Thursday, June 10, 2010

Liberals... You Have Been Deceived!

I keep telling the Political left that they have been misled and the proof is undeniable... now, it's time to pay the piper and face the music. The fact is that BOTH political parties are to blame for the mess this country is in. The process began when the Democrats gained full control over all three Houses in Washington DC under Clinton. Arrogant, prideful and demanding... they held the power and we must follow their lead instead of them serving us as representatives of the will of the people. THEY passed subprime lending into law with everyone warning them they were making the banks loan money to people who couldn't pay the money back... they were WARNED and they didn't give a damn that it would ultimately lead to a national financial collapse as long as their precious agenda was fulfilled. But in 1994, the American people said ENOUGH by electing the Republicans to power over Congress and the Senate bringing about one of the greatest economic recoveries in US history because it forced the two parties to work together being that Democrats couldn't get anything passed the Senate of Congress without Republicans, and Republicans couldn't get anything past a Presidential veto with Clinton in the White House.

Then Bush was elected giving Republicans control over all three Houses... same thing happened but unlike Clinton, Bush had the disaster of 9/11 and because Clinton already had the plans drawn up to invade Afghanistan and remove the Taliban, just not the support for doing it, Democrats fell in line with Republicans and we went to war. The Democrats hadn't planned on the war in Iraq, but many of them supported it nonetheless and should have known this would happen... we all should have because the war in Afghanistan was over too quickly and still, we didn't accept victory and get out like we should have... in fact, that's why we're still there and it's why Obama's losing this war... because he didn't provide change and continued the same disastrous course of leadership Bush provided and which only the Surge in Iraq gave us victory and the Surge was the first time Bush took control over the war since the first weeks after the war began.

Obama's voting record looks like he's a Republican as often as he voted against the Democrats and specifically... against Liberals. But Obama isn't a Republican and his beliefs are anything but Conservative. Could it be there's a reason for these seeming contradictions?

In the mid 1960's the Socialist Party of America, a political party that had existed since 1901, entered it's final years. The Liberals had stolen almost every idea they had and every issue stealing away the SPA's member base. it was finally decided to end the SPA merging with the Democratic Party where due to the Cold War, they began calling themselves Liberals and they began slowly taking over much as the Neocons would take over the Republican Party.

The New Liberal ideology began in the mid 19th century alongside various other groups of Socialists and Communists like the Socialist Labor Party. Compared to these other groups, the New Liberals were extremely mild in their ideology which attracted people to them in regard to the issues they represented They represented issues similar to the Republicans but their political ideology was Socialist in contrast to their Republican counterparts. In 1901, the Socialist Party of America formed from a splinter group that abandoned the Socialist Labor Party who's ideology, most agree, has never even been Socialist... they were Anarcho-syndicalists which is one reason labor unions within the Democratic Party have done so much damage... because this was a strong element within the SPA and the SLP. These elements also began to be adopted by the New Liberals as well because of their success and being within the Democratic Party, they were more successful that their competition.

When the Great Depression struck, the Liberals split against one another. The reason for this is that those who believed in the ideals of the Liberals did not believe in their political agenda because they viewed it as Socialist and Communist. Those who supported the liberal social issues split from the Socialists and Communists blaming them for their part in creating the Great Depression. These people were, in fact, the strength and bulk of the Liberal movement which is why they found their voice and remained true only to certain elements of Liberalism as they remained supporters of big government and government control only when industry failed... but they did continue to support big government even as their hatred for Socialism and Communism would lead them to push us into every war we have fought since WWII. They called themselves NeoConservatives or New Conservatives not because they were Conservatives or that they believed in the Conservative ideology... they were New Conservatives meaning they believed in tradition but their traditions were not those of Republicans or the political right., just opposed to the Liberals.

By the 1960's, the Liberals had experienced a resurgence thanks in no small part to the baby boom generation and improvements in education. The Golden Age had also generated a new sense of awareness about social issues and affluence which led to greater empathy towards others. The Republicans remained faithful to their beliefs and causes but were dominated by Conservative values meaning they supported tradition and slow change which could be maintained and improved upon instead of radical change which could bring rapid improvements at the cost they could do as much damage as good or fail completely. But the 1960's were a time of upheaval and demands for change which the Liberals were better placed to address. The Neoconservatives supported JFK but by the time Johnson became president, many of them were turning against their leaders within the Democratic Party because these leaders were supportive of the Liberals and their agenda. By the end of the 60's, the Neocons had lost the culture war and began changing political parties becoming Republicans... and this is where the political shift occurred where Republicans became more like Old Democrats and Democrats became more like Old Republicans... we know this change took place, very few understand where and why. Neocons were not racists anymore than the Liberals themselves were or are. They hated Socialism and the Liberals with such a passion, that their discrimination turned inward not against minorities... but against Republicans who supported what Neocons saw as Socialism.

But while the Neocons were changing parties and began taking over the Republican party, the Socialist Party of America was in it's last days having all it's issues and supporters stolen away by the Liberals. It was then that they dissolved themselves into the Democratic Party much as had many Socialist groups including many of the Socialist Labor Party.

Most Liberals say they aren't Socialists... very true, they are not. They are Americans who support the issues Liberals represent and which, thanks to the Neocons, Republicans stopped representing. Most Liberals do not support the political agenda of the liberal Movement because that political agenda is Socialist. This is why over the past few decades, many Liberals have become Moderates and many others who remain Liberals are Capitalists. They don't like the abuses of Capitalism or the Plutocracy which runs rampant throughout American industry... but they aren't Socialists nor are they leftwing Progressives.

But question for those of you who say that isn't true... where are the Republican civil rights groups and womens rights groups? If they exist, they are so impotent almost no one knows they exist and thus, they are of no consequence. if you support these issues, you have to support the Liberals... that doesn't make you one of them, it only means you care. However, the Socialists have created so much hatred for the political right that it blinds Liberals who find themselves drawn in and following along leading to them becoming blind sheep. The Neocons are no different, they do not believe in True Conservative ideology which actually does stand against big government, big government spending and war... the Neocons are the exact opposite on these and many other areas.

Enter Barack Obama, a man who's voting record looks like he's a Republican and is nothing but a long list of betrayal for Liberals as the only one's benefiting from his voting record would be Conservative Democrats. He not only voted for Republicans and what they wanted much of the time, but in favor of the very big corporations and even promoting people under suspicion of war crimes at Gitmo. So how could such a man who led the fight to preserve the worst parts of the Patriot Act, a man who gave Big Pharma a complete exemption from his health care plan when they are the largest reason we even needed health care reform and then the Big Oil deal giving American oil companies everything they wanted including exemptions from existing regulations???

What has happened in this country is that the two parties have become extremely polarized against one another and the ideologies within each have become thoroughly and completely infiltrated and corrupted by ideologies not their own. The Liberal Democrats are now led by Socialists and the Conservative Republicans by Neocons. Both groups have lost their way, are confused, angry, filled with hate and have lost their way. Things are further complicated by the fact most of our political leaders are self serving career politicians with no integrity, no substance of character and no more ability to lead than fools running into a fire because they left water boiling on the oven.

What we have with President Obama is America's first Socialist President and the reason his voting record reads like a handbook of betrayal against Liberals is because he is not, nor has he ever been, a Liberal... he is and has always been a Socialist. His actions can only be understood if his intentions were to destroy the Liberals from within and build up the Republican Party as an enemy to unite the Democrats behind the emerging Socialist ideology.

it's time to fight back against people like Pelosi who was one of the biggest recipients of health care lobby money from the health care industry. Regardless what lapdogs like Keith Olbermann say, it is an undeniable fact that the Democrats received more health care money than Republicans, that his health care plan is no different than Romneycare in Massachusetts which is a total disaster and now the oil deal that DID NOT HAVE TO BE MADE... NO ONE FORCED OBAMA TO DO IT!! He stabbed the Liberals in the back yet again, just damn unfortunate there was an oil rig explosion a few weeks later to expose his stupidity and now his sheep are still trying to blame everyone but him... but the sheep are waking up and the Democrats who have opposed him, since the Democratic nomination process against Clinton, are now again finding their voice.

Liberals.... you have been deceived...


The Socialists have finally returned to destroy you just as you destroyed their political party in the 1960's leading them to dissolve their political party into yours where they began calling themselves Liberals until you elected one of them to lead this country. Now, they have found their voice as well and proudly call themselves Socialist Democrats. After a hundred and fifty years, they have finally achieved what they have always wanted... they have finally gotten a Socialist President and his voting record reveals that almost from the beginning he's been trying to destroy you. Not the Republicans, no... he needs a strong enemy to blind you while he destroys you from within because he's done more damage to the Democrats than the Republicans ever could. While you support him blindly, you haven't noticed that the things he's had you doing have strengthened your enemies against you and turned you into a laughing stock before the entire world as you sacrifice everything you believe to support this man. Even now, you fall on your face before him so he can walk on your backs... and then stabs each and every one of you with a sharpened steel spear as he does so.

YOU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED... now wake up and fight back before it's too late and he leads you like sheep to slaughter!

If you are not Socialists as you claim, then look at Obama's voting record, the fact he never once opposed Bush but gave him everything he wanted. If you support the issues represented by Liberals but not their Socialist political agenda, then it's time to raise your voices and fight back... stop believing their lies, stop refusing to criticize this President and stop blaming everyone else when he alone with his blind support base are to blame no differently than Bush and his blind support base were when he was President.

Bush was not qualified to lead this country as he did not have the experience. He was, however, more experienced than Obama and the only intelligence Obama has shown is to deceive the Liberals into thinking he's one of them... in every other way, he's proven a failure as he was just in the right place at the right time and the political left were so blinded by their anger at Bush that they allowed themselves to be manipulated and refuse to see that they have become everything they claim to hate about the political right... and that they have to sacrifice everything they believe in if they are to support this President no different than they would had John McCain won and they had to find some way to support him.

Jon Stewart says it better than I do about Obama's priorities and leadership and for everyone saying Obama didn't create this mess... Bush didn't create Hurricane Katrina either. Obama did, however, strike one of the biggest oil deals in US history just weeks before the oil rig explosion giving the oil companies everything they wanted including exemptions fro existing regulations. No Republican could have done that... it took a Liberal Democrat to betray his supporters knowing they would fall before him ignoring what he did and making millions of excuses for him..

You can't be that stupid Liberals and I'm telling you straight... I don't think you are. I think you're as intelligent as anybody else but because of how the political parties are polarized by anger against one another and the ideologies of each party have become so corrupted that no one knows what to believe anymore... and both sides have to sacrifice everything they believe in to support the Pied Pipers and False Messiahs... Neocons and Socialists.

Americans... you have all been deceived... but it's whichever political party is in power that determines who does the damage as one is a continuation of the other and what one party does wrong, the other's damned and determined to make it worse claiming they want to make things better.

Rant Over

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