Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Money-Changers

History records that the Money-changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” James Madison, a founding father & US president
Nothing has changed. When are the people going to grow up, stand up and rise up! Who made this up ‘that we have to protect the Money-changers? Do you know what I think? I think it was the moneychangers that crucified Christ, because he chased them out of the temple more than once! It’s the MONEY
CHANGERS that are destroying this planet. It was the Money Changers that made the Prince of Peace become violent. What more proof does anyone need? It is right in front of our eyes and the people bow-down to them. It’s a disgrace!” (1)
Does anybody in this country ever remember what this nation was based upon: Or have an inkling of what the founding fathers preached about not getting involved in foreign entanglements?
The United States has had its troops in South Korea now for – since when? The end of the Korean War in the 1950’s. We have no business “being there”. We have no business being in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have no business starting wars in Syria, in Libya. We have no business starting a war in Vietnam and it’s just another losing war that’s going to end up in Weapons of Mass Destruction ­ annihilating millions if this madness is not stopped.
it’s again, it’s economic warfare. The United States is also waging it against Iran with sanctions. It’s none of our business. By the way…
they just lost the Iraq War. They just celebrated the tenth anniversary. Hey! I didn’t see any victory parades? When I was a kid growing up, I used to see victory parades all the time ­ commemorating World War Two.
Hey! What a great job the losers in the military did with Afghanistan. Oh you remember that guy, Stanley McChrystal-meth ­ the guy that’s teaching “leadership courses” now – that was running the Afghan War? Oh you remember what he said: “The troop surge, the troop surge!” That’s right all you liberals out there who love Obama who sent the 33,000 more troops there to sacrifice their lives for nothing. And what happened? Oh I remember Stanley McChrystal-meth saying: “As goes Kandahar, so goes Afghanistan” ­ Bye-Bye Kandahar—Bye- Bye Afghanistan!
Why would any thinking adult put their trust in the American military-industrial-complex when all they have done is what General Dwight D.Eisenhower warned: “They would rob us of the genius of our scientists, the sweat of our laborers, and the future of our children”.And they are at it again! The American military has NOT won a war since World War Two!”
In Cyprus: “…they just stole the money from the Cypriot people. And the way the presstitutes made-it in the United States again: ‘Hey it’s the Russian Oligarchs I tell ya ­ they were ‘money-laundering’ ­ yah not like they’re doing in the Cayman Islands, hey that’s different! It’s different than Switzerland or Monaco—no, no this is Eastern Europeans. They’re not taking the hit, the people are. You know the controls that they’ve put on. You can’t leave the joint with a thousand bucks, or there abouts. Oh they could take $300 out every couple of weeks.
Hey I got one for you! We’re not going to cash any checks but you can deposit them. And they love the language that they use. They call it “haircuts”! And how about this one: A tax on deposits? Can any adult say “STEALING YOUR MONEY”?
I know we’re in the Easter Season, but think about it. The only time that Jesus Christ, the prince of peace, becomes violent is when he picks up a whip to chase the money-changers out of the temple. Eighteen hundred years later and by the way here’s a cover of the TRENDS Journal in the summer of 2012 ­ Jesus Christ chasing out the JP Morgan Chase, the__, the Credit Swiss, Goldman-Sachs gang among them: Eighteen hundred years later James Madison, a founding father, president of the United States: “History records that the Money-changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.”
Nothing has changed. When are the people going to grow up, stand up and rise up! Who made this up ‘that we have to protect the Money-changers!
Do you know what I think? I think it was the moneychangers that crucified Christ, because he chased them out of the temple more than once! It’s the MONEYCHANGERS that are destroying this planet. It was the Money Changers that made the Prince of Peace become violent. What more proof does anyone need? It is right in front of our eyes and the people bow-down to them. It’s a disgrace!”
Anybody with half a brain, and the other half is still alive from not taking prescription drugs ~ knows that the government is being controlled by a Mafia. No, no, Not the Gambino’s or the Bananno’s, the Jewish Mafia, the Russian Mafia, or any other Mafia, the Japanese Mafia:
This is a Mafia of the Moneychangers & the Military. All the politicians are just the Wise-Guys ya know. They’re the mouthpieces for the Capo-De-Capos. And all the soldiers out there, the police and the Para-military – they’re no more than goon squad’s work’n for the wise-guys. They know who their bosses are! It’s a takeover.
So unless the people want to remain in servitude—work very hard to give everything that they have to them—that’s the way it’s going to continue! But when the people start speaking up, rising up and saying “I’ve had enough of your crap; get outta here! ~ Look … what kind of country is the United States? When people have worked all their lives and now when people are losing their homes; not only because of the foreclosures but even worse than that. They can’t pay property and school taxes so you’re stealing their homes! What would Jesus say?”
Interviewer: What’s up with buying millions of rounds of hollow-point bullets? Celente: Again, even that this question is being asked is an atrocity. It’s against what this country was built upon and what it was founded on and what the people fought for freedom for. That we’re even having this discussion shows you how FASCIST it has turned. And that they even have to ask her—how about asking Goebbels and Himmler or Hitler or Mussolini—that’s what’s going on. So that even as we’re discussing this question shows the outrage of what we’ve become in this country ~ How much more of history has to be repeated before we see (that) it’s repeating itself again?” (1)
kirwan) On top of the global assault on America; we also have the flip-side of the same corrupted coin. In North America the hard and SECRET-SCHEMING done by the two-traitors ­ (G.W. Bush and Clinton before him), has finally paid off for that evil-pair of Northern hemispheric global-bandits…
On January 4, 2012, the insurgent infiltrator, Barry Soetoro, sent a memo to Homeland Security, putting an end to any illusion of border security and instituting a blanket amnesty for any and all who would care to stroll across our southern border and shove their faces into the trough.
The number of illegals within the United States has, for the past few years, been reported to be at 11 million. Now we find out that that number represents only a fraction, as it is admitted that only 3% of those who have been crossing into the United States are even so much as noticed.
ICE has filed a lawsuit against the Obama Administration as they have been ordered to not enforce our immigration law, which is in reality another violation of our law as it equates to aiding and abetting an insurgency.
Most recently, as if to spit directly in our faces, it was revealed that the insurgents within are advertising our social programs down in Mexico to encourage further invasion.
And let us not forgot the 2000 foreign felons released on our streets to terrorize us as punishment for the communists not getting their way with the sequester.
Premier Soetoro will be heading to Mexico this week to meet with Premier Enrique Pena Nieto to discuss the present demands of the Mexican government upon we American nationals and our property.
There is a lot of debate in reference to the proposal of a North American Union, which every American national rejects. I say, this North American Union has already been put into effect via the executive dictates, as our borders have literally disappeared.
Last week, a group of Senators went down to Arizona to get a firsthand look at the situation and got to witness a felony crossing in progress. The invader was apprehended, but what do you want to bet she is walking our streets as you are reading this?
Why don’t we just quit playing these games and have Obama come up on the screen of the television and state emphatically,
Some Mexicans will be coming to your door today. They are good people, only looking for a better life and you are going to help them. Upon their arrival you will hand them the keys to your home and car and vacate and wait in the street to follow them to your place of employment in the morning. You will teach them your job and humbly bow out and start getting used to your new status as an American national interloper.”
This new policy is absolute and there will be a zero tolerance to any deviation from the protocol. Any US national hindering the new foreign owners from acquiring their property, will be swiftly and harshly dealt with. Should the foreign nationals want to rape or beat any of your family members, again, you will acquiesce and apologize for the offenses you have committed against these fine and decent people.”
I know this sounds a little demented, but really, how far off is this from the reality we are living in today?” (2)
Maybe it’s too far a stretch for people to get-it: The “WHY” behind the MONEYCHANGERS’ that created the forced-consolidation of three nations into a single impoverished and failed place ~ to simplify their fire-sale and their slaughter of most of the inhabitants who once lived here? (3)
Nothing would seem to prove the valid and illegal-points behind the now 33-year long invasion of the USA by illegal and foreign people; like this story does. The ILLEGALS have already succeeded in what so many feared they could do; with direct-assistance and the destruction of the southern borders from everyone that’s always been in the same-party
Hell-bent” on murdering this nation and the world for the MONEYCHANGERS
As always, just to make a few dollars more!

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