Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Obamacare - Buy Insurance Or Go To Jail!

GOP's Ensign receives handwritten confirmation of IRS penalty for failure to pay fee - Politico
"Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) received a handwritten note Thursday from Joint Committee on Taxation Chief of Staff Tom Barthold confirming the penalty for failing to pay the up to $1,900 fee for not buying health insurance.
"Violators could be charged with a misdemeanor and could face up to a year in jail or a $25,000 penalty, Barthold wrote on JCT letterhead. He signed it "Sincerely, Thomas A. Barthold."
It makes splashy headlines, but Baucus' Baloney will lose in a court of law. Why?
1. The Constitution absolutely does not authorize CON-gress to legislate mandatory insurance for anyone. The federal government has never had the legal authority to be an insurance provider (FEMA), own shares in a private bank (the illegal bail outs) or health care. This is clearly established in the specifically enumerated clauses of Art. 1, Sec. 8 and no, the 'general welfare clause' does not give CON-gress leave to violate the supreme law of the land.
2. When the first Social Security Act was passed (Old Age Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits), it was shot down by the U.S. Supreme Court:
"When Congress adopted the Social Security Act in 1935, the Supreme Court had already addressed the first such act of 1934 and held in Railroad Retirement Board, supra, 295 U.S., at 368, that Congress had no authority to establish a retirement scheme through its most tremendous power, its control over interstate commerce:
"The catalogue of means and actions which might be imposed upon an employer in any business, tending to the satisfaction and comfort of his employees, seems endless. Provision for free medical attendance and nursing, for clothing, for food, for housing, for the education of children, and a hundred other matters might with equal propriety be proposed as tending to relieve the employee of mental strain and worry. Can it fairly be said that the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce extends to the prescription of any or all of these things? Is it not apparent that they are really and essentially related solely to the social welfare of the worker, and therefore remote from any regulation of commerce as such? We think the answer is plain. These matters obviously lie outside the orbit of congressional power."
"Additionally, the revolutionary acts of Congress adopted in the two preceding decades had been emasculated in a series of Supreme Court decisions. Are we to suppose that, against this legal background, Congress decided to enact legislation of the caliber which had been struck as unconstitutional in the same year?
"In the second Social Security Act of 1935, Congress imposed excise taxes upon employers and those tax receipts were to be deposited with the Treasury. The act further provided schemes whereby participants could enjoy unemployment and retirement benefits. When the act was adopted, parties opposed thereto made challenges to the act, relying upon some, if not all, of the various cases cited above. The major arguments mounted against the act were premised upon contentions that the legislation constituted an invasion of state rights.
"In Steward Machine Co. v. Davis, 301 U.S. 548, 57 S.Ct. 883 (1937), an employer challenged the unemployment tax imposed upon it and the Court held that such tax was an excise which Congress could impose. In reference to the contention that the subject matter of the act was properly within the historical field reserved to the states, the Court held that Congress could enact legislation to aid the states in an area of great concern. The Court placed considerable emphasis upon the fact that the states were reluctant to adopt unemployment acts because such taxes created differentials between states which had such legislation and those which did not.
"By creating a national unemployment act, this difference was eliminated and a great benefit to the American people resulted. The Court, therefore, found nothing constitutionally objectionable to the act as to the issues which were raised. In Helvering v. Davis, 301 U.S. 619, 57 S.Ct. 904 (1937), the same rationale was used to uphold the retirement features of the act. The importance of these two cases upholding the Social Security Act concerns the issues which these cases did not raise: neither of them addressed the issue of whether there was a requirement for any domestic American to join Social Security.
"The reason that this issue was not raised is because there is no such requirement, unless of course one works for a state government which has contracted into Social Security; see Public Agencies Opposed To Social Security Entrapment (POSSE) v. Heckler, 613 F.Supp. 558 (E.D. Cal. 1985), rev., 477 U.S. 41, 106 S.Ct. 2390 (1986). "
3. We know that no one is required to obtain an SSN to live or work in the U.S.
I, along with hundreds of others, have letters from SSA that tell us so in plain language. You must apply for a SSN in order to obtain a benefit down the line. The government does not automatically issue an SSN to anyone. Babies are NOT required to be given that insidious number before they can leave a hospital. It says so right on SSA's own web site, yet parents are brow beaten and threatened all across this country. It is reprehensible.
However, even if you choose not to get a social security number, the thieves in Congress passed laws to tax you anyway for someone else's retirement. A Ponzi scheme that is TRILLIONS in the hole.
The bottom line is that CON-gress cannot force anyone to purchase health care insurance. I don't care what an ignorant fool like Baucus says. If this mess ever gets signed into law, there will be lawsuits by those contacted and told they must buy health insurance or pay a fine and/or go to jail. Bank on it.
Also, note in Helvering v Davis the court correctly pointed out that SS taxes go into the general fund of the treasury and are not ear marked for any specific spending purpose. A mathematically doomed program from the start.
Also, see:
Health Care Reform: Congress Has no Authority to Legislate
Judge Andrew Napolitano: Health Care is completely Unconstitutional
The forced health care coverage in Massachusetts is a complete disaster. Costs are going through the roof.
Romneycare Costs One Hospital $100 Million
Please get on the phone all next week to your federal senator and tell them NO on any of these plans. More than 260 provisions that I've read in the plethora of bills have already been shot down by District Courts and the U.S. Supreme Court; I've cited many of the cases in my columns. Tell them all they're doing is creating a mess of new lawsuits.
Health care COVERAGE reform is needed at the state level.

Weak Dollar Means Inflation Marc Faber

Check this link ...... http://bit.ly/1AbzB0

Police Brutality in Pittsburgh after the G20 Summit

Check this link ........ http://bit.ly/32a4Ik

DNA test shows Hitler skull is that of a woman

  • DNA tests done on Hitler skull fragment
  • Result says it's skull of a woman
  • Casts doubts on the death of Hitler
Adolf Hitler skull
Research on a skull fragment thought to be Adolf Hitler's has cast doubt on the circumstances of his death/ Reuters

ADOLF Hitler may not have died in a bunker after fresh research suggests the skull thought to be the tyrant's was from a woman.

US archaeologist Nick Bellantoni found fragments from the skull believed to be Hitler's were too thin to be from a male, and suspected it was the remains of a much younger woman, The Sun reports.

"The bone seemed very thin - male bone tends to be more robust. It corresponds to a woman between the ages of 20 and 40," Dr Bellantoni said.

DNA tests performed in a US laboratory confirmed the remains could not have belonged to the Nazi leader.

The discovery casts doubt on the exact circumstances of Hitler’s death and could force history books to be rewritten.

Original accounts of Hitler’s death said he shot himself in the head in a bunker after taking a cyanide tablet on April 30, 1945 as the Russian army attacked Berlin.

His remains, along with those of his wife Eva Braun, were taken from the bunker, doused in petrol and set ablaze.

A year later, skull fragments were dug up by Russian forces which seemed to confirm Hitler had shot himself in the bunker.

In 1970, the KGB cremated Hitler’s remains except for the skull fragment.

Dr Bellantoni was sceptical about the theory the skull fragments belong to Eva Braun, who was with Hitler in the bunker where he supposedly died.

"There is no report of Eva Braun having shot herself or having been shot afterwards. It could be anyone. Many people were killed around the bunker area," he said.

By staff writers

Cash-strapped sell their kidneys to pay off debts

Cross Section of a kidney

British victims of the credit crunch are offering to sell their kidneys for £25,000 or more to help pay debts, an investigation by The Sunday Times has revealed.

At least a dozen adverts have appeared on the internet offering kidneys for sale from British “donors”. Five of the sellers corresponded with undercover journalists, who posed as friends and relatives of sick patients to negotiate sales.

One person willing to sell a kidney is a 26-year-old mental health nurse who said he needed the money to pay debts after a business he set up went bankrupt. Another is a 43-year-old taxi driver from Lancashire, who wants to raise cash to pay off some of his mortgage and buy a new kitchen.

Both men said they wanted to help those in need of kidney transplants at the same time as relieving their financial difficulties. A leading doctor said the phenomenon highlighted the need for a public discussion of the issue of selling organs.

Professor Peter Friend, a former president of the British Transplant Society, said: “The West has outlawed it for all sorts of good reasons, but the result is it goes underground. It is really important to have a debate.” Nearly 7,000 people in the UK are waiting for kidney transplants and 300 died last year while on the waiting list.

Offering to sell an organ in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is an offence under the Human Tissue Act even if the seller is planning to travel to another country for the transplant operation.

Yesterday William Henderson, the taxi driver, justified his offer to sell a kidney by saying: “I thought I was going to give another man a chance of life. I wanted to help myself at the same time. We are in the middle of a giant credit crunch.” He added: “A guy from Pakistan wanted one, but I turned him down. I think he was more buying it to sell it on. I’d rather . . . it’s got somewhere good to go.”

Doctor says H1N1 vaccine is Dangerous

Check this link ........ http://bit.ly/2l4Tvr







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Marines Bypass Taliban Opium Fields in Afghanistan

GARMSER, Afghanistan — The Marines of Bravo Company’s 1st Pla­toon sleep beside a grove of pop­pies. Troops in the 2nd Pla­toon play­fully swat at the heavy opium bulbs while walk­ing through the fields. Afghan labor­ers scrap­ing the plant’s gooey resin smile and wave.

opium poppyLast week, the 24th Marine Expe­di­tionary Unit moved into south­ern Hel­mand province, the world’s largest opium poppy-growing region, and now find them­selves sur­rounded by green fields of the ille­gal plants that pro­duce the main ingre­di­ent of heroin.

The Tal­iban, whose fight­ers are exchang­ing daily fire with the Marines in Garmser, derives up to $100 mil­lion a year from the poppy har­vest by tax­ing farm­ers and charg­ing safe pas­sage fees — money that will buy weapons for use against U.S., NATO and Afghan troops.

Yet the Marines are not destroy­ing the plants. In fact, they are reas­sur­ing vil­lagers the pop­pies won’t be touched. Amer­i­can com­man­ders say the Marines would only alien­ate peo­ple and drive them to take up arms if they elim­i­nated the impov­er­ished Afghans’ only source of income.

Many Marines in the field are scratch­ing their heads over the sit­u­a­tion.

”It’s kind of weird. We’re com­ing over here to fight the Tal­iban. We see this. We know it’s bad. But at the same time we know it’s the only way locals can make money,” said 1st Lt. Adam Lynch, 27, of Barn­sta­ble, Mass.

The Marines’ bat­tal­ion com­man­der, Lt. Col. Anthony Hen­der­son, said in an inter­view Tues­day that the poppy crop ”will come and go” and that his troops can’t focus on it when Tal­iban fight­ers around Garmser are ”ter­ror­iz­ing the peo­ple.”

”I think by focus­ing on the Tal­iban, the pop­pies will go away,” said Hen­der­son, a 41-year-old from Wash­ing­ton, D.C. He said once the mil­i­tant fight­ers are forced out, the Afghan gov­ern­ment can move in and offer alter­na­tives.

An expert on Afghanistan’s drug trade, Bar­nett Rubin, com­plained that the Marines are being put in such a sit­u­a­tion by a ”one-dimensional” mil­i­tary pol­icy that fails to inte­grate polit­i­cal and eco­nomic con­sid­er­a­tions into long-range plan­ning.

”All we hear is, not enough troops, send more troops,” said Rubin, a pro­fes­sor at New York Uni­ver­sity. ”Then you send in troops with no capac­ity for assis­tance, no capac­ity for devel­op­ment, no capac­ity for aid, no capac­ity for gov­er­nance.”

Most of the 33,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan oper­ate in the east, where the poppy prob­lem is not as great. But the 2,400-strong 24th Marines, have taken the field in this south­ern grow­ing region dur­ing har­vest sea­son.

In the poppy fields 100 feet from the 2nd Platoon’s head­quar­ters, three Afghan broth­ers scraped opium resin over the week­end. The youngest, 23-year-old Sar­dar, said his fam­ily would earn lit­tle money from the har­vest.

”We receive money from the shop­keep­ers, then they will sell it,” said Sar­dar, who was afraid to give his last name. ”We don’t have enough money to buy flour for our fam­i­lies. The smug­glers make the money,” added Sar­dar, who worked along­side his 11-year-old son just 20 yards from a Marine guard post, its guns pointed across the field.

Afghanistan sup­plies some 93 per­cent of the world’s opium used to make heroin, and the Tal­iban mil­i­tants earn up to $100 mil­lion from the drug trade, the United Nations esti­mates. The export value of this har­vest was $4 bil­lion — more than a third of the country’s com­bined gross domes­tic prod­uct.

Though they aren’t erad­i­cat­ing pop­pies, the Marines pres­ence could still have a pos­i­tive effect. Hen­der­son said the drug sup­ply lines have been dis­rupted at a cru­cial point in the har­vest. And Marine com­man­ders are debat­ing stay­ing in Garmser longer than orig­i­nally planned.

Sec­ond Lt. Mark Green­lief, 24, a Mon­mouth, Ill., native who com­mands the 2nd Pla­toon, said he orig­i­nally wanted to make a heli­copter land­ing zone in Sardar’s field. ”But as you can see that would ruin their poppy field, and we didn’t want to ruin their liveli­hood.”

Sar­dar ”basi­cally said, ‘This is my liveli­hood, I have to do what I can to pro­tect that,”’ said Green­lief. ”I told him we’re not here to erad­i­cate.”

The Tal­iban told Garmser res­i­dents that the Marines were mov­ing in to erad­i­cate, hop­ing to encour­age the vil­lagers to rise up against the Amer­i­cans, said 2nd Lt. Bran­don Bar­rett, 25, of Mar­ion, Ind., com­man­der of the 1st Pla­toon.

In the next field over from Sardar’s, Khan Moham­mad, an Afghan born in Hel­mand province who lives in Pak­istan and came to work the fields, said he makes only $2 a day. He said the work is dan­ger­ous now that Tal­iban mil­i­tants are shoot­ing at the U.S. posi­tions.

”We’re stuck in the mid­dle,” he said. ”If we go over there those guys will fire at us. If we come here, we’re in dan­ger, too, but we have to work,” said the 54-year-old Moham­mad, who sup­ports a fam­ily of 10.

An even older laborer, his back bent by years of work, came over and told the small gath­er­ing of Afghans, Marines and jour­nal­ists that the labor­ers had to get back to work ”or the boss will get mad at us.”

Staff Sgt. Jeremy Stover, whose pla­toon is sleep­ing beside a poppy crop planted in the inte­rior court­yard of a mud-walled com­pound, said the Marines’ mis­sion is to get rid of the ”bad guys,” and ”the locals aren’t the bad guys.”

”Poppy fields in Afghanistan are the corn­fields of Ohio,” said Stover, 28, of Mar­ion, Ohio. ”When we got here they were ask­ing us if it’s OK to har­vest poppy and we said, ‘Yeah, just don’t use an AK-47.”’

Is 'Al Qaeda' the Modern Incarnation of 'Emmanuel Goldstein'?

Is "Al Qaeda" the modern incarnation of "Emmanuel Goldstein", the arch-villain manufactured by the state to rule the population with fear?
You have heard before that "Al-Qaeda" roughly translates into "the base," but were you aware that "Ana raicha Al Qaeda" is arabic colloquial for "I'm going to the toilet"? Would hardened terrorists hell bent on the destruction of the west name their organization after a euphemism for taking a shit? [Prison Planet]

Is it really far-fetched?

Omar al-Baghdadi, the supposed leader of an al-Qaeda-affiliated group in Iraq, was declared non-existent by US military officials, who say he is a fictional character created to give an Iraqi face to a foreign-run terrorist group. In reality, said Brigadier-General Kevin Bergner, an Iraqi actor has read statements attributed to al-Baghdadi, who has been identified since October as the leader of the group, known as Islamic State of Iraq. [Sydney Morning Herald 7/20/2007]

Once you accept that there can be one group of people willing to commit acts of terror you must accept that there can be a second group equally willing to commit acts of terror to blame on the first group.

"...we know they're out there looking for ways to develop deadlier weapons to use against us, that they'd like to get their hands on a nuclear weapon if they could, or anthrax, or some kind of deadly biological agent."

WMV video download (423kB)

Stop and think for a minute. Do the acts of terror accomplish anything for the group that is blamed for the terror?

Does terror achieve their ends or obtain the results they want? Or isn't it obvious that the acts of terror are actually achieving the objectives of those who claim to be the victims of the terror, to gain them sympathy and political alliances?

History is full of rulers who used fake terror on their own populations to create consent for their policies. The US is known to have actually planned fake terror to create support for an invasion of Cuba. And, it is now well established that FDR not only allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to happen, but goaded the Japanese into it to get a reluctant US into WWII.

Then there is the infamous "Lavon Affair" in which Israelis bombed British and American targets and left evidence to frame Arabs. According to ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky, Israel suckered the US into attacking Libya with fake radio messages.

The US told other nations as early as March 2001 of a plan to invade Afghanistan in October 2001. Isn't it interesting that the "terrorists" struck on 9-11, perfectly in time to create the public anger Bush needed to carry out the already-planned already-announced war?

"We need a common enemy to unite us" - Condoleezza Rice, March 2000

"Because Al Qaeda is an insurgent organization, there's always someone to take another's place," says a senior US government official. "He may not be as good as the person who was lost. But the organization is never going to come to a standstill because there is always someone ready to fill vacated posts." [Christian Science Monitor]

Who is running Al Qaeda? Who benefits from their activities?

Bush got his oil war...

"I am a war president. I make decisions here in the Oval Office in foreign policy with war on my mind."

WMV video download (236kB)

...and Sharon got a green light to kill Palestinians and steal their land.

Who really benefits? That's who is running Al Qaeda.

...top ranking CIA operatives admit that al-Qaeda is a complete and total fabrication by the CIA. They plainly state that NO SUCH ORGANIZATION HAS EVER EXISTED AT ANY TIME. The fantasy was spun in January 2001 by Jamal al Fadl, a Sudanese who had been with Bin Laden in the early 1990s. Jamal al Fadl stole money from Bin Laden, and then sought protection in the USA. The FBI and CIA paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars to create the al-Qaeda fiction. [BBC The Power of Nightmares]

"...there are intelligence agencies in the U.S., which require billions of dollars worth of funds from the Congress and the government every year. This [funding issue] was not a big problem till the existence of the former Soviet Union but after that the budget of these agencies has been in danger. They needed an enemy. So, they first started propaganda against Usama and Taleban and then this incident [9/11] happened." [Osama bin Laden 09/28/01]

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cnn - obama "president of the world"

Check this link ...... http://bit.ly/806pW

U.S. Economy Weakened in August, Chicago Fed Says

The scent of double dip is in the air.

Only one of the four broad categories of indicators made a positive contribution in August. The production and income component was positive for the second straight month. Employment, consumption and housing, and sales made negative contributions.

Thirty-one of the 85 indicators made positive contributions. Forty-seven of the 85 indicators improved relative to July.

The index was at negative 2.01 in August 2008, and was at negative 4.13 in JanuaryThe Chicago Fed's National Activity Index dropped back to negative 0.90 in August from an upwardly revised negative 0.54 in July.

New music video from DownsizeDC: Federal Reserve FRAUD

From DownsizeDC.org:

Quote of the Day: "Once I built a railroad, I made it run, made it race against time. Once I built a railroad; now it's done. Brother, can you spare a dime?" -- "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime," lyrics by Yip Harburg, music by Jay Gorney (1931)

Subject: DownsizeDC.org Releases New Folk Song, "Brother Can You Spare a F.R.A.U.D.?"

If the Great Depression had a theme song it was "Brother Can You Spare A Dime." Now we're offering a new folk song by DC Downsizer Dan Litwin.

It's the theme song for our campaign to . . .

* End the inflation tax
* Stop legalized counterfeiting
* Draw attention to the need for Honest Money.

Whenever we talk about the Federal Reserve System and Federal Reserve Notes (otherwise known as The Dollar), we're talking about a F.R.A.U.D.

F- Federal
R- Reserve
A- Accounting
U- Unit, the...
D- Dollar

When the Federal Reserve expands the number of Federal Reserve Notes the value of each dollar you hold DECREASES, and prices rise. The actual value of goods and services hasn't INcreased. Instead, the value of the currency you hold has DEcreased. This is why . . .

The value of the dollar has fallen nearly 99% since the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913! In other words, because of the FED's legalized counterfeiting a dollar now buys less than a dime would in the Great Depression.

That's why we asked Dan Litwin to write "Brother, Can You Spare a F.R.A.U.D.?"

We want people to start talking about the dollar in terms of FRAUD.

When you think about it, "the dollar" is really a meaningless name. Instead, you should think of the dollar as a Federal Reserve Note, which -- as a fiat currency with no intrinsic value -- is merely an ACCOUNTING UNIT that the politicians use to rob you blind through . . .

* Direct taxes that consume nearly half of everything you earn (counting state and local taxes)
* Legalized counterfeiting -- the inflation tax that destroys the value of your savings
* Massive borrowing -- the national debt that jeopardizes your future

Protecting these activities is the reason the Federal government has a "legal tender" law and a coinage monopoly. If they didn't force you to trade in F.R.A.U.D.'s then you wouldn't. You'd prefer honest, free market money instead, like units of gold and silver. But that would cause the politicians to lose much of their power to tax, borrow, and inflate.

The politicians don't like that, but we do, so we want to . . .

* Repeal the legal tender law
* Repeal the coinage monopoly
* Give gold and silver the same tax status that F.R.A.U.D.'s now have

When we do these things you'll be able to withdraw from the F.R.A.U.D. economy, thereby reducing the power and relevance of the Federal Reserve. That's why we've supported three bills, NOT YET RE-introduced by Congressman Ron Paul . . .

* The 15-word "Honest Money Act" would repeal the 41-word legal tender law.

* The 104-word "Free Competition in Currency Act" would repeal the government monopoly over the creation of coins for use as currency.

* The 193-word "Tax-Free Gold Act" would prohibit federal and state taxes on precious metal coins and bullion.

Please send a letter to your Representative and Senators asking them to introduce these bills.

Use your personal comments to tell them that you think the dollar is a F.R.A.U.D, mentioning that it's lost nearly 99% of its value since 1913. Then . . .

* Watch the video for "Brother Can You Spare A F.R.A.U.D." on YouTube.
* Or listen to an mp3 audio-only from a safe Windows Media Server
* If you like the song, share it with others and urge them to start referring to dollars as F.R.A.U.D.'s

Spread this song far and wide -- re-post it on your blog, email it to your local talk shows, and share it with your friends.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer,

Jim Babka, President
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.

Oklahoma City bombing tapes erased

Security tapes of the Oklahoma City bombing just released show key sections have been erased. Attorney Jesse Trentadue obtained the security camera tapes of the bombing through the Freedom of Information Act. The missing portions confirm speculation the official version of bombing is false. On April 19, 1995, bombs in Oklahoma City's Alfred Murrah Building killed 168 people. Timothy McVeigh was executed and co-conspirator Terry Nichols sentenced to life imprisonment. Trentadue says: "Four cameras in four different locations going blank at basically the same time..is no coincidence." The FBI in the past refused to release the security camera recordings, leading Trentadue to contend the government was hiding evidence others were involved. Trentadue's brother Kenneth died in the bombing, possibly murdered by officials who mistook him for the bomber. Trentadue's family was awarded $1.1 million. Further investigation by the deceased's brother Jesse to led to more evidence that didn’t match the official story. Source

"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp

Check this link ....... http://bit.ly/Z0Znq

Alex Jones Tv:The Pittsburgh G-20 Aftermath & Luke Rudkowski 1/3

Check this link ........ http://bit.ly/12HaXA


Check this link .......... http://bit.ly/133XsM

National Geographic vs Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup

Check this link ........ http://bit.ly/3x2G9R

Provocateur Cops Caught Disguised As Anarchists At G20

Provocateur Cops Caught Disguised As Anarchists At G20 280909top3

Shocking video has emerged of cops posing as anarchist protesters at the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, in yet another example of authorities attempting to provoke chaos at global summits in order to justify a brutal police crackdown.

Footage from Saturday night shows three burly older men who look completely out of place with black bandanas over their face walking alongside young protesters during a march against police brutality in a You Tube clip entitled “G20 Epic Undercover Police Fail”.

The clip would be hilarious if it was not so disturbing. Protesters walking behind what are obviously badly disguised cops claim they broke cameras and acted aggressively towards genuine protesters, as well as carrying gas canisters. During a peaceful demonstration on Saturday night, riot cops savagely attacked protesters with batons and rubber bullets while also assaulting and arresting students who weren’t even part of the demonstration.

Watch the clip below.

At one point one of the undercover cops states, “Let’s not make this too much fun, I’m tired, I’m getting old.”

“Do you think it’s funny to mock our First Amendment rights, asks a demonstrator as onlookers begin to become aware that the men are obviously police officers dressed up as anarchists.

At every single major summit over the past few years, authorities have inserted agent provocateurs into protest groups in order to spy on them and if necessary, provoke violence to justify oppressive police brutality in the eyes of the watching world.

We have documented numerous different occasions where the leadership of the black bloc anarchists were actually working with the authorities to provide a pretext for a police state crackdown.

During the previous G20 protest in London, black bloc anarchists were allowed by police to smash up bank buildings while being accompanied by more press photographers than other protesters in what was obviously a stage-managed spectacle for mass consumption, while legitimate protest groups were refused “permits” to protest by the government.

Following the SPP protests in Canada two years ago, Quebec provincial authorities were forced to admit that three rock-wielding black mask-wearing “anarchists” were in fact police infiltrators used to gather information on protesters.

Video shows two of the provocateurs pick up rocks and try to incite violence before they are outed as cops by legitimate demonstrators. The two thugs then tried to slip behind police lines before their fellow officers were forced to stage their arrest. Again, the fact that they were cops in disguise was later admitted by authorities. Watch the video.

Alex Jones’ film Police State 2: The Takeover exposed how the black bloc anarchists were completely infiltrated and provocateured by the authorities during the violent 1999 WTO protests in Seattle.

The authorities declared a state of emergency, imposed curfews and resorted to nothing short of police state tactics in response to a small minority of hostile black bloc hooligans. Police allowed the black bloc to run riot in downtown Seattle while they concentrated on preventing the movement of peaceful protestors. The film presents clear evidence that the black bloc anarchist group was actually controlled by the state and used to demonize peaceful protesters. Watch the video below.

At the WTO protests in Genoa 2001 a protestor was killed after being shot in the head and run over twice by a police vehicle. The Italian Carabinere also later beat on peaceful protestors as they slept, and even tortured some, at the Diaz School. It later emerged that the police fabricated evidence against the protesters, claiming they were anarchist rioters, to justify their actions. Some Carabiniere officials have since come forward to say they knew of infiltration of the so called black bloc anarchists, and that fellow officers acted as agent provocateurs.

At the Free Trade Area of Americas protests in Miami in late November 2003, more provocateuring was evident. The United Steelworkers of America calling for a congressional investigation, stated that the police intentionally caused violence and arrested and charged hundreds of peaceful protestors. The USWA suggested that billions of dollars supposedly slated for Iraq reconstruction funds are actually being used to subsidize “homeland repression” in America.

Despite being caught over and over again dressed up as anarchists and posing as protesters, authorities are still content to use agent provocateurs in a desperate and underhanded attempt to make heightening levels of police brutality somehow appear as a legitimate response. Since this maneuver has now been totally discredited and everyone is fully aware of it, it’s unlikely that they will be able to get away with it at all for future protests.

G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, in yet another example of authorities attempting to provoke chaos at global summits in order to justify a brutal police crackdown.

Footage from Saturday night shows three burly older men who look completely out of place with black bandanas over their face walking alongside young protesters during a march against police brutality in a You Tube clip entitled “G20 Epic Undercover Police Fail”.

The clip would be hilarious if it was not so disturbing. Protesters walking behind what are obviously badly disguised cops claim they broke cameras and acted aggressively towards genuine protesters, as well as carrying gas canisters. During a peaceful demonstration on Saturday night, riot cops savagely attacked protesters with batons and rubber bullets while also assaulting and arresting students who weren’t even part of the demonstration.

Watch the clip below.

At one point one of the undercover cops states, “Let’s not make this too much fun, I’m tired, I’m getting old.”

“Do you think it’s funny to mock our First Amendment rights, asks a demonstrator as onlookers begin to become aware that the men are obviously police officers dressed up as anarchists.

At every single major summit over the past few years, authorities have inserted agent provocateurs into protest groups in order to spy on them and if necessary, provoke violence to justify oppressive police brutality in the eyes of the watching world.

We have documented numerous different occasions where the leadership of the black bloc anarchists were actually working with the authorities to provide a pretext for a police state crackdown.


Provocateur Cops Caught Disguised As Anarchists At G20 260909banner

During the previous G20 protest in London, black bloc anarchists were allowed by police to smash up bank buildings while being accompanied by more press photographers than other protesters in what was obviously a stage-managed spectacle for mass consumption, while legitimate protest groups were refused “permits” to protest by the government.

Following the SPP protests in Canada two years ago, Quebec provincial authorities were forced to admit that three rock-wielding black mask-wearing “anarchists” were in fact police infiltrators used to gather information on protesters.

Video shows two of the provocateurs pick up rocks and try to incite violence before they are outed as cops by legitimate demonstrators. The two thugs then tried to slip behind police lines before their fellow officers were forced to stage their arrest. Again, the fact that they were cops in disguise was later admitted by authorities. Watch the video.

Alex Jones’ film Police State 2: The Takeover exposed how the black bloc anarchists were completely infiltrated and provocateured by the authorities during the violent 1999 WTO protests in Seattle.

The authorities declared a state of emergency, imposed curfews and resorted to nothing short of police state tactics in response to a small minority of hostile black bloc hooligans. Police allowed the black bloc to run riot in downtown Seattle while they concentrated on preventing the movement of peaceful protestors. The film presents clear evidence that the black bloc anarchist group was actually controlled by the state and used to demonize peaceful protesters. Watch the video below.

At the WTO protests in Genoa 2001 a protestor was killed after being shot in the head and run over twice by a police vehicle. The Italian Carabinere also later beat on peaceful protestors as they slept, and even tortured some, at the Diaz School. It later emerged that the police fabricated evidence against the protesters, claiming they were anarchist rioters, to justify their actions. Some Carabiniere officials have since come forward to say they knew of infiltration of the so called black bloc anarchists, and that fellow officers acted as agent provocateurs.

At the Free Trade Area of Americas protests in Miami in late November 2003, more provocateuring was evident. The United Steelworkers of America calling for a congressional investigation, stated that the police intentionally caused violence and arrested and charged hundreds of peaceful protestors. The USWA suggested that billions of dollars supposedly slated for Iraq reconstruction funds are actually being used to subsidize “homeland repression” in America.

Despite being caught over and over again dressed up as anarchists and posing as protesters, authorities are still content to use agent provocateurs in a desperate and underhanded attempt to make heightening levels of police brutality somehow appear as a legitimate response. Since this maneuver has now been totally discredited and everyone is fully aware of it, it’s unlikely that they will be able to get away with it at all for future protests.

World Bank Head Sees Dollar’s Role Diminishing

WASHINGTON — The president of the World Bank said on Monday that America’s days as an unchallenged economic superpower might be numbered and that the dollar was likely to lose its favored position as the euro and the Chinese renminbi assume bigger roles.

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Robert Zoellick said the Treasury should get more power.

“The United States would be mistaken to take for granted the dollar’s place as the world’s predominant reserve currency,” the World Bank president, Robert B. Zoellick, said in a speech at the School for Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins. “Looking forward, there will increasingly be other options to the dollar.”

Mr. Zoellick, who previously served as the United States trade representative and as deputy secretary of state under President George W. Bush, said that the euro provided a “respectable alternative” for financing international transactions and that there was “every reason to believe that the euro’s acceptability could grow.”

In the next 10 to 20 years, he said, the dollar will face growing competition from China’s currency, the renminbi. Though Chinese leaders have minimized their currency’s use in international transactions, largely so they could keep greater control over exchange rates, Mr. Zoellick said the renminbi would “evolve into a force in financial markets.”

The World Bank, which is financed by governments around the globe and lends money primarily to poor countries, has no say over the economic policies of large nations or over currency matters.

But Mr. Zoellick’s comments were unusual, in part because he seemed intent on being provocative. He argued that the United States and a handful of other rich nations could no longer dominate the world economy and suggested that America was losing its clout. He also took issue with a central piece of the Obama administration’s proposal regarding the country’s financial regulatory system.

“The greenback’s fortunes will depend heavily on U.S. choices,” Mr. Zoellick said. “Will the United States resolve its debt problems without a resort to inflation? Can America establish long-term discipline over spending and its budget deficit?”

Mr. Zoellick criticized President Obama’s plan to put the Federal Reserve in charge of reducing “systemic risk” and to regulate institutions considered too big to fail. Saying that Congress had become uneasy about the Fed’s exercise of emergency powers to bail out financial institutions and prop up credit markets, Mr. Zoellick argued that the Treasury rather than the Fed should get more power because the Treasury was more accountable to Congress.

“In the United States, it will be difficult to vest the independent and powerful technocrats at the Federal Reserve with more authority,” Mr. Zoellick said, adding that “the Treasury is an executive department, and therefore Congress and the public can more directly oversee how it uses any added authority.”

This is What a Police State Looks Like

Last week in Pittsburgh, the Group of 20 discussed, among other things, reforming the IMF (Providing liquidity to dictators and tyrants since 1944!) and resolved itself as the permanent world council for international economic cooperation, which is newspeak for the preservation of international economic oppression.

Whatever objective brings together the most powerful people from the most powerful nations in the world, is not wholesome. They do not have the people’s interests in mind because the their interests are not the people’s. So it is no wonder that a relatively diverse crowd showed up to protest the gathering darkness in Pittsburgh last week, where the Group of 20 met to discuss, among other things, reforming the IMF (Providing liquidity.

The powers that be do not like dissent. In particular, they do not like vocal, public displays of dissent which threaten to reveal their fraud. So thousands of hired guns, bought paid for with the people’s money were brought in to Pittsburgh last week to secure “order” and to silence the people’s voice of opposition.

The protesters, and many of the students at University of Pittsburgh saw firsthand what a police state looks like:

unidentified police officers pose for a "trophy" photo with captive

The photo (taken from the video on YouTube) shows a group of heavily armed police officers posing for a group photo with one of their trophies captives. The purpose of staging such a photograph with someone who is “innocent until proven guilty” is psychological warfare. It is meant to intimidate, debase, and to humiliate the opposition. It is the exercise of physical strength and brute force. The motivation is pure malice, the sort of cream which rises to the top of the State’s violence gangs.

Right out loud, the students and protesters learned (if they hadn’t learned already) that the police were not there to protect them. The police arrived in Pittsburgh in their professional capacities as soldiers of fortune, hired guns and goons… After all, four thousand heavily armed and armored men do not storm in to your city and tear gas you for your own safety. They were not there to protect Pittsburgh from the G20, they were there to protect the G20 from Pittsburgh.

h/t: iwitness video

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The Real Reasons Behind Fed Secrecy

Last week I was very pleased that the Financial Services Committee held a hearing on the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, HR 1207. The bill has 295 cosponsors and there is also strong support for the companion bill in the Senate. This hearing was a major step forward in getting the bill passed.

I was pleased that the hearing was well-attended, especially considering that it was held on a Friday at nine o’clock in the morning! I have been talking about the immense, unchecked power of the Federal Reserve for many years, while the attention of Congress was always on other things. It was gratifying to see my colleagues asking probing questions and demonstrating genuine concern about this important issue as well.

The witness testifying in favor of HR 1207 made some very strong points, which was no surprise considering the bill is simply common sense. It was also no surprise that the witness testifying against the bill had no good arguments as to why a full audit should not be conducted promptly. He attempted to make the case that the fed is already sufficiently accountable to Congress and that the current auditing policy is adequate. The fact is that the Fed comes to Congress and talks about only what it wants to talk about, and the GAO audits only what the current laws allow to be audited. The really important things however, are off limits. There are no convincing arguments that it is in the best interests of the American people for anything the Fed does to be off limits.

It has been argued that full disclosure of details of funding facilities like TALF and PDCF that enabled massive bailouts of Wall Street would damage the financial position of those firms and destabilize the economy. In other words, if the American people knew how rotten the books were at those banks and how terribly they messed up, they would never willingly invest in them, and they would fail. Failure is not an option for friends of the Fed. Therefore, the funds must be stolen from the people in the dark of night. This is not how a free country works. This is not how free markets work. That is crony corporatism and instead of being a force for economic stabilization, it totally undermines it.

If the Fed gave its actual arguments against a full audit, they would not have mentioned anything about political independence or economic stability. Instead they would admit they don’t want to be audited because they enjoy their current situation too much. Under the guise of currency control, they are able to help out powerful allies on Wall Street, in exchange for lucrative jobs or who-knows-what favors later on. An audit would expose the Fed as a massive fraud perpetrated on this country, enriching a privileged few bankers at the top of our economic food chain, and leaving the rest of us with massively devalued dollars which we are forced to use by law. An audit would make people realize that, while Bernie Madoff defrauded a lot of investors for a lot of money, the Fed has defrauded every one of us by destroying the value of our money. An honest and full accounting of how the money system really works in this country would mean there is not much of a chance the American people would stand for it anymore.