Thursday, January 3, 2013

Poverty in the US almost as bad as in North Korea

While there are five million in North Korea that face food shortages, the same number in the US is 45 million.
The rise in the number of homeless and hungry Americans have reached epidemic proportions.
The US continue to point its fingers on nations that do not live up the the standards of the American dream. Simultaneously, the US Government hide the ugly truth that food shortages and poverty is spreading like wild fire in America it self.

The US media correctly reports that five out of 24 million North Korean’s face food shortages. That is roughly 20 per cent of the population, and is surely a crime against humanity.
But what about the 14.7 percent of U.S. households who were “food insecure” in 2009?
The meaning of “food insecure” is that they had difficulty feeding one or more of their members at some point last year due to a lack of financial resources.
That equates to 17.4 million US households, or roughly 45 million people according to a News report from CNN. A Department of Agriculture report exposes that the number of Americans fighting off hunger remain the highest since the federal government began keeping track 15 years ago.
This year’s rate marked a slight increase in percentage from 2008, when 14.6 percent of American households had trouble putting food on the table.
The situation was especially dire for more than one-third of those households — 6.8 million total, equating to 5.7 percent of all U.S. households — that the report’s four authors classified as having “very low food security.”
The typical household in this category struggled with food issues for at least a few days a month over seven months of the year, the report said.

Households headed by single parents were more likely to struggle with food insecurity than those with two parents at home.
Hunger-related issues were more prevalent among African-American and Hispanic households than white ones, the study found.
Source: CNN Money.
The Love on money is the root of all kinds of evil.
Jesus the Messiah is surely right.
Why do more an more Americans end up in poverty?
On the reasons, are that corporate jobs are shifted abroad to the totalitarian communist regime of China, or the highly corrupted and elite supremacy dictatorship of India.
The second reason is the rotten fruit of capitalism.  American’s took fresh credits to cover up loans taken to fund consumer goods and materialistic needs in “abundance” till it overflows. Claimed to be Christians and non believers alike, were told by Charismatic pastors and politicians that the “consumer party” would keep on growing up to the heavens.
Now, we can see the real fruits of such deceptive teachings. The pictures you are about to see tell the true story of the dark side of the American dollar.
The Obama Administrations war on God of the Bible will only make matters worse. Hussein Obama wants to evict Jews from the Mountains in Zion, and give the land back under Islamic oppression and occupation. By doing this Obama place a curse up on his own head, and curses the American nation and population.
Lets take a look at some picture of homeless American, a new class of citizens that live on the street, in cars or in tents in public gardens.
It you can not pay the Bank, you are on the street.
This family live in the car. They have no other place to live.
This girl is an "American traveller". She lives on the cargo trains.
This family is lucky. They have got a new place to live in a public place.
Calefornia dreaming. Homeless in LA.
On a dollar a day, its always possible to get a cup of coffee.
Most of the native Americans live below the poverty line.
Social benefits. At last the chance to get a warm bowl of soup.
The electrical poles are out of range. The new American poor are out in the woods.
The skyline in Sacramento have got new tents, where Arny has his seat of power.
Life seen through a window of a tent in Detroit.
Houses up for sale, to raise fresh funds for the Fedreral Government.
Yesterday General Motors (GM) launched an IPO on Wall Street. These home owners in Detroit were not invited.
No invitation to American tea-parties for these hungry souls on Capitol Hill.

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