Friday, August 9, 2013

What Would Jesus Do If He Was Told To Comply With Obamacare, Gun Control and Other Unjust Laws?

Why should no one comply with Obamacare? We do not need the Constitution justify it. We do not need to principle of using civil disobedience. There is a much bigger reason why we should not comply with Obamacare that makes more sense than using a perverted legal argument of man’s law. It is just plain common sense and is moral that is the highest law that is far above any corrupt dictator’s unjust edicts.
When congress passed the Affordable Healthcare Act. This law was passed with a public outcry in overwhelming majorities saying “no”. This law was passed against the consent of the governed. People seen what the law will do to the economy and our God given liberties. The people seen this law destroying our bill of Rights and our livelihoods. To comply with this law voluntarily to its mandate. The people will be subjected to a life of futilism and poverty to meet the demands of the bureaucracies created under this law.
So you ask what is the core moral reason. Lets look at this founding document being the Declaration of Independence says about our personal liberties:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
The burden complying with Obamacare goes against our pursuit of happiness making us slaves to a system that is neither grateful and just demands more. It is morally repugnant even under protest to go along to get along at the expense of our substance we are not obligated by principle pay any tribute to the dictator.
This law gives the government unjust powers not consented by the people. The people are withdrawing their consent from the US Government. If the government cannot prove the elections are fair and transparent. If the elected servants violate the contract called the Constitution. Then the people have no moral obligation to support the government if they are acting with illegitimate authority not delegated to them.

So what law and moral principle we have to say no complying with Obamacare besides never consenting to this law? Ever heard to the right to self preservation and the law of necessity? When Jesus walked the earth. When Jesus and his disciples ate crops in the field on the sabbath. Despite being told they are breaking the sabbath picking from the field eating. The law of necessity and the right to self preservation  takes precedent over the decree because if a law is going to destroy life and cause harm in its application. Then the law is to be ignored.
Whether you look at gun control, cap and trade and agenda 21. If we comply with these draconian laws. They will destroy humanity. It will ruin lives and cause poverty. Same thing with Obamacare. The law will destroy life and livelihoods. It will come between a man’s moral obligation to provide for his family. A man’s priority is to his family, not to the state. If its the law to send our children to pedophiles daily to go swimming knowing they will be molested. Would you break the law to protect your offspring knowing these sickos will destroy your children’s innocence causing long term psychological harm? Same with Obamacare. The law will destroy more than just jobs and small business, it will destroy human dignity.
If we fallow the unjust law of Obamacare. It will destroy people, lives and livelihoods. When it murders people with death panels and violates the basic dignity of human beings. No one is obligated morally to go along with Obamacare. It has nothing to do with the law or the Constitution. It is obeying ones conscience digging in their heels.
If you see Obamacare as something that will destroy your life and cause your kids to starve. Under the law of necessity and the right to self preservation. We have to right and the duty to say “no”.  All laws are supposed to preserve life. Not destroy life. Do you agree?

-From The Lone Star Watchdog blog -

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