Saturday, April 27, 2013

We Built This City on Hope and Change

Detroit2 300x154 We Built This City on Hope and Change
Gov. Rick Snyder has declared a financial emergency in Detroit. The city faces a $327 million budget deficit, more than $14 billion in long-term debt.
Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan recently announced a state takeover of the city of Detroit. Detroit has been in serious financial troubles for over a decade. The city’s former mayor was just indicted for federal crimes and basic services like police and water are breaking down. The unemployment rate is over double the national average and a third of the city lives below the poverty line.  It increasingly looks more like a third world country than a major American city.
Detroit was a manufacturing powerhouse, the heart of American industry and commerce. Decades of bad governing has destroyed the great metropolis. Michigan and Detroit have been solidly Democratic for decades, longer than even California and the results are obvious. The city is broke after mismanaging public utilities, rampant corruption, high taxes, union thuggery, and especially ridiculous benefit packages for city employees.
The Democrats have devastated Detroit and have not even noticed the damage, they just moved on to other areas. Now they want to implement the same policies nationwide, and if they succeed the results will be the same. The people of Michigan finally realized what was happening after the disaster of the Granholm years and elected a Republican governor and legislature.  A Right to Work law was passed and put the state back on track. The Detroit city government is protesting the measure, but if something is not done Detroit will come to resemble Escape from New York even more than it does now.

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