Sunday, February 21, 2010

Medical studies show cannabis effective for treating pain, spasms

" With the results of a medical study summarized by a new report delivered to the California state legislature, the California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR) claims it has established scientific proof that inhaled cannabis holds medical value at or above the level of conventional prescription medicines used for a variety of ailments."
Note: Recently here in the Charlottesville area they locked up a woman for growing pot plants. Below is part of the idiotic statement made by Julia C. Dudley acting U.S. attorney. We owe her our thanks for saving the world from plants, and for protecting her job by locking up people for growing medicine. Thanks Julia for wasting taxpayer money and destroying lives for nothing. Keep collecting your paycheck. I hope you feel good about Americans rotting in jail over a plant.

Read entire article here:

" “By stopping those individuals who grow illegal drugs, we are cutting off the distribution of drugs at the source,” Julia C. Dudley, acting U.S. attorney, said in a statement." "

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