Monday, February 4, 2013

What we have is government controlled by a few giant corporations, and they got their power by acquiring the power to create the national money supply.

“If Congress has the right under the Constitution to issue
currency [paper money], it was given to them to be used
by themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations.”
—President Andrew Jackson
“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country
is absolute master of all industry and commerce.”
—President James A. Garfield
“All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America
arise, not from defects in the Constitution or confederation,
not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from
downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.”
—President John Adams
“The Federal Reserve bank buys government bonds without
one penny...” —Congressman Wright Patman, Congressional
Record, Sept 30, 1941
“Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are the
United States government’s institutions. They are not
government institutions.They are private credit monopolies
which prey upon the people of the United States for
the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers.”
—Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the Committee on
Banking and Currency, 1932
• The power to create money in our nation has been
usurped by a private international banking cartel, which
issues our money as debt and lends it back to us at
• Governments get blamed when things go wrong; but
they are actually just pawns of the cartel.
• We the people can get back our government and our
republic only by reclaiming the power to create our
own money. We can use the same credit system that
private banks use, but administered as a public utility,
monitored and overseen by public servants.
• To be a sustainable system, profits need to be returned
to the community rather than siphoned off into private
• We have faith in the government “of the people, by the
people, and for the people” set out in the Declaration of
Independence and described by Abraham Lincoln. But
what we have is government controlled by a few giant
corporations, and they got their power by acquiring the
monopoly on creating the national money supply.
• “Allow me to issue and control a nation’s currency,”
Amschel Mayer Rothschild allegedly said in the 18th
century, “and I care not who makes its laws.”
That last statement may be apocryphal, but that is how
they did it, and that is the power we have to take back if
we want a just and trustworthy government that represents
people rather than wealthy corporations.
—Ellen Brown, attorney, Chairman of the Public Banking
Institute and author of Web of Debt (
“The powers of financial capitalism had another far
reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system
of financial control in private hands able to dominate the
political system of each country and the economy of the
world as a whole.”—Prof. Caroll Quigley, Georgetown
University, and author of Hope and Tragedy.
The Public Banking Institute (PBI) is a non-partisan thinktank,
research, and advisory organization dedicated to exploring
and disseminating information on the potential utility
of publicly-owned banks, and to facilitate their implementation.
Through its consolidated corporate business model, the
actions of a banking industry, dominated by the “money center”
banks of the Federal Reserve, have precipitated the economic
imbalances now witnessed across the US economy.
PBI seeks to explore the possibilities for, and to facilitate the
implementation of, public banking at all levels - local, regional,
state, national, and international. Its approach is informed
by the historic role of public banks, in the U.S. and elsewhere,
in fostering access to cheap and readily available credit for
governments, businesses, and individuals, particularly with
respect to creating productive capacity.
“It is well that the people of the nation do not
understand our banking and monetary system,
for if they did, I believe there would be a
revolution before tomorrow morning.”
—Henry Ford, Ford Motor Co.
“Well, we’re starting to understand and this is
the beginning of the revolution…the banking
revolution.” —Ellen Brown, Occupy LA Teach-InWhat is Money?
1. Money is anything that people will accept in exchange for goods
or services, in the belief that they may, in turn, exchange it, now or
later, for other goods or services.
Money has taken many forms, including shells, beaver pelts, coins,
paper notes, and now accounting entries on a computer. It is an
abstract social invention used to facilitate transactions beyond the
barter process. Around 340 BC, Aristotle wrote: “Money exists not
by nature but by law.” (
2. How is money different from wealth? Money should not be confused
with wealth. Wealth is the productive combination of resources
and labor. Money itself is only a claim to wealth, not wealth itself.
Thus, Main St. produces wealth, not Wall St.Wealth vs Money: Main Street
produces wealth, not Wall Street
3. What is legal tender? Legal tender is any form of money which
the U.S. Government declares good for payment of taxes and both
public and private debts.
4. Who has the right to create money in the United States? Under
the Constitution, it is the right and duty of Congress to create
money. It is entirely left to Congress.
5. To whom has the Congress delegated this money creating
right? Congress has farmed out this power to create money to the
banking system composed of the Federal Reserve and commercial
banks. Only these two can manufacture money, i.e., currency and
demand deposits (“checkbook money”) which are instantly available
to make purchases and pay bills. None of the other financial
institutions has this power to manufacture money.
6. The Federal Reserve is a private bank, established by Congress
in 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act, and set up to backstop
bank runs (ostensibly to provide stability), serving primarily its private
bank owners (and not the public interest).
7. How is money created? In our current system, banks create
money, by bookkeeping entry, in the form of bank deposits (checkbook
money) when they extend loans. In the process of extending a
loan, both a loan (an asset) and a deposit liability are created—that
is, no net asset is created. The important thing to remember is that
when banks lend money, they don’t necessarily take it from anyone
else to lend—they “create” it.
8. Our current fiat monetary system is a two-tiered system of
“base money” and “bank money,” analogous to the goldsmiths’
gold and gold notes. In our two-tiered system, the central bank (Federal
Reserve), creates the monetary base, by computer keystroke on
its books, whenever it buys assets—generally, government securities.
Commercial banks expand the money supply through the process
of lending—i.e., extending bank credit, or bank money. Banks
are given a “special” privilege—their bank money can be exchanged
for cash (base money) at par on demand. While banks create bank
money in the process of creating loans, banks must have sufficient
reserves of base money to meet customer demands of cash and
check clearing.
Banks create money in the form
of bank deposits or “checkbook
money” when they extend loans.
9. The money supply, M2, as reported by the Fed, consists of currency
in circulation, demand deposits, time deposits, and retail money
funds. Except for cash, which is created by the Fed, most of M2 is
“bank money” created by commercial banks when they issue loans.
The monetary base, MB, which is not included in M2, consists of
vault cash and deposits held at the Fed.
10. Bank requirements consist of capital and reserve requirements
on banks’ assets and liabilities, respectively. The
Bank of International Settlements (BIS)—the private central banks’
central bank—provides the twelve-member Secretariat for the
Committee on Banking Supervision, which sets the rules for banking
globally, including capital requirements and reserve controls.
Founded in Basel, Switzerland, in 1930, the BIS has been called
“the most exclusive, secretive, and powerful supranational club in
the world.” Henry CK Liu writes, “BIS regulations serve only the
single purpose of strengthening the international private banking
system, even at the peril of national economies.”
11. The federal debt. Money is extinguished when a loan is repaid.
In order for there to be a net money supply, in our current privatized
system, some entity must remain in debt. That role is taken by the
federal government. The federal debt is equal to the money supply.
12. The problem of interest and unsustainability. While banks
create the principal portion of loans, they do not create the interest.
Thus, our current private system is inherently inflationary and Ponzilike,
because new loans must always be issued to create the money
to pay the interest on the previous loans. In FY 2011, the interest on
the federal debt was 42% of federal individual income tax receipts.
13. Our current privatized monetary system redistributes wealth
from the large majority to a small minority via interest. According
to Margrit Kennedy, interest now composes 25%-40% of everything
we buy (50% for government projects). It is Wall St. and the financial
services industry that take this large cut. As Glen Edens, former HP
executive, states:“…a strong financial services industry is simply not
good for society. Wall Street does not improve productivity, the model
is parasitic, transferring huge resources out of the system…” If the
government owned the banks, the interest would return back to the
people, thus providing for a more equitable and sustainable system.
…a strong financial services
industry is simply not good for
society…the model is parasitic.
14. When the power of creating money is held by private interests,
we have a manipulated market, not a free market, rigged
in their favor. John Turmel writes: “The real power of banking is
being able to refuse to turn on the loans tap for one businessman
and foreclose while turning it on for a new loan to another
businessman so he can buy out the first businessman at auction.”
15. Who should create our money? The creation of money
should be the sole prerogative of a sovereign government—
issuing money directly, debt-free. Private banks, on the other
hand, exchange “bank credit” for debt. Both the private Federal
Reserve and commercial banks create “money” in this way. In
what Henry Clay called the “American system,” paper money
was issued by the people themselves through their government.
In what he called the “British system,” as we have in the US
today, paper banknotes were issued by a private central bank
and lent to the government at interest.
16. America has a history of sovereign creation of currency.
The American colonists, lacking gold and silver, experimented
and thrived with paper currency for 100 years. The best example
was in colonial Pennsylvania whose public bank, highly praised
by Benjamin Franklin, lent and spent money into the community,
solving the interest problem. When the European bankers
convinced the King to prohibit the colonists from printing their
own money, the ensuing recession was the root cause of the
American Revolution. The US has created money multiple times
during its existence. The Continental Congress issued paper currency,
the Continental, to fund the American Revolutionary War.
Lincoln created the Greenbacks to fight the Civil War instead of
borrowing from European banks who demanded 36% interest.
17. The public-banking solution consists of a public central
bank and a federal system of locally controlled, publicly-owned
banks, run by public servants and administered as a public utility,
providing transparency and accountability to We the People, and
the basis for a free and fair market.
The solution is a federal
system of locally controlled,
publicly owned banks.
18. The populist program of decentralizing political and
economic power continues to hold the greatest promise for
ensuring not only political and economic justice, but a sustainable
social and natural world.” —Adrian Kuzminski, Fixing
the System: A History of Populism, Ancient & Modern

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