Monday, April 29, 2013

The True Atrocity of the Fire Bombing of the German City of Dresden (Full Version)

Between the nights of February 13th and 14th, 1945, there began the most controversial and DEADLY bombing-raids of World War II (and of all history at that !), which dwarfed the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined !!
This event was the “Allied” fire-bombing of the German city of Dresden, which was a city of great works of art and architecture.., and had no military manufacturing at all within the city !! It had become a city FAR over-crowded with refugees, as the war was all but virtually over.
This is because from 1939 to the end of 1944, the city had been spared the bombing raids that the Allies had launched on so MANY other cities.., as this was simply a “cultural center,” and at the time was considered “the Venice of Germany.”
AGAIN.., there were NO factories WITHIN the city center.., only a railroad station.., as any other large city would have.
By February 1945, the city was comprised of MOSTLY refugees (women, children and wounded) moving from east to west in an attempt to escape the advancing Red Army.
Hundreds of thousands.., now fled from this Red Army as it relentlessly advanced towards Berlin. No one knows how many people were in Dresden when the city was bombed. But officially, the city’s population BEFORE the mass of refugees flowing in to it was 350,000, FACT !!
BUT with the number of refugees flowing in.., by the time of the bombing.., it had swollen to almost THREE times that amount.., close to a MILLION refugees…
This documentary, which takes into account the latest historical evidence.., makes a GREAT attempt to shed new light on the true atrocity that this attempt at “genocide” of the German people was…
Contemporary witnesses.., previously unheard from.., describe the events and the terror.., during the “multiple nights” (and subsequent days !!) of this fire-bombing raid…
This film (made in 1990), which in the beginning (for approximately the first 25 minutes) shows archive images of pre-war Dresden, which then is then followed by the beginning of the first night of the fire-bombing raid.
It also includes excerpts from a conference, with the outspoken historian David Irving, where he gives information from Winston Churchill’s personal diaries.., and paints a comprehensive picture of the time, the background to the bombing-raid, and the strategies employed to carry out this atrocity…
Above all, this film was made as a memorial to the loss of human life AND the great “works of art” lost…
As always, after watching, do your best to “pass it on”…..
!!! Truth Does Not Fear Investigation !!!
Also something VERY important to remember is.., “He who Wins the War, also Writes the History.”

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