Friday, April 25, 2014

Is The US Military Preparing For The Collapse Of The Dollar? RICHARD RUSSELL: “IN A MATTER Of MONTHS, I SEE THE DOLLAR CRASHING”

It almost happened in 2008… but as this excerpt from Casey Research’s Meltdown America documentary notes, it appears the US military is preparing for the potential collapse of the US dollar. As Scott Taylor warns, “…if the carrot (of credit worthiness) is fading, and the stick (of military threat) is weak, that empire is going to come down in a hurry…” which leaves a serial economic mis-manager only one option to ‘secure’ the empire.
To see what the consequences of economic mismanagement can be, and how stealthily disaster can creep up on you, watch the 30-minute documentary, Meltdown America. Witness the harrowing tales of three ordinary people who lived through a crisis, and how their experiences warn of the turmoil that could soon reach the US.
I think we are seeing the greatest transfer of wealth (West to East) in all history. China is amassing a huge hoard of gold while I don’t know how much the US and the English speaking nations actually have. The western central banks’ policy of selling gold to knock down the price is a disaster (and China must love it). The US will lose its reserve currency advantage within a few years or probably less time. Our defense against a weak economy is always to print more money. In a matter of months, I see the dollar crashing.”
U.S. Debt Clock:
The Central Bankers Are Pushing War To Cover Up The Economic Collapse

Third world America: phony statistics“Face it, America is hurtling toward third world status, and the signs are all around us, from the growth of a violent underclass to the rise of an oligarchy to a government that lies without shame and re-doubles on those lies when challenged. 

One of the other symptoms is the emergence of phony government statistics. John Crudele of the New York Post has broken story after story on fraud in the Census Bureau’s statistics, which are used for many political and economic purposes, affecting the lives of all Americans. 

Based on sources throughout the Bureau, he is now charging widespread fraud, and some of his sources have agreed to speak with an Inspector General. These whistle blowers need protection against retaliation.” 
No Dhimmim

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