Sunday, August 2, 2009

Earth is the center of the universe.

Despite ignorance, Despite ridicule, Despite opposition

Truth happens :

Despite ignorance

The telephone too many shortcomings

To be a seriously considered as a means of communication - Western Union [ 1876 ]

US patent commissioner stated everything can be invented [ 1899 ]

Everything can be invented, has been invented

Despite ridicule

The phonograph has no value commercial value at all - Thomas Edison [ 1880 ]

The radio craze will die out in time - Thomas Edison [ 1922 ]

The automobile has practically reached the limit of its development - Scientific American [ 1909 ]

Despite opposition

Despite is all truth happen

Man will not fly for fifty years - Orville Wright [ 1901 ]

The rocket will never leave the earth's atmosphere - New York Times [ 1936 ]

There is a world market for maybe five computers - IBM's Thomas Watson [ 1943 ]

640k ought to be enough for anybody - Bill Gate [ 1981 ]

First they ignore You

No mention of the collapse of WTC 7 – 9/11 Commission report

Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracies – George W Bush

Then they laugh at you

9/11 truthful are conspiracy nuts – Bill O' Reilly

9/11 truthful are Idiots, Dumb, Dangerous & Anarchists – Glenn Beck

9/11 was an inside job, if that is, you are a Paranoid Loony

Then they fight with you

US government establishes special security wing with the sole task of distancing Washington from any involvement in 9/11 attacks – Russia Today

Then you win

So you are here.

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