Monday, August 31, 2009

Cybersecurity Act of 2009: President Can Take Over Internet, Access Private Data

Read the draft of the revised Cybersecurity Act bill (S 773) here

More of our freedoms are under attack, this time through s. 773 - The Cybersecurity Act of 2009,

First introduced by Senators Rockefeller and Snowe in April 2009, this bill aims to improve security for critical technology systems within government AND private sectors.

In actuality, all this bill would do is vastly expand government's control by granting the President the authority to shut down Internet traffic, regardless of whether it's in the govt or the private sector.

This bill fits an alarming trend of legislation that vastly expands the role and power of government, while doing absolutely nothing to address the root cause of the problem.

As security expert Bruce Schneier points out, the true causes of government cyber-insecurity include insufficient access controls, a lack of encryption where necessary, poor network management,
failure to install patches, inadequate audit procedures, and incomplete or ineffective information security programs.

The Cybersecurity Act does nothing to address these BASIC 'computer hygeine' issues, and instead, poses a serious threat to our personal freedom & privacy.

The revised version creates a Federal certification program for cybersecurity professionals. This certification would be mandatory for certain systems and networks within the private sector.

So, essentially, we're giving the people with the worst technology track record full authority and control over our critical technical assets. Government consistently gets failing grades when it comes to cybersecurity, yet this bill would look to them to define standards and certify who's qualified to manage private technology networks!?

You know the drill - do your own research, then call and email your reps urging them to oppose this bill and start standing up for our freedom. It's up to us to protect our rapidly-eroding freedoms, so please share this video with your friends and help spread the word.

Learn more about the original bill here (not much of this has changed):


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is just scary. I work for the best custom service and I spend most of my time on internet and it is just so weird knowing that people can control all your moves.
