Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The FBI has abandoned the "Battle of the United States"

I found the following historical film called "The Battle of the United States" disturbing. Why?

In the film we see J Edgar Hoover discussing the importance of catching spies in the United States during World War II and the great efforts the FBI went through to stop them - and they did. J Edgar also credits the citizens with doing their part in the effort to stop spies in the United States - the reason is obvious - unless stopped, spies and traitors can bring about the ruination of the Republic.


Now comes the disturbing part. Why in the world isn't anyone in the corporate-fake-treasonous- cowardly-lying-through-omission-US Corporate show-biz media talking about Sibel Edmonds' testimony regarding treasonous actions by high officials of the US Federal government to put the spotlight on the feckless FBI? Why when Sibel Edmonds' testimony reveals that the FBI must have known a congresswoman's house was bugged didn't the FBI advise that congresswoman and put a stop to it? What good is a Federal Bureau of Investigation that doesn't investigate Federal crimes and breaches of security?

What about all the people on Sibel's picture-only site (no words allowed since she has been gagged)? Reader - please take a look at those pictures - you may know a lot of the people there - Denny Hastert, Burton, Lantos - c'mon folks these are not obscure individuals - they are people who've participated in forming the laws by which you live.

Why is the FBI under Robert Mueller such a useless pile of sh%T? Why did the FBI of old know the danger of spies and treasonous officials while the FBI of today stops those individuals with the courage to speak out? Why does an FBI translator have to be a "whistleblower" ? Why isn't getting to the bottom of the treasonous hornet's nest at the top of the FBI's plan of the day?

Why indeed?

You can review the Sibel Edmonds' stuff by clicking HERE.

I am disturbed at the inaction of our FBI in this matter. I am disturbed by the action by the FBI in this matter as well which is contrary to their duty to the citizens of this nation. I am disturbed at their brainwashing of kids, blindness regarding the 911 Dust study showing nanothermate in several dust samples from the 911 WTC attacks. ( See previous posts on their ineptitude HERE. ) Examine the links - ask yourself - what good is the FBI to the United States when they are not performing their most basic functions - functions obviously at the core of their very existence according to historical documentation and their own website regarding explosive residue examination.

Click HERE where you can read more on their past expertise regarding explosive residue evidence where today they seem blind as a bat:
"FBI Says Trace Explosive Residue Links McVeigh to Oklahoma City Bombing
TOM BROKAW, anchor (Los Angeles):
Late today at the Oklahoma City bombing trial, an FBI scientist testified that traces of explosives were
found on the shirt and pants that Timothy McVeigh was wearing when he was picked up by authorities
some 90 minutes after the explosion. "

Geez pretty good work - and fast too! But here we are in September 2009, eight years after the attacks on the WTC buildings, with citizen-scientists doing the FBI's work for them and handing the complete job to them and members of congress and.....nothing. This is disturbing indeed. Am I witnessing the end of the American Republic?

Why wasn't Sibel Edmonds promoted and protected rather than gagged and ostracized? A dysfunctional FBI means that there is a giant hole in the defenses of the United States. Why is this allowed to continue? What ever happened to the witness protection program when every person I know, when we talk about Sibel Edmonds, says something like: "Geez I'm surprised she's still alive!" Maybe Robert Mueller can get a job working at the circus as a clown - well on second thought his present job performance predicts future failure as well.

Robert Mueller needs to step down if he can't find the intestinal fortitude to address these national emergencies. Or we need to fire the bum!

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