Thursday, December 12, 2013

Jesse Ventura calls for a National Sales Tax, National Jobs Program

Former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura, who has discussed the idea of a 2016 presidential run, has launched a petition calling for a national sales tax. The petition, titled Federal Elected Officials: Regain Our Civil Liberties has 12,500 signatures. The petition also calls for repeal of the Patriot Act and "Immediate release to the public of all documents concerning the assassination of President John F. Kennedy."
Jesse begins "Express your anger by taking action to regain our Democracy. Add your signature to my petition." While Ventura does a lot of good work and has the guts to expose the truth about 9/11, the idea of a national sales tax and a 'New Deal' type WPA program which Ventura advocates are bad ideas.
The petition states, in part,
Petition for Governmental Redress of Grievances We, The People, being the true and just Sovereign Body of this Republic, hereby declare to Our Elected Representatives—who derive their powers from the consent of We, The Governed— That:
As provided by The Constitution of the United States, we seek and demand immediate actions and attentions guaranteeing full redress of the following:
  • Repeal of all provisions of “The Patriot Act” which are not in accordance with the historical concepts of the Civil Liberties of Americans—including the refusal of legal representation to the accused, the use of torture, and of imprisonment without due process of law and trial, especially under “secret” confinement;
  • Immediate release to the public of all documents concerning the assassination of President John F. Kennedy;
  • Abolish the Income Tax and replace it with a national sales tax. That way we get our money first and the government gets theirs based upon what we spend. So that directly links the government to the economy and forces them to have our best interests in mind. Also Reduce Excessive Defense Spending to the level actually necessary for our Defense; and to then use Our Resources as follows: 1. Ensure that the Social Security system remains solvent and fully funded for Every American paying into the system;
    2. Institute a National Jobs Program to create employment by repairing bridges, roads and other public works of our nation’s Failing Infrastructure; like the WPA Program of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the goal of this program is to provide a job to every family which has suffered long-term unemployment;
    3. Increase teacher salaries and funding for schools to levels which actually reflect our commitment to Excellence In Education;
    4. Ensure that Every American, regardless of income level, has access to Basic Health Care needs. Health care should be a basic right. Any parent of a child knows that when your child is sick—it’s not an option. You have to get them the care that they need. That shouldn’t be for the wealthy, or for the fortunate.
    That should be EVERYBODY.

In a CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) NEWSLETTER from 2004, Dr. Katherine Albrecht wrote "Arguments against a national sales tax: Claire Wolfe & Aaron Zelman have written a great article detailing many reasons to oppose national sales tax. Their article, titled "The FairTax: A Trojan Horse for America?" echoes CASPIAN founder Katherine Albrecht's concern that a national sales tax could lead to unprecedented government surveillance of our purchases and personal belongings, among other problems. Read it online here: Wikipedia's entry on the Works Progress Administration states, in part,
The Works Progress Administration (renamed in 1939 as the Work Projects Administration; WPA) was the largest and most ambitious New Deal agency, employing millions of unemployed people (mostly unskilled men) to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads. In much smaller but more famous projects the WPA employed musicians, artists, writers, actors and directors in large arts, drama, media, and literacy projects. Almost every community in the United States had a new park, bridge or school constructed by the agency. The WPA's initial appropriation in 1935 was for $4.9 billion (about 6.7 percent of the 1935 GDP), and in total it spent $13.4 billion.
The WPA had numerous critics, especially from the right. The strongest attacks were that it was the prelude for a national political machine on behalf of Roosevelt. Reformers secured the Hatch Act of 1939 that largely depoliticized the WPA. Others complained that far left elements played a major role, especially in the New York City unit (which was independent of the New York State unit). Representative Martin Dies, Jr. called the WPA a "seedbed for communists". Exaggeration was rife—such as a false report circulating in 1936 that the cost of killing a single rat in one extermination endeavor was $2.97 (over $48 in current dollars).
Much of the criticism of the distribution of projects and funding allotment is a result of the view that the decisions were politically motivated. The South, as the poorest region of the United States, received 75 percent less in federal relief and public works funds per capita than the West. Critics would point to the fact that Roosevelt’s Democrats could be sure of voting support from the South, whereas the West was less of a sure thing; investing in the West was a way of swaying voters. There was a perception that WPA employees were not diligent workers. Employers said the "WPA is bad for people since it gives them poor work habits. They believe that even if a man is not an inefficient worker to begin with, he gets that way from being on WPA." Having been on the WPA made it harder for alumni to get a job because employers said they had "formed poor work habits" on the WPA.
A Senate committee reported that, "To some extent the complaint that WPA workers do poor work is not without foundation. ... Poor work habits and incorrect techniques are not remedied. Occasionally a supervisor or a foreman demands good work." The WPA and its workers were ridiculed as being lazy. The organization's initials were said to stand for "We Poke Along" or "We Putter Along" or "Whistle, Piss and Argue." These were sarcastic references to WPA projects that sometimes slowed down deliberately because foremen had an incentive to keep going, rather than finish a project. New Deal officials reportedly took measures to prevent political corruption. In particular President Roosevelt created a "division of progress investigation" to investigate complaints of malfeasance.

Wikipedia's entry on Hatch Act of 1939 explains that the law was enacted in response to problems with the WPA.
Widespread allegations that local Democratic Party politicians used employees of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) during the congressional elections of 1938 provided the immediate impetus for the passage of the Hatch Act. Criticism centered on Kentucky, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. In Pennsylvania, Republicans and dissident Democrats publicized evidence that Democratic politicians were consulted on the appointment of WPA administrators and case workers and that they used WPA jobs to gain unfair political advantages. In 1938, a series of newspaper articles exposed WPA patronage and political contributions in return for employment, prompting an investigation by the Senate Campaign Expenditures Committee, headed by Sen. Morris Sheppard, a Texas Democrat.
Here are some links on the national sales tax.
LewRockwell: National Sales Tax By Harry Browne, 2005 Gary Johnson wants a 23% national sales tax. (with 9 pages of comments) On Taxes
Internet Sales Tax Could Crush Small Businesses
Bill O’Reilly Calls For New National Sales Tax
Cato Institute: Considering a National Sales Tax What if. We had a national sales tax? The National Sales Tax Disaster
The Flat Tax Is Not Flat and the FairTax Is Not Fair
Dear Congressman by Laurence Vance The Fair Tax Fraud There Is No Such Thing as a Fair Tax
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