Thursday, April 21, 2011

Count On It!

Do you want to bet on a sure thing? Bet the house on the debt ceiling getting raised. Oh sure there will be great consternation. There will be very serious political rantings. There will be dower economists telling us scary campfire stories. There will be breathless reporting by the media about the future of humankind. We may even have a scare or two on the Dow, but mark my words, the debt ceiling will be raised. Count on it!

I know this because I know something that 99.9% of the world does not know. I know that in our monetary system, our money IS debt. When debt is created, money is created. When debt is paid off, money is destroyed. The simple fact is that debt/money must be created every year in excess of the debt AND interest of the year before or the entire system collapses in a mother of all meltdowns. It is an incontrovertible fact that if all debt in the world was paid off there would not be one dollar in existence. What would be worse, there would still be billions of interest still outstanding.

If they fail to to create debt, the Elite risk losing control of the system as people see the futility of trying to pay for something that no longer has value. Just look at the people walking away from the housing bubble. With inflation, we are kept on the tread mill trying to keep up. Even in a hyper inflationary environment, the Elite can simply purchase all of the assets with newly created money and retain control. The Elite will to try to tell you that further Quantitative Easing is not going to happen, but this will be a head fake. The banks only retain political power so long as they keep the money flowing. If they try to throttle back at all the political and national backlash will be so great that it may mean the end of their scam for a generation or two. Where is Andrew Jackson when you need him?

We may have a carefully construed dip to get the politicians and citizens weak in the knees but it will only serve to open the flood gates again. Most likely this would happen on the stock market. Do you remember when the American people and Congress stood up to the Banksters and their $700 billion heist? The very next day the Banksters scared the crap out of the people by knocking down the market -777 in one day. Right after that, the cowardly politicians handed over the ransom.

The Fed will act as the Lender of Last Resort and the Government will act as the Spender of Last Resort. The Fed get’s its power from creating debt/money. The government gets power from spending money/debt. This brutal marriage is a recipe for the mathematically inevitable hyper inflationary collapse of the dollar. The collapse will be the result of faster and faster creation of debt/money and the compounding interest will reach it’s hockey stick moment. Once big institutions and other countries hear the music stop, they will dump their dollars on the world market to get any tangible asset. From that point on you will get the chance to literally wipe your ass with $100 bills. (Mainly because you will not be able to afford toilet paper.)

What is the point of the “DEBT CEILING” if it is always moved?

The point is to fool Americans that there might be a limit to the amount of debt the government can rack up. Even more important than that, is to fool the American people that there is actual debate in Washington. The reality is that there is NO LIMIT to the amount of debt the government can and will rack up. And there is NO PARTY in Washington that is going to stop this gravy train. It is a false left/right paradigm of no real choice or freedom.

Both the Democrats and Republicans are bought and paid for and they have sold Main St out for Wall St. (Watch Wall St Laughs at Main St.) The contrived drama of the debt ceiling between the Republicans and the Democrats is no different than a WWE wrestling match. Oh there will be smack downs, body slams, and a lot of good name calling but at the end of the day it is ALL FAKE. And the power behind the scenes calls all of the shots, so long as they fool the audience, the American people.

Let me suggest that they just eliminate the debt ceiling and cut to the chase. We blew through $2 Trillion in a little over a year and the economy was not that bad last year. They will probably raise it $4 Trillion so they don’t have to go back to the trough until after the 2012 Political Puppet Show is over.

The collapse of the dollar is 100% mathematically inevitable. When the dollar collapses, it will be by far the single biggest event in the entire human history. Everything will change in every town across the globe. And yet most people have not even begun to think about it, much less prepare for it.

Those that did not see this coming, won’t know what to do when it gets here.

Fortunately for you reading this today, there is the Sons of Liberty Academy.

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