Saturday, August 17, 2013

Obamacare:Leaves No Stone Left Unturned Destroying Freedom,Personal Dignity and the Economy

There is a good number of people out there that believe Obamacare will by like the Canadian Healthcare system or like the European style socialized medicine. Even though some of these state run healthcare systems might be not much better than Obamacare. Obamacare goes much further where the whole Affordable Healthcare Act destroys the Bill of Rights. The law is about full spectrum dominance and control over the people with Medical tyranny.
Here is how Obamacare will seek to dominate people’s lives that have nothing to do with healthcare.
- Our Medical records will no longer be private. Personal privacy and confidential medical records are things of the past. Our information will be shared with corporations and among other government agencies.
- Doctors will be told to ask about firearms ownership with patients and turn them into the police for gun confiscation.
- People can be refused medical care by the US Government if they refuse to get vaccines or turn in the guns
- People can be refused care if they are not in good graces with the government being punished for being a dissident. In Soviet Russia this is called ‘internal exile’ being called an ‘unperson’.
- Our home will no longer be our castle. There will be mandatory home inspections of families of veterans, if child does not perform in school or if the one of the people is a smoker.  This provision in Obamacare gives the government any reason to inspect everyone’s home without a search warrant or probable cause.
- Under Obamacare, Former US Army General Boykin now retired said under Obamacare, there is a provision to appoint and commission officers for a constabulary force outside the Military. Could this be Obama’s private army that answers to him without congressional oversight?
- Not to mention under Obamacare, they will take money out of our bank accounts without our consent to subsidize this monster called Obamacare. Could this mechanism be used to attack political enemies and opposition by taking away their money so they can not defend themselves and causing hardships? Could the US government steal money out of people’s personal bank accounts to bailout the insurance companies that wrote Obamacare like they did in Cyprus bailing out the banks?
- Obamacare threatens charitable hospitals with heavy fines for treating the uninsured. Not to mention the cost complying regulations. These charitable hospitals can become extinct like the dinosaurs in America. It can be criminal now to be the Good Samaritan under Obamacare treating the uninsured.
- The IRS will be enforcing Obamacare where we can go to jail for not following the individual mandate and refuse to pay the fines. You think the IRS is hated now for attacking Obama’s political opponents. When they are at your door up close and personal. The hatred for the IRS to intensify one hundred fold in a very short time.
If Obamacare is so good. Than why is the IRS agents asking for an exemption from the personal mandate? Why are city governments balking at this bad law. Why is congress asking for a waiver from the Affordable Healthcare act? Why are Washington’s political and corporate cronies getting waivers where these companies do not have to comply. It is because they all know this law is bad and will bankrupt the economy. It will destroy our republic if we comply with it.
The Constitution was written for the common man to understand.  My son who is 9 years old read the Constitution can see Obamacare is unconstitutional more ways than one. He has not went to college or law school. Just because congress passed the bill, the President signed the bill into law and the high court upheld Obamacare as the law of the land does not give the US government the moral authority to force us to comply with a law that will destroy lives going against every natural instincts we have.
The Government will try to make us think we are bad for resisting Obamacare. We are in the right acting on our natural instincts for self preservation out of necessity not to comply if we know this law will destroy our life.
If the government can not prove the elections are fair. There is proof of widespread voter fraud. Than we are not morally obligated to support, fund or comply with their bad laws that enrich the powerful while destroying ourselves.
Here’s a warning to the Obamacare Tyrants from the Bible spoken in Isaiah 10:1-2
“Woe to Those who decree unjust statutes and to those who continually record unjust decisions to deprive the needy of justice, and to rob the poor of my people of their rights”
Obamacare Must be Resisted at all cost!

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