The latest budget agreement between Senator Patty
Murray (D-Wash.) and Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), which President
Obama has already agreed to sign, is being lauded by the beltway media
as a long-overdue compromise that will finally result in a definitive
spending plan. And predictably, all the focus has been on the deal,
rather than who was screwed by the deal, and who screwed them.
A Bipartisan Skewering of the Jobless
It's been an obvious fact for a long while now that today's Republican Party has become merely the political arm of the plutocracy.
They have steadfastly refused to support anything that would get in the
way of the richest Americans to become richer, even if it means the
most vulnerable have to suffer that much more. This is true at all levels, from their views on energy policy, to tax loopholes, and even to extending unemployment benefits and food stamps.
Democrats, however, have managed to get away with pretending to
represent the interests of those vulnerable Americans. But just as they
did with food stamps in the farm bill, this latest budget agreement
leaves the unemployed to fend for themselves.
At least 12.2 million Americans were unemployed
in 2012, and even those with jobs are often working minimum-wage jobs
in the food service and retail sectors, which qualifies them for food
stamps. Data from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows that
social safety net programs like unemployment insurance and food stamps
kept 41 million people, including 9 million children, out of poverty last year alone. All on its own, unemployment benefits kept 2.2 million people, including 600,000 children,
out of poverty in 2012. Congressional Democrats may want to pat
themselves on the back and bolster their re-election efforts for making a
budget deal, but leaving unemployment benefits entirely out of the
equation is callous and cruel, especially two weeks before Christmas.
Ignoring the Real Problems
Robert Borosage posted a sage analysis
of this deal on his blog, pointing out that the agreement reinforces
all the falsehoods propagated about the federal government. Most
Americans who don't pay member dues to Koch-funded political
organizations could give a shit about the deficit - the whole reason we
pay taxes is so the government will do something good with those taxes,
not sit on their thumbs and do nothing while collecting a six-figure
paycheck. What's really on everyone's mind is the need for more good
jobs that pay a living wage.
The much-maligned budget sequester was rolled back, but really only for the Pentagon.
Programs like Head Start and food assistance for Women, Infants and
Children (WIC), Meals on Wheels, and Section 8 housing are still hanging
by a thread. Essentially, programs that already get a razor-thin share
of federal tax dollars have to evenly split $63 billion in sequester
relief with the Pentagon, which has made a name for itself in cooking
its own books hotter than a Louisiana gumbo.
Reuters found that since 1996, the Pentagon has inexplicably evaded annual audits,
which are normally routine for federal agencies. In the 17 years since
their last audit, the Department of Defense has been unable to account
for $8.5 TRILLION dollars.
Divide that by 310 million Americans, and that's a whopping $27,419.35
for every man, woman and child in America, all of whom are owed an
explanation by the accountants at the Pentagon. The Pentagon's budget is
already huge in comparison to other agencies: compare the almost $700 billion they were given last year to NASA's paltry $19 billion budget. The Pentagon spent $20 billion just for air conditioning units in TENTS in 2011. Imagine if NASA got just half of the Pentagon's budget. We could probably live on Mars.
The Murray-Ryan budget agreement does nothing for those in need of good-paying work, and likewise spites hard-working federal employees
who have already had to endure a shutdown and live in constant fear of
losing their job to budget cuts. Under this new deal, federal employees
will have to pay more out of their paychecks into their pensions, and
military retirees will have their pensions cut. This reinforces the
false frame that federal employees are too privileged, when the fact is
that one-tenth of US corporations don't pay a dime in federal taxes, and great wealth is concentrating into the hands of a few, who largely evade paying their fair share of taxes.
An Out-of-Touch Beltway Elite
Just as Democrats have done since Obama took office,
Patty Murray readily gave up on winning important provisions for
ordinary folks in the budget deal before negotiations even begun. The
blame lies equally with Paul Ryan and House Republicans for likely even
refusing to even start budget negotiations until all social safety net
programs were left out of the equation and the notion of corporations
and billionaires making any inkling of sacrifice was thrown to the
winds. This budget deal is being praised by the beltway elite, because
the only people who care about Democrats and Republicans making a
symbolic budget deal are beltway politicians and the careerists whose
jobs ride on those politicians being re-elected. Sweeping the unemployed
under the rug won't make them go away, nor will it alleviate the
problems of poverty. All it helps is the lazy political class who
doesn't want to stop the gravy train by rocking the boat too hard.
If the DC political class really cared about saving
taxpayers' money, they'd fight hard for a living wage for America's fast
food and retail workers. In California alone, Walmart's poverty wages
cost the state's taxpayers $86 billion in food stamps and Medicaid.
We shouldn't blame workers for being poor, but rather their employer, a
global billion-dollar company whose 6 heirs make as much in 3 minutes
of dividends as one of their hourly workers makes in an entire year. If
Congress fought hard for doubling the minimum wage, the effects of that
would ripple throughout the economy. In a consumer economy, the economy
can't grow if people can't afford to consume. Likewise, if these
low-wage workers had enough money to spend, they could help businesses
expand in their own communities and hire new workers to accommodate the
increased demand, and also save billions for taxpayers as less money is
needed to accommodate low-wage workers depending on the safety net.
That's real budget reform that would benefit working families and
businesses alike.
This bad budget deal is just one more example of how
badly we need a serious new political party that's in tune with what
people actually want from government. This party has to be comprised of a
diverse base of engaged young activists who have everything at stake in
the future, and supporters within their community. By focusing our
efforts on ballot access in 2014, wins at the local level in 2016, and
at the statewide level by the end of the decade, we can launch a serious
threat to the two corporate parties, and eventually the people can win
actual representation in government.
Carl Gibson, 26, is co-founder of US Uncut, a
nationwide creative direct-action movement that mobilized tens of
thousands of activists against corporate tax avoidance and budget cuts
in the months leading up to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Carl and
other US Uncut activists are featured in the documentary "We're Not
Broke," which premiered at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival. He currently
lives in Madison, Wisconsin. You can contact him at, and follow him on twitter at @uncutCG.
Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for
this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a
link back to Reader Supported News.
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