Thursday, April 21, 2011

After The Great Depression, We Had Ropes and Ladders to help us Out of the Hole. Today we have neither - Tom Dennen



Manufacturing and skilled labor, the same ropes and

ladders that helped us out last time our wealth was

'transferred', have been outsourced. It is going to be extremely

difficult to get out this time.

Work is the basis for all well-being, while monopoly and cartels

are obstacles for the beneficial processes.” – Adam Smith,

‘The Wealth of Nations’ – 1776.

Odious Debt is a powerful legal doctrine, which holds that debt incurred

by a regime for purposes that do not serve the interest of the nation, or

the people of that nation’s ruling regime, should not be enforceable, as

the debt was not incurred by the nation or its people, but solely by the

interests of the regime.


There are two peoples in America today: We the People, and the people running what can only be described as an illegitimate business called the federal government, illegitimate because it no longer represents us, the People.
Those two peoples need once again to separate themselves from one another.
The current illegitimate American government is carrying on its business with the money from your work using your money to wage imperialistic, materially beneficial (to them) wars.

Instead of directing it toward your well-being where it belongs for the simple reason that it is your money.
The material benefits of your work are going to huge corporations (the monopolies and cartels) that make the products and systems used for war – tanks, guns, planes, weak body armor, much of it through no-bid contracts to other cartels owned by those same corporations – but not for your well-being.


Your money was not used to maintain or repair the New Orleans levees. Your money was not used to clear out the California underbrush or the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico - but it WAS used to clear up the 9/11 Twin Towers debris in two days flat and ship it out to India before you could say, "Steeerike Three!"
Your money has not been used to maintain your roads, schools, bridges, and medical schemes.
Your money is not being used for your well-being.
You can change that: Hold back your money back until it IS spent on your well-being - it's YOUR money!
And you can legitimately, constitutionally, withhold it by not paying taxes that are not used for your benefit. The Tea Party is just a beginning of the kind of thinking that leads to your benefit.
Ask your company to pay for your work in cash that you can put directly toward your well-being.
Put the cash under the mattress, buy (and learn how to use) a gun to protect it – where you still have that Constitutional right to bear arms.
Because you may soon have to protect those rights and other rights once guaranteed by your Constitution.
The reason you pay taxes is because you believe your money has been as is being spent on your well-being, looking after you and your interests and your family’s interests and your country’s state and regional interests.
But your money is not going toward your benefit; it is going toward the benefit of another country’s interests, and then to the interests of the monopolies and the cartels of Big Business, Big Government, Big Armament and Big Pharma. And while it has many benefits, the single biggest cause of death in America is the ‘Health Care’ system!

Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex is running the show.
It’s a sad state of affairs, but it makes the present sitting government illegitimate not only in terms of it not working in the interests of your well-being, but also of it saddling you with some fifty trillion dollars of 'Collateralized Debt Obligations” that you did not rack up and are therefore not liable for.

So don't believe you have pay it – follow Iceland's people and other patriotic nationals around the world and just say 'NO!"

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