Thursday, July 25, 2013

Most Terrifying What IF Scenarios Are Easily Solved

Most Terrifying What IF Scenarios Are Easily Solved……. Video Rebel’s Blog
We can solve these problems so there is hope for the future.
The first example of a frightening What IF scenario oft cited in the press is what happens if interest rates on the ten year Treasury bond go from 2.7% to 5.4% and then to 10.8% doubling our cost of interest on the federal debt twice from 535 billion dollars a year to 1.07 trillion and then to 2.14 trillion dollars a year? This is easily solved. Just seize the Federal Reserve and issue a non-interest bearing currency like the Lincoln Greenback.
One What IF scenario is often cited as the reason why we must have Death Panels. That is the number of elderly people dependent on Social Security. Do you remember the Social Security trust funds? These funds were set up in bad faith. They were created to buy US Treasury bonds which were not needed because if we had control of our government we would have seized the FED and issued non-interest bearing currencies. Instead they bought Bonds that paid interest rates far lower than the inflation rate. I read a study that said inflation each year took twice as much money from the assets of those who were saving for their retirement as was paid out that year to retirees.
Few people understand that those Social Security taxes bought bonds that have to be redeemed from federal income taxes. Suppose a ten year bond had been bought with Social Security payroll taxes in 1993. It comes due today and is redeemed by the IRS collecting taxes on workers in 2003 so the money from the redemption of the  bond can used to pay retirees. This system was designed to fail so as to result in Death Panels.
A better solution would have been to set up a compulsory retirement system which required you to pay into an account under your name at a local cooperative trust. These trusts could have set up credit unions, made small loans, issued credit cards and sold simple insurance policies plowing the profits back into the trusts to pay future retirees. Even at this late date we could use the army to invade Lichtenstein, the Cayman Islands and other such places to seize the assets of war criminals. I should emphasize that I would want all stocks, bonds and real estate held by these criminals and not just their bank accounts. We could also kick a few million people off the Social Security rolls who never paid in. These are people whose children and grandchildren brought them to America and put them on our retirement system in bad faith.
The people who own the United States government sent our manufacturing jobs overseas, outsourced other jobs, turned full time work into part time all while lowering our hourly wages and increasing our taxes. They made up for the decline in productive jobs by creating civil service jobs of which there are now 21.9 million. Millions more are contractors to government agencies and programs. They have also doubled up on those receiving Food Stamps to prevent riots. And to make sure native born Americans cannot find a job they added 30 million immigrants in the last decade. There are now 4 million more Americans receiving food subsidies than work full time.
So What Happens IF  the printing presses fail, it all goes to hell and prices go up faster than the percentage increase in the money the Federal Reserve prints? This requires an explanation. The Weimar Republic had printed up money by the ton just as Washington is doing now. Germans were willing to accept their currency as a real store of value until one day they did not. On that day s few people decided it was better to run to the store and buy something or anything real before the money in their hands lost value. On that day what economists call velocity or the turn over in the currency went up as did prices because the same number of bank notes turned over more frequently to support higher prices. As the turnover or velocity increased, prices went up faster than the increase of the Weimar currency. What this means is that if a politician who has sent our jobs overseas decides to pay for Food Stamps and wars for Israel by increasing Federal Reserve Notes 10% a month, prices will go up 20 and then 30% a month. Politicians being proof of the missing link between men and apes will respond with a monthly 20% increase in the money supply which will send prices up 40% or more.
Hint # 1: The US Federal Reserve Bank was written in 1910 at a secret meeting of Rothschild agents including JP Morgan, David Rockefeller, Frank Vanderlip (Citibank) and Paul Moritz Warburg. The latter patterned the Federal Reserve after the German Central Bank which later produced the aforementioned Weimar inflation.
Hint # 2: The first day of that meeting in 1910 held in secret to write the Federal Reserve legislation was on November 22nd. You are a dirty filthy anti-Semite for knowing that President Kennedy was assassinated on 11-22-1963 which was the 53rd anniversary of that first day meeting to create an interest bearing Ponzi scheme.
This What IF scenario requires that we solve the problem of a runaway inflation, no jobs, the cancellation of pensions and Nationwide Food Riots which will degenerate into a Race War if  we do not solve this problem overnight. One solution is that we go onto a gold standard. The bankers were allowed to steal all of our gold deposited at Fort Knox and at various Central banks around the world through gold leasing. A banker is allowed to lease gold from the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve or some other such institution at a very low interest rate. Then the banker is allowed to sell that leased gold five times. You as a taxpayer are allowed to pay for his losses with a little extra thrown in to pay him his annual multi-million dollar bonus.  The twofold problem of the gold standard is that the bankers stole your gold and you will be paying interest to the banker every time you spend money just as you did back under their FED Ponzi scheme.
There are only two solutions to our problems. One is that we let the bankers seize all power, crash the currencies and the stock and markets so they can finish transferring all wealth from us to them. This will be followed in their dreams by the release of a series of plagues killing 95% of us and none of them.
The other solution is that we seize all of the bank accounts and all of the real property, stocks, bonds,  jewels and bullion of the warmongering bankers. We cancel all government debt. We lower taxes. We cancel $20,000 in debts for every adult citizen. We issue a non-interest bearing currency and make both fractional reserve banking and government debt illegal. And we also release the technology the secret government has hidden from us in order create new industries and new jobs.
The choice is yours.

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