Monday, August 31, 2009

Democracy Propaganda

Democracy has nothing to do with the 'success' of America. A bunch of greedy rich white people with guns conned a bigger bunch of greedy wanna-be-rich white poeple (whom they had oppressed in their native lands and promised not to any more if they would only help them kill the savages) to steal the greatest bounty of untouched riches and wealth the world had ever seen from the innocent owners of that bounty. America would have been a 'success' no matter which system it had operated under - for 500 years whenever they wanted anything they just had to dig into thier hoard of stolen goods to pay for it. Problem is they just realized the hoard is gone. Now they have to export thier 'democracy' so they can attempt to re-stock it.

The USA is not now, nor has it ever been, a democracy. It is a republic. If you want to get technical, it is a constitutionally-limited democratic republic. That means it is a republic, with some of the representatives being elected in a democratic process, and operaters under the motivations and restrictions of a constitution.

As the post images says, democracy is mob rule. Gangs are a democracy.

Get over the loss of land by the native inhabitants. How did this affect your life? How is going to affect your future? The smart outwit the dumb, the educated fool the ignorant, the greedy take from the altruistic, the powerful overtake the meek. That's nature. The best you can do is learn from the past and make a decision to do right by your morals. Do you want immortality or do you want stuff? Do you want to be famous or to be infamous? Do you want respect or do you want fear?

It was a cheesy movie, but paying it forward works much more than it doesn't. Just don't expect life to be fair, it is what you make it.

xero, about the stealing of the native's land: that IS important to know and to understand. He is just pointing out WHY exactly USA was able to get rich. Capitalism is a zero sum game because for somebody to get rich somebody else MUST gets poorer. It is very important to know how the white people always get rich by going to land that dont belong to them and they reap everything from there and get rich.

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