Friday, September 25, 2009

Can a grassroots movement seed a new economy?

This project is about challenging the establishment and voting with our wallets. I spend a lot of time attacking our broken & corrupt political system, but I think if we as individuals can get excited about small, easy ways to rebuild the economy from the ground up, we'll accomplish our goal much more quickly.

How do we do this? Be an entrepreneur, or support innovative entrepreneurs whose values are consistent with yours.

Vote with your wallet.

Think about who you're supporting when you go grocery shopping--is it a highly processed product made with genetically modified Monsanto corn, soy or sugar? Or is is a fresh heirloom tomato that came from the farmer outside of town? I'm trying to make choices that support my local farmers and businesses. It's not always easy, and sometimes it's less convenient (I order a lot of pizza when I'm strapped for time), but if enough of us can make better choices a few times a week, we have the potential to rewrite our economic destiny.

So, regardless of whether you have $5 worth of faith in this particular idea, I hope you'll start/continue using your power to strengthen healthy systems that are aligned with your values.

Learn more about the project here:

50 million people are already trying to make purchasing choices to support companies that are socially and fiscally responsible. If we can get this message in front of just .4% of those people (200,000), we have a real shot at demonstrating a new model for rebuilding the economy through community-supported entrepreneurship. Imagine the potential....

(and since I know some of you are wondering, I'm not getting any $ out of this. I just think it has the potential to be a game changer, and I hope you agree!)


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