Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The 21st Century Global Depression – Brother Can You Spare $60 Million for a Foreigner?

As the farce of the so called sequester (austerity) continues to dominate the headlines, one would think that the entire federal government is being run on $85 billion per year.  If you look at the issue closely, you realize that the whole sham is nothing more than the further selective removal of wealth from our dying economy.  We are talking about a 2% cut here in the increase in spending, which is to say not one dollar from this austerity will go towards the elimination of the debt or the deficit, but rather, every dollar will eventually find its way into one of the offshore accounts that now hold $50 trillion of our nation’s stolen wealth.
As if to rub salt into the wound, the foreign insurgents within the US government continue to announce, almost daily, new foreign aid packages, like the $450 million John Kerry just promised to DONATE to Egypt in financial aid.  This is bullshit for sure, but make no mistake, it is just a precursor to further outrage as Kerry has also announced another $60 million to be DONATED to Egypt’s entrepreneurs and young people.
As we well know, the only people encouraged to start new business in the United States are foreigners, as we American nationals are being denied access to any of our nation’s resources.  As trillions are being borrowed in our names, in our children’s names, in our grandchildren’s names, we know better than to even ask for a few thousand to start up a business, the idea being that it is established once and for all that American nationals are to be reduced to a status below the invading force.
United States is the richest country on planet Earth and to bring this country to its knees could only be accomplished through an open, in your face, all out effort with a declared goal.   Take a little time to think about, if nothing else, just the $60 million being DONATED to the foreign nationals of Egypt for entrepreneurship while millions upon millions of American baby boomers culled from the workforce, who are in reality the tops in their fields, cannot even procure a job flipping burgers at McDonalds.
When will too much be enough?  Is there any American national stupid enough to hand one gun, one clip, or one bullet over to these soviet insurgents who are now shouting in our faces, “WE INTEND TO DESTROY YOU!!”?
They have us right where we want them.  Their bluff is called and there is fear in their eyes.  May our people rise up to make our enemies’ every nightmare come true.
God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

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