Monday, February 25, 2013

Removed from the Workforce via Corporate Dictate

We have written many articles about the great culling of our workforce, which is contingent to the complete elimination thereof.  Though it has been going on all along, the fact that the long term unemployed are being denied job opportunities, for no other reason than they are long term unemployed, has come up front and center, with new laws being passed to allow the long term unemployed to sue for the discrimination they are enduring.
Of course the mainstream propagandist representatives of the corporate elite are condemning the idea and saying it will lead to job loss and a diminished product quality.  The fact is that, as a part of the replacement of American workers with third world peasants, once the US workers are removed, they must stay removed.
New visa programs are being proposed to allow high tech workers to come to the United States and further erode our middle class.  It will not matter how long these people have been out of work in another country, as they will be allowed to leave that part of the application blank.
If our government was being run in a constitutional manner, no foreigners would be allowed in until every American had a living wage, as our government is supposed to be of us, by us, and for us.
As mentioned in previous articles, the majority who have been culled from our workforce are baby boomers, people who are at the top in their fields, both in experience and pay grade.  These people have been dispossessed, disenfranchised, and made civilly dead and for the past five years, have been experiencing mistreatment by the government they financed for the past thirty years.
This force represents a major threat to the communists.  Should these producers get a foothold and regain their wealth, which in reality represents the only political power they ever had, the communists know that power will be turned against them.  Thus the long term unemployed must be held down, even to the point of being denied access to resources that would allow them to reestablish themselves as entrepreneurs.  Of course as they are being denied, they have to watch foreign corporations being established in this country and being aided by US taxpayers through grants and loans, not available to we Americans.
The American people will not be held down and the way things are looking now, I would not be surprised if being long term unemployed is to be declared a mental abnormality, sufficient to deny the right to own and bear arms.  And for those of you laughing at this, maybe you better stop and take a look at the outrageous legislations being introduced almost daily in state legislatures across the country.
The idea here is to completely replace the workforce and capture all the property left to the middle class.  They cannot allow anyone to rise back up and they must continue to bring more of us down.  We are reaching a breaking point and I think most of us know it.  The only way we get our jobs or our right to access our resources for entrepreneurship back is through the removal of the international socialist insurgents who have seized them for the purpose of enslaving us.
God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

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