics in the beginning to direct the population to think in a certain direction. Alex just like me has been suckered by the same media going in a certain direction on where they want us to look and what to think. Alex has been directing his energy in the wrong direction. Has Alex figured out Washington DC is irrelevant yet? Has he figured out to stop whining about the fat ,dumb, lazy people and yuppies? If they have not grasp the gravity of the situation. Leave them behind. If they never will understand. It is not worth the aggravation anymore.It is very counter productive.Alex should stop wasting his breath on useless brain dead people. Sometimes I think he alienates his audience who does understand because of the zombie population is still in a trance.What is the point to waste broadcast time on some people who will never get it. Live and let live.Let them watch American Idol and move on.
As a blogger I been trying to direct my energy to put pressure on the state legislator to erect barriers against Federal encroachments. Texas could be the model state in how to take back power from Washington DC. If Alex directed his audience to put pressure on the lawmakers to push for alternate currencies and a state bank. It might help do some good. But he is not. He laments about those bad globalist without solutions being more defeatist about it and their evil plans for us. He blurps about the real power is in states rights at the same time never directing the listeners in that direction to take back there states. If he says it is the real power resides in the states. Why is he not motivating his audience enough to mobilize in that direction?
As patriot bloggers and broadcasters. It is too late in the game to complain about people who are blind of how far this nation has fallen. We all have to be on the same page. First truth is Washington DC is beyond repair and can not be fixed. There is no sense trying to fight a government so distant and far away. Our energy and resources have to be diverted to the government that is closest to us. That is our state lawmakers and our local governments. That is where we can erect barriers against unlawful Federal incursions.
When Alex had Lindsey Williams on as guest both having the tone that nothing can be done to stop this small clique of greedy monsters.We have to allow this to happen and we have to get the shaft from the elitist. I do not accept that at all. Just because the elites are saying we will have $200 a barrel of oil,rolling blackouts,hyperinflation and high food prices.It does not have to happen. This all can be averted if Alex Jones directed his audience to pressure the State Lawmakers in Texas to take countermeasures.We can start to push back. We did not hear that at all. All I heard was is we have lost before it happens. We give the globalist too much credit and their words too much power. Just because it is written in the elitist white papers and publications. It does not mean it will happen unless we give them to power to do it.The states is where this globalist agenda plan can become powerless. Just saying the Globalist will do it based on ink printed on a piece of paper is just words.When we allow those words on paper to become reality to happen before it begins is when Alex giving them our consent to give us the shaft saying we can not stop it.I refuse to believe it and accept such defeatist attitudes.Texas can make the globalist efforts powerless.
Texas could be the model state in how to take back the republic from a group of tyrants.That is if we pressured our state lawmakers that is the government closest to us . Our efforts have to be directed to where we will be most effective. That place is not Washington. It is in our state capitals. Alex do you know what the Texas State Legislator is debating over now on the floor? Is it state sovereignty pushing back against Washington DC? No it is not. They are debating over dog insurance and slot Machines.Why?Because there is not enough people are watching them and shows lawmakers do not fear Alex Jones because he is not watching them.They will get away with it as long as he rants about Saudi Arabia burning and not watching Austin that is about go up in flames real soon. The Texas State Legislator is either asleep at the wheel or the lights are on and no one is home. Homeland security is rolling out tyranny on the streets of Texas with no lawmaker resisting. What would the lawmakers be doing if we concentrated our efforts on the state level. Their priorities would be very different.
Looking back on memory lane. Alex was one of the most effective forces shutting down two things. One is shutting down the Trans Texas Corridor/The NAFTA Super Highway and the mandatory gardesil vaccines for teenage girls.It was possible by mobilizing people in Texans to put pressure on the state legislator to act. If Alex used that same intensity directing his audience in Texas to put pressure on State lawmakers to push back against tyranny. Texas be a very different state and would not be having rolling blackouts and a water shortage in Happy,Texas because of unconstitutional Federal interference. Gov. Rick Perry will have to back up his tough talk with action.
We can not no longer lament about what the other side is doing. We can not longer complain about the people who will never understand. Forget about the people who still watch American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. They are not worth wasting our breath on anymore. We have the knowledge we can take to our state lawmakers and influence them with facts. If you are a part of the 911 truth or We Are Change.What activist a person maybe. Freedom has to be taken back one state at a time. Texas is the perfect place to start the march of reclaiming our God given liberties.We have the numbers in Texas to make it happen if we are all on the same page going in the right direction.
Many battles are not fought and won trying to take the whole field all at once. Victories have been achieved taking a piece of dirt at a time. Globalist know how to mobilize the population to go in a certain direction and take over institutions in a strategic manner .We have to be the same way. We have to be strategic and start to think the same way too against the enemies of freedom. The globalist did not take the whole country all at once in a single battle either.They did taking one step at a time. If we are going to take back our country. It has to be one state at a time. Texas is the perfect place to start having real victories again.Alex I hope you are reading this. Texas is the place to start taking back lost ground. Freedom starts in Texas.We will win if we leave our egos at the door and stay the course.

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