Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Physical Gold & Silver Shortages Are Accelerating PREMIUMS EXPLODING

Gold and Silver shortages are increasing. However the current spot for paper silver is around $23USD. However, PREMIUMS are at $10 or higher per coin.
The paper market price and the physical price are starting to decouple. This is going to be fun to watch.
Hang onto your physical if you have any as this circus is just getting started. These are ebay links. My coin shop in my town does not have any of these coins available at the moment.
Couple links….

Article: Why the Western Banking Cartel’s Gold and Silver Price Slam Will Backfire – And How You Can Protect Yourself from the Blowback
For all intents and purposes, the spot price is equivalent to the fake banker engineered price that cavorts across the ticker on your television everyday. But go to a dealer and try to buy at that ticker price and you will discover that it is a delusional fake price that no dealer is willing to kindly grant you. Instead, when I checked prices on 1-troy ounce American Eagle coins on Apmex last week, there was a 5.8% premium on gold coins and when the spot silver price had fallen to $22.99 an ounce earlier in Asia last week, Apmex was still listing their 1-oz American Eagles at $29.01, a whopping 26.2% higher than the spot price. Only a complete buffoon of economics, like Paul Krugman and his zombie followers, would ever believe that the price of real silver was $22.99 at any point and time last week.”
Precious metals CEO: Physical silver market is “ugly”
“Last week, we turned away business in excess of 100,000 ounces because of stock depletion…”
By now, everyone has speculated on what caused the great precious waterfall which started on April 12 and continued for the next four days.
The factual reason for the biggest gold down days in history will likely remain unknown. In fact, in a sea of unfounded opinions, the only thing missing so far has been an informed opinion on what is really happening in some market — be it the paper of physical, especially in the aftermath of the unprecedented scramble to buy physical, not paper, gold and silver.
So to avoid further speculation, and focusing on fact, here is what the CEO of Texas Precious Metals has to say about the state of the actual physical market, not the one where one can create “gold” and “silver” out of thin air.
The bottom line? “The physical silver market is, in a word, ugly” and more importantly…
There Was So Much Demand For Physical Gold In India This Past Week, Retailers Struggled To Keep Up
Paper Gold and Silver Market Diverging From Physical Bullion

How is it possible gold goes down $200 in the paper market while there is almost no supply available to buy around the world? Last I checked, dwindling or completely absent supply against steady and increasing demand means higher prices, not sudden price drops. Quite simply, the paper market is being manipulated one way or another. Whether it’s nervous speculators or the more likely collusion of banks and the federal government, there can be no mistaking that the deviation in the gold paper and physical markets this last week is a major event for The End Of The Monetary Systems As We Know It.
Maguire – Gold Deliveries Into China Soar To 1,000 Tons
“But having seen this vast amount of physical being sought, you realize that it’s physical, one to one. It’s not leveraged. Whereas you are essentially trading against an unlimited synthetic supply of paper gold (in the paper market).,000_Tons.html
China Hasn’t “Seen This Gold Rush In 20 Years”
“Older members who have been in the business for 50 years haven’t seen such a thing.” The feverish buying has left many of Hong Kong’s banks, jewelers, & even its gold exchange without enough gold to meet demand. Record volumes on Shanghai’s exch…
Chinese mother sues Federal Reserve over shrinking cash – The real value of the US$250 she put in an account in 2006 had shrunk by 30 per cent
In what could to grow into a class action in US courts, a Chinese woman is suing the Federal Reserve after discovering that the real value of the USD250 she put in an account in 2006 had shrunk by 30%. She claims it was the result of the Fed issuing too much money, and as The South China Morning Post reports, her son Li Zhen, the lawyer, called the lawsuit “litigation for the public good”. Alleging “abuse of monopoly in issuing currency,” the People’s Court of Kunming has yet to rule on the litigants’ demand that the Fed cease-and-desist from its quantitative easing policy. While this may seem frivolous, there are some interesting points being made that bear watching, as Li notes, since “the Fed is private institution which enjoys monopoly over the issuing of currency, US Dollar holders can sue it for printing too much money.”
A woman in Kunming, Yunnan province, is trying to sue the United States central bank after discovering that the real value of the US$250 she put in an account in 2006 had shrunk by 30 per cent.
She claims it was a result of the Federal Reserve issuing too much money.
Her attorney, her son Li Zhen , called the lawsuit “litigation for the public good” which aimed to stop the Fed from continuing its quantitive easing policy and promote people’s awareness of their rights.

Physical Gold & Silver Shortages Are Accelerating

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