Saturday, June 15, 2013

Doomsday Poll: There’s An 87% of Chance The Stock Market Will Tank Worse Than It Did In 2008

Doomsday poll says crash coming
New crash coming? When? Before year-end?
In “Stocks for the Long Run,” economist Jeremy Siegel researched all the “big market moves” between 1801 and 2001. Bottom line: 75% of the time, there is no rationale for “big moves.” No one can predict them. Maybe technicians and traders can pick short-term moves the next second. Maybe tomorrow. But the long-term “big market moves?” No way.
So why predict an “87%” chance of another meltdown in 2013? Because in the real world of statistical probabilities, historical facts and expert opinions danger signals are flashing wild. In mid-2008 we summarized the predictions of 20 experts over several years. Predicted a meltdown in a few years — markets crashed two months later. Fast.
In retrospect, it was inevitable, thanks in part to the hype, arrogance and incompetence of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson who failed to prepare America.
The warnings are again accelerating. And so is the happy talk from Wall Street casino insiders, about rallies, housing recoveries, perpetual cheap money. Don’t listen. The next crash will happen by year-end.
Yes, there’s a 13% chance the next Fed chairman will keep printing cheap money into 2014. But on New Years Eve our aging bull will be 4½ years old, well past Bill O’Neill’s “average” 3.75 years for putting this bull out to pasture.
So unless you’re shorting, all bets on Wall Street casinos for 2014 are megarisk, like 2008. Like a Stephen King horror film, you feel it coming. Could happen anytime, even tomorrow, says Siegel’s research, or the unpredictable logic in Nassim Taleb’s “Black Swan.”

IMF assesses risks to U.S. economy as ’tilted to the downside’
May PPI Jumps Due To Rise In Gasoline, Electricity, Eggs And Imitation Cheese Production Prices
BOND FUND CARNAGE: Investors Stage An Exodus From Emerging Markets As Equities Suffer Collateral Damage

Outflows from emerging markets assetsBofA Merrill Lynch Global Investment Strategy, EPFR Global

Below is a complete breakdown of this week’s fund flows, via BAML:
Flows by Asset Class
Bonds: $14.5bn outflows (second largest on record for second straight week)
Equities: $8.5bn outflows (largest in 9 months) ($4.6bn via ETFs)
Commodities: $0.4bn outflows (18 straight weeks = longest on record)
Flows by Fixed Income Sector
$6.5 outflows from HY bond funds (2nd largest ever)
$2.5 outflows from EM debt (2nd largest ever)
$1.5bn outflows from govt/tsy funds
$1.7bn outflows from munis (largest in 2013)
51 straight weeks into floating-rate debt ($1.5bn)

Read more:

Bail-Ins, Bonds Bursting and Hyperinflation… Three MEGAS
David Rosenberg Has 10 ‘Nagging Concerns’ About The Global Economy

1. China can’t announce another massive stimulus because it would add to “an unprecedented credit bubble.”

1. China can't announce another massive stimulus because it would add to "an unprecedented credit bubble."
Gluskin Sheff

2. ECB chief Mario Draghi isn’t stimulating the economy like he once was.

2. ECB chief Mario Draghi isn't stimulating the economy like he once was.
Gluskin Sheff

Read more:

100% Chance Of Stock Market Crash Coming Near Future

MONCKTON: Dollar Is TOAST…”Crash That Is COMING Will Be ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE Worse Than 2008″….Prepare For YEARS Without Food
Obama has done it. He has brought America down. It only took him just over four years. The Republicans could have stopped him. They didn’t…
If you thought the crash of 2008 was bad, think again. The crash that is coming –I cannot put a date on it, but it is not far away now – will be orders of magnitude worse.
So, what should you do to protect yourself and your family? First, get rid of every dollar you have. Dollars are now all but worthless. When the crash comes, they will have no value at all.
In hard times, most financial instruments – currencies, stocks, bonds – are not worth the paper they are printed on. Get rid of them now. Buy silver coins. They will quintuple in price once the crash sets in, and they are small enough to be fungible when the dollar dies.

Buy land, some of it well-wooded, some of it arable, some of it grassland. You will need the timber to power your steam tractor. Gasoline will be a costly rarity. And make sure you can defend yourselves. Starving mobs are no respecters of persons. Do what the Mormons do: Get three months’ supply of imperishable foodstuffs and hide them in the basement.

Absurd though this advice may now seem, there is a real danger that the crash will sudden. If so – perhaps for several months, and even for years – the fabric of civilization, including the food-supply chain, will fail.
It is not my custom to write in millenarian or apocalyptic terms. But the very best that can be said for your current administration is that it simply has no idea what damage it is doing. It is printing money in the vain hope of buying itself time. Yet every fake dollar that comes off the printing-presses makes the problem worse and the solution harder.
At worst, what is now happening to your nation may be deliberate. In that event, your current “president” will go down as history’s greatest villain. In any event, he will go down as history’s greatest incompetent.
Do not believe none of this can happen. Psychiatrists study what they call “normalcy bias.” People expect that everything will carry on and that America is too big to fail. She is not. She has failed. You will pay a heavy price for her failure, unless you act now to defend yourselves against what your government, with the culpable, silent acquiescence of the GOP, is doing to destroy your nation.
Finally, pray. God bless America. It has been nice knowing you. Only when you are gone will the world realize how much it misses you, and – paradoxically – how much it owes you.

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