Sunday, June 16, 2013

“Dirty Haircut”: New Zealand’s Plan to Confiscate Bank Deposits

When New Zealand politicians say the “haircut” OBR document from 2011 is different from what is happening right now in Cyprus, they’re just spouting propaganda. Yes, in small detail it may be a little bit different, but in its designed effect just the same.
And how is it even more dirty than it looks?
 They aim at the savings of what people have in the bank, they make a seemingly fair difference between what is on different sides of a $100,000.= threshold, BUT do not tell people that the big corrupt fish do not have their savings in the local bank, they are off shore, far away, and the rest invested in greedy shares and other investments.
In New Zealand, just look at the recent revealings of David Shearer, the prominent “left wing” politician, where was his $50,000.= (+) account sitting and waiting? Yes, offshore! And John Key? “Eh no,… or maybe 50,000,… it may have been 100,000…” Yeah, we know the drill by now…
In short: the haircut aims at the middle incomes, the middle class, as always in international control politics, the middle class gets shot hardest. Why?
Because the self proclaimed elite does not like growing competition, this is history repeating since many hundreds of years. It’s the hunt for the intelligentsia, the ones with more than average education, the ones with freer minds, the ones that could turn a well informed critical eye and critical voice towards the corrupt establishment.

Politicians, being just another form of career bureaucrats, do not like their corruptible bureaucratic law system changed by a critical, thoughtful and powerful middle class, so they will agree with the haircut of that middle class, just like they did in Cyprus. Like I always say, politicians are exactly the kind of people you do not want as a government, but hey, next thing you know is that critical writings of the government become an act of terrorism, so I better stop, before it is too late.
Or is it?
The Reserve Bank dcoument can be consulted at:

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