Saturday, July 27, 2013

What Would You Do If A Bank Stole Everything You Owned?

With millions of Americans across the country facing default and foreclosure banks are hiring outside firms to take possession of their homes. It is often the case that those living in homes that have been repossessed by their lender stay until the very last minute, or simply aren’t aware of their final eviction date. In such cases these firms simply enter the home, take all of the personal belongings of the tenants, and restrict access. Usually, the tenant has no recourse and may never have their personal items returned to them. It’s a common practice that happens every day in modern day America.
Something else that has become commonplace amid the real estate crisis of the last several years are errors associated with foreclosure repossessions. Sometimes the bank is at fault, while other times the firms hired by them repossess the wrong house.

Katie Barnett of McArthur came home a few weeks ago to find everything in the house gone. She eventually discovered that First National bank mistakenly foreclosed the wrong house — but kept her stuff. Not only did they clear everything out like the Grinch, but they changed the locks. Their actual foreclosure target had been the house across the street.
This matters not to the bank president who responded to her $18,000 estimate for wrongfully stolen goods with a firm:
We’re not paying you retail here, that’s just the way it is.
But they make no attempt for remedy and the actual translation is: Oops, nothing we can do now. (Without the Oops)
Barnett says:
I did not tell them to come in my house and make me an offer. They took my stuff and I want it back.
Now, I’m just angry… It wouldn’t be a big deal if they would step up and say ‘I’m sorry, we will replace your stuff.’ Instead, I’m getting attitude from them. They’re sarcastic when they talk to me. They make it sound like I’m trying to rip the bank off. All I want is my stuff back.

Additionally, the police chief closed the case!
Katie remains without any of her things and no compensation for theft and damages.
Via: Activist Post
(emphasis added)

In any other situation this would be a crime punishable by prison time and the perpetrators would be charged with breaking and entering, burglary, and theft.
But, since it’s a bank, the police chief closed the case and chalked it off as an honest mistake.
An individual who was doing nothing wrong lost everything she owned. And what does the bank do? They laugh at her and make snarky comments, and they refuse to make her whole again.
What would you do if everything you owned was stolen and the criminals who committed the act were left free to prey on others?
Maybe you could hire an attorney with the money you probably don’t have.
Or, you could take matters into your own hands and visit the bank to forcibly take back the money owed to you, but you’d be facing 25 to life as a result.
Corporations, especially banks, continue to act with impunity, whether it be stealing billions of dollars from investors or breaking into their homes and looting everything in sight.
How long before Americans hit a breaking point?
How long before those who are being taken advantage of get mad as hell and decide they’re not going to take this any more?
The day of reckoning will come and when it does the bankers and brokers who have made a living off the backs of hard working Americans better hope they used some of their stolen loot to build underground bunkers, because the masses will be looking for payback, and they won’t be carrying picket signs.
They’ll be carrying pitchforks, nooses, and AR-15?s.

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