Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The 40th Anniversary Of Apollo 11: Holocaust Denial Verboten, But Lunar Denial O.K.? Ernst Zündel In Jail, But Curt Maynard At Liberty?

We here at certainly believe that Americans landed and walked on the moon. We further believe that putting Western Man’s footsteps on the moon was one of the seminal moments of European mankind. After, all the entire Apollo moon program was practically a pure European-American project led by the former German scientists Von Braun and Rudolf. It has to rank as the greatest technical achievement in the entire history of mankind, and we here honor it. At the same time, it is interesting to note how we treat so-called Holocaust deniers and Moon landing deniers. One kind of deniers we tolerate, the other we imprison. Here is an interesting article on the contrast.

As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 mission, in which Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin Jr. flew to the moon, and Armstrong and Aldrin actually walked on the moon on July 20th, 1969, the “Lunar Deniers” are out in force once again, attempting to convince us that history didn’t happen, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Here’s how Buzz Aldrin dealt (see Youtube) with a “Lunar Denier” in 2002. He didn’t run to the cops. He didn’t cry to Congress about “Lunar Denial laws”. Instead, he handled it like a man.

Further padding the evidence supporting the moon landings is the release of new photos, published by National Geographic. In addition, NASA has also just released enhanced videos of the moon landings. Only six percent of Americans question the authenticity of the account of the moon landings.

One of the “six percenters” is noted white nationalist propagandist Curt Maynard, who has emerged as a leading authority on Jewish supremacism. He has persistently denied the authenticity of the moon landings, HERE and HERE, claiming that they were faked. Even in the wake of the newly-released photographs, the stubborn and obstreperous Maynard continues to deny the moon landings in his latest post. Yet although Maynard has somewhat marginalized himself by his position on this issue, his freedom has not been interfered with. He has not been censored as a citizen (although Google has Tos’d a number of his blogs, primarily for telling some “unpleasant” and “inconvenient” racial truths), nor has he been jailed for questioning the moon landings.

The same cannot be said for Ernst Zündel. However, Zündel is not a Lunar Denier; he’s never questioned the moon landings. Instead, Zündel is what’s called a “Holocaust Denier”. This means he disputes the official Holocaust dogma. And he’s in jail over in Germany for doing so.

Ernst Zündel in jail for “Holocaust Denial”. Curt Maynard NOT in jail for “Lunar Denial”. Does that make sense to you?

Of course not, unless you peek behind the curtains. Are there any organized entities with a vested interest in protecting official moon landing “dogma”? Of course not; there is no Astronaut Anti-Defamation League, nor is there a Central Council of Astronauts in Germany, nor a Canadian Astronaut Congress in Canada. You don’t see Christian pastors like John Hagee holding “A Night To Honor Astronauts”. There is no network of 25 multimillion-dollar Astronaut Museums in the United States.

In contrast, there are clear-cut organized entities with vested interests in protecting official Holocaust dogma. There is a Jewish Anti-Defamation League. There is a Central Council of Jews in Germany. There is a Canadian Jewish Congress in Canada. And John Hagee regularly holds “A Night To Honor Israel”. And there is a multimillion dollar worldwide network of McHolocaust franchises and temples designed to promote and enforce official Holocaust orthodoxy. Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein, himself the son of two Holocaust survivors, refers to it as “The Holocaust Industry”

Furthermore, while there is no special country just for astronauts, Jews, through a deft combination of sly strategem and brute force, have carved out a Jewish state in the Middle East. Maintaining that state requires shekels…lots of shekels, as well as dollars, pounds, euros, etc., etc., etc.

Consequently, while there is no vested financial interest for a Lunar Protection Industry, there is very much a vested financial interest for a Holocaust Industry. The Holocaust reparations pipeline must be kept flowing at all costs. How much in Holocaust reparations has been paid to date? As documented HERE in July 2007, the German government has already paid out a total of around €64 billion (in euros, which is $88 billion based on the exchange rate prevailing on July 13th, 2007) to Holocaust survivors. However, on page 306 of his book Jewish Supremacism, Dr. David Duke estimates the total of all German Holocaust reparations payments to be at least $150 billion both in cash and in kind, as previously documented HERE (click HERE to find out how to order your own paper copy of Jewish Supremacism).

This is a racket requiring statutory protection. And so Jewish interests have successfully lobbied for that protection, by tripping the guilt levers of European Whites and suckering them into constructing a continent-wide network of Holocaust denial and “anti-hate” laws used to selectively target and victimize dissidents who dispute official Holocaust dogma. Of course, since the truth can generally stand on its own merits and withstand criticism, this desire to grant statutory protection to a particular historical event sends a powerful – and not very reassuring – message about the veracity of official Holocaust dogma.

Obviously, the purpose of this post is NOT to suggest that Curt Maynard should be jailed for “Lunar Denial”. Instead, it is merely intended to illustrate the selectivity and hypocrisy of speech rules. Curt Maynard is at liberty even though he questions one historical event which is clearly beyond debate, but Ernst Zündel is in jail for simply questioning another historical event which is still very much in dispute and that many argue has been grossly exaggerated. The main difference – Jewish involvement.

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