Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Meet the new global warming spokesperson?

I was kind of blown away this week by the above video showing climate skeptics/deniers being blown away because they don’t go along with the warmista view of things.

I was blown away a second time when Osama bin Laden announced he’s concerned about climate change and the victims. Per Ecopolitology he’s quoted as saying…..

In a new tape posted to an Islamic forum on Friday, Al Qaeda leader and world public enemy #1 Osama bin Laden departs from his usual calls for death and destruction in order to lament the vast and damaging effects of climate change.

“The number of victims caused by climate change is very big,” says bin Laden (though officially the voice has yet to be verified as his). “Bigger than the victims of wars.” It may seem like the terrorist is softening in his old age, but analysts have been quick to suggest that this latest recording smacks of desperation: anything to recruit supporters and regain flagging support, and with tens of millions of Pakistanis affected by recent flooding, the timing certainly makes sense.

Realistically, this is the exact opposite of what you would expect from either party. I mean personally, I’d expect Osama Bin Laden to be the one blowing up human beings and the warmers to be the ones showing concern for people affected by alleged climate change (read weather) in Pakistan. Wouldn’t you?

So I am surprised none of the warmers have come forward to declare Osama bin Laden as Al Gore’s replacement as the new spokesperson for climate change. Actually I am wondering if this may not already be in the works.

Think about it. We have the Obama Administration’s Malthusian Science Czar, John Holdren, wanting to change the new official name of climate change to climate disruption. To me the word disruption kind of goes along nicely with blowing people up because they’re skeptics. If you take it one step further I wonder if he’s subliminally pushing for Osama bin Laden to be the new Global Disruption Czar?

Think about it. They’d have a certified warmer in charge who likes to blow up people. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

If elected as the new spokesperson for climate disruption I promise ot blow up all skeptics and deniers!

OK warmers! I”m waiting for the announcement that Osama bin Laden is replacing Al Gore as global warming’s poster boy. He’s the perfect man to lead climate jihad.

In the meantime I think I’ll scour the internet for a surplus bomb-squad suit and some sand bags. Talk about CO2 Insanity.

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