Saturday, April 3, 2010

Keep your hands off my stuff!

The more social programs there are and the bigger government gets, the more expensive government becomes and the less freedom we have. The money has to come from somewhere and if it doesn’t come from the people directly through taxes, it must be printed. This causes the more insidious tax of inflation which most people don’t see or understand. Today we have a very powerful wealthy group of un-elected power-brokers in charge of the printing press who have virtually no oversight. They have taken control of ours and the entire world economy by convincing the masses that this unconstitutional arrangement is free-market capitalism. It is not. A central bank is a key pillar in the Communist Manifesto as it is the very control mechanism for that system. They sit above the economy acquiring assets with their counterfeit fiat while the rest of the world wonders how it’s possible that everyone is going broke. The more broke people become, the more dependent they are on the system. They must borrow to survive and become slaves of that system. “Debt” after all is “slavery”. Well-meaning liberals point at this Ponze Scheme they’ve concocted and claim that the free market has failed and that we need to spread the wealth around and give relief to the poor by expanding the government sector giving even more wealth and power to the very people who caused the grief. Government after all has no money…. they have to borrow from the private Central Bank to fund these socialist liabilities and eventually even borrow more to pay off the interest they owe again inflating the currency. This vicious cycle continues until eventually the only people who have any assets at all are the people who are in charge of the printing press. It is a Feudal system, not free market. We can argue for days about “Capitalism” vs. “Socialism” but I think everyone should agree that the big problem is this un-elected Cartel that we have silently controlling the whole show. These same people own the major corporations and the media, and they control both the Democrats and Republicans in Washington. The only way to fight them is to not go along with anything that gives them more control. Fighting for individual freedom and Liberty is the only way to combat these people. The way we fight for freedom is to resist this Democracy – Two wolves and a sheep deciding on what’s for dinner. What’s mine is mine! Keep your hands off my stuff! First, let’s end the Federal Reserve control of the system and give the power back to the people where it belongs, then we can argue about the “isms”.

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