Monday, February 4, 2013

Jesse Jackson Calls for Looting Pension Funds

jesse-jacksonMoonbattery – by Dave Blount
As Margaret Thatcher observed, sooner or later socialists run out of other people’s money. But the looting won’t stop until they have stolen your last penny. Did you expect to have a secure retirement after working your whole life? Sucker:
At a three-day conference in New York that began on Wednesday, [Jesse] Jackson discussed a proposal for increasing the availability of capital by using pension money to make loans in low-income communities. The idea is getting a prominent debut at the 16th annual Wall Street Project Economic Summit, hosted by Mr. Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition and the Citizenship Education Fund.
He isn’t just shouting this Marxist lunacy through a bullhorn at some ghetto street corner.
The conference features some big names, with a keynote speech from former President Bill Clinton.
Despite or rather because of his appalling irresponsibility and conspicuous lack of morals and character, Clinton is a demigod among Democrats.
Fundamentally, Mr. Jackson’s proposal is about leveling the playing field.
That is, it is about imposing egalitarianism by reducing everyone to the economic level of Jackson’s welfare-bred supporters.
Most who don’t rely on the socialist media for information are aware that the 2008 crisis and subsequent continuing economic decline were set off by federally coerced loans to these very “low-income communities.” Such loans are not even intended to be paid back, as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo confirmed as he was helping to set the collapse in motion as HUD secretary.
In plain terms, Jackson is advocating a smash and grab theft of pension money. His criminal ilk controls the government and is likely to loot America to the point of total collapse.

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