Thursday, April 1, 2010

California governor candidate Chelene Nightingale: "Why can't we question what happened with 9/11?"

Chelene Nightingale, running as an American Independent Party candidate for governor of California, recently had a candid conversation covering a wide array of topics including freedom of speech, the events of 9/11, and the nature of fighting tyranny.

The two part video interview, which lasts a little over 20 minutes, was produced by Paul Wittenberger and conducted by Mike Murphy. [Watch part 1 and part 2].

The refreshingly anti-establishment candidate Nightingale also touched on topics ranging from ending the fed, opposing Schwarzenegger's global warming bill, securing the borders, as well as the "North American Union", "new world order" and an elitist population control agenda. She discussed her support of Ron Paul, as well as those with opposing agendas such as George Soros; secretive groups such as the Bilderberg and CFR, and chemtrails.

In response to the interviewer's initial questions regarding 9/11, Nightingale replied

  • "Why cant we question what happened with 9/11? Before 9/11 i had no interest in politics period.. but i remember watching televion and watching as 911 was happening and i had questions. Again, I'm just an average American citizen. I didn't think 'oh, this was planned by our government', but I wondered how those planes barrelled into those buildings that were supposed to have been built for such catastrophies ; and watch them all collapse different times, different ways, different methods. So when you have professionals in their fields coming out and saying 'well this just doesnt add up', and you think back to the day when you were watching the news yourself and you had questions. What is wrong with that? To be honest, I don't know what happened. I just know that the answers that we were given don't quite add up to what engineers have said ...Why are we living in a society where we are told we cant question anything?"
  • "I have a first ammendment and that first ammendement is not going to tell me to shut up and set down. That first ammendment is telling me that I can speak and have a voice, my own opinion. Regardless of what anybody else thinks, if you dont like what im saying or what I'm asking, then don't listen to me."

Last month, an alleged anti-establishment candidate for Texas governor, Debra Medina, was questioned about 9/11 and said that 9/11 truthers' beliefs are 'despicable'. In the aftermath of what was seen by many as a betrayal, abgry supporters throughout the country demanded and were sent refunds from the Medina campaign. I was happy to break that story and outlined the aftermath in my follow-up article, Why Debra Medina deserved to lose.

The American Independent Party is is a ballot-qualified party recognized by the California Secretary of State. The California AIP has been the affiliate of the national Constitution Party. Chuck Baldwin, who was the Constitution Party candidate for president in 2008 and whom Ron Paul endorsed, was named in the secret government report in 2008 which stated constitutionalists and libertarians are a terrorist threat.

It isn't often that a candidate comes along who unabashedly speaks the truth. Los Angeles County Libertarian Examiner proudly endorses Chelene Nightingale for governor of California.

The primary elections will be held June 8, 2010. Nightingale has one opponent in the primary, Markham Robinson. The general election will be held November 2, 2010. Elitist scofflaw Arnold Schwarzenegger is ineligible to run again for governer and will thankfully be termed out. (Although Schwarzenegger's company made a nearly one million dollar donation to his campaign fund in 2008. Questions remain on that one).

Below is a partial transcipt of the Chelene Nightingale interview.

Q. "'ve also spoken about being mocked about the events of 911 and questioning the opfficial report. Why do you think people are doing that ..

Nightingale: "Why cant we question what happened with 9/11? Before 9/11 i had no interest in politics period.. but i remember watching televion and watching as 911 was happening and i had questions. again, im just an average American citizen. I didn't think 'oh this was planned by our government', but I wondered how those planes barrelled into those buildings that were supposed to have been built for such catastrophies ; and watch them all collapse different times, different ways, different methods. So when you have professionals in their fields coming out and saying 'well this just doesnt add up', and you think back to the day when you were watching the news yourself and you had questions. What is wrong with that?
To be honest, I don't know what happened. I just know that the answers that we were given don't quite add up to what engineers have said ...why are we living in a society where we are told we cant question anything?

"I have a first ammendment and that first ammendement is not going to tell me to shut up and set down. that first ammendment is telling me that I can speak and have a voice, my own opinion. Regardless of what anybody else thinks, if you dont like what im saying or what I'm asking, then don't listen to me.

"We heard George Bush senior say that were in the" new world order". North American union,
it is for one world government. for those of us who read scripture it is prophesized/ but even for those who arent believers, they can see it in the news.

"Our founding farthers left the tyranny of King George.. the irony of this. We need to realize that the wisodom of the bill of rights were trying to warn us so we will never have tyranny again.."

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