Monday, November 22, 2010

« Kill JPMorgan With A Silver Bullet - Max Keiser Starts A Revolution Against The Silver Manipulator »

Video: Crash JP Morgan, Buy Silver - Max Keiser


More VIDEO below...


Comment from writer and contributor Mark McHugh...

You're never going to get courtroom justice from all this (never ever). What you can do is take away their power by forcing them to exchange real money for worthless paper.

If you are serious about justice, listen to him now. His plan will work and make people money at the same time.

The Chinese can corner the world's silver market in the blink of an eye and the only reason I can think of that they haven't is out of respect for the American people. Despite what you may think about them, I don't think they want to thought of as being in cahoots with JPM. But, If we piss them off enough, they will take all the silver. They are waiting to see if we will deal with our own corruption.

What drives me completely bat-shit crazy is I often think of that Elizabeth Coleman video and how we have done nothing about it. It makes me embarrassed to be an American. I mean it. We deserve to be slaves if we won't stand up about that.

Here we have another opportunity to reclaim our country. This doesn't require any politician to lift a finger, it doesn't require you to understand what a CDO is. You just go buy some physical silver. If Americans can get off their butts and buy 300 million ounces of physical silver (about 1/3 of annual production), they will find out how long and how far the laws of supply and demand have been warped.

The same kind of dirty tricks played in the silver market are played against farmers to keep food prices low, by pretending there's more supply than there actually is, they drive prices lower to impoverish farmers and enrich themselves. When that game blows up, we'll start killing each other over food.

As important as silver is, it's nothing compared to food. We have to make JPM choke in its paper before it's too late. You can revolt now, this way, revolt later another way, or just sit there an accept whatever's gonna happen.


Video: The Max Keiser Takedown of JPMorgan - Demand Physical Delivery!

Runs 2 minutes. Pretty good clip. This guy went out and bought some silver bars which he proudly displays as he calls for the destruction of JPMorgan.


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