Tuesday, March 30, 2010

9-11 Clues Everyone Missed

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Aaron Russo: A Jeffersonian Patriot’s Last Interview
9-11 Clues Everyone Missed

Everything You Have Ever Learned is a Lie

A Closer Look at Israel’s
Role in Terrorism-Part 1

Link to Parts 2 & 3

Article of the Day

Good-Bye: Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It
By Paul Craig Roberts
Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it.
Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded “anti-American,” “anti-semite” or “conspiracy theorist.”

Featured Articles
The Zionist Face Of American Government
The Goldstone report repeatedly refers to East Jerusalem as occupied Palestinian territory. And Mr. Goldstone, by his own reckoning, is a Zionist, a lover of Israel. But he also respects the law, and the law is clear.
Obamacare: Taxing The American People Into Oblivion
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, to give it its full title, is rammed full of tax increases which will further economically cripple Americans already laboring under the worst financial crisis since the great depression.
Health Care Reform: We're Being Fooled Again
Thus, the American people should be fed up with Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid for insulting our intelligence with their so-called heath-care reform. It is nothing of the sort. What they call progressive reform is little more than reinforcement of the exploitative system we suffer today.
Depleted Uranium: A War Crime Within a War Crime
As if destroying a country and its culture ain't bad enough, how about destroying its future, its children?
Bank For International Settlements (BIS): How The Rothschilds Control And Dictate To The World
What’s the significance of having a central bank within a country and why should you concern yourself, your family and colleagues?
Central banks are illegally created PRIVATE banks that are owned by the Rothschild banking family.
Obamacare: It’s About Enriching Bankers and Wall Street
Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean says Obamacare was written by Insurance corporations.Makes sense, considering the fact Obama’s health care “reform” was crafted at the behest of large insurance corporations. “This is a very good bill for insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies,” said Rep. Stephen Lynch, a Democrat.
The U.S. Personal Income Tax: It Goes to The Family Rothschild
The U.S. income tax was a long sought-after tax the Rothschilds had attempted to bring on since the late 1770s, but it was strongly resisted by Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, James Madison and John Adams, among other less-known (to contemporary audiences) American Patriots.
Why is Boston’s WBZ TV Covering up Critical 9-11 Evidence?
In early 2002, Manhattan risk architect Indira Singh was innocently helping JP Morgan Chase find a reputable software company that could help them update their security needs for a post-911 world, when she accidentally discovered that an alleged Saudi terrorist named Yassin Al-Kadi was running a tiny software company out of Quincy, MA, called PTech.
The most shocking part of Singh's discovery was PTech's unbelievable client roster, which included:
The FAA, the USAF, the CIA, FBI, DoJ, Dept of Energy, Customs, Enron, NATO, the Secret Service, and even the White House.
Final destination Iran?
Hundreds of powerful US “bunker-buster” bombs are being shipped from California to the British island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean in preparation for a possible attack on Iran.
The Hidden Role of the CIA at Popular Mechanics
A brutal purge of the senior staff at Popular Mechanics preceded the publication of last month's scandalous propaganda piece about 9-11. Pulling the strings is the grand dame of Hearst Magazines and behind the scene is her obscure husband - a veteran propaganda expert and former special assistant to the director of the C.I.A.
Chertoff Family Member Wrote Popular Mechanic 9-11 Propaganda
Dictators like Saddam Hussein have always used nepotism to protect their secrets and maintain control. Like a dictatorship, the inner cabal that directs the actions of the Bush administration uses the same tactics to confuse the public and conceal the truth of 9-11.
Controlled Press Hides Chertoff's Israeli Roots
Michael Chertoff, the new head of the Department of Homeland Security, was approved in a 98-0 vote in the U.S. Senate without the question of his Israeli roots - and nationality - even being raised.
How Israel Wages Game Theory Warfare-Part 3
Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf signed his own political death warrant when he announced that resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict was essential to resolve conflicts in Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan. Should Barack Obama concede the truth of that long-obvious fact, Zionist extremists may well ensure that his presidency is brought to an abrupt end.
Congressman Lindbergh: Articles of Impeachment Against Federal Reserve
This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this Act the invisible government by the Money Power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized. The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on depressions will be scientifically created.” – Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., 1913, on the Federal Reserve Act Charles Lindbergh Sr. – Congressional record – Feb 12, 1917
Israel’s Fifth Column: The People in Between
The dominant influence of pro-Israelis in mainstream media is not the focus of this article. Here the focus is Wolf Blitzer at Cable News Network who typifies how “the people in between” manipulate public opinion in plain sight and, to date, with legal impunity.
Zionism Unmasked
While Zionism is clearly a nationalist ideology, that narrow framing does the term an injustice as it is so much more. Zionism is more accurately described as a strategy for targeting thought and emotion as a means to influence behavior. Naïve Jews were its first victims when induced to identify with an enclave in the Middle East that President Harry Truman, a Christian Zionist, was induced to recognize as a “state.”
At What Cost the Israel Lobby?
More than 46 years ago, President John F. Kennedy sought to preclude a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. In June 1963, he wrote the last in a series of insistent letters to Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. Those letters sought what Israel now demands of Iran: international inspections of its nuclear facilities.
Lawful Treason?
Winning wars in the Information Age largely depends on winning the battle for public opinion. Thus the opinion-shaping role of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) when it attacked a high profile California professor for his criticism of Israeli policy in Palestine.
Highly-Credible People Question 9/11
The co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission (Thomas Keane and Lee Hamilton) said that the CIA (and likely the White House) "obstructed our investigation".
Zionism and the Third Reich
In spite of the basic hostility between the Hitler regime and international Jewry, for several years Jewish Zionist and German National Socialist interests coincided. In collaborating with the Zionists for a mutually desirable and humane solution to a complex problem, the Third Reich was willing to make foreign exchange sacrifices, impair relations with Britain and anger the Arabs. Indeed, during the 1930s no nation did more to substantively further Jewish-Zionist goals than Hitler's Germany.
Dual Israeli Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?
Can one imagine a Japanese citizen serving in the Pentagon during WWII? Or how about a citizen of the Soviet Union holding a cabinet position in the White House during the Cold War?
Economic Armageddon
If you thought Wall Street’s debt crisis was traumatic, wait till you the see the consequences of Washington’s debt crisis! Never before in history has a world power like the U.S. been so utterly buried in debt! And never before has that debt been financed so massively by foreign investors!
The Zionist Elephant In The Room
Zionism is a political creed introduced by the House of Rothschild to advance the goals of the Illuminati families that are largely controlled by the Rothschilds.
Zionism: A Fairy Tale That’s Become a Terrifying Nightmare
Zionism asserts that its state was given its birth certificate and thus legitimacy by the UN Partition Resolution of 29 November 1947. That is propaganda nonsense.
Ridicule of Conspiracy Theories Focuses On Diffusing Criticism of the Powerful
The label “conspiracy theory” is commonly used to try to discredit criticism of the powerful in government or business. And Tom Brokaw notes: All wars on based on propaganda. A concerted effort to produce propaganda is a conspiracy.
Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!!
Threat of Being Seen as Anti-Semetic Is the Perfect Cover
The 90-Minute Stand Down on 9/11
The first fully armed fighters did not launch from there until more than two hours after that attack. So why was the Secret Service’s early request for help not acted upon? Why did fighter jets only take off from this massive Air Force base to defend the capital well after the morning’s attacks had ended?
The Criminal Nature of the Zionist Controlled Press
Gerald Manuel Levin, a Zionist Freemason of the B'nai B'rith, took over CNN from Ted Turner, which was the last U.S. mass media news outlet in the hands of a non-Jew.

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