Driving Citation Statistics
Statistic Verification
Source: U.S. Highway Patrol
Date Verified: 5.24.2013
A traffic ticket is a notice issued by a law enforcement official to a motorist or other road user, accusing violation of traffic laws. Traffic tickets generally come in two forms, citing a moving violation, such as exceeding the speed limit, or a non-moving violation, such as a parking violation, with the ticket also being referred to as a parking citation, notice of illegal parking or parking ticket. In the United States, most traffic laws are codified in a variety of state, county and municipal laws or ordinances, with most minor violations classified as civil infractions. What constitutes a “minor violation” or infraction varies, examples include non-moving violations, defective or improper vehicle equipment, seat belt and child-restraint safety violations, and insufficient proof of license, insurance or registration.
Driving Citation Statistics
Average number of people per day that receive a speeding ticket 112,000
Total annual number of people who receive speeding tickets 41,000,000
Total percentage of drivers that will get a speeding ticket this year 20.6 %
Average cost of a speeding ticket (including fees) $152
Total paid in speeding tickets per year $6,232,000,000
Average annual speeding ticket revenue per U.S. police officer $300,000
Percent speeding tickets that get contested in traffic court 5 %
Total number of licensed drivers in America today 196,000,000
Top 10 Driving Citation States
Rank State
1 Ohio
2 Pennsylvania
3 New York
4 California
5 Texas
6 Georgia
7 Virginia
8 North Carolina
9 Massachusetts
10 Connecticut