Wednesday, September 30, 2009

History Channel Caught In Another 9/11 Lie

Life After People documentary admits steel structured buildings can withstand temperatures of over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit without being compromised

History Channel Caught In Another 9/11 Lie 290909top2

The History Channel’s new documentary Life After People completely contradicts its 9/11 debunking show by pointing out that steel structure buildings can withstand temperatures of well over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit without being compromised, proving that burning jet fuel temperatures of no more than 1100 degrees Fahrenheit could not have weakened the steel in the twin towers, never mind melted it.

In August 2007, the History Channel aired a documentary called 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction, which at the time we labeled the worst 9/11 hit piece to date, “A completely savage, dishonest and deceptive abomination, replete with dirty tricks, malicious lies and a level of journalistic fraud that goes way beyond simple bias.”

The debunkers featured on the show, people like James Meigs whose scientific expertise stretches as far as being the editor of Video Review and Entertainment Weekly, were labeled as experts while real experts like Physicist Professor Steven Jones were stripped of any such description.

One such “expert” was structural engineer Matthys Levy, whose opinion can hardly be viewed as balanced in light of the fact that he was one of the chief engineers for a study commissioned by WTC leaseholder Silverstein Properties Inc. to support a $7 billion insurance claim for the destruction of the World Trade Center complex.

During the show, Levy bizarrely claimed that the fires in WTC Building 7 started before the collapse of either twin tower, in complete contradiction to the FEMA report and an impossibility considering WTC 7 was not hit by a plane.

Levy also attempted to debunk questions surrounding the collapse of the twin towers by claiming, “The fires burned at a temperature of about 1100 degrees in some cases, that’s sufficient to cause the steel to lose half its strength, now if it only has half its strength left it doesn’t have the ability to support the floors above it anymore.”

However, another History Channel documentary completely contradicted this hypothesis by admitting that steel buildings are not compromised in any way until temperatures reach well over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit.

During the more recent Life After People program, a segment about what would happen to the famous steel-structured U.S. Bank Tower in Los Angeles, a building similar in size to the twin towers, if it became a raging inferno (something that the twin towers were not), the narrator states, “The U.S. Bank Tower burns from the inside out. The structural steel frame withstands the searing heat – it can endure temperatures of over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit without degradation.”

The fires would turn the tower into a “charred skeleton,” but would not result in its collapse, which is exactly what should have happened to the twin towers and Building 7, which in comparison all suffered relatively limited fires which were extinguished quickly.

Apparently, the ability of structural steel to withstand temperatures over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit without degradation is a scientific principle that wasn’t applicable for one day in history according to the History Channel and Matthys Levy.

Of course this is not to mention the pools of molten steel that were found after the collapse of the twin towers. Even debunkers admit that jet fuel temperatures cannot melt steel, which leaves the presence of molten metal one of the thousands of unanswered questions surrounding 9/11.

Watch the two clips below. The first example from the 9/11 debunking program is 6 minutes into the clip, the second example from Life After People is 1 minute and 15 seconds into the clip.

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